blob: b1263fdfa573b20db962b70feaad3bd47b2c2485 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../dom_renderer.dart';
import '../html/bitmap_canvas.dart';
import '../profiler.dart';
import '../util.dart';
import 'layout_service.dart';
import 'paint_service.dart';
import 'paragraph.dart';
import 'word_breaker.dart';
const ui.Color _defaultTextColor = ui.Color(0xFFFF0000);
/// A paragraph made up of a flat list of text spans and placeholders.
/// [CanvasParagraph] doesn't use a DOM element to represent the structure of
/// its spans and styles. Instead it uses a flat list of [ParagraphSpan]
/// objects.
class CanvasParagraph implements EngineParagraph {
/// This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated
/// or extended directly.
/// To create a [CanvasParagraph] object, use a [CanvasParagraphBuilder].
this.spans, {
required this.paragraphStyle,
required this.plainText,
required this.placeholderCount,
required this.drawOnCanvas,
/// The flat list of spans that make up this paragraph.
final List<ParagraphSpan> spans;
/// General styling information for this paragraph.
final EngineParagraphStyle paragraphStyle;
/// The full textual content of the paragraph.
final String plainText;
/// The number of placeholders in this paragraph.
final int placeholderCount;
final bool drawOnCanvas;
double get width => _layoutService.width;
double get height => _layoutService.height;
double get longestLine => _layoutService.longestLine?.width ?? 0.0;
double get minIntrinsicWidth => _layoutService.minIntrinsicWidth;
double get maxIntrinsicWidth => _layoutService.maxIntrinsicWidth;
double get alphabeticBaseline => _layoutService.alphabeticBaseline;
double get ideographicBaseline => _layoutService.ideographicBaseline;
bool get didExceedMaxLines => _layoutService.didExceedMaxLines;
bool isLaidOut = false;
bool get isRtl => paragraphStyle.effectiveTextDirection == ui.TextDirection.rtl;
ui.ParagraphConstraints? _lastUsedConstraints;
late final TextLayoutService _layoutService = TextLayoutService(this);
late final TextPaintService _paintService = TextPaintService(this);
void layout(ui.ParagraphConstraints constraints) {
// When constraint width has a decimal place, we floor it to avoid getting
// a layout width that's higher than the constraint width.
// For example, if constraint width is `30.8` and the text has a width of
// `30.5` then the TextPainter in the framework will ceil the `30.5` width
// which will result in a width of `40.0` that's higher than the constraint
// width.
constraints = ui.ParagraphConstraints(
width: constraints.width.floorToDouble(),
if (constraints == _lastUsedConstraints) {
late Stopwatch stopwatch;
if (Profiler.isBenchmarkMode) {
stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
if (Profiler.isBenchmarkMode) {
.benchmark('text_layout', stopwatch.elapsedMicroseconds.toDouble());
isLaidOut = true;
_lastUsedConstraints = constraints;
_cachedDomElement = null;
// TODO(mdebbar): Returning true means we always require a bitmap canvas. Revisit
// this decision once `CanvasParagraph` is fully implemented.
bool get hasArbitraryPaint => true;
void paint(BitmapCanvas canvas, ui.Offset offset) {
_paintService.paint(canvas, offset);
String toPlainText() => plainText;
html.HtmlElement? _cachedDomElement;
html.HtmlElement toDomElement() {
final html.HtmlElement? domElement = _cachedDomElement;
if (domElement == null) {
return _cachedDomElement ??= _createDomElement();
return domElement.clone(true) as html.HtmlElement;
html.HtmlElement _createDomElement() {
final html.HtmlElement rootElement =
domRenderer.createElement('p') as html.HtmlElement;
// 1. Set paragraph-level styles.
_applyNecessaryParagraphStyles(element: rootElement, style: paragraphStyle);
_applySpanStylesToParagraph(element: rootElement, spans: spans);
final html.CssStyleDeclaration cssStyle =;
..position = 'absolute'
// Prevent the browser from doing any line breaks in the paragraph. We want
// to insert our own <BR> breaks based on layout results.
..whiteSpace = 'pre';
if (width > longestLine) {
// In this case, we set the width so that the CSS text-align property
// works correctly.
// When `longestLine` is >= `paragraph.width` that means the DOM element
// will automatically size itself to fit the longest line, so there's no
// need to set an explicit width.
cssStyle.width = '${width}px';
if (paragraphStyle.maxLines != null || paragraphStyle.ellipsis != null) {
..overflowY = 'hidden'
..height = '${height}px';
// 2. Append all spans to the paragraph.
