blob: d84e038952c11004314bad1e28b2b5273f9d229f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// Bindings for CanvasKit JavaScript API.
/// Prefer keeping the original CanvasKit names so it is easier to locate
/// the API behind these bindings in the Skia source code.
// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs
library canvaskit_api;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:js' as js;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../profiler.dart';
/// Entrypoint into the CanvasKit API.
late CanvasKit canvasKit;
/// Sets the [CanvasKit] object on `window` so we can use `@JS()` to bind to
/// static APIs.
/// See, e.g. [SkPaint].
/// This also acts as a cache of an initialized CanvasKit instance. We can use
/// this, for example, to perform a hot restart without needing to redownload
/// and reinitialize CanvasKit.
external set windowFlutterCanvasKit(CanvasKit? value);
external CanvasKit? get windowFlutterCanvasKit;
class CanvasKit {
external SkBlendModeEnum get BlendMode;
external SkPaintStyleEnum get PaintStyle;
external SkStrokeCapEnum get StrokeCap;
external SkStrokeJoinEnum get StrokeJoin;
external SkBlurStyleEnum get BlurStyle;
external SkTileModeEnum get TileMode;
external SkFilterModeEnum get FilterMode;
external SkMipmapModeEnum get MipmapMode;
external SkFillTypeEnum get FillType;
external SkAlphaTypeEnum get AlphaType;
external SkColorTypeEnum get ColorType;
external SkPathOpEnum get PathOp;
external SkClipOpEnum get ClipOp;
external SkPointModeEnum get PointMode;
external SkVertexModeEnum get VertexMode;
external SkRectHeightStyleEnum get RectHeightStyle;
external SkRectWidthStyleEnum get RectWidthStyle;
external SkAffinityEnum get Affinity;
external SkTextAlignEnum get TextAlign;
external SkTextHeightBehaviorEnum get TextHeightBehavior;
external SkTextDirectionEnum get TextDirection;
external SkFontWeightEnum get FontWeight;
external SkFontSlantEnum get FontSlant;
external SkAnimatedImage? MakeAnimatedImageFromEncoded(Uint8List imageData);
external SkShaderNamespace get Shader;
external SkMaskFilterNamespace get MaskFilter;
external SkColorFilterNamespace get ColorFilter;
external SkImageFilterNamespace get ImageFilter;
external SkPathNamespace get Path;
external SkTonalColors computeTonalColors(SkTonalColors inTonalColors);
external SkVertices MakeVertices(
SkVertexMode mode,
Float32List positions,
Float32List? textureCoordinates,
Uint32List? colors,
Uint16List? indices,
external SkParagraphBuilderNamespace get ParagraphBuilder;
external SkParagraphStyle ParagraphStyle(
SkParagraphStyleProperties properties);
external SkTextStyle TextStyle(SkTextStyleProperties properties);
external SkSurface MakeSurface(
int width,
int height,
external Uint8List getDataBytes(
SkData skData,
// Text decoration enum is embedded in the CanvasKit object itself.
external int get NoDecoration;
external int get UnderlineDecoration;
external int get OverlineDecoration;
external int get LineThroughDecoration;
// End of text decoration enum.
external SkTextDecorationStyleEnum get DecorationStyle;
external SkTextBaselineEnum get TextBaseline;
external SkPlaceholderAlignmentEnum get PlaceholderAlignment;
external SkFontMgrNamespace get FontMgr;
external TypefaceFontProviderNamespace get TypefaceFontProvider;
external int GetWebGLContext(
html.CanvasElement canvas, SkWebGLContextOptions options);
external SkGrContext MakeGrContext(int glContext);
external SkSurface? MakeOnScreenGLSurface(
SkGrContext grContext,
int width,
int height,
ColorSpace colorSpace,
external SkSurface MakeSWCanvasSurface(html.CanvasElement canvas);
/// Creates an image from decoded pixels represented as a list of bytes.
/// The pixel data must be encoded according to the image info in [info].
/// Typically pixel data is obtained using [SkImage.readPixels]. The
/// parameters specified in [SkImageInfo] passed [SkImage.readPixels] must
/// match [info].
external SkImage MakeImage(
SkImageInfo info,
Uint8List pixels,
int bytesPerRow,
external CanvasKitInitPromise CanvasKitInit(CanvasKitInitOptions options);
typedef LocateFileCallback = String Function(String file, String unusedBase);
class CanvasKitInitOptions {
external factory CanvasKitInitOptions({
required LocateFileCallback locateFile,
typedef CanvasKitInitCallback = void Function(CanvasKit canvasKit);
class CanvasKitInitPromise {
external void then(CanvasKitInitCallback callback);
external ColorSpace get SkColorSpaceSRGB;
class ColorSpace {}
class SkWebGLContextOptions {
external factory SkWebGLContextOptions({
required int antialias,
// WebGL version: 1 or 2.
required int majorVersion,
class SkSurface {
external SkCanvas getCanvas();
external void flush();
external int width();
external int height();
external void dispose();
external SkImage makeImageSnapshot();
class SkGrContext {
external void setResourceCacheLimitBytes(int limit);
external void releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext();
external void delete();
class SkFontSlantEnum {
external SkFontSlant get Upright;
external SkFontSlant get Italic;
class SkFontSlant {
external int get value;
final List<SkFontSlant> _skFontSlants = <SkFontSlant>[
SkFontSlant toSkFontSlant(ui.FontStyle style) {
return _skFontSlants[style.index];
class SkFontWeightEnum {
external SkFontWeight get Thin;
external SkFontWeight get ExtraLight;
external SkFontWeight get Light;
external SkFontWeight get Normal;
external SkFontWeight get Medium;
external SkFontWeight get SemiBold;
external SkFontWeight get Bold;
external SkFontWeight get ExtraBold;
external SkFontWeight get ExtraBlack;
class SkFontWeight {
external int get value;
final List<SkFontWeight> _skFontWeights = <SkFontWeight>[
SkFontWeight toSkFontWeight(ui.FontWeight weight) {
return _skFontWeights[weight.index];
class SkAffinityEnum {
external SkAffinity get Upstream;
external SkAffinity get Downstream;
class SkAffinity {
external int get value;
final List<SkAffinity> _skAffinitys = <SkAffinity>[
SkAffinity toSkAffinity(ui.TextAffinity affinity) {
return _skAffinitys[affinity.index];
class SkTextDirectionEnum {
external SkTextDirection get RTL;
external SkTextDirection get LTR;
class SkTextDirection {
external int get value;
// Flutter enumerates text directions as RTL, LTR, while CanvasKit
// enumerates them LTR, RTL.
