blob: 1b85a957898bd58b3824e0e83f43f6b17b428948 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vulkan_surface_pool.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h"
namespace flutter_runner {
namespace {
std::string ToString(const SkISize& size) {
return "{width: " + std::to_string(size.width()) +
", height: " + std::to_string(size.height()) + "}";
} // namespace
VulkanSurfacePool::VulkanSurfacePool(vulkan::VulkanProvider& vulkan_provider,
sk_sp<GrDirectContext> context,
scenic::Session* scenic_session)
: vulkan_provider_(vulkan_provider),
scenic_session_(scenic_session) {}
VulkanSurfacePool::~VulkanSurfacePool() {}
std::unique_ptr<VulkanSurface> VulkanSurfacePool::AcquireSurface(
const SkISize& size) {
auto surface = GetCachedOrCreateSurface(size);
if (surface == nullptr) {
FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not acquire surface";
return nullptr;
if (!surface->FlushSessionAcquireAndReleaseEvents()) {
FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not flush acquire/release events for buffer.";
return nullptr;
return surface;
std::unique_ptr<VulkanSurface> VulkanSurfacePool::GetCachedOrCreateSurface(
const SkISize& size) {
TRACE_EVENT2("flutter", "VulkanSurfacePool::GetCachedOrCreateSurface",
"width", size.width(), "height", size.height());
// First try to find a surface that exactly matches |size|.
auto exact_match_it =
std::find_if(available_surfaces_.begin(), available_surfaces_.end(),
[&size](const auto& surface) {
return surface->IsValid() && surface->GetSize() == size;
if (exact_match_it != available_surfaces_.end()) {
auto acquired_surface = std::move(*exact_match_it);
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("flutter", "Exact match found");
return acquired_surface;
// Then, look for a surface that has enough |VkDeviceMemory| to hold a
// |VkImage| of size |size|, but is currently holding a |VkImage| of a
// different size.
VulkanImage vulkan_image;
if (!CreateVulkanImage(vulkan_provider_, size, &vulkan_image)) {
FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create a VkImage of size: " << ToString(size);
return nullptr;
auto best_it = available_surfaces_.end();
for (auto it = available_surfaces_.begin(); it != available_surfaces_.end();
++it) {
const auto& surface = *it;
if (!surface->IsValid() || surface->GetAllocationSize() <
vulkan_image.vk_memory_requirements.size) {
if (best_it == available_surfaces_.end() ||
surface->GetAllocationSize() < (*best_it)->GetAllocationSize()) {
best_it = it;
// If no such surface exists, then create a new one.
if (best_it == available_surfaces_.end()) {
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("flutter", "No available surfaces");
return CreateSurface(size);
auto acquired_surface = std::move(*best_it);
bool swap_succeeded =
acquired_surface->BindToImage(context_, std::move(vulkan_image));
if (!swap_succeeded) {
FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to swap VulkanSurface to new VkImage of size: "
<< ToString(size);
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("flutter", "failed to swap, making new");
return CreateSurface(size);
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("flutter", "Using differently sized image");
return acquired_surface;
void VulkanSurfacePool::SubmitSurface(
std::unique_ptr<SurfaceProducerSurface> p_surface) {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "VulkanSurfacePool::SubmitSurface");
// This cast is safe because |VulkanSurface| is the only implementation of
// |SurfaceProducerSurface| for Flutter on Fuchsia. Additionally, it is
// required, because we need to access |VulkanSurface| specific information
// of the surface (such as the amount of VkDeviceMemory it contains).
auto vulkan_surface = std::unique_ptr<VulkanSurface>(
if (!vulkan_surface) {
uintptr_t surface_key = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(vulkan_surface.get());
auto insert_iterator = pending_surfaces_.insert(std::make_pair(
surface_key, // key
std::move(vulkan_surface) // value
if (insert_iterator.second) {
&VulkanSurfacePool::RecyclePendingSurface, this, surface_key));
std::unique_ptr<VulkanSurface> VulkanSurfacePool::CreateSurface(
const SkISize& size) {
TRACE_EVENT2("flutter", "VulkanSurfacePool::CreateSurface", "width",
size.width(), "height", size.height());
auto surface = std::make_unique<VulkanSurface>(vulkan_provider_, context_,
scenic_session_, size);
if (!surface->IsValid()) {
return nullptr;
return surface;
void VulkanSurfacePool::RecyclePendingSurface(uintptr_t surface_key) {
// Before we do anything, we must clear the surface from the collection of
// pending surfaces.
