blob: c3659dca6c9ed2305db362c0d7c686040566842e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import '../analytics/analytics_stub.dart'
if (dart.library.html) '../analytics/analytics.dart' as ga;
import '../auto_dispose_mixin.dart';
import '../banner_messages.dart';
import '../charts/chart_controller.dart';
import '../common_widgets.dart';
import '../config_specific/logger/logger.dart';
import '../dialogs.dart';
import '../globals.dart';
import '../notifications.dart';
import '../screen.dart';
import '../theme.dart';
import '../ui/icons.dart';
import '../ui/utils.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import 'memory_android_chart.dart' as android;
import 'memory_charts.dart';
import 'memory_controller.dart';
import 'memory_events_pane.dart' as events;
import 'memory_heap_tree_view.dart';
import 'memory_vm_chart.dart' as vm;
/// Width of application when memory buttons loose their text.
const _primaryControlsMinVerboseWidth = 1100.0;
final legendKey = GlobalKey(debugLabel: MemoryScreen.legendKeyName);
class MemoryScreen extends Screen {
const MemoryScreen()
: super.conditional(
id: id,
requiresDartVm: true,
title: 'Memory',
icon: Octicons.package,
static const isDebugging = isDebuggingEnabled;
/// Do not checkin with field set to true, only for local debugging.
static const isDebuggingEnabled = false;
static const id = 'memory';
static const legendKeyName = 'Legend Button';
static const hoverKeyName = 'Chart Hover';
// TODO(kenz): clean up these keys. We should remove them if we are only using
// for testing and can avoid them.
static const pauseButtonKey = Key('Pause Button');
static const resumeButtonKey = Key('Resume Button');
static const clearButtonKey = Key('Clear Button');
static const intervalDropdownKey = Key('ChartInterval Dropdown');
static const sourcesDropdownKey = Key('Sources Dropdown');
static const sourcesKey = Key('Sources');
static const exportButtonKey = Key('Export Button');
static const gcButtonKey = Key('GC Button');
static const legendButtonkey = Key(legendKeyName);
static const settingsButtonKey = Key('Memory Configuration');
static const eventChartKey = Key('EventPane');
static const vmChartKey = Key('VMChart');
static const androidChartKey = Key('AndroidChart');
static const androidChartButtonKey = Key('Android Memory');
static const memorySourceMenuItemPrefix = 'Source: ';
static void gaAction({Key key, String name}) {
final recordName = key != null ? keyName(key) : name;
assert(recordName != null);, recordName);
// Define here because exportButtonKey is @visibleForTesting and
// and can't be ref'd outside of file.
static void gaActionForExport() {
gaAction(key: exportButtonKey);
String get docPageId => id;
Widget build(BuildContext context) => const MemoryBody();
class MemoryBody extends StatefulWidget {
const MemoryBody();
static const List<Tab> memoryTabs = [
Tab(text: 'Analysis'),
Tab(text: 'Allocations'),
MemoryBodyState createState() => MemoryBodyState();
class MemoryBodyState extends State<MemoryBody>
with AutoDisposeMixin, SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
events.EventChartController eventChartController;
vm.VMChartController vmChartController;
android.AndroidChartController androidChartController;
MemoryController controller;
OverlayEntry hoverOverlayEntry;
OverlayEntry legendOverlayEntry;
bool isAdvancedSettingsEnabled = false;
/// Updated when the MemoryController's _androidCollectionEnabled ValueNotifier changes.
bool isAndroidCollection = MemoryController.androidADBDefault;
void initState() {
void didChangeDependencies() {
final newController = Provider.of<MemoryController>(context);
if (newController == controller) return;
controller = newController;
eventChartController = events.EventChartController(controller);
vmChartController = vm.VMChartController(controller);
// Android Chart uses the VM Chart's computed labels.
androidChartController = android.AndroidChartController(
sharedLabels: vmChartController.labelTimestamps,
// Update the chart when the memorySource changes.
addAutoDisposeListener(controller.selectedSnapshotNotifier, () {
setState(() {
// TODO(terry): Create the snapshot data to display by Library,
// by Class or by Objects.
// Create the snapshot data by Library.
