blob: 91ae684bc1776e482904ca78c9b95d6506429558 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import glob
import os
import subprocess
import sys
def run_test(test_base_name, cmd, reset_results):
"""Run a test case.
test_base_name: The name for the test C++ source file without the extension.
cmd: The actual command to run for the test.
reset_results: True if the results should be overwritten in place.
None on pass, or a str with the description of the failure.
actual = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# Some of the Blink GC plugin tests intentionally trigger compile errors, so
# just ignore an exit code that indicates failure.
actual = e.output
except Exception as e:
return 'could not execute %s (%s)' % (cmd, e)
# Some Blink GC plugins dump a JSON representation of the object graph, and
# use the processed results as the actual results of the test.
if os.path.exists('%s.graph.json' % test_base_name):
actual = subprocess.check_output(
['python', '../', '-c',
'%s.graph.json' % test_base_name],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
# The graph processing script returns a failure exit code if the graph is
# 'bad' (e.g. it has a cycle). The output still needs to be captured in
# that case, since the expected results capture the errors.
actual = e.output
# Clean up the .graph.json file to prevent false passes from stale results
# from a previous run.
os.remove('%s.graph.json' % test_base_name)
# On Windows, clang emits CRLF as the end of line marker. Normalize it to LF
# to match posix systems.
actual = actual.replace('\r\n', '\n')
result_file = '%s.txt%s' % (
test_base_name, '' if reset_results else '.actual')
expected = open('%s.txt' % test_base_name).read()
except IOError:
open(result_file, 'w').write(actual)
return 'no expected file found'
if expected != actual:
open(result_file, 'w').write(actual)
error = 'expected and actual differed\n'
error += 'Actual:\n' + actual
error += 'Expected:\n' + expected
return error
def run_tests(clang_path, plugin_path, reset_results):
"""Runs the tests.
clang_path: The path to the clang binary to be tested.
plugin_path: An optional path to the plugin to test. This may be None, if
plugin is built directly into clang, like on Windows.
reset_results: True if the results should be overwritten in place.
(passing, failing): Two lists containing the base names of the passing and
failing tests respectively.
passing = []
failing = []
# The plugin option to dump the object graph is incompatible with
# -fsyntax-only. It generates the .graph.json file based on the name of the
# output file, but there is no output filename with -fsyntax-only.
base_cmd = [clang_path, '-c', '-std=c++11']
if plugin_path:
base_cmd.extend(['-Xclang', '-load', '-Xclang', plugin_path])
base_cmd.extend(['-Xclang', '-add-plugin', '-Xclang', 'blink-gc-plugin'])
tests = glob.glob('*.cpp')
for test in tests:
sys.stdout.write('Testing %s... ' % test)
test_base_name, _ = os.path.splitext(test)
cmd = base_cmd[:]
cmd.extend(file('%s.flags' % test_base_name).read().split())
except IOError:
failure_message = run_test(test_base_name, cmd, reset_results)
if failure_message:
print 'failed: %s' % failure_message
print 'passed!'
return passing, failing
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'--reset-results', action='store_true',
help='If specified, overwrites the expected results in place.')
parser.add_argument('clang_path', help='The path to the clang binary.')
parser.add_argument('plugin_path', nargs='?',
help='The path to the plugin library, if any.')
args = parser.parse_args()
print 'Using clang %s...' % args.clang_path
print 'Using plugin %s...' % args.plugin_path
passing, failing = run_tests(args.clang_path,
print 'Ran %d tests: %d succeeded, %d failed' % (
len(passing) + len(failing), len(passing), len(failing))
for test in failing:
print ' %s' % test
return len(failing)
if __name__ == '__main__':