blob: 4f8fc1c438df9d12ada354f13cf77a78493b1534 [file] [log] [blame]
part of sprites;
/// A [Node] that provides an intermediate rendering surface in the sprite
/// rendering tree. A [Layer] can be used to change the opacity, color, or to
/// apply an effect to a set of nodes. All nodes that are children to the
/// [Layer] will be rendered into the surface. If the area that is needed for
/// the children to be drawn is know, the [layerRect] property should be set as
/// this can enhance performance.
class Layer extends Node with SpritePaint {
/// The area that the children of the [Layer] will occupy. This value is
/// treated as a hint to the rendering system and may in some cases be
/// ignored. If the area isn't known, the layerRect can be set to [null].
/// myLayer.layerRect = new Rect.fromLTRB(0.0, 0.0, 200.0, 100.0);
Rect layerRect;
/// Creates a new layer. The layerRect can optionally be passed as an argument
/// if it is known.
/// var myLayer = new Layer();
Layer([Rect this.layerRect = null]);
Paint _cachedPaint = new Paint()
..isAntiAlias = false;
void _prePaint(PaintingCanvas canvas, Matrix4 matrix) {
super._prePaint(canvas, matrix);
canvas.saveLayer(layerRect, _cachedPaint);
void _postPaint(PaintingCanvas canvas, Matrix4 totalMatrix) {
super._postPaint(canvas, totalMatrix);