blob: 3bd5eae9203655f0a03b3ceae22caa0dbd701a78 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import '../assets.dart';
import '../util.dart';
import 'canvaskit_api.dart';
import 'font_fallbacks.dart';
// This URL was found by using the Google Fonts Developer API to find the URL
// for Roboto. The API warns that this URL is not stable. In order to update
// this, list out all of the fonts and find the URL for the regular
// Roboto font. The API reference is here:
const String _robotoUrl =
// URL for the Ahem font, only used in tests.
const String _ahemUrl = 'packages/ui/assets/ahem.ttf';
/// Manages the fonts used in the Skia-based backend.
class SkiaFontCollection {
/// Fonts that have been registered but haven't been loaded yet.
final List<Future<RegisteredFont?>> _unloadedFonts =
/// Fonts which have been registered and loaded.
final List<RegisteredFont> _registeredFonts = <RegisteredFont>[];
final Map<String, List<SkFont>> familyToFontMap = <String, List<SkFont>>{};
Future<void> ensureFontsLoaded() async {
await _loadFonts();
if (fontProvider != null) {
fontProvider = null;
fontProvider = canvasKit.TypefaceFontProvider.Make();
for (final RegisteredFont font in _registeredFonts) {
.putIfAbsent(, () => <SkFont>[])
for (final RegisteredFont font
in FontFallbackData.instance.registeredFallbackFonts) {
.putIfAbsent(, () => <SkFont>[])
/// Loads all of the unloaded fonts in [_unloadedFonts] and adds them
/// to [_registeredFonts].
Future<void> _loadFonts() async {
if (_unloadedFonts.isEmpty) {
final List<RegisteredFont?> loadedFonts = await Future.wait(_unloadedFonts);
for (final RegisteredFont? font in loadedFonts) {
if (font != null) {
Future<void> loadFontFromList(Uint8List list, {String? fontFamily}) async {
if (fontFamily == null) {
fontFamily = _readActualFamilyName(list);
if (fontFamily == null) {
printWarning('Failed to read font family name. Aborting font load.');
final SkTypeface? typeface =
if (typeface != null) {
_registeredFonts.add(RegisteredFont(list, fontFamily, typeface));
await ensureFontsLoaded();
} else {
printWarning('Failed to parse font family "$fontFamily"');
Future<void> registerFonts(AssetManager assetManager) async {
ByteData byteData;
try {
byteData = await assetManager.load('FontManifest.json');
} on AssetManagerException catch (e) {
if (e.httpStatus == 404) {
printWarning('Font manifest does not exist at `${e.url}` – ignoring.');
} else {
final List<dynamic>? fontManifest =
json.decode(utf8.decode(byteData.buffer.asUint8List())) as List<dynamic>?;
if (fontManifest == null) {
throw AssertionError(
'There was a problem trying to load FontManifest.json');
bool registeredRoboto = false;
for (final Map<String, dynamic> fontFamily
in fontManifest.cast<Map<String, dynamic>>()) {
final String family = fontFamily.readString('family');
final List<dynamic> fontAssets = fontFamily.readList('fonts');
if (family == 'Roboto') {
registeredRoboto = true;
for (final dynamic fontAssetItem in fontAssets) {
final Map<String, dynamic> fontAsset = fontAssetItem as Map<String, dynamic>;
final String asset = fontAsset.readString('asset');
.add(_registerFont(assetManager.getAssetUrl(asset), family));
/// We need a default fallback font for CanvasKit, in order to
/// avoid crashing while laying out text with an unregistered font. We chose
/// Roboto to match Android.
if (!registeredRoboto) {
// Download Roboto and add it to the font buffers.
_unloadedFonts.add(_registerFont(_robotoUrl, 'Roboto'));
Future<void> debugRegisterTestFonts() async {
_unloadedFonts.add(_registerFont(_ahemUrl, 'Ahem'));
Future<RegisteredFont?> _registerFont(String url, String family) async {
ByteBuffer buffer;
try {
buffer = await httpFetch(url).then(_getArrayBuffer);
} catch (e) {
printWarning('Failed to load font $family at $url');
return null;
final Uint8List bytes = buffer.asUint8List();
final SkTypeface? typeface =
if (typeface != null) {
return RegisteredFont(bytes, family, typeface);
} else {
printWarning('Failed to load font $family at $url');
printWarning('Verify that $url contains a valid font.');
return null;
String? _readActualFamilyName(Uint8List bytes) {
final SkFontMgr tmpFontMgr =
final String? actualFamily = tmpFontMgr.getFamilyName(0);
return actualFamily;
Future<ByteBuffer> _getArrayBuffer(html.Body fetchResult) {
return fetchResult
.then<ByteBuffer>((dynamic x) => x as ByteBuffer);
SkFontMgr? skFontMgr;
TypefaceFontProvider? fontProvider;
/// Represents a font that has been registered.
class RegisteredFont {
/// The font family name for this font.
final String family;
/// The byte data for this font.
final Uint8List bytes;
/// The [SkTypeface] created from this font's [bytes].
/// This is used to determine which code points are supported by this font.
final SkTypeface typeface;
RegisteredFont(this.bytes,, this.typeface) {
// This is a hack which causes Skia to cache the decoded font.
final SkFont skFont = SkFont(typeface);
skFont.getGlyphBounds(<int>[0], null, null);