blob: d22020d908b99e7f1a99cc5f4abb8c2a57a8b12e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:firehose/src/changelog.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
group('changelog', () {
test('exists', () {
withChangelog(_defaultContents, (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var exists = changelog.exists;
expect(exists, isTrue);
test('latestHeading', () {
withChangelog(_defaultContents, (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var heading = changelog.latestHeading;
expect(heading, '0.3.7+1');
test('Custom heading extraction', () {
## 1.2.3+4 is the new version ## :)
''', (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var heading = changelog.latestHeading;
expect(heading, '1.2.3+4 is the new version ## :)');
test('latestVersion', () {
withChangelog(_defaultContents, (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var version = changelog.latestVersion;
expect(version, '0.3.7+1');
test('on digit version + x', () {
## 1.2.3+4
''', (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var version = changelog.latestVersion;
expect(version, '1.2.3+4');
test('multi digit version + x', () {
## 123.456.789+123456789
''', (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var version = changelog.latestVersion;
expect(version, '123.456.789+123456789');
test('no "+ x" at the end', () {
## 123.456.789
''', (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var version = changelog.latestVersion;
expect(version, '123.456.789');
test('with prerelease tag', () {
## 123.456.789-wip
''', (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var version = changelog.latestVersion;
expect(version, '123.456.789-wip');
test('custom heading version', () {
## [4.7.0]( (2023-05-06)
''', (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var version = changelog.latestVersion;
expect(version, '4.7.0');
test('multiple versions mentioned', () {
## [4.7.0]( (25.05.23)
''', (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var version = changelog.latestVersion;
expect(version, '4.7.0');
test('missing versions', () {
- no
- versions
- mentioned here
''', (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var version = changelog.latestVersion;
expect(version, isNull);
test('no changelog file', () {
var changelog = Changelog(File(''));
expect(changelog.exists, false);
expect(changelog.latestVersion, isNull);
expect(changelog.latestChangeEntries, isEmpty);
test('latestChangeEntries', () {
withChangelog(_defaultContents, (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var entries = changelog.latestChangeEntries;
expect(entries, isNotEmpty);
test('describeLatestChanges', () {
withChangelog(_multiLineContents, (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var description = changelog.describeLatestChanges;
expect(description, '''
- Fix issue 1.
- Fix issue 2.''');
test('no recent entries', () {
## 0.2.0-dev
## 0.1.0
- change 1
- change 2
''', (file) {
var changelog = Changelog(file);
var entries = changelog.latestChangeEntries;
expect(entries, isEmpty);
void withChangelog(String contents, void Function(File file) closure) {
var dir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync();
var file = File('${dir.path}/');
try {
} finally {
dir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
const _defaultContents = '''
## 0.3.7+1
- Fix an issue in the `.github/workflows/publish.yaml` workflow file.
## 0.3.7
- Provide feedback about publishing status as PR comments.
const _multiLineContents = '''
## 0.3.6
- Fix issue 1.
- Fix issue 2.
## 0.3.5
- Provide feedback about publishing status as PR comments.