blob: 0d57780b29b1262b8da2857f3ed3fbf1386dbdfe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import '../browser_detection.dart';
import 'semantics.dart';
/// The maximum [semanticsActivationAttempts] before we give up waiting for
/// the user to enable semantics.
/// This number is arbitrary and can be adjusted if it doesn't work well.
const int kMaxSemanticsActivationAttempts = 20;
/// After an event related to semantics activation has been received, we consume
/// the consecutive events on the engine. Do not send them to the framework.
/// For example when a 'mousedown' targeting a placeholder received following
/// 'mouseup' is also not sent to the framework.
/// Otherwise these events can cause unintended gestures on the framework side.
const Duration _periodToConsumeEvents = Duration(milliseconds: 300);
/// The message in the label for the placeholder element used to enable
/// accessibility.
/// This uses US English as the default message. Set this value prior to
/// calling `runApp` to translate to another language.
String placeholderMessage = 'Enable accessibility';
/// A helper for [EngineSemanticsOwner].
/// [SemanticsHelper] prepares and placeholder to enable semantics.
/// It decides if an event is purely semantics enabling related or a regular
/// event which should be forwarded to the framework.
/// It does this by using a [SemanticsEnabler]. The [SemanticsEnabler]
/// implementation is chosen using form factor type.
/// See [DesktopSemanticsEnabler], [MobileSemanticsEnabler].
class SemanticsHelper {
SemanticsEnabler _semanticsEnabler =
isDesktop ? DesktopSemanticsEnabler() : MobileSemanticsEnabler();
set semanticsEnabler(SemanticsEnabler semanticsEnabler) {
_semanticsEnabler = semanticsEnabler;
bool shouldEnableSemantics(html.Event event) {
return _semanticsEnabler.shouldEnableSemantics(event);
html.Element prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder() {
return _semanticsEnabler.prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder();
/// Stops waiting for the user to enable semantics and removes the
/// placeholder.
/// This is used when semantics is enabled programmatically and therefore the
/// placehodler is no longer needed.
void dispose() {
abstract class SemanticsEnabler {
/// Whether to enable semantics.
/// Semantics should be enabled if the web engine is no longer waiting for
/// extra signals from the user events. See [isWaitingToEnableSemantics].
/// Or if the received [html.Event] is suitable/enough for enabling the
/// semantics. See [tryEnableSemantics].
bool shouldEnableSemantics(html.Event event) {
if (!isWaitingToEnableSemantics) {
// Forward to framework as normal.
return true;
} else {
return tryEnableSemantics(event);
/// Attempts to activate semantics.
/// Returns true if the `event` is not related to semantics activation and
/// should be forwarded to the framework.
bool tryEnableSemantics(html.Event event);
/// Creates the placeholder for accessibility.
/// Puts it inside the glasspane.
/// On focus the element announces that accessibility can be enabled by
/// tapping/clicking. (Announcement depends on the assistive technology)
html.Element prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder();
/// Whether platform is still considering enabling semantics.
/// At this stage a relevant set of events are always assessed to see if
/// they activate the semantics.
/// If not they are sent to framework as normal events.
bool get isWaitingToEnableSemantics;
/// Stops waiting for the user to enable semantics and removes the placeholder.
void dispose();
/// The desktop semantics enabler uses a simpler strategy compared to mobile.
/// A placeholder element is created completely outside the view and is not
/// reachable via touch or mouse. Assistive technology can still find it either
/// using keyboard shortcuts or via next/previous touch gesture (for touch
/// screens). This simplification removes the need for pointer event
/// disambiguation or timers. The placeholder simply waits for a click event
/// and enables semantics.
class DesktopSemanticsEnabler extends SemanticsEnabler {
/// A temporary placeholder used to capture a request to activate semantics.
html.Element? _semanticsPlaceholder;
/// Whether we are waiting for the user to enable semantics.
bool get isWaitingToEnableSemantics => _semanticsPlaceholder != null;
bool tryEnableSemantics(html.Event event) {
// Semantics may be enabled programmatically. If there's a race between that
// and the DOM event, we may end up here while there's no longer a placeholder
// to work with.
if (!isWaitingToEnableSemantics) {
return true;
if (EngineSemanticsOwner.instance.semanticsEnabled) {
// Semantics already enabled, forward to framework as normal.
return true;
// In touch screen laptops, the touch is received as a mouse click
const Set<String> kInterestingEventTypes = <String>{
if (!kInterestingEventTypes.contains(event.type)) {
// The event is not relevant, forward to framework as normal.
return true;
// Check for the event target.
final bool enableConditionPassed = == _semanticsPlaceholder;
if (!enableConditionPassed) {
// This was not a semantics activating event; forward as normal.
return true;
EngineSemanticsOwner.instance.semanticsEnabled = true;
return false;
html.Element prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder() {
final html.Element placeholder =
_semanticsPlaceholder = html.Element.tag('flt-semantics-placeholder');
// Only listen to "click" because other kinds of events are reported via
// PointerBinding.
placeholder.addEventListener('click', (html.Event event) {
}, true);
// Adding roles to semantics placeholder. 'aria-live' will make sure that
// the content is announced to the assistive technology user as soon as the
// page receives focus. 'tabindex' makes sure the button is the first
// target of tab. 'aria-label' is used to define the placeholder message
// to the assistive technology user.
..setAttribute('role', 'button')
..setAttribute('aria-live', 'polite')
..setAttribute('tabindex', '0')
..setAttribute('aria-label', placeholderMessage);
// The placeholder sits just outside the window so only AT can reach it.
