blob: 61ac435e1df55110e9ef3d2f7ace5c35cd106a7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Character `.`.
const int $dot = 0x2E;
/// Space character.
const int $space = 0x20;
/// "Horizontal Tab" control character, common name.
const int $tab = 0x09;
/// "Line feed" control character.
const int $lf = 0x0A;
/// "Carriage return" control character.
const int $cr = 0x0D;
/// Character `>`.
const int $gt = 0x3E;
/// Character `<`.
const int $lt = 0x3C;
/// Character `(`.
const int $lparen = 0x28;
/// Character `)`.
const int $rparen = 0x29;
/// Character `\`.
const int $backslash = 0x5C;
/// Character `?`.
const int $question = 0x3F;
/// Character `!`.
const int $exclamation = 0x21;
/// Character `{`.
const int $lbrace = 0x7B;
/// Character `}`.
const int $rbrace = 0x7D;
/// Character `#`.
const int $hash = 0x23;
/// Character `^`.
const int $caret = 0x5E;
/// Character `/`.
const int $slash = 0x2F;
/// Character `_`.
const int $underscore = 0x5F;
/// Character `$`.
const int $dollar = 0x24;
/// Character `a`.
const int $a = 0x61;
/// Character `z`.
const int $z = 0x7A;
/// Character `A`.
const int $A = 0x41;
/// Character `Z`.
const int $Z = 0x5A;
/// Character `0`.
const int $0 = 0x30;
/// Character `9`.
const int $9 = 0x39;