blob: 6e37f57f0c0d7ff31b3c1e4902c8ebda11aac5e0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of engine;
// TODO(yjbanov): this is currently very naive. We probably want to cache
// fewer large canvases than small canvases. We could also
// improve cache hit count if we did not require exact canvas
// size match, but instead could choose a canvas that's big
// enough. The optimal heuristic will need to be figured out.
// For example, we probably don't want to pick a full-screen
// canvas to draw a 10x10 picture. Let's revisit this after
// Harry's layer merging refactor.
/// The maximum number canvases cached.
const int _kCanvasCacheSize = 30;
/// Canvases available for reuse, capped at [_kCanvasCacheSize].
final List<BitmapCanvas> _recycledCanvases = <BitmapCanvas>[];
/// Reduces recycled canvas list by 50% to reduce bitmap canvas memory use.
void _reduceCanvasMemoryUsage() {
final int canvasCount = _recycledCanvases.length;
for (int i = 0; i < canvasCount; i++) {
/// A request to repaint a canvas.
/// Paint requests are prioritized such that the larger pictures go first. This
/// makes canvas allocation more efficient by letting large pictures claim
/// larger recycled canvases. Otherwise, small pictures would claim the large
/// canvases forcing us to allocate new large canvases.
class _PaintRequest {
}) : assert(canvasSize != null),
assert(paintCallback != null);
final ui.Size canvasSize;
final ui.VoidCallback paintCallback;
/// Repaint requests produced by [PersistedPicture]s that actually paint on the
/// canvas. Painting is delayed until the layer tree is updated to maximize
/// the number of reusable canvases.
List<_PaintRequest> _paintQueue = <_PaintRequest>[];
void _recycleCanvas(EngineCanvas canvas) {
if (canvas is BitmapCanvas) {
if (canvas.isReusable()) {
if (_recycledCanvases.length > _kCanvasCacheSize) {
final BitmapCanvas removedCanvas = _recycledCanvases.removeAt(0);
if (_debugShowCanvasReuseStats) {
if (_debugShowCanvasReuseStats) {
DebugCanvasReuseOverlay.instance.inRecycleCount =
} else {
/// Signature of a function that instantiates a [PersistedPicture].
typedef PersistedPictureFactory = PersistedPicture Function(
double dx,
double dy,
ui.Picture picture,
int hints,
/// Function used by the [SceneBuilder] to instantiate a picture layer.
PersistedPictureFactory persistedPictureFactory = standardPictureFactory;
/// Instantiates an implementation of a picture layer that uses DOM, CSS, and
/// 2D canvas for painting.
PersistedStandardPicture standardPictureFactory(
double dx, double dy, ui.Picture picture, int hints) {
return PersistedStandardPicture(dx, dy, picture, hints);
/// Instantiates an implementation of a picture layer that uses CSS Paint API
/// (part of Houdini) for painting.
PersistedHoudiniPicture houdiniPictureFactory(
double dx, double dy, ui.Picture picture, int hints) {
return PersistedHoudiniPicture(dx, dy, picture, hints);
class PersistedHoudiniPicture extends PersistedPicture {
PersistedHoudiniPicture(double dx, double dy, ui.Picture picture, int hints)
: super(dx, dy, picture, hints) {
if (!_cssPainterRegistered) {
static bool _cssPainterRegistered = false;
double matchForUpdate(PersistedPicture existingSurface) {
// Houdini is display list-based so all pictures are cheap to repaint.
// However, if the picture hasn't changed at all then it's completely
// free.
return existingSurface.picture == picture ? 0.0 : 1.0;
static void _registerCssPainter() {
_cssPainterRegistered = true;
final dynamic css = js_util.getProperty(html.window, 'CSS');
final dynamic paintWorklet = js_util.getProperty(css, 'paintWorklet');
if (paintWorklet == null) {
'WARNING: CSS.paintWorklet not available. Paint worklets are only '
'supported on sites served from https:// or http://localhost.');
/// Houdini does not paint to bitmap.