// Update the chart when the memorySource changes.
addAutoDisposeListener(controller.memorySourceNotifier, () async {
try {
await controller.updatedMemorySource();
} catch (e) {
final errorMessage = '$e';
controller.memorySource = MemoryController.liveFeed;
// Display toast, unable to load the saved memory JSON payload.
final notificationsState = Notifications.of(context);
if (notificationsState != null) {
} else {
// Running in test harness, unexpected error.
throw OfflineFileException(errorMessage);
addAutoDisposeListener(controller.legendVisibleNotifier, () {
setState(() {
if (controller.isLegendVisible) {
MemoryScreen.gaAction(key: MemoryScreen.legendButtonkey);
} else {
addAutoDisposeListener(controller.androidChartVisibleNotifier, () {
setState(() {
if (controller.androidChartVisibleNotifier.value) {
MemoryScreen.gaAction(key: MemoryScreen.androidChartButtonKey);
if (controller.isLegendVisible) {
// Recompute the legend with the new traces now visible.
addAutoDisposeListener(eventChartController.tapLocation, () {
if (eventChartController.tapLocation.value != null) {
if (hoverOverlayEntry != null) {
final tapLocation = eventChartController.tapLocation.value;
if (tapLocation?.tapDownDetails != null) {
final tapData = tapLocation;
final index = tapData.index;
final timestamp = tapData.timestamp;
final copied = TapLocation.copy(tapLocation);
vmChartController.tapLocation.value = copied;
androidChartController.tapLocation.value = copied;
final allValues = ChartsValues(controller, index, timestamp);
if (MemoryScreen.isDebuggingEnabled) {
debugLogger('Event Chart TapLocation '
showHover(context, allValues, tapData.tapDownDetails.globalPosition);
addAutoDisposeListener(vmChartController.tapLocation, () {
if (vmChartController.tapLocation.value != null) {
if (hoverOverlayEntry != null) {
final tapLocation = vmChartController.tapLocation.value;
if (tapLocation?.tapDownDetails != null) {
final tapData = tapLocation;
final index = tapData.index;
final timestamp = tapData.timestamp;
final copied = TapLocation.copy(tapLocation);
eventChartController.tapLocation.value = copied;
androidChartController.tapLocation.value = copied;
final allValues = ChartsValues(controller, index, timestamp);
if (MemoryScreen.isDebuggingEnabled) {
debugLogger('VM Chart TapLocation '
showHover(context, allValues, tapData.tapDownDetails.globalPosition);
addAutoDisposeListener(androidChartController.tapLocation, () {
if (androidChartController.tapLocation.value != null) {
if (hoverOverlayEntry != null) {
final tapLocation = androidChartController.tapLocation.value;
if (tapLocation?.tapDownDetails != null) {
final tapData = tapLocation;
final index = tapData.index;
final timestamp = tapData.timestamp;
final copied = TapLocation.copy(tapLocation);
eventChartController.tapLocation.value = copied;
vmChartController.tapLocation.value = copied;
final allValues = ChartsValues(controller, index, timestamp);
if (MemoryScreen.isDebuggingEnabled) {
debugLogger('Android Chart TapLocation '
showHover(context, allValues, tapData.tapDownDetails.globalPosition);
addAutoDisposeListener(controller.androidCollectionEnabled, () {
isAndroidCollection = controller.androidCollectionEnabled.value;
setState(() {
if (!isAndroidCollection && controller.isAndroidChartVisible) {
// If we're no longer collecting android stats then hide the
// chart and disable the Android Memory button.
addAutoDisposeListener(controller.advancedSettingsEnabled, () {
isAdvancedSettingsEnabled = controller.advancedSettingsEnabled.value;
setState(() {
if (!isAdvancedSettingsEnabled &&
controller.isAdvancedSettingsVisible) {
addAutoDisposeListener(controller.refreshCharts, () {
setState(() {
/// When to have verbose Dropdown based on media width.
static const verboseDropDownMinimumWidth = 950;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final mediaWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
final textTheme = Theme.of(context).textTheme;
controller.memorySourcePrefix = mediaWidth > verboseDropDownMinimumWidth
? MemoryScreen.memorySourceMenuItemPrefix
: '';
// TODO(terry): Can Flutter's focus system be used instead of listening to keyboard?
return RawKeyboardListener(
focusNode: FocusNode(),
onKey: (RawKeyEvent event) {
if (event.isKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.escape)) {
autofocus: true,
child: Column(
key: hoverKey,
children: [
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: [
const Spacer(),
const SizedBox(height: denseRowSpacing),
height: 70,
child: events.MemoryEventsPane(
key: MemoryScreen.eventChartKey,
child: vm.MemoryVMChart(
key: MemoryScreen.vmChartKey,
? SizedBox(
height: defaultChartHeight,
child: android.MemoryAndroidChart(
key: MemoryScreen.androidChartKey,
: const SizedBox(),
const SizedBox(width: defaultSpacing),
child: HeapTree(controller),
void dispose() {
hideHover(); // hover will leak if not hide
void _refreshCharts() {
// Remove history of all plotted data in all charts.