..position = 'absolute'
..left = '-1px' = '-1px'
..width = '1px'
..height = '1px';
return placeholder;
void dispose() {
_semanticsPlaceholder = null;
class MobileSemanticsEnabler extends SemanticsEnabler {
/// We do not immediately enable semantics when the user requests it, but
/// instead wait for a short period of time before doing it. This is because
/// the request comes as an event targeted on the [_semanticsPlaceholder].
/// This event, depending on the browser, comes as a burst of events.
/// For example, Safari on IOS sends "touchstart", "touchend", and "click".
/// So during a short time period we consume all events and prevent forwarding
/// to the framework. Otherwise, the events will be interpreted twice, once as
/// a request to activate semantics, and a second time by Flutter's gesture
/// recognizers.
Timer? semanticsActivationTimer;
/// A temporary placeholder used to capture a request to activate semantics.
html.Element? _semanticsPlaceholder;
/// The number of events we processed that could potentially activate
/// semantics.
int semanticsActivationAttempts = 0;
/// Instructs [_tryEnableSemantics] to remove [_semanticsPlaceholder].
/// For Blink browser engine the placeholder is removed upon any next event.
/// For Webkit browser engine the placeholder is removed upon the next
/// "touchend" event. This is to prevent Safari from swallowing the event
/// that happens on an element that's being removed. Blink doesn't have
/// this issue.
bool _schedulePlaceholderRemoval = false;
/// Whether we are waiting for the user to enable semantics.
bool get isWaitingToEnableSemantics => _semanticsPlaceholder != null;
bool tryEnableSemantics(html.Event event) {
// Semantics may be enabled programmatically. If there's a race between that
// and the DOM event, we may end up here while there's no longer a placeholder
// to work with.
if (!isWaitingToEnableSemantics) {
return true;
if (_schedulePlaceholderRemoval) {
// The event type can also be click for VoiceOver.
final bool removeNow = browserEngine != BrowserEngine.webkit ||
event.type == 'touchend' ||
event.type == 'pointerup' ||
event.type == 'click';
if (removeNow) {
return true;
if (EngineSemanticsOwner.instance.semanticsEnabled) {
// Semantics already enabled, forward to framework as normal.
return true;
semanticsActivationAttempts += 1;
if (semanticsActivationAttempts >= kMaxSemanticsActivationAttempts) {
// We have received multiple user events, none of which resulted in
// semantics activation. This is a signal that the user is not interested
// in semantics, and so we will stop waiting for it.
_schedulePlaceholderRemoval = true;
return true;
// ios-safari browsers which starts sending `pointer` events instead of
// `touch` events. (Tested with 12.1 which uses touch events vs 13.5
// which uses pointer events.)
const Set<String> kInterestingEventTypes = <String>{
if (!kInterestingEventTypes.contains(event.type)) {
// The event is not relevant, forward to framework as normal.
return true;
if (semanticsActivationTimer != null) {
// We are in a waiting period to activate a timer. While the timer is
// active we should consume events pertaining to semantics activation.
// Otherwise the event will also be interpreted by the framework and
// potentially result in activating a gesture in the app.
return false;
// Look at where exactly (within 1 pixel) the event landed. If it landed
// exactly in the middle of the placeholder we interpret it as a signal
// to enable accessibility. This is because when VoiceOver and TalkBack
// generate a tap it lands it in the middle of the focused element. This
// method is a bit flawed in that a user's finger could theoretically land
// in the middle of the element too. However, the chance of that happening
// is very small. Even low-end phones typically have >2 million pixels
// (e.g. Moto G4). It is very unlikely that a user will land their finger
// exactly in the middle. In the worst case an unlucky user would
// accidentally enable accessibility and the app will be slightly slower
// than normal, but the app will continue functioning as normal. Our
// semantics tree is designed to not interfere with Flutter's gesture
// detection.
bool enableConditionPassed = false;
html.Point<num> activationPoint;
switch (event.type) {
case 'click':
final html.MouseEvent click = event as html.MouseEvent;
activationPoint = click.offset;
case 'touchstart':
case 'touchend':
final html.TouchEvent touch = event as html.TouchEvent;
activationPoint = touch.changedTouches!.first.client;
case 'pointerdown':
case 'pointerup':
final html.PointerEvent touch = event as html.PointerEvent;
activationPoint = html.Point<num>(touch.client.x, touch.client.y);
// The event is not relevant, forward to framework as normal.
return true;
final html.Rectangle<num> activatingElementRect =
final double midX = (activatingElementRect.left +
(activatingElementRect.right - activatingElementRect.left) / 2)
final double midY = ( +
(activatingElementRect.bottom - / 2)
final double deltaX = activationPoint.x.toDouble() - midX;
final double deltaY = activationPoint.y.toDouble() - midY;
final double deltaSquared = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY;
if (deltaSquared < 1.0) {
enableConditionPassed = true;
if (enableConditionPassed) {
assert(semanticsActivationTimer == null);
_schedulePlaceholderRemoval = true;
semanticsActivationTimer = Timer(_periodToConsumeEvents, () {
EngineSemanticsOwner.instance.semanticsEnabled = true;
return false;
// This was not a semantics activating event; forward as normal.
return true;
html.Element prepareAccessibilityPlaceholder() {
final html.Element placeholder =
_semanticsPlaceholder = html.Element.tag('flt-semantics-placeholder');
// Only listen to "click" because other kinds of events are reported via
// PointerBinding.
placeholder.addEventListener('click', (html.Event event) {
}, true);
..setAttribute('role', 'button')
..setAttribute('aria-label', placeholderMessage);
..position = 'absolute'
..left = '0' = '0'
..right = '0'
..bottom = '0';
return placeholder;
void dispose() {
_semanticsPlaceholder = null;
semanticsActivationTimer = null;