blob: c03534e7c9df301e6a1820c8895c8962b8c1b5a7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Fuchsia uses its own custom Surface implementation.
shell_gpu_configuration("fuchsia_gpu_configuration") {
enable_software = false
enable_gl = false
enable_vulkan = false
enable_metal = false
config("runner_debug_config") {
defines = [ "DEBUG" ] # Needed due to direct dart dependencies.
config("runner_flutter_profile_config") {
defines = [ "FLUTTER_PROFILE" ]
config("runner_product_config") {
defines = [ "DART_PRODUCT" ]
template("runner_sources") {
assert(defined(invoker.product), "runner_sources must define product")
runner_configs = []
if (is_debug) {
runner_configs += [ ":runner_debug_config" ]
if (flutter_runtime_mode == "profile") {
runner_configs += [ ":runner_flutter_profile_config" ]
if (invoker.product) {
runner_configs += [ ":runner_product_config" ]
source_set(target_name) {
sources = [
if (flutter_enable_legacy_fuchsia_embedder) {
sources += [
public_configs = runner_configs
# The use of these dependencies is temporary and will be moved behind the
# embedder API.
flutter_public_deps = [
flutter_deps = [
public_deps = [
] + flutter_public_deps
deps = [
] + flutter_deps
runner_sources("flutter_runner_sources") {
product = false
runner_sources("flutter_runner_sources_product") {
product = true
# Things that explicitly being excluded:
# 1. Kernel snapshot framework mode.
# 2. Profiler symbols.
# Builds a flutter_runner
# Parameters:
# output_name (required):
# The name of the resulting binary.
# extra_deps (required):
# Any additional dependencies.
# product (required):
# Whether to link against a Product mode Dart VM.
# extra_defines (optional):
# Any additional preprocessor defines.
template("flutter_runner") {
assert(defined(invoker.output_name), "flutter_runner must define output_name")
assert(defined(invoker.extra_deps), "flutter_runner must define extra_deps")
assert(defined(invoker.product), "flutter_runner must define product")
invoker_output_name = invoker.output_name
extra_deps = invoker.extra_deps
product_suffix = ""
if (invoker.product) {
product_suffix = "_product"
executable(target_name) {
output_name = invoker_output_name
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [
] + extra_deps
# The flags below are needed so that Dart's CPU profiler can walk the
# C++ stack.
cflags = [ "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ]
if (!invoker.product) {
# This flag is needed so that the call to dladdr() in Dart's native symbol
# resolver can report good symbol information for the CPU profiler.
ldflags = [ "-rdynamic" ]
flutter_runner("jit") {
output_name = "flutter_jit_runner"
product = false
extra_deps = [
flutter_runner("jit_product") {
output_name = "flutter_jit_product_runner"
product = true
extra_deps = [
flutter_runner("aot") {
output_name = "flutter_aot_runner"
product = false
extra_deps = [
flutter_runner("aot_product") {
output_name = "flutter_aot_product_runner"
product = true
extra_deps = [
template("jit_runner") {
product = defined(invoker.product) && invoker.product
product_suffix = ""
if (product) {
product_suffix = "_product"
fuchsia_archive(target_name) {
snapshot_label = "kernel:kernel_core_snapshot${product_suffix}"
snapshot_gen_dir = get_label_info(snapshot_label, "target_gen_dir")
deps = [
if (!product) {
deps += [
binary = "flutter_jit${product_suffix}_runner"
meta_dir = "//flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/meta"
resources = [
path = rebase_path("//third_party/icu/common/icudtl.dat")
dest = "icudtl.dat"
if (!product) {
resources += [
path = rebase_path(observatory_archive_file)
dest = "observatory.tar"
path = rebase_path(
"target_gen_dir") +
dest = "flutter_jit_runner.dartprofilersymbols"
resources += [
path = rebase_path(
dest = "vm_snapshot_data.bin"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "vm_snapshot_instructions.bin"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "isolate_core_snapshot_data.bin"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "isolate_core_snapshot_instructions.bin"
_vulkan_icds = []
_libs = common_libs
if (enable_vulkan_validation_layers) {
_libs += vulkan_validation_libs
_vulkan_icds += vulkan_icds
resources += _vulkan_icds
libraries = _libs
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/flutter_jit${product_suffix}_runner.cmx")
dest = "flutter_jit${product_suffix}_runner.cmx"
template("aot_runner") {
product = defined(invoker.product) && invoker.product