/// Recompute (attach data to the chart) for either live or offline data source.
void _recomputeChartData() {
eventChartController.dirty = true;
vmChartController.dirty = true;
androidChartController.dirty = true;
Widget _intervalDropdown(TextTheme textTheme) {
final mediaWidth = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width;
final isVerboseDropdown = mediaWidth > verboseDropDownMinimumWidth;
final displayOneMinute =
final _displayTypes =<DropdownMenuItem<String>>(
String value,
) {
final unit = value == displayDefault || value == displayAll
? ''
: 'Minute${value == displayOneMinute ? '' : 's'}';
return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
value: value,
child: Text(
'${isVerboseDropdown ? 'Display' : ''} $value $unit',
return RoundedDropDownButton<String>(
key: MemoryScreen.intervalDropdownKey,
isDense: true,
style: textTheme.bodyText2,
value: displayDuration(controller.displayInterval),
onChanged: (String newValue) {
setState(() {
MemoryScreen.gaAction(key: MemoryScreen.intervalDropdownKey);
controller.displayInterval = chartInterval(newValue);
final duration = chartDuration(controller.displayInterval);
eventChartController?.zoomDuration = duration;
vmChartController?.zoomDuration = duration;
androidChartController?.zoomDuration = duration;
items: _displayTypes,
Widget _memorySourceDropdown(TextTheme textTheme) {
final files = controller.memoryLog.offlineFiles();
// Can we display dropdowns in verbose mode?
final isVerbose = controller.memorySourcePrefix ==
// First item is 'Live Feed', then followed by memory log filenames.
files.insert(0, MemoryController.liveFeed);
final allMemorySources =<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((
String value,
) {
// If narrow width compact the displayed name (remove prefix 'memory_log_').
final displayValue =
(!isVerbose && value.startsWith(MemoryController.logFilenamePrefix))
? value.substring(MemoryController.logFilenamePrefix.length)
: value;
return SourceDropdownMenuItem<String>(
value: value,
child: Text(
key: MemoryScreen.sourcesKey,
return RoundedDropDownButton<String>(
key: MemoryScreen.sourcesDropdownKey,
isDense: true,
style: textTheme.bodyText2,
value: controller.memorySource,
onChanged: (String newValue) {
setState(() {
MemoryScreen.gaAction(key: MemoryScreen.sourcesDropdownKey);
controller.memorySource = newValue;
items: allMemorySources,
void _updateListeningState() async {
await serviceManager.onServiceAvailable;
if (controller != null && controller.hasStarted) return;
if (controller != null) await controller.startTimeline();
// TODO(terry): Need to set the initial state of buttons.
pauseButton.disabled = false;
resumeButton.disabled = true;
vmMemorySnapshotButton.disabled = false;
resetAccumulatorsButton.disabled = false;
gcNowButton.disabled = false;
memoryChart.disabled = false;
Widget _buildPrimaryStateControls(TextTheme textTheme) {
return ValueListenableBuilder(
valueListenable: controller.paused,
builder: (context, paused, _) {
return Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
key: MemoryScreen.pauseButtonKey,
includeTextWidth: _primaryControlsMinVerboseWidth,
onPressed: paused ? null : controller.pauseLiveFeed,
const SizedBox(width: denseSpacing),
key: MemoryScreen.resumeButtonKey,
includeTextWidth: _primaryControlsMinVerboseWidth,
onPressed: paused ? controller.resumeLiveFeed : null,
const SizedBox(width: defaultSpacing),
key: MemoryScreen.clearButtonKey,
// TODO(terry): Button needs to be Delete for offline data.