final List<SkTextDirection> _skTextDirections = <SkTextDirection>[
SkTextDirection toSkTextDirection(ui.TextDirection direction) {
return _skTextDirections[direction.index];
class SkTextAlignEnum {
external SkTextAlign get Left;
external SkTextAlign get Right;
external SkTextAlign get Center;
external SkTextAlign get Justify;
external SkTextAlign get Start;
external SkTextAlign get End;
class SkTextAlign {
external int get value;
final List<SkTextAlign> _skTextAligns = <SkTextAlign>[
SkTextAlign toSkTextAlign(ui.TextAlign align) {
return _skTextAligns[align.index];
class SkTextHeightBehaviorEnum {
external SkTextHeightBehavior get All;
external SkTextHeightBehavior get DisableFirstAscent;
external SkTextHeightBehavior get DisableLastDescent;
external SkTextHeightBehavior get DisableAll;
class SkTextHeightBehavior {
external int get value;
final List<SkTextHeightBehavior> _skTextHeightBehaviors =
SkTextHeightBehavior toSkTextHeightBehavior(ui.TextHeightBehavior behavior) {
final int index = (behavior.applyHeightToFirstAscent ? 0 : 1 << 0) |
(behavior.applyHeightToLastDescent ? 0 : 1 << 1);
return _skTextHeightBehaviors[index];
class SkRectHeightStyleEnum {
external SkRectHeightStyle get Tight;
external SkRectHeightStyle get Max;
external SkRectHeightStyle get IncludeLineSpacingMiddle;
external SkRectHeightStyle get IncludeLineSpacingTop;
external SkRectHeightStyle get IncludeLineSpacingBottom;
external SkRectHeightStyle get Strut;
class SkRectHeightStyle {
external int get value;
final List<SkRectHeightStyle> _skRectHeightStyles = <SkRectHeightStyle>[
SkRectHeightStyle toSkRectHeightStyle(ui.BoxHeightStyle style) {
return _skRectHeightStyles[style.index];
class SkRectWidthStyleEnum {
external SkRectWidthStyle get Tight;
external SkRectWidthStyle get Max;
class SkRectWidthStyle {
external int get value;
final List<SkRectWidthStyle> _skRectWidthStyles = <SkRectWidthStyle>[
SkRectWidthStyle toSkRectWidthStyle(ui.BoxWidthStyle style) {
final int index = style.index;
return _skRectWidthStyles[index < 2 ? index : 0];
class SkVertexModeEnum {
external SkVertexMode get Triangles;
external SkVertexMode get TrianglesStrip;
external SkVertexMode get TriangleFan;
class SkVertexMode {
external int get value;
final List<SkVertexMode> _skVertexModes = <SkVertexMode>[
SkVertexMode toSkVertexMode(ui.VertexMode mode) {
return _skVertexModes[mode.index];
class SkPointModeEnum {
external SkPointMode get Points;
external SkPointMode get Lines;
external SkPointMode get Polygon;
class SkPointMode {
external int get value;
final List<SkPointMode> _skPointModes = <SkPointMode>[
SkPointMode toSkPointMode(ui.PointMode mode) {
return _skPointModes[mode.index];
class SkClipOpEnum {
external SkClipOp get Difference;
external SkClipOp get Intersect;
class SkClipOp {
external int get value;
final List<SkClipOp> _skClipOps = <SkClipOp>[
SkClipOp toSkClipOp(ui.ClipOp clipOp) {
return _skClipOps[clipOp.index];
class SkFillTypeEnum {
external SkFillType get Winding;
external SkFillType get EvenOdd;
class SkFillType {
external int get value;
final List<SkFillType> _skFillTypes = <SkFillType>[
SkFillType toSkFillType(ui.PathFillType fillType) {
return _skFillTypes[fillType.index];
class SkPathOpEnum {
external SkPathOp get Difference;
external SkPathOp get Intersect;
external SkPathOp get Union;
external SkPathOp get XOR;
external SkPathOp get ReverseDifference;
class SkPathOp {
external int get value;
final List<SkPathOp> _skPathOps = <SkPathOp>[
SkPathOp toSkPathOp(ui.PathOperation pathOp) {
return _skPathOps[pathOp.index];
class SkBlurStyleEnum {
external SkBlurStyle get Normal;
external SkBlurStyle get Solid;
external SkBlurStyle get Outer;
external SkBlurStyle get Inner;
class SkBlurStyle {
external int get value;
final List<SkBlurStyle> _skBlurStyles = <SkBlurStyle>[
SkBlurStyle toSkBlurStyle(ui.BlurStyle style) {
return _skBlurStyles[style.index];
class SkStrokeCapEnum {
external SkStrokeCap get Butt;
external SkStrokeCap get Round;
external SkStrokeCap get Square;
class SkStrokeCap {
external int get value;
final List<SkStrokeCap> _skStrokeCaps = <SkStrokeCap>[
SkStrokeCap toSkStrokeCap(ui.StrokeCap strokeCap) {
return _skStrokeCaps[strokeCap.index];
class SkPaintStyleEnum {
external SkPaintStyle get Stroke;
external SkPaintStyle get Fill;
class SkPaintStyle {
external int get value;
final List<SkPaintStyle> _skPaintStyles = <SkPaintStyle>[
SkPaintStyle toSkPaintStyle(ui.PaintingStyle paintStyle) {
return _skPaintStyles[paintStyle.index];
class SkBlendModeEnum {
external SkBlendMode get Clear;
external SkBlendMode get Src;
external SkBlendMode get Dst;
external SkBlendMode get SrcOver;
external SkBlendMode get DstOver;
external SkBlendMode get SrcIn;
external SkBlendMode get DstIn;
external SkBlendMode get SrcOut;