int get bitmapPixelCount => 0;
void applyPaint(EngineCanvas oldCanvas) {
final HoudiniCanvas canvas = HoudiniCanvas(_optimalLocalCullRect);
_canvas = canvas;
picture.recordingCanvas.apply(_canvas, _optimalLocalCullRect);
class PersistedStandardPicture extends PersistedPicture {
PersistedStandardPicture(double dx, double dy, ui.Picture picture, int hints)
: super(dx, dy, picture, hints);
double matchForUpdate(PersistedStandardPicture existingSurface) {
if (existingSurface.picture == picture) {
// Picture is the same, return perfect score.
return 0.0;
if (!existingSurface.picture.recordingCanvas.didDraw) {
// The previous surface didn't draw anything and therefore has no
// resources to reuse.
return 1.0;
final bool didRequireBitmap =
final bool requiresBitmap = picture.recordingCanvas.hasArbitraryPaint;
if (didRequireBitmap != requiresBitmap) {
// Switching canvas types is always expensive.
return 1.0;
} else if (!requiresBitmap) {
// Currently DomCanvas is always expensive to repaint, as we always throw
// out all the DOM we rendered before. This may change in the future, at
// which point we may return other values here.
return 1.0;
} else {
final BitmapCanvas oldCanvas = existingSurface._canvas;
if (oldCanvas == null) {
// We did not allocate a canvas last time. This can happen when the
// picture is completely clipped out of the view.
return 1.0;
} else if (!oldCanvas.doesFitBounds(_exactLocalCullRect)) {
// The canvas needs to be resized before painting.
return 1.0;
} else {
final int newPixelCount = BitmapCanvas._widthToPhysical(_exactLocalCullRect.width)
* BitmapCanvas._heightToPhysical(_exactLocalCullRect.height);
final int oldPixelCount =
oldCanvas._widthInBitmapPixels * oldCanvas._heightInBitmapPixels;
if (oldPixelCount == 0) {
return 1.0;
final double pixelCountRatio = newPixelCount / oldPixelCount;
assert(0 <= pixelCountRatio && pixelCountRatio <= 1.0,
'Invalid pixel count ratio $pixelCountRatio');
return 1.0 - pixelCountRatio;
Matrix4 get localTransformInverse => null;
int get bitmapPixelCount {
if (_canvas is! BitmapCanvas) {
return 0;
final BitmapCanvas bitmapCanvas = _canvas;
return bitmapCanvas.bitmapPixelCount;
FrameReference<bool> _didApplyPaint = FrameReference<bool>(false);
void applyPaint(EngineCanvas oldCanvas) {
if (picture.recordingCanvas.hasArbitraryPaint) {
} else {
_didApplyPaint.value = true;
void _applyDomPaint(EngineCanvas oldCanvas) {
_canvas = DomCanvas();
picture.recordingCanvas.apply(_canvas, _optimalLocalCullRect);
void _applyBitmapPaint(EngineCanvas oldCanvas) {
if (oldCanvas is BitmapCanvas &&
oldCanvas.doesFitBounds(_optimalLocalCullRect) &&
oldCanvas.isReusable()) {
if (_debugShowCanvasReuseStats) {
oldCanvas.bounds = _optimalLocalCullRect;
_canvas = oldCanvas;
picture.recordingCanvas.apply(_canvas, _optimalLocalCullRect);
} else {
// We can't use the old canvas because the size has changed, so we put
// it in a cache for later reuse.
// We cannot paint immediately because not all canvases that we may be
// able to reuse have been released yet. So instead we enqueue this
// picture to be painted after the update cycle is done syncing the layer
// tree then reuse canvases that were freed up.
canvasSize: _optimalLocalCullRect.size,
paintCallback: () {
_canvas = _findOrCreateCanvas(_optimalLocalCullRect);
if (_debugExplainSurfaceStats) {
final BitmapCanvas bitmapCanvas = _canvas;
_surfaceStatsFor(this).paintPixelCount +=
picture.recordingCanvas.apply(_canvas, _optimalLocalCullRect);
/// Attempts to reuse a canvas from the [_recycledCanvases]. Allocates a new
/// one if unable to reuse.
