blob: 17d99cdb7abfc8aff84096a6171c25861902673a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dartdoc.source_linker_test;
import 'package:dartdoc/src/dartdoc_options.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/source_linker.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
group('Source link computations', () {
test('Basic usage', () {
String sourceLinkerHref() => SourceLinker(
excludes: [],
lineNumber: 14,
root: 'path',
sourceFileName: 'path/to/file.dart',
revision: '01234abcd',
uriTemplate: '')
test('Throw when missing a revision if one is in the template', () {
String sourceLinkerHref() => SourceLinker(
excludes: [],
lineNumber: 20,
root: 'path',
sourceFileName: 'path/to/file.dart',
uriTemplate: '')
expect(sourceLinkerHref, throwsA(TypeMatcher<DartdocOptionError>()));
test('Allow a missing revision as long as it is not in the template', () {
String sourceLinkerHref() => SourceLinker(
excludes: [],
lineNumber: 71,
root: 'path',
sourceFileName: 'path/to/file.dart',
uriTemplate: '')
test('Throw if only revision specified', () {
String sourceLinkerHref() => SourceLinker(
excludes: [],
lineNumber: 20,
revision: '12345',
sourceFileName: 'path/to/file.dart',
expect(sourceLinkerHref, throwsA(TypeMatcher<DartdocOptionError>()));
test('Hide a path inside an exclude', () {
String sourceLinkerHref() => SourceLinker(
excludes: ['path/under/exclusion'],
lineNumber: 14,
root: 'path',
sourceFileName: 'path/under/exclusion/file.dart',
revision: '01234abcd',
uriTemplate: '')
expect(sourceLinkerHref(), equals(''));
test('Check that paths outside exclusions work', () {
String sourceLinkerHref() => SourceLinker(
excludes: ['path/under/exclusion'],
lineNumber: 14,
root: 'path',
sourceFileName: 'path/not/under/exclusion/file.dart',
revision: '01234abcd',
uriTemplate: '')