blob: 4062be970c3f186547df524d9ec7d08476e922e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
const MethodCodec codec = JSONMethodCodec();
void emptyCallback(ByteData date) {}
TestLocationStrategy _strategy;
TestLocationStrategy get strategy => _strategy;
set strategy(TestLocationStrategy newStrategy) {
window.locationStrategy = _strategy = newStrategy;
void main() {
test('window.defaultRouteName should not change', () {
strategy = TestLocationStrategy.fromEntry(TestHistoryEntry('initial state', null, '/initial'));
expect(window.defaultRouteName, '/initial');
// Changing the URL in the address bar later shouldn't affect [window.defaultRouteName].
strategy.replaceState(null, null, '/newpath');
expect(window.defaultRouteName, '/initial');
test('window.defaultRouteName should reset after navigation platform message', () {
strategy = TestLocationStrategy.fromEntry(TestHistoryEntry('initial state', null, '/initial'));
// Reading it multiple times should return the same value.
expect(window.defaultRouteName, '/initial');
expect(window.defaultRouteName, '/initial');
<String, dynamic>{'previousRouteName': '/foo', 'routeName': '/bar'},
// After a navigation platform message, [window.defaultRouteName] should
// reset to "/".
expect(window.defaultRouteName, '/');