onPressed: controller.memorySource == MemoryController.liveFeed
? _clearTimeline
: null,
includeTextWidth: _primaryControlsMinVerboseWidth,
const SizedBox(width: defaultSpacing),
Widget createToggleAdbMemoryButton() {
return IconLabelButton(
key: MemoryScreen.androidChartButtonKey,
icon: controller.isAndroidChartVisible ? Icons.close : Icons.show_chart,
label: keyName(MemoryScreen.androidChartButtonKey),
isAndroidCollection ? controller.toggleAndroidChartVisibility : null,
includeTextWidth: 900,
Widget _buildMemoryControls(TextTheme textTheme) {
return Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
const SizedBox(width: defaultSpacing),
if (controller.isConnectedDeviceAndroid ||
const SizedBox(width: denseSpacing),
? Row(
children: [
key: MemoryScreen.gcButtonKey,
onPressed: controller.isGcing ? null : _gc,
icon: Icons.delete,
label: 'GC',
includeTextWidth: _primaryControlsMinVerboseWidth,
const SizedBox(width: denseSpacing),
: const SizedBox(),
key: MemoryScreen.exportButtonKey,
onPressed: controller.offline ? null : _exportToFile,
icon: Icons.file_download,
label: 'Export',
includeTextWidth: _primaryControlsMinVerboseWidth,
const SizedBox(width: denseSpacing),
key: legendKey,
onPressed: controller.toggleLegendVisibility,
icon: legendOverlayEntry == null ? : Icons.close,
label: 'Legend',
includeTextWidth: _primaryControlsMinVerboseWidth,
const SizedBox(width: denseSpacing),
onPressed: _openSettingsDialog,
label: 'Memory Configuration',
void _exportToFile() {
final outputPath = controller.memoryLog.exportMemory();
final notificationsState = Notifications.of(context);
if (notificationsState != null) {
'Successfully exported file ${outputPath.last} to ${outputPath.first} directory',
void _openSettingsDialog() {
context: context,
builder: (context) => MemoryConfigurationsDialog(controller),
static const legendXOffset = 20;
static const legendYOffset = 7.0;
static const legendWidth = 200.0;
static const legendTextWidth = 55.0;
static const legendHeight1Chart = 200.0;
static const legendHeight2Charts = 323.0;
final hoverKey = GlobalKey(debugLabel: MemoryScreen.hoverKeyName);
static const hoverXOffset = 10;
static const hoverYOffset = 0.0;
static const hoverWidth = 225.0;
static const hover_card_border_width = 2.0;
// TODO(terry): Compute below heights dynamically.
static const hoverHeightMinimum = 42.0;
static const hoverItemHeight = 18.0;
// One extension event to display (4 lines).
static const hoverOneEventsHeight = 82.0;
// Many extension events to display.
static const hoverEventsHeight = 120.0;
static double computeHoverHeight(
int eventsCount,
int tracesCount,
int extensionEventsCount,
) =>
hoverHeightMinimum +
(eventsCount * hoverItemHeight) +
hover_card_border_width +
(tracesCount * hoverItemHeight) +
(extensionEventsCount > 0
? (extensionEventsCount == 1
? hoverOneEventsHeight
: hoverEventsHeight)
: 0);
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> eventLegend(bool isLight) {
final result = <String, Map<String, Object>>{};
result[events.manualSnapshotLegendName] = traceRender(
image: events.snapshotManualLegend,
result[events.autoSnapshotLegendName] = traceRender(
image: events.snapshotAutoLegend,
result[events.monitorLegendName] = traceRender(image: events.monitorLegend);
result[events.resetLegendName] = traceRender(
image: isLight ? events.resetLightLegend : events.resetDarkLegend,
result[events.vmGCLegendName] = traceRender(image: events.gcVMLegend);
result[events.manualGCLegendName] = traceRender(
image: events.gcManualLegend,
result[events.eventLegendName] = traceRender(image: events.eventLegend);
result[events.eventsLegendName] = traceRender(image: events.eventsLegend);
return result;
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> vmLegend() {
final result = <String, Map<String, Object>>{};
final traces = vmChartController.traces;
// RSS trace
result[rssDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[vm.TraceName.rSS.index].characteristics.color,
dashed: true,
// Allocated trace
result[allocatedDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[vm.TraceName.capacity.index].characteristics.color,
dashed: true,
// Used trace
result[usedDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[vm.TraceName.used.index].characteristics.color,
// External trace
result[externalDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[vm.TraceName.external.index].characteristics.color,