/// The best recycled canvas is one that:
/// - Fits the requested [canvasSize]. This is a hard requirement. Otherwise
/// we risk clipping the picture.
/// - Is the smallest among all possible reusable canvases. This makes canvas
/// reuse more efficient.
/// - Contains no more than twice the number of requested pixels. This makes
/// sure we do not use too much memory for small canvases.
BitmapCanvas _findOrCreateCanvas(ui.Rect bounds) {
final ui.Size canvasSize = bounds.size;
BitmapCanvas bestRecycledCanvas;
double lastPixelCount = double.infinity;
for (int i = 0; i < _recycledCanvases.length; i++) {
final BitmapCanvas candidate = _recycledCanvases[i];
if (!candidate.isReusable()) {
final ui.Size candidateSize = candidate.size;
final double candidatePixelCount =
candidateSize.width * candidateSize.height;
final bool fits = candidate.doesFitBounds(bounds);
final bool isSmaller = candidatePixelCount < lastPixelCount;
if (fits && isSmaller) {
// [isTooSmall] is used to make sure that a small picture doesn't
// reuse and hold onto memory of a large canvas.
final double requestedPixelCount = bounds.width * bounds.height;
final bool isTooSmall = isSmaller &&
requestedPixelCount > 1 &&
(candidatePixelCount / requestedPixelCount) > 4;
if (!isTooSmall) {
bestRecycledCanvas = candidate;
lastPixelCount = candidatePixelCount;
final bool fitsExactly = candidateSize.width == canvasSize.width &&
candidateSize.height == canvasSize.height;
if (fitsExactly) {
// No need to keep looking any more.
if (bestRecycledCanvas != null) {
if (_debugExplainSurfaceStats) {
if (_debugShowCanvasReuseStats) {
DebugCanvasReuseOverlay.instance.inRecycleCount =
if (_debugShowCanvasReuseStats) {
bestRecycledCanvas.bounds = bounds;
return bestRecycledCanvas;
if (_debugShowCanvasReuseStats) {
final BitmapCanvas canvas = BitmapCanvas(bounds);
if (_debugExplainSurfaceStats) {
..allocateBitmapCanvasCount += 1
..allocatedBitmapSizeInPixels =
canvas._widthInBitmapPixels * canvas._heightInBitmapPixels;
return canvas;
/// A surface that uses a combination of `<canvas>`, `<div>` and `<p>` elements
/// to draw shapes and text.
abstract class PersistedPicture extends PersistedLeafSurface {
PersistedPicture(this.dx, this.dy, this.picture, this.hints)
: localPaintBounds = picture.recordingCanvas.pictureBounds;
EngineCanvas _canvas;
/// Returns the canvas used by this picture layer.
/// Useful for tests.
EngineCanvas get debugCanvas => _canvas;
final double dx;
final double dy;
final EnginePicture picture;
final ui.Rect localPaintBounds;
final int hints;
html.Element createElement() {
return defaultCreateElement('flt-picture');
void recomputeTransformAndClip() {
_transform = parent._transform;
if (dx != 0.0 || dy != 0.0) {
_transform = _transform.clone();
_transform.translate(dx, dy);
/// The rectangle that contains all visible pixels drawn by [picture] inside
/// the current layer hierarchy in local coordinates.
/// This value is a conservative estimate, i.e. it must be big enough to
/// contain everything that's visible, but it may be bigger than necessary.
/// Therefore it should not be used for clipping. It is meant to be used for
/// optimizing canvas allocation.
ui.Rect get optimalLocalCullRect => _optimalLocalCullRect;
ui.Rect _optimalLocalCullRect;
/// Same as [optimalLocalCullRect] but in screen coordinate system.
ui.Rect get debugExactGlobalCullRect => _exactGlobalCullRect;
ui.Rect _exactGlobalCullRect;
ui.Rect _exactLocalCullRect;
/// Computes the canvas paint bounds based on the estimated paint bounds and
/// the scaling produced by transformations.
