blob: 4904c83a633f6e4c077656ca2b7939b092e9d49f [file] [log] [blame]
// ignore_for_file: public_member_api_docs, sort_constructors_first
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:github/github.dart';
import 'package:glob/glob.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'delayed_client.dart';
import 'repo.dart';
class GithubApi {
final RepositorySlug? _repoSlug;
final int? _issueNumber;
static Map<String, String> get _env => Platform.environment;
GithubApi({RepositorySlug? repoSlug, int? issueNumber})
: _repoSlug = repoSlug,
_issueNumber = issueNumber;
final http.Client _client = DelayedClient(const Duration(milliseconds: 50));
late final GitHub _github = githubAuthToken != null
? GitHub(
auth: Authentication.withToken(githubAuthToken),
client: _client,
: GitHub(client: _client);
String? get githubAuthToken => _env['GITHUB_TOKEN'];
/// The owner and repository name. For example, `octocat/Hello-World`.
RepositorySlug? get repoSlug {
return _repoSlug ??
(_env['GITHUB_REPOSITORY'] != null
? RepositorySlug.full(_env['GITHUB_REPOSITORY']!)
: null);
/// The PR (or issue) number.
int? get issueNumber =>
_issueNumber ?? int.tryParse(_env['ISSUE_NUMBER'] ?? '');
/// Any labels applied to this PR.
List<String> get prLabels =>
_env.containsKey('PR_LABELS') ? _env['PR_LABELS']!.split(',') : [];
/// The commit SHA that triggered the workflow.
String? get sha => _env['GITHUB_SHA'];
/// The name of the person or app that initiated the workflow.
String? get actor => _env['GITHUB_ACTOR'];
/// Whether we're running withing the context of a GitHub action.
bool get inGithubContext => _env['GITHUB_ACTIONS'] != null;
/// The short ref name of the branch or tag that triggered the workflow run.
/// This value matches the branch or tag name shown on GitHub. For example,
/// `feature-branch-1`.
String? get refName => _env['GITHUB_REF_NAME'];
/// The ref name of the base where the PR branched off of.
String? get baseRef => _env['base_ref'];
/// Write the given [markdownSummary] content to the GitHub
/// `GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY` file. This will cause the markdown output to be
/// appended to the GitHub job summary for the current PR.
/// See also:
void appendStepSummary(String markdownSummary) {
var summaryPath = _env['GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY'];
if (summaryPath == null) {
stderr.writeln("'GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY' doesn't exist.");
var file = File(summaryPath);
mode: FileMode.append);
/// Find a comment on the PR matching the given criteria ([user],
/// [searchTerm]). Return the issue ID if a matching comment is found or null
/// if there's no match.
Future<int?> findCommentId({
required String user,
String? searchTerm,
}) async {
final matchingComment = await _github.issues
.listCommentsByIssue(repoSlug!, issueNumber!)
.map<IssueComment?>((comment) => comment)
(comment) {
final userMatch = comment?.user?.login == user;
final containsSearchTerm = searchTerm == null ||
(comment?.body?.contains(searchTerm) ?? false);
return userMatch && containsSearchTerm;
orElse: () => null,
return matchingComment?.id;
Future<List<GitFile>> listFilesForPR(
Directory directory, [
List<Glob> ignoredFiles = const [],
]) async =>
await _github.pullRequests
.listFiles(repoSlug!, issueNumber!)
.map((prFile) => GitFile(
.where((file) =>
ignoredFiles.none((glob) => glob.matches(file.filename)))
/// Write a notice message to the github log.
void notice({required String message}) {
print('::notice ::$message');
Future<String> pullrequestBody() async {
final pullRequest = await _github.pullRequests.get(repoSlug!, issueNumber!);
return pullRequest.body ?? '';
void close() => _github.dispose();
class GitFile {
final String filename;
final FileStatus status;
final Directory directory;
bool isInPackage(Package package) =>
path.isWithin(, pathInRepository);
String get pathInRepository => path.join(directory.path, filename);
GitFile(this.filename, this.status,;
String toString() => '$filename: $status';
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) return true;
return other is GitFile &&
other.filename == filename &&
other.status == status;
int get hashCode => filename.hashCode ^ status.hashCode;
enum FileStatus {
static FileStatus fromString(String s) =>
FileStatus.values.firstWhere((element) => == s);
bool get isRelevant => switch (this) {
FileStatus.added => true,
FileStatus.removed => true,
FileStatus.modified => true,
FileStatus.renamed => true,
FileStatus.copied => true,
FileStatus.changed => true,
FileStatus.unchanged => false,