external SkBlendMode get DstOut;
external SkBlendMode get SrcATop;
external SkBlendMode get DstATop;
external SkBlendMode get Xor;
external SkBlendMode get Plus;
external SkBlendMode get Modulate;
external SkBlendMode get Screen;
external SkBlendMode get Overlay;
external SkBlendMode get Darken;
external SkBlendMode get Lighten;
external SkBlendMode get ColorDodge;
external SkBlendMode get ColorBurn;
external SkBlendMode get HardLight;
external SkBlendMode get SoftLight;
external SkBlendMode get Difference;
external SkBlendMode get Exclusion;
external SkBlendMode get Multiply;
external SkBlendMode get Hue;
external SkBlendMode get Saturation;
external SkBlendMode get Color;
external SkBlendMode get Luminosity;
class SkBlendMode {
external int get value;
final List<SkBlendMode> _skBlendModes = <SkBlendMode>[
SkBlendMode toSkBlendMode(ui.BlendMode blendMode) {
return _skBlendModes[blendMode.index];
class SkStrokeJoinEnum {
external SkStrokeJoin get Miter;
external SkStrokeJoin get Round;
external SkStrokeJoin get Bevel;
class SkStrokeJoin {
external int get value;
final List<SkStrokeJoin> _skStrokeJoins = <SkStrokeJoin>[
SkStrokeJoin toSkStrokeJoin(ui.StrokeJoin strokeJoin) {
return _skStrokeJoins[strokeJoin.index];
class SkTileModeEnum {
external SkTileMode get Clamp;
external SkTileMode get Repeat;
external SkTileMode get Mirror;
external SkTileMode get Decal;
class SkTileMode {
external int get value;
final List<SkTileMode> _skTileModes = <SkTileMode>[
SkTileMode toSkTileMode(ui.TileMode mode) {
return _skTileModes[mode.index];
class SkFilterModeEnum {
external SkFilterMode get Nearest;
external SkFilterMode get Linear;
class SkFilterMode {
external int get value;
SkFilterMode toSkFilterMode(ui.FilterQuality filterQuality) {
return filterQuality == ui.FilterQuality.none
? canvasKit.FilterMode.Nearest
: canvasKit.FilterMode.Linear;
class SkMipmapModeEnum {
external SkMipmapMode get None;
external SkMipmapMode get Nearest;
external SkMipmapMode get Linear;
class SkMipmapMode {
external int get value;
SkMipmapMode toSkMipmapMode(ui.FilterQuality filterQuality) {
return filterQuality == ui.FilterQuality.medium
? canvasKit.MipmapMode.Linear
: canvasKit.MipmapMode.None;
class SkAlphaTypeEnum {
external SkAlphaType get Opaque;
external SkAlphaType get Premul;
external SkAlphaType get Unpremul;
class SkAlphaType {
external int get value;
class SkColorTypeEnum {
external SkColorType get Alpha_8;
external SkColorType get RGB_565;
external SkColorType get ARGB_4444;
external SkColorType get RGBA_8888;
external SkColorType get RGB_888x;
external SkColorType get BGRA_8888;
external SkColorType get RGBA_1010102;
external SkColorType get RGB_101010x;
external SkColorType get Gray_8;
external SkColorType get RGBA_F16;
external SkColorType get RGBA_F32;
class SkColorType {
external int get value;
class SkAnimatedImage {
external int getFrameCount();
/// Returns duration in milliseconds.
external int getRepetitionCount();
external int decodeNextFrame();
external SkImage makeImageAtCurrentFrame();
external int width();
external int height();
/// Deletes the C++ object.
/// This object is no longer usable after calling this method.
external void delete();
external bool isDeleted();
class SkImage {
external void delete();
external int width();
external int height();
external SkShader makeShaderCubic(
SkTileMode tileModeX,
SkTileMode tileModeY,
double B,
double C,
Float32List? matrix, // 3x3 matrix
external SkShader makeShaderOptions(
SkTileMode tileModeX,
SkTileMode tileModeY,
SkFilterMode filterMode,
SkMipmapMode mipmapMode,
Float32List? matrix, // 3x3 matrix
external Uint8List readPixels(int srcX, int srcY, SkImageInfo imageInfo);
external Uint8List? encodeToBytes();
external bool isAliasOf(SkImage other);
external bool isDeleted();
class SkShaderNamespace {
external SkShader MakeLinearGradient(
Float32List from, // 2-element array
Float32List to, // 2-element array
Uint32List colors,
Float32List colorStops,
SkTileMode tileMode,
Float32List? matrix,
external SkShader MakeRadialGradient(
Float32List center, // 2-element array
double radius,
Uint32List colors,
Float32List colorStops,
SkTileMode tileMode,
Float32List? matrix, // 3x3 matrix
int flags,
external SkShader MakeTwoPointConicalGradient(
Float32List focal,
double focalRadius,
Float32List center,
double radius,
Uint32List colors,
Float32List colorStops,
SkTileMode tileMode,
Float32List? matrix, // 3x3 matrix
int flags,
external SkShader MakeSweepGradient(
double cx,
double cy,
Uint32List colors,
Float32List colorStops,
SkTileMode tileMode,
Float32List? matrix, // 3x3 matrix
int flags,
double startAngle,
double endAngle,
class SkShader {
external void delete();
class SkMaskFilterNamespace {
// Creates a blur MaskFilter.
