blob: 28a2675f43aa78ecb76c61b62413c5a288bd7939 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "dart/runtime/include/dart_api.h"
namespace mojo {
namespace dart {
class DartEmbedder {
// Returns the integer value of a Dart object. If the object is not
// an integer value an API error is propagated.
static int64_t GetIntegerValue(Dart_Handle value_obj);
// Returns the integer value of a Dart object. If the object is not
// an integer value or outside the requested range an API error is
// propagated.
static int64_t GetInt64ValueCheckRange(
Dart_Handle value_obj, int64_t lower, int64_t upper);
// Returns the intptr_t value of a Dart object. If the object is not
// an integer value or the value is outside the intptr_t range an
// API error is propagated.
static intptr_t GetIntptrValue(Dart_Handle value_obj);
// Returns the string value of a Dart object. If the object is not
// a string value an API error is propagated.
static const char* GetStringValue(Dart_Handle str_obj);
// Returns the boolean value of a Dart object. If the object is not
// a boolean value an API error is propagated.
static bool GetBooleanValue(Dart_Handle bool_obj);
// Sets the field "name" in handle to val. Any error is propagated.
static void SetIntegerField(Dart_Handle handle,
const char* name,
int64_t val);
// Sets the field "name" in handle to val. Any error is propagated.
static void SetStringField(Dart_Handle handle,
const char* name,
const char* val);
// Returns a new Dart string. Any error is propagated.
static Dart_Handle NewCString(const char* str);
// Sets the return value in arguments to null.
static void SetNullReturn(Dart_NativeArguments arguments);
// Sets the return value in arguments to a string created from |str|.
static void SetCStringReturn(Dart_NativeArguments arguments, const char* str);
// Gets the string argument at index and returns a C string.
// Any error is propagated.
static const char* GetStringArgument(Dart_NativeArguments arguments,
intptr_t index);
// Copies the bytes from a TypedDataList argument at |index| into a C array.
// Any error is propagated. Caller must call free on |out|.
// NOTE: Only supports Uint8List now.
static void GetTypedDataListArgument(Dart_NativeArguments arguments,
intptr_t index,
uint8_t** out,
intptr_t* out_len);
// Creates a Uint8List with a copy of bytes.
// Any error is propagated.
static Dart_Handle MakeUint8TypedData(uint8_t* bytes, intptr_t length);
} // namespace dart
} // namespace mojo