// Raster layer trace
result[layerDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[vm.TraceName.rasterLayer.index].characteristics.color,
dashed: true,
// Raster picture trace
result[pictureDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[vm.TraceName.rasterPicture.index].characteristics.color,
dashed: true,
return result;
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> androidLegend() {
final result = <String, Map<String, Object>>{};
final traces = androidChartController.traces;
// Total trace
result[androidTotalDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[].characteristics.color,
dashed: true,
// Other trace
result[androidOtherDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[android.TraceName.other.index].characteristics.color,
// Native heap trace
result[androidNativeDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[android.TraceName.nativeHeap.index].characteristics.color,
// Graphics trace
result[androidGraphicsDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[].characteristics.color,
// Code trace
result[androidCodeDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[android.TraceName.code.index].characteristics.color,
// Java heap trace
result[androidJavaDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[android.TraceName.javaHeap.index].characteristics.color,
// Stack trace
result[androidStackDisplay] = traceRender(
color: traces[android.TraceName.stack.index].characteristics.color,
return result;
Widget legendRow({
MapEntry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry1,
MapEntry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry2,
}) {
final legendEntry = Theme.of(context).colorScheme.legendTextStyle;
List<Widget> legendPart(
String name,
Widget widget, [
double leftEdge = 5.0,
]) {
final rightSide = <Widget>[];
if (name != null && widget != null) {
child: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(leftEdge, 0, 0, 2),
width: legendTextWidth + leftEdge,
child: Text(name, style: legendEntry),
const PaddedDivider(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: denseRowSpacing),
return rightSide;
Widget legendSymbol(Map<String, Object> dataToDisplay) {
final image = dataToDisplay.containsKey(renderImage)
? dataToDisplay[renderImage] as String
: null;
final color = dataToDisplay.containsKey(renderLine)
? dataToDisplay[renderLine] as Color
: null;
final dashedLine = dataToDisplay.containsKey(renderDashed)
? dataToDisplay[renderDashed]
: false;
Widget traceColor;
if (color != null) {
if (dashedLine) {
traceColor = createDashWidget(color);
} else {
traceColor = createSolidLine(color);
} else {
traceColor =
image == null ? const SizedBox() : Image(image: AssetImage(image));
return traceColor;
final rowChildren = <Widget>[];
rowChildren.addAll(legendPart(entry1.key, legendSymbol(entry1.value)));
if (entry2 != null) {
legendPart(entry2.key, legendSymbol(entry2.value), 20.0),
return Expanded(
child: Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10, 0, 0, 2),
child: Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: rowChildren,
static const totalDashWidth = 15.0;
static const dashHeight = 2.0;
static const dashWidth = 4.0;
static const spaceBetweenDash = 3.0;
Widget createDashWidget(Color color) {
return Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 20),
child: CustomPaint(
painter: DashedLine(
foregroundPainter: DashedLine(
Widget createSolidLine(Color color) {
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 1.0),
child: Container(
height: 6,
width: 20,
color: color,
Widget hoverRow({
String name,
String image,
Color colorPatch,
bool dashed = false,
bool bold = true,
bool hasNumeric = false,
bool hasUnit = false,
bool scaleImage = false,
double leftPadding = 5.0,
}) {
final hoverTitleEntry = Theme.of(context).colorScheme.hoverTextStyle;
final hoverValueEntry = Theme.of(context).colorScheme.hoverValueTextStyle;
final hoverSmallEntry =
List<Widget> hoverPartImageLine(
String name, {
String image,
Color colorPatch,
bool dashed = false,
double leftEdge = 5.0,
}) {
String displayName = name;
// Empty string overflows, default value space.
String displayValue = ' ';
if (hasNumeric) {
int startOfNumber = name.lastIndexOf(' ');
if (hasUnit) {
final unitOrValue = name.substring(startOfNumber + 1);
if (int.tryParse(unitOrValue) == null) {
// Got a unit.