product_suffix = ""
if (product) {
product_suffix = "_product"
fuchsia_archive(target_name) {
deps = [ ":aot${product_suffix}" ]
if (!product) {
deps += [
meta_dir = "//flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/meta"
binary = "flutter_aot${product_suffix}_runner"
resources = [
path = rebase_path("//third_party/icu/common/icudtl.dat")
dest = "icudtl.dat"
if (!product) {
resources += [
path = rebase_path(observatory_archive_file)
dest = "observatory.tar"
path = rebase_path(
"target_gen_dir") +
dest = "flutter_aot_runner.dartprofilersymbols"
_vulkan_icds = []
_libs = common_libs
if (enable_vulkan_validation_layers) {
_libs += vulkan_validation_libs
_vulkan_icds += vulkan_icds
resources += _vulkan_icds
libraries = _libs
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/flutter_aot${product_suffix}_runner.cmx")
dest = "flutter_aot${product_suffix}_runner.cmx"
aot_runner("flutter_aot_runner") {
product = false
aot_runner("flutter_aot_product_runner") {
product = true
jit_runner("flutter_jit_runner") {
product = false
jit_runner("flutter_jit_product_runner") {
product = true
test_fixtures("flutter_runner_fixtures") {
fixtures = []
executable("flutter_runner_unittests") {
testonly = true
output_name = "flutter_runner_tests"
sources = [
# This is needed for //third_party/googletest for linking zircon symbols.
libs = [ "//fuchsia/sdk/$host_os/arch/$target_cpu/sysroot/lib/" ]
# The use of these dependencies is temporary and will be moved behind the
# embedder API.
flutter_deps = [
deps = [
] + flutter_deps
executable("flutter_runner_tzdata_unittests") {
testonly = true
output_name = "flutter_runner_tzdata_tests"
sources = [ "" ]
# This is needed for //third_party/googletest for linking zircon symbols.
libs = [ "//fuchsia/sdk/$host_os/arch/$target_cpu/sysroot/lib/" ]
# The use of these dependencies is temporary and will be moved behind the
# embedder API.
flutter_deps = [
deps = [
] + flutter_deps
executable("flutter_runner_scenic_unittests") {
testonly = true
output_name = "flutter_runner_scenic_tests"
sources = [ "tests/" ]
# This is needed for //third_party/googletest for linking zircon symbols.
libs = [ "//fuchsia/sdk/$host_os/arch/$target_cpu/sysroot/lib/" ]
# The use of these dependencies is temporary and will be moved behind the
# embedder API.
flutter_deps = [
deps = [
] + flutter_deps
fuchsia_archive("flutter_runner_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":flutter_runner_unittests" ]
binary = "$target_name"
resources = [
path = rebase_path("//third_party/icu/common/icudtl.dat")
dest = "icudtl.dat"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "tzdata/metaZones.res"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "tzdata/timezoneTypes.res"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "tzdata/zoneinfo64.res"
meta_dir = "//flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/meta"
libraries = common_libs
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/$target_name.cmx")
dest = "$target_name.cmx"
fuchsia_archive("flutter_runner_tzdata_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":flutter_runner_tzdata_unittests" ]
binary = "$target_name"
resources = [
path = rebase_path("//third_party/icu/common/icudtl.dat")
dest = "icudtl.dat"
meta_dir = "//flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/meta"
libraries = common_libs
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/$target_name.cmx")
dest = "$target_name.cmx"
fuchsia_archive("flutter_runner_scenic_tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":flutter_runner_scenic_unittests" ]
binary = "$target_name"
resources = [
path = rebase_path("//third_party/icu/common/icudtl.dat")
dest = "icudtl.dat"
meta_dir = "//flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/meta"
libraries = common_libs
meta = [
path = rebase_path("meta/$target_name.cmx")
dest = "$target_name.cmx"
fuchsia_test_archive("fml_tests") {
deps = [ "//flutter/fml:fml_unittests" ]
binary = "fml_unittests"
fuchsia_test_archive("flow_tests") {
deps = [ "//flutter/flow:flow_unittests" ]
binary = "flow_unittests"
resources = [
path = rebase_path(
dest = "flutter/testing/resources/performance_overlay_gold_60fps.png"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "flutter/testing/resources/performance_overlay_gold_90fps.png"
path = rebase_path(
dest = "flutter/testing/resources/performance_overlay_gold_120fps.png"
fuchsia_test_archive("runtime_tests") {
deps = [
binary = "runtime_unittests"