FlatTextSpan? span;
html.HtmlElement element = rootElement;
final List<EngineLineMetrics> lines = computeLineMetrics();
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
// Insert a <BR> element before each line except the first line.
if (i > 0) {
domRenderer.append(element, domRenderer.createElement('br'));
final EngineLineMetrics line = lines[i];
final List<RangeBox> boxes = line.boxes;
final StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
int j = 0;
while (j < boxes.length) {
final RangeBox box = boxes[j++];
if (box is SpanBox && box.span == span) {
if (buffer.isNotEmpty) {
domRenderer.appendText(element, buffer.toString());
if (box is SpanBox) {
span = box.span;
element = domRenderer.createElement('span') as html.HtmlElement;
element: element,
isSpan: true,
domRenderer.append(rootElement, element);
} else if (box is PlaceholderBox) {
span = null;
// If there's a line-end after this placeholder, we want the <BR> to
// be inserted in the root paragraph element.
element = rootElement;
createPlaceholderElement(placeholder: box.placeholder),
} else {
throw UnimplementedError('Unknown box type: ${box.runtimeType}');
if (buffer.isNotEmpty) {
domRenderer.appendText(element, buffer.toString());
final String? ellipsis = line.ellipsis;
if (ellipsis != null) {
domRenderer.appendText(element, ellipsis);
return rootElement;
List<ui.TextBox> getBoxesForPlaceholders() {
return _layoutService.getBoxesForPlaceholders();
List<ui.TextBox> getBoxesForRange(
int start,
int end, {
ui.BoxHeightStyle boxHeightStyle = ui.BoxHeightStyle.tight,
ui.BoxWidthStyle boxWidthStyle = ui.BoxWidthStyle.tight,
}) {
return _layoutService.getBoxesForRange(start, end, boxHeightStyle, boxWidthStyle);
ui.TextPosition getPositionForOffset(ui.Offset offset) {
return _layoutService.getPositionForOffset(offset);
ui.TextRange getWordBoundary(ui.TextPosition position) {
final String text = toPlainText();
final int start = WordBreaker.prevBreakIndex(text, position.offset + 1);
final int end = WordBreaker.nextBreakIndex(text, position.offset);
return ui.TextRange(start: start, end: end);
ui.TextRange getLineBoundary(ui.TextPosition position) {
final int index = position.offset;
final List<EngineLineMetrics> lines = computeLineMetrics();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
final EngineLineMetrics line = lines[i];
if (index >= line.startIndex && index < line.endIndex) {
final EngineLineMetrics line = lines[i];
return ui.TextRange(start: line.startIndex, end: line.endIndex);
List<EngineLineMetrics> computeLineMetrics() {
return _layoutService.lines;
/// Applies a paragraph [style] to an [element], translating the properties to
/// their corresponding CSS equivalents.
/// As opposed to [_applyParagraphStyleToElement], this method only applies
/// styles that are necessary at the paragraph level. Other styles (e.g. font
/// size) are always applied at the span level so they aren't needed at the
/// paragraph level.
void _applyNecessaryParagraphStyles({
required html.HtmlElement element,
required EngineParagraphStyle style,
}) {
final html.CssStyleDeclaration cssStyle =;
if (style.textAlign != null) {
cssStyle.textAlign = textAlignToCssValue(
style.textAlign, style.textDirection ?? ui.TextDirection.ltr);
if (style.lineHeight != null) {
cssStyle.lineHeight = '${style.lineHeight}';
if (style.textDirection != null) {
cssStyle.direction = textDirectionToCss(style.textDirection);
/// Applies some span-level style to a paragraph [element].
/// For example, it looks for the greatest font size among spans, and applies it
/// to the paragraph. While this seems to have no effect, it prevents the
/// paragraph from inheriting its font size from the body tag, which leads to
/// incorrect vertical alignment of spans.
void _applySpanStylesToParagraph({
required html.HtmlElement element,
required List<ParagraphSpan> spans,
}) {
double fontSize = 0.0;
String? fontFamily;
for (final ParagraphSpan span in spans) {
if (span is FlatTextSpan) {
final double? spanFontSize =;
if (spanFontSize != null && spanFontSize > fontSize) {
fontSize = spanFontSize;
if ( {
fontFamily =;
final html.CssStyleDeclaration cssStyle =;
if (fontSize != 0.0) {
cssStyle.fontSize = '${fontSize}px';
if (fontFamily != null) {
cssStyle.fontFamily = canonicalizeFontFamily(fontFamily);
/// A common interface for all types of spans that make up a paragraph.
/// These spans are stored as a flat list in the paragraph object.
abstract class ParagraphSpan {
/// The index of the beginning of the range of text represented by this span.
int get start;
/// The index of the end of the range of text represented by this span.
int get end;
/// Represent a span of text in the paragraph.
/// It's a "flat" text span as opposed to the framework text spans that are
/// hierarchical.
/// Instead of keeping spans and styles in a tree hierarchy like the framework
/// does, we flatten the structure and resolve/merge all the styles from parent
/// nodes.
class FlatTextSpan implements ParagraphSpan {
/// Creates a [FlatTextSpan] with the given [style], representing the span of
/// text in the range between [start] and [end].
required this.start,
required this.end,
/// The resolved style of the span.
final EngineTextStyle style;
final int start;
final int end;
String textOf(CanvasParagraph paragraph) {
final String text = paragraph.toPlainText();
assert(end <= text.length);
return text.substring(start, end);
class PlaceholderSpan extends ParagraphPlaceholder implements ParagraphSpan {
int index,
double width,
double height,
ui.PlaceholderAlignment alignment, {
required double baselineOffset,
required ui.TextBaseline baseline,
}) : start = index,
end = index,
baselineOffset: baselineOffset,
baseline: baseline,
final int start;
final int end;
/// Represents a node in the tree of text styles pushed to [ui.ParagraphBuilder].
/// The [ui.ParagraphBuilder.pushText] and [ui.ParagraphBuilder.pop] operations
/// represent the entire tree of styles in the paragraph. In our implementation,
/// we don't need to keep the entire tree structure in memory. At any point in
/// time, we only need a stack of nodes that represent the current branch in the
/// tree. The items in the stack are [StyleNode] objects.
abstract class StyleNode {
/// Create a child for this style node.
/// We are not creating a tree structure, hence there's no need to keep track
/// of the children.
ChildStyleNode createChild(EngineTextStyle style) {
return ChildStyleNode(parent: this, style: style);
EngineTextStyle? _cachedStyle;
/// Generates the final text style to be applied to the text span.
/// The resolved text style is equivalent to the entire ascendent chain of
/// parent style nodes.
EngineTextStyle resolveStyle() {
final EngineTextStyle? style = _cachedStyle;
if (style == null) {
return _cachedStyle ??= EngineTextStyle(
color: _color,
decoration: _decoration,
decorationColor: _decorationColor,
decorationStyle: _decorationStyle,
decorationThickness: _decorationThickness,
fontWeight: _fontWeight,
fontStyle: _fontStyle,
textBaseline: _textBaseline,
fontFamily: _fontFamily,
fontFamilyFallback: _fontFamilyFallback,
fontFeatures: _fontFeatures,
fontSize: _fontSize,
letterSpacing: _letterSpacing,
wordSpacing: _wordSpacing,
height: _height,
locale: _locale,
background: _background,
foreground: _foreground,
shadows: _shadows,
return style;
ui.Color? get _color;
ui.TextDecoration? get _decoration;
ui.Color? get _decorationColor;
ui.TextDecorationStyle? get _decorationStyle;
double? get _decorationThickness;
ui.FontWeight? get _fontWeight;
ui.FontStyle? get _fontStyle;
ui.TextBaseline? get _textBaseline;
String get _fontFamily;
List<String>? get _fontFamilyFallback;
List<ui.FontFeature>? get _fontFeatures;
double get _fontSize;
double? get _letterSpacing;
double? get _wordSpacing;
double? get _height;
ui.Locale? get _locale;
ui.Paint? get _background;
ui.Paint? get _foreground;
List<ui.Shadow>? get _shadows;
/// Represents a non-root [StyleNode].
class ChildStyleNode extends StyleNode {
/// Creates a [ChildStyleNode] with the given [parent] and [style].
ChildStyleNode({required this.parent, required});
/// The parent node to be used when resolving text styles.
final StyleNode parent;
/// The text style associated with the current node.
final EngineTextStyle style;
// Read these properties from the TextStyle associated with this node. If the
// property isn't defined, go to the parent node.
ui.Color? get _color => style.color ?? (_foreground == null ? parent._color : null);
ui.TextDecoration? get _decoration => style.decoration ?? parent._decoration;
ui.Color? get _decorationColor => style.decorationColor ?? parent._decorationColor;
ui.TextDecorationStyle? get _decorationStyle => style.decorationStyle ?? parent._decorationStyle;
double? get _decorationThickness => style.decorationThickness ?? parent._decorationThickness;
ui.FontWeight? get _fontWeight => style.fontWeight ?? parent._fontWeight;
ui.FontStyle? get _fontStyle => style.fontStyle ?? parent._fontStyle;
ui.TextBaseline? get _textBaseline => style.textBaseline ?? parent._textBaseline;
List<String>? get _fontFamilyFallback => style.fontFamilyFallback ?? parent._fontFamilyFallback;
List<ui.FontFeature>? get _fontFeatures => style.fontFeatures ?? parent._fontFeatures;
double get _fontSize => style.fontSize ?? parent._fontSize;
double? get _letterSpacing => style.letterSpacing ?? parent._letterSpacing;
double? get _wordSpacing => style.wordSpacing ?? parent._wordSpacing;
double? get _height => style.height ?? parent._height;
ui.Locale? get _locale => style.locale ?? parent._locale;
ui.Paint? get _background => style.background ?? parent._background;
ui.Paint? get _foreground => style.foreground ?? parent._foreground;
List<ui.Shadow>? get _shadows => style.shadows ?? parent._shadows;
// Font family is slightly different from the other properties above. It's
// never null on the TextStyle object, so we use `isFontFamilyProvided` to
// check if font family is defined or not.
