blob: 507be4fd33df98cae15039dec18355c88f29d344 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' hide window;
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import 'scuba.dart';
typedef CanvasTest = FutureOr<void> Function(EngineCanvas canvas);
const String threeLines = 'First\nSecond\nThird';
const String veryLongWithShortPrefix =
'Lorem ipsum dolor\nsit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.';
const String veryLongWithShortSuffix =
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et\ndolore magna aliqua.';
const String veryLong =
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.';
void main() async {
final EngineScubaTester scuba = await EngineScubaTester.initialize(
viewportSize: const Size(800, 800),
final TextStyle warningStyle = TextStyle(
color: const Color(0xFFFF0000),
fontFamily: 'Roboto',
fontSize: 10,
Paragraph warning(String text) {
return paragraph(text, textStyle: warningStyle);
testEachCanvas('maxLines clipping', (EngineCanvas canvas) {
Offset offset =;
Paragraph p;
// All three lines are rendered.
p = paragraph(threeLines);
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height + 10);
// Only the first two lines are rendered.
p = paragraph(threeLines, paragraphStyle: ParagraphStyle(maxLines: 2));
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height + 10);
// The whole text is rendered.
p = paragraph(veryLong, maxWidth: 200);
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height + 10);
// Only the first two lines are rendered.
p = paragraph(veryLong,
paragraphStyle: ParagraphStyle(maxLines: 2), maxWidth: 200);
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height + 10);
return scuba.diffCanvasScreenshot(canvas, 'text_max_lines');
testEachCanvas('maxLines with overflow', (EngineCanvas canvas) {
Offset offset =;
Paragraph p;
// Only the first line is rendered with no ellipsis because the first line
// doesn't overflow.
p = paragraph(
paragraphStyle: ParagraphStyle(ellipsis: '...'),
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height + 10);
// The first two lines are rendered with an ellipsis on the 2nd line.
p = paragraph(
paragraphStyle: ParagraphStyle(ellipsis: '...'),
maxWidth: 200,
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height + 10);
// Only the first line is rendered with an ellipsis.
if (!WebExperiments.instance.useCanvasText) {
// This is now correct with the canvas-based measurement, so we shouldn't
// print the "(wrong)" warning.
p = warning('(wrong)');
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height);
p = paragraph(
paragraphStyle: ParagraphStyle(ellipsis: '...'),
maxWidth: 200,
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height + 10);
// Only the first two lines are rendered and the ellipsis appears on the 2nd
// line.
if (!WebExperiments.instance.useCanvasText) {
// This is now correct with the canvas-based measurement, so we shouldn't
// print the "(wrong)" warning.
p = warning('(wrong)');
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height);
p = paragraph(
paragraphStyle: ParagraphStyle(maxLines: 2, ellipsis: '...'),
maxWidth: 200,
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height + 10);
return scuba.diffCanvasScreenshot(canvas, 'text_max_lines_with_ellipsis');
testEachCanvas('long unbreakable text', (EngineCanvas canvas) {
Offset offset =;
Paragraph p;
// The whole line is rendered unbroken when there are no constraints.
p = paragraph(longUnbreakable);
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height + 10);
// The whole line is rendered with an ellipsis.
p = paragraph(
paragraphStyle: ParagraphStyle(ellipsis: '...'),
maxWidth: 200,
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height + 10);
// The text is broken into multiple lines.
p = paragraph(longUnbreakable, maxWidth: 200);
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height + 10);
// Very narrow constraint (less than one character's width).
p = paragraph('AA', maxWidth: 7);
canvas.drawParagraph(p, offset);
offset = offset.translate(0, p.height + 10);
return scuba.diffCanvasScreenshot(canvas, 'text_long_unbreakable');