blob: 986b4a48a3df87c60c29820bc513398ed3250ed4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.6
part of engine;
/// EXPERIMENTAL: Enable the Skia-based rendering backend.
const bool experimentalUseSkia =
bool.fromEnvironment('FLUTTER_WEB_USE_SKIA', defaultValue: false);
/// The URL to use when downloading the CanvasKit script and associated wasm.
/// When CanvasKit pushes a new release to NPM, update this URL to reflect the
/// most recent version. For example, if CanvasKit releases version 0.34.0 to
/// NPM, update this URL to ``.
const String canvasKitBaseUrl = '';
/// Initialize the Skia backend.
/// This calls `CanvasKitInit` and assigns the global [canvasKit] object.
Future<void> initializeSkia() {
final Completer<void> canvasKitCompleter = Completer<void>();
StreamSubscription<html.Event> loadSubscription;
loadSubscription = domRenderer.canvasKitScript.onLoad.listen((_) {
final js.JsObject canvasKitInitArgs = js.JsObject.jsify(<String, dynamic>{
'locateFile': (String file, String unusedBase) => canvasKitBaseUrl + file,
final js.JsObject canvasKitInit =
js.JsObject(js.context['CanvasKitInit'], <dynamic>[canvasKitInitArgs]);
final js.JsObject canvasKitInitPromise = canvasKitInit.callMethod('ready');
canvasKitInitPromise.callMethod('then', <dynamic>[
(js.JsObject ck) {
canvasKit = ck;
/// Add a Skia scene host.
skiaSceneHost = html.Element.tag('flt-scene');
return canvasKitCompleter.future;
/// The entrypoint into all CanvasKit functions and classes.
/// This is created by [initializeSkia].
js.JsObject canvasKit;
/// The Skia font collection.
SkiaFontCollection skiaFontCollection;
/// The scene host, where the root canvas and overlay canvases are added to.
html.Element skiaSceneHost;