String get _fontFamily => style.isFontFamilyProvided ? style.fontFamily : parent._fontFamily;
/// The root style node for the paragraph.
/// The style of the root is derived from a [ui.ParagraphStyle] and is the root
/// style for all spans in the paragraph.
class RootStyleNode extends StyleNode {
/// Creates a [RootStyleNode] from [paragraphStyle].
/// The style of the paragraph being built.
final EngineParagraphStyle paragraphStyle;
final ui.Color _color = _defaultTextColor;
ui.TextDecoration? get _decoration => null;
ui.Color? get _decorationColor => null;
ui.TextDecorationStyle? get _decorationStyle => null;
double? get _decorationThickness => null;
ui.FontWeight? get _fontWeight => paragraphStyle.fontWeight;
ui.FontStyle? get _fontStyle => paragraphStyle.fontStyle;
ui.TextBaseline? get _textBaseline => null;
String get _fontFamily => paragraphStyle.fontFamily ?? DomRenderer.defaultFontFamily;
List<String>? get _fontFamilyFallback => null;
List<ui.FontFeature>? get _fontFeatures => null;
double get _fontSize => paragraphStyle.fontSize ?? DomRenderer.defaultFontSize;
double? get _letterSpacing => null;
double? get _wordSpacing => null;
double? get _height => paragraphStyle.height;
ui.Locale? get _locale => paragraphStyle.locale;
ui.Paint? get _background => null;
ui.Paint? get _foreground => null;
List<ui.Shadow>? get _shadows => null;
/// Builds a [CanvasParagraph] containing text with the given styling
/// information.
class CanvasParagraphBuilder implements ui.ParagraphBuilder {
/// Creates a [CanvasParagraphBuilder] object, which is used to create a
/// [CanvasParagraph].
CanvasParagraphBuilder(EngineParagraphStyle style)
: _paragraphStyle = style,
_rootStyleNode = RootStyleNode(style);
final StringBuffer _plainTextBuffer = StringBuffer();
final EngineParagraphStyle _paragraphStyle;
final List<ParagraphSpan> _spans = <ParagraphSpan>[];
final List<StyleNode> _styleStack = <StyleNode>[];
RootStyleNode _rootStyleNode;
StyleNode get _currentStyleNode => _styleStack.isEmpty
? _rootStyleNode
: _styleStack[_styleStack.length - 1];
int get placeholderCount => _placeholderCount;
int _placeholderCount = 0;
List<double> get placeholderScales => _placeholderScales;
final List<double> _placeholderScales = <double>[];
void addPlaceholder(
double width,
double height,
ui.PlaceholderAlignment alignment, {
double scale = 1.0,
double? baselineOffset,
ui.TextBaseline? baseline,
}) {
// TODO(mdebbar): for measurement of placeholders, look at:
// -
// Require a baseline to be specified if using a baseline-based alignment.
assert(!(alignment == ui.PlaceholderAlignment.aboveBaseline ||
alignment == ui.PlaceholderAlignment.belowBaseline ||
alignment == ui.PlaceholderAlignment.baseline) || baseline != null);
width * scale,
height * scale,
baselineOffset: (baselineOffset ?? height) * scale,
baseline: baseline ?? ui.TextBaseline.alphabetic,
void pushStyle(ui.TextStyle style) {
_styleStack.add(_currentStyleNode.createChild(style as EngineTextStyle));
void pop() {
if (_styleStack.isNotEmpty) {
bool _drawOnCanvas = true;
void addText(String text) {
final EngineTextStyle style = _currentStyleNode.resolveStyle();
final int start = _plainTextBuffer.length;
final int end = _plainTextBuffer.length;
if (_drawOnCanvas) {
final ui.TextDecoration? decoration = style.decoration;
if (decoration != null && decoration != ui.TextDecoration.none) {
_drawOnCanvas = false;
if (_drawOnCanvas) {
final List<ui.FontFeature>? fontFeatures = style.fontFeatures;
if (fontFeatures != null && fontFeatures.isNotEmpty) {
_drawOnCanvas = false;
_spans.add(FlatTextSpan(style: style, start: start, end: end));
CanvasParagraph build() {
return CanvasParagraph(
paragraphStyle: _paragraphStyle,
plainText: _plainTextBuffer.toString(),
placeholderCount: _placeholderCount,
drawOnCanvas: _drawOnCanvas,