auto found_in_pending = pending_surfaces_.find(surface_key);
if (found_in_pending == pending_surfaces_.end()) {
// Grab a hold of the surface to recycle and clear the entry in the pending
// surfaces collection.
auto surface_to_recycle = std::move(found_in_pending->second);
void VulkanSurfacePool::RecycleSurface(std::unique_ptr<VulkanSurface> surface) {
// The surface may have become invalid (for example it the fences could
// not be reset).
if (!surface->IsValid()) {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "VulkanSurfacePool::RecycleSurface");
// Recycle the buffer by putting it in the list of available surfaces if we
// have not reached the maximum amount of cached surfaces.
if (available_surfaces_.size() < kMaxSurfaces) {
} else {
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("flutter", "Too many surfaces in pool, dropping");
void VulkanSurfacePool::AgeAndCollectOldBuffers() {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "VulkanSurfacePool::AgeAndCollectOldBuffers");
// Remove all surfaces that are no longer valid or are too old.
size_t size_before = available_surfaces_.size();
std::remove_if(available_surfaces_.begin(), available_surfaces_.end(),
[&](auto& surface) {
return !surface->IsValid() ||
surface->AdvanceAndGetAge() >= kMaxSurfaceAge;
TRACE_EVENT1("flutter", "AgeAndCollect", "aged surfaces",
(size_before - available_surfaces_.size()));
// Look for a surface that has both a larger |VkDeviceMemory| allocation
// than is necessary for its |VkImage|, and has a stable size history.
auto surface_to_remove_it = std::find_if(
available_surfaces_.begin(), available_surfaces_.end(),
[](const auto& surface) {
return surface->IsOversized() && surface->HasStableSizeHistory();
// If we found such a surface, then destroy it and cache a new one that only
// uses a necessary amount of memory.
if (surface_to_remove_it != available_surfaces_.end()) {
TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT0("flutter", "replacing surface with smaller one");
auto size = (*surface_to_remove_it)->GetSize();
auto new_surface = CreateSurface(size);
if (new_surface != nullptr) {
} else {
FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create a new shrunk surface";
void VulkanSurfacePool::ShrinkToFit() {
TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "VulkanSurfacePool::ShrinkToFit");
// Reset all oversized surfaces in |available_surfaces_| so that the old
// surfaces and new surfaces don't exist at the same time at any point,
// reducing our peak memory footprint.
std::vector<SkISize> sizes_to_recreate;
for (auto& surface : available_surfaces_) {
if (surface->IsOversized()) {
available_surfaces_.end(), nullptr),
for (const auto& size : sizes_to_recreate) {
auto surface = CreateSurface(size);
if (surface != nullptr) {
} else {
FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create resized surface";
void VulkanSurfacePool::TraceStats() {
// Resources held in cached buffers.
size_t cached_surfaces_bytes = 0;
for (const auto& surface : available_surfaces_) {
cached_surfaces_bytes += surface->GetAllocationSize();
// Resources held by Skia.
int skia_resources = 0;
size_t skia_bytes = 0;
context_->getResourceCacheUsage(&skia_resources, &skia_bytes);
const size_t skia_cache_purgeable =
TRACE_COUNTER("flutter", "SurfacePoolCounts", 0u, "CachedCount",
available_surfaces_.size(), //
"Created", trace_surfaces_created_, //
"Reused", trace_surfaces_reused_, //
"PendingInCompositor", pending_surfaces_.size(), //
"Retained", 0, //
"SkiaCacheResources", skia_resources //
TRACE_COUNTER("flutter", "SurfacePoolBytes", 0u, //
"CachedBytes", cached_surfaces_bytes, //
"RetainedBytes", 0, //
"SkiaCacheBytes", skia_bytes, //
"SkiaCachePurgeable", skia_cache_purgeable //
// Reset per present/frame stats.
trace_surfaces_created_ = 0;
trace_surfaces_reused_ = 0;
} // namespace flutter_runner