// Returns `null` if [sigma] is 0 or infinite.
external SkMaskFilter? MakeBlur(
SkBlurStyle blurStyle, double sigma, bool respectCTM);
// This needs to be bound to top-level because SkPaint is initialized
// with `new`. Also in Dart you can't write this:
// external SkPaint SkPaint();
class SkPaint {
external SkPaint();
external void setBlendMode(SkBlendMode blendMode);
external void setStyle(SkPaintStyle paintStyle);
external void setStrokeWidth(double width);
external void setStrokeCap(SkStrokeCap cap);
external void setStrokeJoin(SkStrokeJoin join);
external void setAntiAlias(bool isAntiAlias);
external void setColorInt(int color);
external void setShader(SkShader? shader);
external void setMaskFilter(SkMaskFilter? maskFilter);
external void setColorFilter(SkColorFilter? colorFilter);
external void setStrokeMiter(double miterLimit);
external void setImageFilter(SkImageFilter? imageFilter);
external void delete();
abstract class CkFilterOptions {}
class _CkCubicFilterOptions extends CkFilterOptions {
external double get B;
external double get C;
external factory _CkCubicFilterOptions({double B, double C});
class _CkTransformFilterOptions extends CkFilterOptions {
external SkFilterMode get filter;
external SkMipmapMode get mipmap;
external factory _CkTransformFilterOptions(
{SkFilterMode filter, SkMipmapMode mipmap});
final Map<ui.FilterQuality, CkFilterOptions> _filterOptions =
<ui.FilterQuality, CkFilterOptions>{
ui.FilterQuality.none: _CkTransformFilterOptions(
filter: canvasKit.FilterMode.Nearest,
mipmap: canvasKit.MipmapMode.None,
ui.FilterQuality.low: _CkTransformFilterOptions(
filter: canvasKit.FilterMode.Linear,
mipmap: canvasKit.MipmapMode.None,
ui.FilterQuality.medium: _CkTransformFilterOptions(
filter: canvasKit.FilterMode.Linear,
mipmap: canvasKit.MipmapMode.Linear,
ui.FilterQuality.high: _CkCubicFilterOptions(
B: 1.0 / 3,
C: 1.0 / 3,
CkFilterOptions toSkFilterOptions(ui.FilterQuality filterQuality) {
return _filterOptions[filterQuality]!;
class SkMaskFilter {
external void delete();
class SkColorFilterNamespace {
external SkColorFilter MakeBlend(Float32List color, SkBlendMode blendMode);
external SkColorFilter MakeMatrix(
Float32List matrix, // 20-element matrix
external SkColorFilter MakeLinearToSRGBGamma();
external SkColorFilter MakeSRGBToLinearGamma();
external SkColorFilter MakeCompose(SkColorFilter? outer, SkColorFilter inner);
class SkColorFilter {
external void delete();
class SkImageFilterNamespace {
external SkImageFilter MakeBlur(
double sigmaX,
double sigmaY,
SkTileMode tileMode,
void input, // we don't use this yet
external SkImageFilter MakeMatrixTransform(
Float32List matrix, // 3x3 matrix
CkFilterOptions filterOptions,
void input, // we don't use this yet
external SkImageFilter MakeColorFilter(
SkColorFilter colorFilter,
void input, // we don't use this yet
external SkImageFilter MakeCompose(
SkImageFilter outer,
SkImageFilter inner,
class SkImageFilter {
external void delete();
class SkPathNamespace {
/// Creates an [SkPath] using commands obtained from [SkPath.toCmds].
external SkPath MakeFromCmds(List<dynamic> pathCommands);
/// Creates an [SkPath] by combining [path1] and [path2] using [pathOp].
external SkPath MakeFromOp(SkPath path1, SkPath path2, SkPathOp pathOp);
/// Converts a 4x4 Flutter matrix (represented as a [Float32List] in
/// column major order) to an SkM44 which is a 4x4 matrix represented
/// as a [Float32List] in row major order.
Float32List toSkM44FromFloat32(Float32List matrix4) {
final Float32List skM44 = Float32List(16);
for (int r = 0; r < 4; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
skM44[c * 4 + r] = matrix4[r * 4 + c];
return skM44;
// Mappings from SkMatrix-index to input-index.
const List<int> _skMatrixIndexToMatrix4Index = <int>[
0, 4, 12, // Row 1
1, 5, 13, // Row 2
3, 7, 15, // Row 3
/// Converts a 4x4 Flutter matrix (represented as a [Float32List]) to an
/// SkMatrix, which is a 3x3 transform matrix.
Float32List toSkMatrixFromFloat32(Float32List matrix4) {
final Float32List skMatrix = Float32List(9);
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
final int matrix4Index = _skMatrixIndexToMatrix4Index[i];
if (matrix4Index < matrix4.length)
skMatrix[i] = matrix4[matrix4Index];
skMatrix[i] = 0.0;
return skMatrix;
/// Converts a 4x4 Flutter matrix (represented as a [Float32List]) to an
/// SkMatrix, which is a 3x3 transform matrix.
Float32List toSkMatrixFromFloat64(Float64List matrix4) {
final Float32List skMatrix = Float32List(9);
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) {
final int matrix4Index = _skMatrixIndexToMatrix4Index[i];
if (matrix4Index < matrix4.length)
skMatrix[i] = matrix4[matrix4Index];
skMatrix[i] = 0.0;
return skMatrix;
/// Converts an [offset] into an `[x, y]` pair stored in a `Float32List`.
/// The returned list can be passed to CanvasKit API that take points.
Float32List toSkPoint(ui.Offset offset) {
final Float32List point = Float32List(2);
point[0] = offset.dx;
point[1] = offset.dy;
return point;
/// Color stops used when the framework specifies `null`.
final Float32List _kDefaultSkColorStops = Float32List(2)
..[0] = 0
..[1] = 1;
/// Converts a list of color stops into a Skia-compatible JS array or color stops.
/// In Flutter `null` means two color stops `[0, 1]` that in Skia must be specified explicitly.
Float32List toSkColorStops(List<double>? colorStops) {
if (colorStops == null) {
return _kDefaultSkColorStops;
final int len = colorStops.length;
final Float32List skColorStops = Float32List(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
skColorStops[i] = colorStops[i];
return skColorStops;
external _NativeFloat32ArrayType get _nativeFloat32ArrayType;
class _NativeFloat32ArrayType {}
external SkFloat32List _mallocFloat32List(
_NativeFloat32ArrayType float32ListType,
int size,
/// Allocates a [Float32List] backed by WASM memory, managed by
/// a [SkFloat32List].