startOfNumber = name.lastIndexOf(' ', startOfNumber - 1);
displayName = '${name.substring(0, startOfNumber)} ';
displayValue = name.substring(startOfNumber + 1);
Widget traceColor;
if (colorPatch != null) {
if (dashed) {
traceColor = createDashWidget(colorPatch);
} else {
traceColor = createSolidLine(colorPatch);
} else {
traceColor = image == null
? const SizedBox()
: scaleImage
? Image(
image: AssetImage(image),
width: 20,
height: 10,
: Image(
image: AssetImage(image),
return [
const PaddedDivider(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: denseRowSpacing),
Text(displayName, style: bold ? hoverTitleEntry : hoverSmallEntry),
Text(displayValue, style: hoverValueEntry),
final rowChildren = <Widget>[];
image: image,
colorPatch: colorPatch,
dashed: dashed,
leftEdge: leftPadding,
return Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(5, 0, 0, 2),
child: Row(
children: rowChildren,
List<Widget> displayExtensionEventsInHover(ChartsValues chartsValues) {
final widgets = <Widget>[];
final eventsDisplayed = chartsValues.extensionEventsToDisplay;
for (var entry in eventsDisplayed.entries) {
if (entry.key.endsWith(eventsDisplayName)) {
height: hoverEventsHeight,
child: ListView(
shrinkWrap: true,
primary: false,
children: [
allEvents: chartsValues.extensionEvents,
title: entry.key,
icon: Icons.dashboard,
} else {
widgets.add(hoverRow(name: entry.key, image: entry.value));
/// Pull out the event name, and custom values.
final output =
displayEvent(null, chartsValues.extensionEvents.first).trim();
widgets.add(hoverRow(name: output, bold: false, leftPadding: 0.0));
return widgets;
List<Widget> displayEventsInHover(ChartsValues chartsValues) {
final results = <Widget>[];
final colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;
final eventsDisplayed = chartsValues.eventsToDisplay(colorScheme.isLight);
for (var entry in eventsDisplayed.entries) {
final widget = hoverRow(name: ' ${entry.key}', image: entry.value);
return results;
/// Long string need to show first part ... last part.
static const longStringLength = 34;
static const firstCharacters = 9;
static const lastCharacters = 20;
// TODO(terry): Data could be long need better mechanism for long data e.g.,:
// const encoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
// final displayData = encoder.convert(data);
String longValueToShort(String longValue) {
var value = longValue;
if (longValue.length > longStringLength) {
final firstPart = longValue.substring(0, firstCharacters);
final endPart = longValue.substring(longValue.length - lastCharacters);
value = '$firstPart...$endPart';
return value;
String decodeEventValues(Map<String, Object> event) {
final output = StringBuffer();
if (event[eventName] == imageSizesForFrameEvent) {
// TODO(terry): Need a more generic event displayer.
// Flutter event emit the event name and value.
final Map<String, Object> data = event[eventData];
final key = data.keys.first;
final Map values = data[key];
final displaySize = values[displaySizeInBytesData];
final decodeSize = values[decodedSizeInBytesData];
final outputSizes = '$displaySize/$decodeSize';
if (outputSizes.length > 10) {
output.writeln('Display/Decode Size=');
output.write(' $outputSizes');
} else {
output.write('Display/Decode Size=$outputSizes');
} else if (event[eventName] == devToolsEvent &&
event.containsKey(customEvent)) {
final Map custom = event[customEvent];
final data = custom[customEventData];
for (var key in data.keys) {
} else {
output.writeln('Unknown Event ${event[eventName]}');
return output.toString();
String displayEvent(int index, Map<String, Object> event) {
final output = StringBuffer();
String name;
if (event[eventName] == devToolsEvent && event.containsKey(customEvent)) {
final Map custom = event[customEvent];
name = custom[customEventName];
} else {
name = event[eventName];
output.writeln(index == null ? name : '$index. $name');
return output.toString();
Widget listItem({
List<Map<String, Object>> allEvents,
int index,
String title,
IconData icon,
}) {
final widgets = <Widget>[];
var index = 1;
for (var event in allEvents) {
final output = displayEvent(index, event);
final colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;
final hoverTextStyle = colorScheme.hoverTextStyle;
final contrastForeground = colorScheme.contrastForeground;
final collapsedColor = colorScheme.defaultBackgroundColor;
return Material(
color: Colors.transparent,
child: Theme(
data: ThemeData(unselectedWidgetColor: contrastForeground),
child: ExpansionTile(
leading: Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(5, 4, 0, 0),