/// Return `true` if the local cull rect changed, indicating that a repaint
/// may be required. Returns `false` otherwise. Global cull rect changes do
/// not necessarily incur repaints. For example, if the layer sub-tree was
/// translated from one frame to another we may not need to repaint, just
/// translate the canvas.
void _computeExactCullRects() {
assert(transform != null);
assert(localPaintBounds != null);
if (parent._projectedClip == null) {
// Compute and cache chain of clipping bounds on parent of picture since
// parent may include multiple pictures so it can be reused by all
// child pictures.
ui.Rect bounds;
PersistedSurface parentSurface = parent;
final Matrix4 clipTransform = Matrix4.identity();
while (parentSurface != null) {
final ui.Rect localClipBounds = parentSurface._localClipBounds;
if (localClipBounds != null) {
if (bounds == null) {
bounds = transformRect(clipTransform, localClipBounds);
} else {
bounds =
bounds.intersect(transformRect(clipTransform, localClipBounds));
final Matrix4 localInverse = parentSurface.localTransformInverse;
if (localInverse != null && !localInverse.isIdentity()) {
parentSurface = parentSurface.parent;
if (bounds != null && (bounds.width <= 0 || bounds.height <= 0)) {
bounds =;
// Cache projected clip on parent.
parent._projectedClip = bounds;
// Intersect localPaintBounds with parent projected clip to calculate
// and cache [_exactLocalCullRect].
if (parent._projectedClip == null) {
_exactLocalCullRect = localPaintBounds;
} else {
_exactLocalCullRect = localPaintBounds.intersect(parent._projectedClip);
if (_exactLocalCullRect.width <= 0 || _exactLocalCullRect.height <= 0) {
_exactLocalCullRect =;
_exactGlobalCullRect =;
} else {
assert(() {
_exactGlobalCullRect = transformRect(transform, _exactLocalCullRect);
return true;
bool _computeOptimalCullRect(PersistedPicture oldSurface) {
assert(_exactLocalCullRect != null);
if (oldSurface == null || !oldSurface.picture.recordingCanvas.didDraw) {
// First useful paint.
_optimalLocalCullRect = _exactLocalCullRect;
return true;
assert(oldSurface._optimalLocalCullRect != null);
final bool surfaceBeingRetained = identical(oldSurface, this);
final ui.Rect oldOptimalLocalCullRect = surfaceBeingRetained
? _optimalLocalCullRect
: oldSurface._optimalLocalCullRect;
if (_exactLocalCullRect == {
// The clip collapsed into a zero-sized rectangle. If it was already zero,
// no need to signal cull rect change.
_optimalLocalCullRect =;
return oldOptimalLocalCullRect !=;
if (rectContainsOther(oldOptimalLocalCullRect, _exactLocalCullRect)) {
// The cull rect we computed in the past contains the newly computed cull
// rect. This can happen, for example, when the picture is being shrunk by
// a clip when it is scrolled out of the screen. In this case we do not
// repaint the picture. We just let it be shrunk by the outer clip.
_optimalLocalCullRect = oldOptimalLocalCullRect;
return false;
// The new cull rect contains area not covered by a previous rect. Perhaps
// the clip is growing, moving around the picture, or both. In this case
// a part of the picture may not have been painted. We will need to
// request a new canvas and paint the picture on it. However, this is also
// a strong signal that the clip will continue growing as typically
// Flutter uses animated transitions. So instead of allocating the canvas
// the size of the currently visible area, we try to allocate a canvas of
// a bigger size. This will prevent any further repaints as future frames
// will hit the above case where the new cull rect is fully contained
// within the cull rect we compute now.