/// To free the allocated array use [freeFloat32List].
SkFloat32List mallocFloat32List(int size) {
return _mallocFloat32List(_nativeFloat32ArrayType, size);
/// Frees the WASM memory occupied by a [SkFloat32List].
/// The [list] is no longer usable after calling this function.
/// Use this function to free lists owned by the engine.
external void freeFloat32List(SkFloat32List list);
/// Wraps a [Float32List] backed by WASM memory.
/// This wrapper is necessary because the raw [Float32List] will get detached
/// when WASM grows its memory. Call [toTypedArray] to get a new instance
/// that's attached to the current WASM memory block.
class SkFloat32List {
/// Returns the [Float32List] object backed by WASM memory.
/// Do not reuse the returned list across multiple WASM function/method
/// invocations that may lead to WASM memory to grow. When WASM memory
/// grows the [Float32List] object becomes "detached" and is no longer
/// usable. Instead, call this method every time you need to read from
/// or write to the list.
external Float32List toTypedArray();
/// Writes [color] information into the given [skColor] buffer.
Float32List _populateSkColor(SkFloat32List skColor, ui.Color color) {
final Float32List array = skColor.toTypedArray();
array[0] = / 255.0;
array[1] = / 255.0;
array[2] = / 255.0;
array[3] = color.alpha / 255.0;
return array;
/// Unpacks the [color] into CanvasKit-compatible representation stored
/// in a shared memory location #1.
/// Use this only for passing transient data to CanvasKit. Because the
/// memory is shared the value will not persist.
Float32List toSharedSkColor1(ui.Color color) {
return _populateSkColor(_sharedSkColor1, color);
final SkFloat32List _sharedSkColor1 = mallocFloat32List(4);
/// Unpacks the [color] into CanvasKit-compatible representation stored
/// in a shared memory location #2.
/// Use this only for passing transient data to CanvasKit. Because the
/// memory is shared the value will not persist.
Float32List toSharedSkColor2(ui.Color color) {
return _populateSkColor(_sharedSkColor2, color);
final SkFloat32List _sharedSkColor2 = mallocFloat32List(4);
/// Unpacks the [color] into CanvasKit-compatible representation stored
/// in a shared memory location #3.
/// Use this only for passing transient data to CanvasKit. Because the
/// memory is shared the value will not persist.
Float32List toSharedSkColor3(ui.Color color) {
return _populateSkColor(_sharedSkColor3, color);
final SkFloat32List _sharedSkColor3 = mallocFloat32List(4);
class SkPath {
external SkPath([SkPath? other]);
external void setFillType(SkFillType fillType);
external void addArc(
Float32List oval,
double startAngleDegrees,
double sweepAngleDegrees,
external void addOval(
Float32List oval,
bool counterClockWise,
int startIndex,
external void addPath(
SkPath other,
double scaleX,
double skewX,
double transX,
double skewY,
double scaleY,
double transY,
double pers0,
double pers1,
double pers2,
bool extendPath,
external void addPoly(
Float32List points,
bool close,
external void addRRect(
Float32List rrect,
bool counterClockWise,
external void addRect(
Float32List rect,
external void arcToOval(
Float32List oval,
double startAngleDegrees,
double sweepAngleDegrees,
bool forceMoveTo,
external void arcToRotated(
double radiusX,
double radiusY,
double rotation,
bool useSmallArc,
bool counterClockWise,
double x,
double y,
external void close();
external void conicTo(
double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2,
double w,
external bool contains(
double x,
double y,
external void cubicTo(
double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2,
double x3,
double y3,
external Float32List getBounds();
external void lineTo(double x, double y);
external void moveTo(double x, double y);
external void quadTo(
double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2,
external void rArcTo(
double x,
double y,
double rotation,
bool useSmallArc,
bool counterClockWise,
double deltaX,
double deltaY,
external void rConicTo(
double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2,
double w,
external void rCubicTo(
double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2,
double x3,
double y3,
external void rLineTo(double x, double y);
external void rMoveTo(double x, double y);
external void rQuadTo(
double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2,
external void reset();
external String toSVGString();
external bool isEmpty();
external SkPath copy();
external void transform(
double scaleX,
double skewX,
double transX,
double skewY,
double scaleY,
double transY,
double pers0,
double pers1,
double pers2,
/// Serializes the path into a list of commands.
/// The list can be used to create a new [SkPath] using
/// [CanvasKit.Path.MakeFromCmds].
external List<dynamic> toCmds();
external void delete();
class SkContourMeasureIter {
external SkContourMeasureIter(SkPath path, bool forceClosed, double resScale);
external SkContourMeasure? next();
external void delete();
class SkContourMeasure {
external SkPath getSegment(double start, double end, bool startWithMoveTo);
external Float32List getPosTan(double distance);
external bool isClosed();
external double length();
external void delete();
// TODO(hterkelsen): Use a shared malloc'ed array for performance.
Float32List toSkRect(ui.Rect rect) {
final Float32List skRect = Float32List(4);
skRect[0] = rect.left;
skRect[1] =;
skRect[2] = rect.right;
skRect[3] = rect.bottom;
return skRect;
ui.Rect fromSkRect(Float32List skRect) {
return ui.Rect.fromLTRB(skRect[0], skRect[1], skRect[2], skRect[3]);
// TODO(hterkelsen): Use a shared malloc'ed array for performance.
Float32List toSkRRect(ui.RRect rrect) {
final Float32List skRRect = Float32List(12);
skRRect[0] = rrect.left;
skRRect[1] =;
skRRect[2] = rrect.right;
skRRect[3] = rrect.bottom;
skRRect[4] = rrect.tlRadiusX;
skRRect[5] = rrect.tlRadiusY;
skRRect[6] = rrect.trRadiusX;
skRRect[7] = rrect.trRadiusY;
skRRect[8] = rrect.brRadiusX;
skRRect[9] = rrect.brRadiusY;
skRRect[10] = rrect.blRadiusX;
skRRect[11] = rrect.blRadiusY;
return skRRect;
// TODO(hterkelsen): Use a shared malloc'ed array for performance.
