blob: 933da7d8a3c06adf59fb1f073ee269b09f5c25d1 [file] [log] [blame]
/// Runs clang-tidy on files with changes.
/// usage:
/// dart lint.dart <path to compile_commands.json> <path to git repository> [clang-tidy checks]
/// User environment variable FLUTTER_LINT_ALL to run on all files.
import 'dart:io'
import 'dart:convert' show jsonDecode, utf8, LineSplitter;
import 'dart:async' show Completer;
String _linterOutputHeader = '''┌──────────────────────────┐
│ Engine Clang Tidy Linter │
The following errors have been reported by the Engine Clang Tidy Linter. For
more information on addressing these issues please see:
class Command {
String directory;
String command;
String file;
Command parseCommand(Map<String, dynamic> map) {
return Command() = map['directory']
..command = map['command']
..file = map['file'];
String calcTidyArgs(Command command) {
String result = command.command;
result = result.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\S*clang/bin/clang'), '');
result = result.replaceAll(RegExp(r'-MF \S*'), '');
return result;
String calcTidyPath(Command command) {
final RegExp regex = RegExp(r'\S*clang/bin/clang');
return regex
.replaceAll('clang/bin/clang', 'clang/bin/clang-tidy');
bool isNonEmptyString(String str) => str.length > 0;
bool containsAny(String str, List<String> queries) {
for (String query in queries) {
if (str.contains(query)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Returns a list of all files with current changes or differ from `master`.
List<String> getListOfChangedFiles(String repoPath) {
final Set<String> result = Set<String>();
final ProcessResult diffResult = Process.runSync(
'git', ['diff', '--name-only'],
workingDirectory: repoPath);
final ProcessResult diffCachedResult = Process.runSync(
'git', ['diff', '--cached', '--name-only'],
workingDirectory: repoPath);
final ProcessResult fetchResult =
Process.runSync('git', ['fetch', 'upstream', 'master']);
if (fetchResult.exitCode != 0) {
Process.runSync('git', ['fetch', 'origin', 'master']);
final ProcessResult mergeBaseResult = Process.runSync(
'git', ['merge-base', '--fork-point', 'FETCH_HEAD', 'HEAD'],
workingDirectory: repoPath);
final String mergeBase = mergeBaseResult.stdout.trim();
final ProcessResult masterResult = Process.runSync(
'git', ['diff', '--name-only', mergeBase],
workingDirectory: repoPath);
return result.toList();
Future<List<String>> dirContents(String repoPath) {
Directory dir = Directory(repoPath);
var files = <String>[];
var completer = new Completer<List<String>>();
var lister = dir.list(recursive: true);
lister.listen((FileSystemEntity file) => files.add(file.path),
// should also register onError
onDone: () => completer.complete(files));
return completer.future;
Future<bool> shouldIgnoreFile(String path) async {
if (path.contains('/third_party/')) {
return true;
} else {
final RegExp exp = RegExp(r'//.*FLUTTER_NOLINT');
await for (String line in File(path.substring(6))
.transform(const LineSplitter())) {
if (exp.hasMatch(line)) {
return true;
} else if (line.length > 0 && line[0] != '\n' && line[0] != '/') {
// Quick out once we find a line that isn't empty or a comment. The
// FLUTTER_NOLINT must show up before the first real code.
return false;
return false;
void main(List<String> arguments) async {
final String buildCommandsPath = arguments[0];
final String repoPath = arguments[1];
final String checks =
arguments.length >= 3 ? '--checks=${arguments[2]}' : '--config=';
final List<String> changedFiles =
Platform.environment['FLUTTER_LINT_ALL'] != null
? await dirContents(repoPath)
: getListOfChangedFiles(repoPath);
/// TODO(gaaclarke): Convert FLUTTER_LINT_ALL to a command-line flag and add
/// `--verbose` flag.
final List<dynamic> buildCommandMaps =
jsonDecode(await new File(buildCommandsPath).readAsString());
final List<Command> buildCommands = => parseCommand(x)).toList();
final Command firstCommand = buildCommands[0];
final String tidyPath = calcTidyPath(firstCommand);
final List<Command> changedFileBuildCommands =
buildCommands.where((x) => containsAny(x.file, changedFiles)).toList();
int exitCode = 0;
//TODO(aaclarke): Coalesce this into one call using the `-p` arguement.
for (Command command in changedFileBuildCommands) {
if (!(await shouldIgnoreFile(command.file))) {
final String tidyArgs = calcTidyArgs(command);
final List<String> args = [command.file, checks, '--'];
args.addAll(tidyArgs.split(' '));
print('🔶 linting ${command.file}');
final Process process = await Process.start(tidyPath, args,
workingDirectory:, runInShell: false);
process.stdout.transform(utf8.decoder).listen((data) {
exitCode = 1;
await process.exitCode;
} else {
print('🔷 ignoring ${command.file}');