// Compute the delta, by which each of the side of the clip rect has "moved"
// since the last time we updated the cull rect.
final double leftwardDelta = oldOptimalLocalCullRect.left - _exactLocalCullRect.left;
final double upwardDelta = -;
final double rightwardDelta = _exactLocalCullRect.right - oldOptimalLocalCullRect.right;
final double bottomwardDelta = _exactLocalCullRect.bottom - oldOptimalLocalCullRect.bottom;
// Compute the new optimal rect to paint into.
final ui.Rect newLocalCullRect = ui.Rect.fromLTRB(
_exactLocalCullRect.left - _predictTrend(leftwardDelta, _exactLocalCullRect.width), - _predictTrend(upwardDelta, _exactLocalCullRect.height),
_exactLocalCullRect.right + _predictTrend(rightwardDelta, _exactLocalCullRect.width),
_exactLocalCullRect.bottom + _predictTrend(bottomwardDelta, _exactLocalCullRect.height),
final bool localCullRectChanged = _optimalLocalCullRect != newLocalCullRect;
_optimalLocalCullRect = newLocalCullRect;
return localCullRectChanged;
/// Predicts the delta a particular side of a clip rect will move given the
/// [delta] it moved by last, and the respective [extent] (width or height)
/// of the clip.
static double _predictTrend(double delta, double extent) {
if (delta <= 0.0) {
// Shrinking. Give it 10% of the extent in case the trend is reversed.
return extent * 0.1;
} else {
// Growing. Predict 10 more frames of similar deltas. Give it at least
// 50% of the extent (protect from extremely slow growth trend such as
// slow scrolling). Give no more than the full extent (protects from
// fast scrolling that could lead to overallocation).
return math.min(
math.max(extent * 0.5, delta * 10.0),
/// Number of bitmap pixel painted by this picture.
/// If the implementation does not paint onto a bitmap canvas, it should
/// return zero.
int get bitmapPixelCount;
void _applyPaint(PersistedPicture oldSurface) {
final EngineCanvas oldCanvas = oldSurface?._canvas;
if (!picture.recordingCanvas.didDraw || _optimalLocalCullRect.isEmpty) {
// The picture is empty, or it has been completely clipped out. Skip
// painting. This removes all the setup work and scaffolding objects
// that won't be useful for anything anyway.
_canvas = null;
if (_debugExplainSurfaceStats) {
assert(_optimalLocalCullRect != null);
/// Concrete implementations implement this method to do actual painting.
void applyPaint(EngineCanvas oldCanvas);
void _applyTranslate() { = 'translate(${dx}px, ${dy}px)';
void apply() {
void build() {
void update(PersistedPicture oldSurface) {
if (dx != oldSurface.dx || dy != oldSurface.dy) {
final bool cullRectChangeRequiresRepaint =
if (identical(picture, oldSurface.picture)) {
// The picture is the same. Attempt to avoid repaint.
if (cullRectChangeRequiresRepaint) {
// Cull rect changed such that a repaint is still necessary.
} else {
// Cull rect did not change, or changed such in a way that does not
// require a repaint (e.g. it shrunk).
_canvas = oldSurface._canvas;
} else {
// We have a new picture. Repaint.
void retain() {
final bool cullRectChangeRequiresRepaint = _computeOptimalCullRect(this);
if (cullRectChangeRequiresRepaint) {
void discard() {
void debugPrintChildren(StringBuffer buffer, int indent) {
super.debugPrintChildren(buffer, indent);
if (rootElement != null && rootElement.firstChild != null) {
final html.Element firstChild = rootElement.firstChild;
final String canvasTag = firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase();
final int canvasHash = rootElement.firstChild.hashCode;
buffer.writeln('${' ' * (indent + 1)}<$canvasTag @$canvasHash />');
} else if (rootElement != null) {
'${' ' * (indent + 1)}<${rootElement.tagName.toLowerCase()} @$hashCode />');
} else {
buffer.writeln('${' ' * (indent + 1)}<recycled-canvas />');
void debugValidate(List<String> validationErrors) {
if (picture.recordingCanvas.didDraw) {
if (!_optimalLocalCullRect.isEmpty && debugCanvas == null) {
.add('$runtimeType has non-trivial picture but it has null canvas');
if (_optimalLocalCullRect == null) {
validationErrors.add('$runtimeType has null _optimalLocalCullRect');
if (_exactGlobalCullRect == null) {
validationErrors.add('$runtimeType has null _exactGlobalCullRect');
if (_exactLocalCullRect == null) {
validationErrors.add('$runtimeType has null _exactLocalCullRect');