Float32List toOuterSkRect(ui.RRect rrect) {
final Float32List skRect = Float32List(4);
skRect[0] = rrect.left;
skRect[1] =;
skRect[2] = rrect.right;
skRect[3] = rrect.bottom;
return skRect;
/// Encodes a list of offsets to CanvasKit-compatible point array.
/// Uses `CanvasKit.Malloc` to allocate storage for the points in the WASM
/// memory to avoid unnecessary copying. Unless CanvasKit takes ownership of
/// the list the returned list must be explicitly freed using
/// [freeMallocedFloat32List].
SkFloat32List toMallocedSkPoints(List<ui.Offset> points) {
final int len = points.length;
final SkFloat32List skPoints = mallocFloat32List(len * 2);
final Float32List list = skPoints.toTypedArray();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
list[2 * i] = points[i].dx;
list[2 * i + 1] = points[i].dy;
return skPoints;
/// Converts a list of [ui.Offset] into a flat list of points.
Float32List toFlatSkPoints(List<ui.Offset> points) {
final int len = points.length;
final Float32List result = Float32List(len * 2);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
result[2 * i] = points[i].dx;
result[2 * i + 1] = points[i].dy;
return result;
/// Converts a list of [ui.Color] into a flat list of ints.
Uint32List toFlatColors(List<ui.Color> colors) {
final int len = colors.length;
final Uint32List result = Uint32List(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
result[i] = colors[i].value;
return result;
Uint16List toUint16List(List<int> ints) {
final int len = ints.length;
final Uint16List result = Uint16List(len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
result[i] = ints[i];
return result;
class SkPictureRecorder {
external SkPictureRecorder();
external SkCanvas beginRecording(Float32List bounds);
external SkPicture finishRecordingAsPicture();
external void delete();
/// We do not use the `delete` method (which may be removed in the future anyway).
/// By Skia coding convention raw pointers should always be treated as
/// "borrowed", i.e. their memory is managed by other objects. In the case of
/// [SkCanvas] it is managed by [SkPictureRecorder].
class SkCanvas {
external void clear(Float32List color);
external void clipPath(
SkPath path,
SkClipOp clipOp,
bool doAntiAlias,
external void clipRRect(
Float32List rrect,
SkClipOp clipOp,
bool doAntiAlias,
external void clipRect(
Float32List rrect,
SkClipOp clipOp,
bool doAntiAlias,
external void drawArc(
Float32List oval,
double startAngleDegrees,
double sweepAngleDegrees,
bool useCenter,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawAtlas(
SkImage image,
Float32List rects,
Float32List rstTransforms,
SkPaint paint,
SkBlendMode blendMode,
Uint32List? colors,
external void drawCircle(
double x,
double y,
double radius,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawColorInt(
int color,
SkBlendMode blendMode,
external void drawDRRect(
Float32List outer,
Float32List inner,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawImageCubic(
SkImage image,
double x,
double y,
double B,
double C,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawImageOptions(
SkImage image,
double x,
double y,
SkFilterMode filterMode,
SkMipmapMode mipmapMode,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawImageRectCubic(
SkImage image,
Float32List src,
Float32List dst,
double B,
double C,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawImageRectOptions(
SkImage image,
Float32List src,
Float32List dst,
SkFilterMode filterMode,
SkMipmapMode mipmapMode,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawImageNine(
SkImage image,
Float32List center,
Float32List dst,
SkFilterMode filterMode,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawLine(
double x1,
double y1,
double x2,
double y2,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawOval(
Float32List rect,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawPaint(
SkPaint paint,
external void drawPath(
SkPath path,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawPoints(
SkPointMode pointMode,
Float32List points,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawRRect(
Float32List rrect,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawRect(
Float32List rrect,
SkPaint paint,
external void drawShadow(
SkPath path,
Float32List zPlaneParams,
Float32List lightPos,
double lightRadius,
Float32List ambientColor,
Float32List spotColor,
int flags,
external void drawVertices(
SkVertices vertices,
SkBlendMode blendMode,
SkPaint paint,
external int save();
external int getSaveCount();
external void saveLayer(
SkPaint? paint,
Float32List? bounds,
SkImageFilter? backdrop,
int? flags,
external void restore();
external void restoreToCount(int count);
external void rotate(
double angleDegrees,
double px,
double py,
external void scale(double x, double y);
external void skew(double x, double y);
external void concat(Float32List matrix);
external void translate(double x, double y);
external void drawPicture(SkPicture picture);
external void drawParagraph(
SkParagraph paragraph,
double x,
double y,
class SkPicture {
external void delete();
class SkParagraphBuilderNamespace {
external SkParagraphBuilder Make(
SkParagraphStyle paragraphStyle,
SkFontMgr? fontManager,
external SkParagraphBuilder MakeFromFontProvider(
SkParagraphStyle paragraphStyle,
TypefaceFontProvider? fontManager,
class SkParagraphBuilder {
external void addText(String text);
external void pushStyle(SkTextStyle textStyle);
external void pushPaintStyle(
SkTextStyle textStyle, SkPaint foreground, SkPaint background);
external void pop();
external void addPlaceholder(
double width,
double height,
SkPlaceholderAlignment alignment,
SkTextBaseline baseline,
double offset,
external SkParagraph build();
external void delete();
class SkParagraphStyle {}
class SkParagraphStyleProperties {
external set textAlign(SkTextAlign? value);
external set textDirection(SkTextDirection? value);
external set heightMultiplier(double? value);
external set textHeightBehavior(SkTextHeightBehavior? value);
external set maxLines(int? value);
external set ellipsis(String? value);
external set textStyle(SkTextStyleProperties? value);
external set strutStyle(SkStrutStyleProperties? strutStyle);
class SkTextStyle {}
class SkTextDecorationStyleEnum {
external SkTextDecorationStyle get Solid;
external SkTextDecorationStyle get Double;
external SkTextDecorationStyle get Dotted;
external SkTextDecorationStyle get Dashed;
external SkTextDecorationStyle get Wavy;
class SkTextDecorationStyle {
external int get value;
final List<SkTextDecorationStyle> _skTextDecorationStyles =
SkTextDecorationStyle toSkTextDecorationStyle(ui.TextDecorationStyle style) {
return _skTextDecorationStyles[style.index];
class SkTextBaselineEnum {
external SkTextBaseline get Alphabetic;
external SkTextBaseline get Ideographic;
class SkTextBaseline {
external int get value;
final List<SkTextBaseline> _skTextBaselines = <SkTextBaseline>[
SkTextBaseline toSkTextBaseline(ui.TextBaseline baseline) {
return _skTextBaselines[baseline.index];
class SkPlaceholderAlignmentEnum {
external SkPlaceholderAlignment get Baseline;
external SkPlaceholderAlignment get AboveBaseline;
external SkPlaceholderAlignment get BelowBaseline;
external SkPlaceholderAlignment get Top;
external SkPlaceholderAlignment get Bottom;
external SkPlaceholderAlignment get Middle;
class SkPlaceholderAlignment {
external int get value;
final List<SkPlaceholderAlignment> _skPlaceholderAlignments =
SkPlaceholderAlignment toSkPlaceholderAlignment(
ui.PlaceholderAlignment alignment) {
return _skPlaceholderAlignments[alignment.index];
class SkTextStyleProperties {
external set backgroundColor(Float32List? value);
external set color(Float32List? value);
external set foregroundColor(Float32List? value);
external set decoration(int? value);
external set decorationThickness(double? value);
external set decorationColor(Float32List? value);
external set decorationStyle(SkTextDecorationStyle? value);
external set textBaseline(SkTextBaseline? value);
external set fontSize(double? value);
external set letterSpacing(double? value);
external set wordSpacing(double? value);
external set heightMultiplier(double? value);
external set halfLeading(bool? value);
external set locale(String? value);
external set fontFamilies(List<String>? value);
external set fontStyle(SkFontStyle? value);
external set shadows(List<SkTextShadow>? value);
external set fontFeatures(List<SkFontFeature>? value);
class SkStrutStyleProperties {
external set fontFamilies(List<String>? value);
external set fontStyle(SkFontStyle? value);
external set fontSize(double? value);
external set heightMultiplier(double? value);
external set halfLeading(bool? value);
external set leading(double? value);
external set strutEnabled(bool? value);
external set forceStrutHeight(bool? value);
class SkFontStyle {
external set weight(SkFontWeight? value);
external set slant(SkFontSlant? value);
class SkTextShadow {
external set color(Float32List? value);
external set offset(Float32List? value);
external set blurRadius(double? value);
class SkFontFeature {
external set name(String? value);
external set value(int? value);
class SkTypeface {}
class SkFont {
external SkFont(SkTypeface typeface);
external Uint8List getGlyphIDs(String text);
external void getGlyphBounds(
List<int> glyphs, SkPaint? paint, Uint8List? output);
class SkFontMgr {
external String? getFamilyName(int fontId);
external void delete();
external SkTypeface? MakeTypefaceFromData(Uint8List font);
class TypefaceFontProvider extends SkFontMgr {
external TypefaceFontProvider();
external void registerFont(Uint8List font, String family);
class SkLineMetrics {
external int get startIndex;
external int get endIndex;
external int get endExcludingWhitespaces;
external int get endIncludingNewline;
external bool get isHardBreak;
external double get ascent;
external double get descent;
external double get height;
external double get width;
external double get left;
external double get baseline;
external int get lineNumber;
class SkParagraph {
external double getAlphabeticBaseline();
external bool didExceedMaxLines();
external double getHeight();
external double getIdeographicBaseline();
external List<SkLineMetrics> getLineMetrics();
external double getLongestLine();
external double getMaxIntrinsicWidth();
external double getMinIntrinsicWidth();
external double getMaxWidth();
external List<Float32List> getRectsForRange(
int start,
int end,
SkRectHeightStyle heightStyle,
SkRectWidthStyle widthStyle,
external List<dynamic> getRectsForPlaceholders();
external SkTextPosition getGlyphPositionAtCoordinate(
double x,
double y,
external SkTextRange getWordBoundary(int position);
external void layout(double width);
external void delete();
class SkTextPosition {
external SkAffinity get affinity;
external int get pos;
class SkTextRange {
external int get start;
external int get end;
class SkVertices {
external void delete();
class SkTonalColors {
external factory SkTonalColors({
required Float32List ambient,
required Float32List spot,
external Float32List get ambient;
external Float32List get spot;
class SkFontMgrNamespace {
// TODO(yjbanov): can this be made non-null? It returns null in our unit-tests right now.
external SkFontMgr? FromData(List<Uint8List> fonts);
external SkFontMgr RefDefault();
class TypefaceFontProviderNamespace {
external TypefaceFontProvider Make();
/// Collects Skia objects that are no longer necessary.
abstract class Collector {
/// The production collector implementation.
static final Collector _productionInstance = ProductionCollector();
/// The collector implementation currently in use.
static Collector get instance => _instance;
static Collector _instance = _productionInstance;
/// In tests overrides the collector implementation.
static void debugOverrideCollector(Collector override) {
_instance = override;
/// In tests restores the collector to the production implementation.
static void debugRestoreCollector() {
_instance = _productionInstance;
/// Registers a [deletable] for collection when the [wrapper] object is
/// garbage collected.
/// The [debugLabel] is used to track the origin of the deletable.
void register(Object wrapper, SkDeletable deletable);
/// Deletes the [deletable].
/// The exact timing of the deletion is implementation-specific. For example,
/// a production implementation may want to batch deletables and schedule a
/// timer to collect them instead of deleting right away.
/// A test implementation may want a collection strategy that's less efficient
/// but more predictable.
void collect(SkDeletable deletable);
/// Uses the browser's real `FinalizationRegistry` to collect objects.