child: Image(
image: allEvents.length > 1
? const AssetImage(events.eventsLegend)
: const AssetImage(events.eventLegend),
backgroundColor: collapsedColor,
collapsedBackgroundColor: collapsedColor,
title: Text(title, style: hoverTextStyle),
children: widgets,
Widget cardWidget(String value) {
final colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;
final hoverValueEntry = colorScheme.hoverSmallValueTextStyle;
final expandedGradient = colorScheme.verticalGradient;
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 8),
child: Container(
width: hoverWidth,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
gradient: expandedGradient,
child: Row(
children: [
const SizedBox(width: 10),
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
style: hoverValueEntry,
List<Widget> _dataToDisplay(
Map<String, Map<String, Object>> dataToDisplay, {
Widget firstWidget,
}) {
final results = <Widget>[];
if (firstWidget != null) results.add(firstWidget);
for (var entry in dataToDisplay.entries) {
final image = entry.value.keys.contains(renderImage)
? entry.value[renderImage] as String
: null;
final color = entry.value.keys.contains(renderLine)
? entry.value[renderLine] as Color
: null;
final dashedLine = entry.value.keys.contains(renderDashed)
? entry.value[renderDashed]
: false;
name: entry.key,
colorPatch: color,
dashed: dashedLine,
image: image,
hasNumeric: true,
hasUnit: controller.unitDisplayed.value,
scaleImage: true,
return results;
List<Widget> displayVmDataInHover(ChartsValues chartsValues) =>
List<Widget> displayAndroidDataInHover(ChartsValues chartsValues) {
const dividerLineVerticalSpace = 2.0;
const dividerLineHorizontalSpace = 20.0;
const totalDividerLineHorizontalSpace = dividerLineHorizontalSpace * 2;
if (!controller.isAndroidChartVisible) return [];
final androidDataDisplayed =
// Separator between Android data.
// TODO(terry): Why Center widget doesn't work (parent width is bigger/centered too far right).
// Is it centering on a too wide Overlay?
const width = MemoryBodyState.hoverWidth -
totalDividerLineHorizontalSpace -
final dashedColor = Colors.grey.shade600;
return _dataToDisplay(
firstWidget: Align(
alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
child: Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
vertical: dividerLineVerticalSpace,
horizontal: dividerLineHorizontalSpace,
child: CustomPaint(painter: DashedLine(width, dashedColor))),
void showHover(
BuildContext context,
ChartsValues chartsValues,
Offset position,
) {
final focusColor = Theme.of(context).focusColor;
final colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;
final RenderBox box = hoverKey.currentContext.findRenderObject();
final renderBoxWidth = box.size.width;
// Display hover to left of right side of position.
double xPosition = position.dx + hoverXOffset;
if (xPosition + hoverWidth > renderBoxWidth) {
xPosition = position.dx - hoverWidth - hoverXOffset;
double totalHoverHeight;
int totalTraces;
if (controller.isAndroidChartVisible) {
totalTraces = chartsValues.vmData.entries.length -
1 +
} else {
totalTraces = chartsValues.vmData.entries.length - 1;
totalHoverHeight = computeHoverHeight(
final displayTimestamp = prettyTimestamp(chartsValues.timestamp);
final hoverHeading = colorScheme.hoverTitleTextStyle;
final OverlayState overlayState = Overlay.of(context);
hoverOverlayEntry ??= OverlayEntry(
builder: (context) => Positioned(
top: position.dy + hoverYOffset,
left: xPosition,
height: totalHoverHeight,
child: Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 5, 0, 8),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: colorScheme.defaultBackgroundColor,
border: Border.all(
color: focusColor,
width: hover_card_border_width,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
width: hoverWidth,
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
width: hoverWidth,
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(bottom: 4),
child: Text(
'Time $displayTimestamp',
style: hoverHeading,
void hideHover() {
if (hoverOverlayEntry != null) {
eventChartController.tapLocation.value = null;
vmChartController.tapLocation.value = null;
androidChartController.tapLocation.value = null;
hoverOverlayEntry = null;
/// Padding for each title in the legend.
static const _legendTitlePadding = EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(5, 0, 0, 4);
void showLegend(BuildContext context) {
final RenderBox box = legendKey.currentContext.findRenderObject();
final colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;
final legendHeading = colorScheme.hoverTextStyle;
// Global position.