# TODO(gw280):
# Right now we need to manually specify all the fixtures that are
# declared in the test_fixtures() call above.
resources = [
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/runtime/assets/kernel_blob.bin"
dest = "assets/kernel_blob.bin"
fuchsia_test_archive("shell_tests") {
deps = [
binary = "shell_unittests"
# TODO(gw280):
# Right now we need to manually specify all the fixtures that are
# declared in the test_fixtures() call above.
resources = [
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/shell/common/assets/kernel_blob.bin"
dest = "assets/kernel_blob.bin"
path =
dest = "assets/shelltest_screenshot.png"
libraries = vulkan_validation_libs
resources += vulkan_icds
fuchsia_test_archive("testing_tests") {
deps = [ "//flutter/testing:testing_unittests" ]
binary = "testing_unittests"
fuchsia_test_archive("txt_tests") {
deps = [ "//flutter/third_party/txt:txt_unittests" ]
binary = "txt_unittests"
resources = [
path = rebase_path("//third_party/icu/common/icudtl.dat")
dest = "icudtl.dat"
path = rebase_path("//third_party/icu/common/icudtl.dat")
dest = "icudtl2.dat"
fuchsia_test_archive("ui_tests") {
deps = [
binary = "ui_unittests"
# TODO(gw280):
# Right now we need to manually specify all the fixtures that are
# declared in the test_fixtures() call above.
resources = [
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/lib/ui/assets/kernel_blob.bin"
dest = "assets/kernel_blob.bin"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/lib/ui/assets/DashInNooglerHat.jpg"
dest = "assets/DashInNooglerHat.jpg"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/lib/ui/assets/Horizontal.jpg"
dest = "assets/Horizontal.jpg"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/lib/ui/assets/Horizontal.png"
dest = "assets/Horizontal.png"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/lib/ui/assets/hello_loop_2.gif"
dest = "assets/hello_loop_2.gif"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/lib/ui/assets/hello_loop_2.webp"
dest = "assets/hello_loop_2.webp"
libraries = vulkan_validation_libs
resources += vulkan_icds
fuchsia_test_archive("embedder_tests") {
deps = [
binary = "embedder_unittests"
# TODO(gw280):
# Right now we need to manually specify all the fixtures that are
# declared in the test_fixtures() call above.
resources = [
path =
dest = "assets/kernel_blob.bin"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/shell/platform/embedder/assets/arc_end_caps.png"
dest = "assets/arc_end_caps.png"
path =
dest = "assets/compositor.png"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/shell/platform/embedder/assets/compositor_root_surface_xformation.png"
dest = "assets/compositor_root_surface_xformation.png"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/shell/platform/embedder/assets/compositor_software.png"
dest = "assets/compositor_software.png"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/shell/platform/embedder/assets/compositor_with_platform_layer_on_bottom.png"
dest = "assets/compositor_with_platform_layer_on_bottom.png"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/shell/platform/embedder/assets/compositor_with_root_layer_only.png"
dest = "assets/compositor_with_root_layer_only.png"
path =
dest = "assets/dpr_noxform.png"
path =
dest = "assets/dpr_xform.png"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/shell/platform/embedder/assets/gradient.png"
dest = "assets/gradient.png"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/shell/platform/embedder/assets/gradient_xform.png"
dest = "assets/gradient_xform.png"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/shell/platform/embedder/assets/scene_without_custom_compositor.png"
dest = "assets/scene_without_custom_compositor.png"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/shell/platform/embedder/assets/scene_without_custom_compositor_with_xform.png"
dest = "assets/scene_without_custom_compositor_with_xform.png"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/shell/platform/embedder/assets/verifyb143464703.png"
dest = "assets/verifyb143464703.png"
path = "$root_gen_dir/flutter/shell/platform/embedder/assets/verifyb143464703_soft_noxform.png"
dest = "assets/verifyb143464703_soft_noxform.png"
# When adding a new dep here, please also ensure the dep is added to
# testing/fuchsia/ and testing/fuchsia/test_fars
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [