blob: 58d536aff478578a559f1ad406168bb28585a306 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
// TODO(nurhan):
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html' as html;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart';
import '../spy.dart';
TestLocationStrategy _strategy;
TestLocationStrategy get strategy => _strategy;
set strategy(TestLocationStrategy newStrategy) {
window.locationStrategy = _strategy = newStrategy;
const Map<String, bool> originState = <String, bool>{'origin': true};
const Map<String, bool> flutterState = <String, bool>{'flutter': true};
const MethodCodec codec = JSONMethodCodec();
void emptyCallback(ByteData date) {}
void main() {
group('$BrowserHistory', () {
final PlatformMessagesSpy spy = PlatformMessagesSpy();
setUp(() {
tearDown(() {
strategy = null;
test('basic setup works', () {
strategy = TestLocationStrategy.fromEntry(
TestHistoryEntry('initial state', null, '/initial'));
// There should be two entries: origin and flutter.
expect(strategy.history, hasLength(2));
// The origin entry is setup but its path should remain unchanged.
final TestHistoryEntry originEntry = strategy.history[0];
expect(originEntry.state, originState);
expect(originEntry.url, '/initial');
// The flutter entry is pushed and its path should be derived from the
// origin entry.
final TestHistoryEntry flutterEntry = strategy.history[1];
expect(flutterEntry.state, flutterState);
expect(flutterEntry.url, '/initial');
// The flutter entry is the current entry.
expect(strategy.currentEntry, flutterEntry);
// TODO(nurhan):
skip: browserEngine == BrowserEngine.edge);
test('browser back button pops routes correctly', () async {
strategy =
TestLocationStrategy.fromEntry(TestHistoryEntry(null, null, '/home'));
// Initially, we should be on the flutter entry.
expect(strategy.history, hasLength(2));
expect(strategy.currentEntry.state, flutterState);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.url, '/home');
// The number of entries shouldn't change.
expect(strategy.history, hasLength(2));
expect(strategy.currentEntryIndex, 1);
// But the url of the current entry (flutter entry) should be updated.
expect(strategy.currentEntry.state, flutterState);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.url, '/page1');
// No platform messages have been sent so far.
expect(spy.messages, isEmpty);
// Clicking back should take us to page1.
await strategy.back();
// First, the framework should've received a `popRoute` platform message.
expect(spy.messages, hasLength(1));
expect(spy.messages[0].channel, 'flutter/navigation');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodName, 'popRoute');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodArguments, isNull);
// We still have 2 entries.
expect(strategy.history, hasLength(2));
expect(strategy.currentEntryIndex, 1);
// The url of the current entry (flutter entry) should go back to /home.
expect(strategy.currentEntry.state, flutterState);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.url, '/home');
// TODO(nurhan):
skip: browserEngine == BrowserEngine.edge);
test('multiple browser back clicks', () async {
strategy =
TestLocationStrategy.fromEntry(TestHistoryEntry(null, null, '/home'));
// Make sure we are on page2.
expect(strategy.history, hasLength(2));
expect(strategy.currentEntryIndex, 1);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.state, flutterState);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.url, '/page2');
// Back to page1.
await strategy.back();
// 1. The engine sends a `popRoute` platform message.
expect(spy.messages, hasLength(1));
expect(spy.messages[0].channel, 'flutter/navigation');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodName, 'popRoute');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodArguments, isNull);
// 2. The framework sends a `routePopped` platform message.
// 3. The history state should reflect that /page1 is currently active.
expect(strategy.history, hasLength(2));
expect(strategy.currentEntryIndex, 1);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.state, flutterState);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.url, '/page1');
// Back to home.
await strategy.back();
// 1. The engine sends a `popRoute` platform message.
expect(spy.messages, hasLength(1));
expect(spy.messages[0].channel, 'flutter/navigation');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodName, 'popRoute');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodArguments, isNull);
// 2. The framework sends a `routePopped` platform message.
// 3. The history state should reflect that /page1 is currently active.
expect(strategy.history, hasLength(2));
expect(strategy.currentEntryIndex, 1);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.state, flutterState);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.url, '/home');
// The next browser back will exit the app.
await strategy.back();
// 1. The engine sends a `popRoute` platform message.
expect(spy.messages, hasLength(1));
expect(spy.messages[0].channel, 'flutter/navigation');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodName, 'popRoute');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodArguments, isNull);
// 2. The framework sends a `SystemNavigator.pop` platform message
// because there are no more routes to pop.
await systemNavigatorPop();
// 3. The active entry doesn't belong to our history anymore because we
// navigated past it.
expect(strategy.currentEntryIndex, -1);
// TODO(nurhan):
skip: browserEngine == BrowserEngine.edge ||
browserEngine == BrowserEngine.webkit);
test('handle user-provided url', () async {
strategy =
TestLocationStrategy.fromEntry(TestHistoryEntry(null, null, '/home'));
await _strategy.simulateUserTypingUrl('/page3');
// This delay is necessary to wait for [BrowserHistory] because it
// performs a `back` operation which results in a new event loop.
await Future<void>.delayed(;
// 1. The engine sends a `pushRoute` platform message.
expect(spy.messages, hasLength(1));
expect(spy.messages[0].channel, 'flutter/navigation');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodName, 'pushRoute');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodArguments, '/page3');
// 2. The framework sends a `routePushed` platform message.
// 3. The history state should reflect that /page3 is currently active.
expect(strategy.history, hasLength(3));
expect(strategy.currentEntryIndex, 1);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.state, flutterState);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.url, '/page3');
// Back to home.
await strategy.back();
// 1. The engine sends a `popRoute` platform message.
expect(spy.messages, hasLength(1));
expect(spy.messages[0].channel, 'flutter/navigation');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodName, 'popRoute');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodArguments, isNull);
// 2. The framework sends a `routePopped` platform message.
// 3. The history state should reflect that /page1 is currently active.
expect(strategy.history, hasLength(2));
expect(strategy.currentEntryIndex, 1);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.state, flutterState);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.url, '/home');
// TODO(nurhan):
skip: browserEngine == BrowserEngine.edge);
test('user types unknown url', () async {
strategy =
TestLocationStrategy.fromEntry(TestHistoryEntry(null, null, '/home'));
await _strategy.simulateUserTypingUrl('/unknown');
// This delay is necessary to wait for [BrowserHistory] because it
// performs a `back` operation which results in a new event loop.
await Future<void>.delayed(;
// 1. The engine sends a `pushRoute` platform message.
expect(spy.messages, hasLength(1));
expect(spy.messages[0].channel, 'flutter/navigation');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodName, 'pushRoute');
expect(spy.messages[0].methodArguments, '/unknown');
// 2. The framework doesn't recognize the route name and ignores it.
// 3. The history state should reflect that /home is currently active.
expect(strategy.history, hasLength(3));
expect(strategy.currentEntryIndex, 1);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.state, flutterState);
expect(strategy.currentEntry.url, '/home');
// TODO(nurhan):
skip: browserEngine == BrowserEngine.edge);
group('$HashLocationStrategy', () {
TestPlatformLocation location;
setUp(() {
location = TestPlatformLocation();
tearDown(() {
location = null;
test('leading slash is optional', () {
final HashLocationStrategy strategy = HashLocationStrategy(location);
location.hash = '#/';
expect(strategy.path, '/');
location.hash = '#/foo';
expect(strategy.path, '/foo');
location.hash = '#foo';
expect(strategy.path, 'foo');
test('path should not be empty', () {
final HashLocationStrategy strategy = HashLocationStrategy(location);
location.hash = '';
expect(strategy.path, '/');
location.hash = '#';
expect(strategy.path, '/');
void pushRoute(String routeName) {
<String, dynamic>{'previousRouteName': '/foo', 'routeName': routeName},
void replaceRoute(String routeName) {
<String, dynamic>{'previousRouteName': '/foo', 'routeName': routeName},
void popRoute(String previousRouteName) {
<String, dynamic>{
'previousRouteName': previousRouteName,
'routeName': '/foo'
Future<void> systemNavigatorPop() {
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
(_) => completer.complete(),
return completer.future;
/// A mock implementation of [PlatformLocation] that doesn't access the browser.
class TestPlatformLocation extends PlatformLocation {
String pathname;
String search;
String hash;
void onPopState(html.EventListener fn) {
throw UnimplementedError();
void offPopState(html.EventListener fn) {
throw UnimplementedError();
void onHashChange(html.EventListener fn) {
throw UnimplementedError();
void offHashChange(html.EventListener fn) {
throw UnimplementedError();
void pushState(dynamic state, String title, String url) {
throw UnimplementedError();
void replaceState(dynamic state, String title, String url) {
throw UnimplementedError();
void back() {
throw UnimplementedError();