/// Uses timers to delete objects in batches and outside the animation frame.
class ProductionCollector implements Collector {
ProductionCollector() {
_skObjectFinalizationRegistry =
SkObjectFinalizationRegistry(js.allowInterop((SkDeletable deletable) {
// This is called when GC decides to collect the wrapper object and
// notify us, which may happen after the object is already deleted
// explicitly, e.g. when its ref count drops to zero. When that happens
// skip collection of this object.
if (!deletable.isDeleted()) {
late final SkObjectFinalizationRegistry _skObjectFinalizationRegistry;
List<SkDeletable> _skiaObjectCollectionQueue = <SkDeletable>[];
Timer? _skiaObjectCollectionTimer;
void register(Object wrapper, SkDeletable deletable) {
if (Instrumentation.enabled) {
'${} registered',
_skObjectFinalizationRegistry.register(wrapper, deletable);
/// Schedules a Skia object for deletion in an asap timer.
/// A timer is used for the following reasons:
/// - Deleting the object immediately may lead to dangling pointer as the Skia
/// object may still be used by a function in the current frame. For example,
/// a `CkPaint` + `SkPaint` pair may be created by the framework, passed to
/// the engine, and the `CkPaint` dropped immediately. Because GC can kick in
/// any time, including in the middle of the event, we may delete `SkPaint`
/// prematurely.
/// - A microtask, while solves the problem above, would prevent the event from
/// yielding to the graphics system to render the frame on the screen if there
/// is a large number of objects to delete, causing jank.
/// Because scheduling a timer is expensive, the timer is shared by all objects
/// deleted this frame. No timer is created if no objects were scheduled for
/// deletion.
void collect(SkDeletable deletable) {
'Attempted to delete an already deleted Skia object.',
_skiaObjectCollectionTimer ??= Timer(, () {
// Null out the timer so we can schedule a new one next time objects are
// scheduled for deletion.
_skiaObjectCollectionTimer = null;
/// Deletes all Skia objects pending deletion synchronously.
/// After calling this method [_skiaObjectCollectionQueue] is empty.
/// Throws a [SkiaObjectCollectionError] if CanvasKit fails to delete at least
/// one object. The error is populated with information about the first failed
/// object. Upon an error the collection continues and the collection queue is
/// emptied out to prevent memory leaks. This may happen, for example, when the
/// same object is deleted more than once.
void collectSkiaObjectsNow() {
html.window.performance.mark('SkObject collection-start');
final int length = _skiaObjectCollectionQueue.length;
dynamic firstError;
StackTrace? firstStackTrace;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final SkDeletable deletable = _skiaObjectCollectionQueue[i];
if (deletable.isDeleted()) {
// Some Skia objects are ref counted and are deleted before GC and/or
// the collection timer begins collecting them. So we have to check
// again if the objects is worth collecting.
if (Instrumentation.enabled) {
'${} deleted',
try {
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
// Remember the error, but keep going. If for some reason CanvasKit fails
// to delete an object we still want to delete other objects and empty
// out the queue. Otherwise, the queue will never be flushed and keep
// accumulating objects, a.k.a. memory leak.
if (firstError == null) {
firstError = error;
firstStackTrace = stackTrace;
_skiaObjectCollectionQueue = <SkDeletable>[];
html.window.performance.mark('SkObject collection-end');
html.window.performance.measure('SkObject collection',
'SkObject collection-start', 'SkObject collection-end');
// It's safe to throw the error here, now that we've processed the queue.
if (firstError != null) {
throw SkiaObjectCollectionError(firstError, firstStackTrace);
/// Thrown by [ProductionCollector] when Skia object collection fails.
class SkiaObjectCollectionError implements Error {
SkiaObjectCollectionError(this.error, this.stackTrace);
final dynamic error;
final StackTrace? stackTrace;
String toString() => 'SkiaObjectCollectionError: $error\n$stackTrace';
/// Any Skia object that has a `delete` method.
class SkDeletable {
/// Deletes the C++ side object.
external void delete();
/// Returns whether the correcponding C++ object has been deleted.
external bool isDeleted();
/// Returns the JavaScript constructor for this object.
/// This is useful for debugging.
external JsConstructor get constructor;
class JsConstructor {
/// The name of the "constructor", typically the function name called with
/// the `new` keyword, or the ES6 class name.
/// This is useful for debugging.
external String get name;
/// Attaches a weakly referenced object to another object and calls a finalizer
/// with the latter when weakly referenced object is garbage collected.
/// We use this to delete Skia objects when their "Ck" wrapper is garbage
/// collected.
/// Example sequence of events:
/// 1. A (CkPaint, SkPaint) pair created.
/// 2. The paint is used to paint some picture.
/// 3. CkPaint is dropped by the app.
/// 4. GC decides to perform a GC cycle and collects CkPaint.
/// 5. The finalizer function is called with the SkPaint as the sole argument.
/// 6. We call `delete` on SkPaint.
class SkObjectFinalizationRegistry {
// TODO(hterkelsen): Add a type for the `cleanup` function when
// native constructors support type parameters.
external SkObjectFinalizationRegistry(Function cleanup);
external void register(Object ckObject, Object skObject);
external Object? get _finalizationRegistryConstructor;
/// Whether the current browser supports `FinalizationRegistry`.
bool browserSupportsFinalizationRegistry =
_finalizationRegistryConstructor != null;
/// Sets the value of [browserSupportsFinalizationRegistry] to its true value.
void debugResetBrowserSupportsFinalizationRegistry() {
browserSupportsFinalizationRegistry =
_finalizationRegistryConstructor != null;
class SkData {
external int size();
external bool isEmpty();
external Uint8List bytes();
external void delete();
class SkImageInfo {
external factory SkImageInfo({
required int width,
required int height,
required SkColorType colorType,
required SkAlphaType alphaType,
required ColorSpace colorSpace,
external SkAlphaType get alphaType;
external ColorSpace get colorSpace;
external SkColorType get colorType;
external int get height;
external bool get isEmpty;
external bool get isOpaque;
external Float32List get bounds;
external int get width;
external SkImageInfo makeAlphaType(SkAlphaType alphaType);
external SkImageInfo makeColorSpace(ColorSpace colorSpace);
external SkImageInfo makeColorType(SkColorType colorType);
external SkImageInfo makeWH(int width, int height);