blob: bcd53c3d276a9fe938de779e3ad43e6a5031dff9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/dart/runtime/include/dart_api.h"
#include "third_party/tonic/converter/dart_converter.h"
namespace flutter {
struct LineMetrics {
const bool* hard_break;
// The final computed ascent and descent for the line. This can be impacted by
// the strut, height, scaling, as well as outlying runs that are very tall.
// The top edge is `baseline - ascent` and the bottom edge is `baseline +
// descent`. Ascent and descent are provided as positive numbers. Raw numbers
// for specific runs of text can be obtained in run_metrics_map. These values
// are the cumulative metrics for the entire line.
const double* ascent;
const double* descent;
const double* unscaled_ascent;
// Height of the line.
const double* height;
// Width of the line.
const double* width;
// The left edge of the line. The right edge can be obtained with `left +
// width`
const double* left;
// The y position of the baseline for this line from the top of the paragraph.
const double* baseline;
// Zero indexed line number.
const size_t* line_number;
LineMetrics(const bool* hard_break,
const double* ascent,
const double* descent,
const double* unscaled_ascent,
const double* height,
const double* width,
const double* left,
const double* baseline,
const size_t* line_number)
: hard_break(hard_break),
line_number(line_number) {}
} // namespace flutter
namespace tonic {
template <>
struct DartConverter<flutter::LineMetrics> {
static Dart_Handle ToDart(const flutter::LineMetrics& val);
template <>
struct DartListFactory<flutter::LineMetrics> {
static Dart_Handle NewList(intptr_t length);
} // namespace tonic