final position = box.localToGlobal(;
final legendRows = <Widget>[];
final events = eventLegend(colorScheme.isLight);
padding: _legendTitlePadding,
child: Text('Events Legend', style: legendHeading),
var iterator = events.entries.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final leftEntry = iterator.current;
final rightEntry = iterator.moveNext() ? iterator.current : null;
legendRows.add(legendRow(entry1: leftEntry, entry2: rightEntry));
final vms = vmLegend();
padding: _legendTitlePadding,
child: Text('Memory Legend', style: legendHeading),
iterator = vms.entries.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final legendEntry = iterator.current;
legendRows.add(legendRow(entry1: legendEntry));
if (controller.isAndroidChartVisible) {
final androids = androidLegend();
padding: _legendTitlePadding,
child: Text('Android Legend', style: legendHeading),
iterator = androids.entries.iterator;
while (iterator.moveNext()) {
final legendEntry = iterator.current;
legendRows.add(legendRow(entry1: legendEntry));
final OverlayState overlayState = Overlay.of(context);
legendOverlayEntry ??= OverlayEntry(
builder: (context) => Positioned(
top: position.dy + box.size.height + legendYOffset,
left: position.dx - legendWidth + box.size.width - legendXOffset,
height: controller.isAndroidChartVisible
? legendHeight2Charts
: legendHeight1Chart,
child: Container(
padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 5, 5, 8),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: colorScheme.defaultBackgroundColor,
border: Border.all(color: Colors.yellow),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),
width: legendWidth,
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: legendRows,
void hideLegend() {
legendOverlayEntry = null;
/// Callbacks for button actions:
void _clearTimeline() {
MemoryScreen.gaAction(key: MemoryScreen.clearButtonKey);
// Clear any current Allocation Profile collected.
controller.monitorAllocations = [];
controller.monitorTimestamp = null;
controller.lastMonitorTimestamp.value = null;
// Clear all analysis and snapshots collected too.
controller.classRoot = null;
controller.topNode = null;
controller.selectedSnapshotTimestamp = null;
controller.selectedLeaf = null;
// Remove history of all plotted data in all charts.
Future<void> _gc() async {
try {
MemoryScreen.gaAction(key: MemoryScreen.gcButtonKey);
await controller.gc();
} catch (e) {
// TODO(terry): Show toast?
log('Unable to GC ${e.toString()}', LogLevel.error);
/// Draw a dashed line on the canvas.
class DashedLine extends CustomPainter {
this._totalWidth, [
Color color,
this._dashHeight = defaultDashHeight,
this._dashWidth = defaultDashWidth,
this._dashSpace = defaultDashSpace,
]) {
_color = color == null ? (Colors.grey.shade500) : color;
static const defaultDashHeight = 1.0;
static const defaultDashWidth = 5.0;
static const defaultDashSpace = 5.0;
final double _dashHeight;
final double _dashWidth;
final double _dashSpace;
double _totalWidth;
Color _color;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
double startX = 0;
final paint = Paint()
..color = _color
..strokeWidth = _dashHeight;
while (_totalWidth >= 0) {
canvas.drawLine(Offset(startX, 0), Offset(startX + _dashWidth, 0), paint);
final space = _dashSpace + _dashWidth;
startX += space;
_totalWidth -= space;
bool shouldRepaint(covariant CustomPainter oldDelegate) => true;
class MemoryConfigurationsDialog extends StatelessWidget {
const MemoryConfigurationsDialog(this.controller);
final MemoryController controller;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final theme = Theme.of(context);
return DevToolsDialog(
title: dialogTitleText(theme, 'Memory Settings'),
includeDivider: false,
content: Container(
width: defaultDialogWidth,
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
...dialogSubHeader(theme, 'Android'),
children: [
children: [
notifier: controller.androidCollectionEnabled),
overflow: TextOverflow.visible,
text: TextSpan(
text: 'Collect Android Memory Statistics using ADB',
style: theme.regularTextStyle,
children: [
NotifierCheckbox(notifier: controller.unitDisplayed),
overflow: TextOverflow.visible,
text: TextSpan(
text: 'Display Data In Units (B, KB, MB, and GB)',
style: theme.regularTextStyle,
const SizedBox(
height: defaultSpacing,
...dialogSubHeader(theme, 'General'),
children: [
children: [
notifier: controller.advancedSettingsEnabled,
overflow: TextOverflow.visible,
text: TextSpan(
text: 'Enable advanced memory settings',
style: theme.regularTextStyle,
actions: [
class SourceDropdownMenuItem<T> extends DropdownMenuItem<T> {
const SourceDropdownMenuItem({T value, @required Widget child})
: super(value: value, child: child);