blob: 969b409316266d844dffd5be366ec4332ec1e41d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Fast fail the script on failures.
set -ex
# TODO: Also support windows on github actions.
if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "windows" ]]; then
echo Installing Google Chrome Stable...
# Install Chrome via Chocolatey while `addons: chrome` doesn't seem to work on Windows yet
choco install googlechrome --acceptlicense --yes --no-progress --ignore-checksums
# In GitBash on Windows, we have to call flutter.bat so we alias them in this
# script to call the correct one based on the OS.
function flutter {
# TODO: Also support windows on github actions.
if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == "windows" ]]; then
command flutter.bat "$@"
command flutter "$@"
# Get Flutter.
if [ "$CHANNEL" = "stable" ]; then
echo "Cloning stable Flutter branch"
git clone --branch stable ./flutter
# Set the suffix so we use stable goldens.
echo "Cloning the Flutter $CHANNEL branch"
git clone --branch $CHANNEL ./flutter
# Set the suffix so we use the non-stable goldens
# Look in the dart bin dir first, then the flutter one, then the one for the
# devtools repo. We don't use the dart script from flutter/bin as that script
# can and does print 'Waiting for another flutter command...' at inopportune
# times.
export PATH=`pwd`/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin:`pwd`/flutter/bin:`pwd`/bin:$PATH
flutter config --no-analytics
flutter doctor
# We should be using dart from ../flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/dart.
echo "which flutter: " `which flutter`
echo "which dart: " `which dart`
# Disable analytics to ensure that the welcome message for the dart cli tooling
# doesn't interrupt the CI bots.
dart --disable-analytics
# Print out the versions and ensure we can call Dart, Pub, and Flutter.
flutter --version
dart --version
# Put the Flutter version into a variable.
# First awk extracts "Flutter x.y.z-pre.a":
# -F '•' uses the bullet as field separator
# NR==1 says only take the first record (line)
# { print $1} prints just the first field
# Second awk splits on space (default) and takes the second field (the version)
export FLUTTER_VERSION=$(flutter --version | awk -F '•' 'NR==1{print $1}' | awk '{print $2}')
echo "Flutter version is '$FLUTTER_VERSION'"
# Some integration tests assume the devtools package is up to date and located
# adjacent to the devtools_app package.
pushd packages/devtools
# We want to make sure that devtools is retrievable with regular pub.
flutter pub get
# Change the CI to the packages/devtools_app directory.
pushd packages/devtools_app
echo `pwd`
if [ "$BOT" = "main" ]; then
# Provision our packages.
flutter pub get
if [ "$CHANNEL" != "master" ]; then
# Verify that dart format has been run.
echo "Checking formatting..."
# Here, we use the dart instance from the flutter sdk.
$(dirname $(which flutter))/dart format --output=none --set-exit-if-changed .
# Make sure the app versions are in sync.
repo_tool repo-check
# Analyze the source.
dart analyze --fatal-infos
# Ensure we can build the app.
flutter pub run build_runner build -o web:build --release
elif [ "$BOT" = "test_ddc" ]; then
flutter pub get
# TODO( Remove workaround.
flutter config --enable-web
flutter build web --pwa-strategy=none --no-tree-shake-icons
# Run every test except for integration_tests.
# The flutter tool doesn't support excluding a specific set of targets,
# so we explicitly provide them.
if [ "$PLATFORM" = "vm" ]; then
flutter test test/*.dart test/{core,fixtures,support}/
elif [ "$PLATFORM" = "chrome" ]; then
flutter test --platform chrome test/*.dart test/{core,fixtures,support}/
echo "unknown test platform"
exit 1
elif [ "$BOT" = "test_dart2js" ]; then
flutter pub get
# TODO( Remove workaround.
flutter config --enable-web
flutter build web --pwa-strategy=none --no-tree-shake-icons
# Run every test except for integration_tests.
# The flutter tool doesn't support excluding a specific set of targets,
# so we explicitly provide them.
if [ "$PLATFORM" = "vm" ]; then
WEBDEV_RELEASE=true flutter test test/*.dart test/{core,fixtures,support}/
elif [ "$PLATFORM" = "chrome" ]; then
WEBDEV_RELEASE=true flutter test --platform chrome test/*.dart test/{core,fixtures,support}/
echo "unknown test platform"
exit 1
elif [ "$BOT" = "integration_ddc" ]; then
# Provision our packages.
flutter pub get
flutter config --enable-web
# We need to run integration tests with -j1 to run with no concurrency.
flutter test -j1 test/integration_tests/
elif [ "$BOT" = "integration_dart2js" ]; then
flutter pub get
flutter config --enable-web
# We need to run integration tests with -j1 to run with no concurrency.
WEBDEV_RELEASE=true flutter test -j1 test/integration_tests/
elif [ "$BOT" = "packages" ]; then
# Get packages
repo_tool packages-get
# Analyze the code
repo_tool analyze
pushd packages/devtools_app
echo "unknown bot configuration"
exit 1