blob: f3621bfbfa3f44098613af64f1000b90ce05b81d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/model.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/render/enum_field_renderer.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'dartdoc_test_base.dart';
import 'src/utils.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class EnhancedEnumTest extends DartdocTestBase {
String get libraryName => 'enums';
String get sdkConstraint => '>=2.17.0 <3.0.0';
void test_constructorsAreDocumented() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "constructors" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
final int x;
/// A named constructor.
const E.named(this.x);
var namedConstructor =
expect(namedConstructor.isFactory, false);
expect(namedConstructor.fullyQualifiedName, 'enums.E.named');
expect(namedConstructor.nameWithGenerics, 'E.named');
expect(namedConstructor.documentationComment, '/// A named constructor.');
void test_instanceFieldsAreDocumented() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "fields" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
one, two, three;
/// Doc comment.
final int field1 = 1;
var field1 = library.enums.named('E').instanceFields.named('field1');
expect(field1.isInherited, false);
expect(field1.isStatic, false);
expect(field1.isDocumented, true);
'<a href="$linkPrefix/E/field1.html">field1</a>',
expect(field1.documentationComment, '/// Doc comment.');
void test_instanceGettersCanBeReferenced() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "getters" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
one, two;
/// A getter.
int get x => 1;
/// Reference to [E.x].
class C {}
var cClass = library.classes.named('C');
'<p>Reference to <a href="$linkPrefix/E/x.html">E.x</a>.</p>',
void test_instanceMethodsCanBeReferenced() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "methods" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
one, two;
/// Doc comment.
static int method1(String p) => 7;
/// Reference to [E.method1].
class C {}
var cClass = library.classes.named('C');
'<p>Reference to <a href="$linkPrefix/E/method1.html">E.method1</a>.</p>',
void test_instanceSettersAreDocumented() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "setters" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
one, two;
/// A setter.
set x(int value) {}
var xSetter = library.enums.named('E').instanceAccessors.named('x=');
expect(xSetter.isGetter, false);
expect(xSetter.isSetter, true);
expect(xSetter.isPublic, true);
expect(xSetter.documentationComment, 'A setter.');
void test_instanceSettersCanBeReferenced() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "setters" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
one, two;
/// A setter.
set x(int value) {}
/// Reference to [E.x].
class C {}
var cClass = library.classes.named('C');
'<p>Reference to <a href="$linkPrefix/E/x.html">E.x</a>.</p>',
void test_interfacesAreLinked() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
class C<T> {}
class D {}
enum E<T> implements C<T>, D { one, two, three; }
var eEnum = library.enums.named('E');
expect(eEnum.interfaces, hasLength(2));
expect( =>, equals(['C', 'D']));
void test_linkedGenericParameters() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
class C<T> {}
enum E<T> implements C<T> { one, two, three; }
var eEnum = library.enums.named('E');
'<span class="signature">&lt;<wbr><span class="type-parameter">T</span>&gt;</span>',
void test_methodsAreDocumented() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "method" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
one, two, three;
/// Doc comment.
int method1(String p) => 7;
var method1 = library.enums.named('E').instanceMethods.named('method1');
expect(method1.isInherited, false);
expect(method1.isOperator, false);
expect(method1.isStatic, false);
expect(method1.isCallable, true);
expect(method1.isDocumented, true);
'<a href="$linkPrefix/E/method1.html">method1</a>',
expect(method1.documentationComment, '/// Doc comment.');
void test_mixedInTypesAreLinked() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
mixin M<T> {}
mixin N {}
enum E<T> with M<T>, N { one, two, three; }
var eEnum = library.enums.named('E');
expect(eEnum.mixedInTypes, hasLength(2));
expect( =>, equals(['M', 'N']));
void test_namedConstructorCanBeReferenced() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "constructors" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
const E.named(int x);
/// Reference to [E.named].
class C {}
var cClass = library.classes.named('C');
'<p>Reference to <a href="$linkPrefix/E/E.named.html">E.named</a>.</p>',
void test_operatorsAreDocumented() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be an "operator" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
one, two, three;
/// Greater than.
bool operator >(E other) => index > other.index;
/// Less than.
bool operator <(E other) => index < other.index;
var greaterThan =
library.enums.named('E').instanceOperators.named('operator >');
expect(greaterThan.isInherited, false);
expect(greaterThan.isOperator, true);
expect(greaterThan.isStatic, false);
expect(greaterThan.isCallable, true);
expect(greaterThan.isDocumented, true);
'<a href="$linkPrefix/E/operator_greater.html">operator ></a>',
expect(greaterThan.documentationComment, '/// Greater than.');
var lessThan =
library.enums.named('E').instanceOperators.named('operator <');
expect(lessThan.isInherited, false);
expect(lessThan.isOperator, true);
expect(lessThan.isStatic, false);
expect(lessThan.isCallable, true);
expect(lessThan.isDocumented, true);
// TODO(srawlins): I think this smells... escape HTML.
'<a href="$linkPrefix/E/operator_less.html">operator <</a>',
expect(lessThan.documentationComment, '/// Less than.');
void test_staticFieldsAreDocumented() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "static field" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
one, two, three;
/// Doc comment.
static int field1 = 1;
var method1 = library.enums.named('E').staticFields.named('field1');
expect(method1.isInherited, false);
expect(method1.isStatic, true);
expect(method1.isDocumented, true);
'<a href="$linkPrefix/E/field1.html">field1</a>',
expect(method1.documentationComment, '/// Doc comment.');
void test_staticFieldsCanBeReferenced() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "static fields" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
one, two;
static int f = 1;
/// Reference to [E.f].
class C {}
var cClass = library.classes.named('C');
'<p>Reference to <a href="$linkPrefix/E/f.html">E.f</a>.</p>',
void test_staticGettersAreDocumented() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "static getter" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
one, two, three;
/// Doc comment.
static int get getter1 => 1;
var method1 = library.enums.named('E').staticFields.named('getter1');
expect(method1.isInherited, false);
expect(method1.isStatic, true);
expect(method1.isDocumented, true);
'<a href="$linkPrefix/E/getter1.html">getter1</a>',
expect(method1.documentationComment, 'Doc comment.');
void test_staticMethodsAreDocumented() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "static method" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
one, two, three;
/// Doc comment.
static int method1(String p) => 7;
var method1 = library.enums.named('E').staticMethods.named('method1');
expect(method1.isInherited, false);
expect(method1.isOperator, false);
expect(method1.isStatic, true);
expect(method1.isCallable, true);
expect(method1.isDocumented, true);
'<a href="$linkPrefix/E/method1.html">method1</a>',
expect(method1.documentationComment, '/// Doc comment.');
void test_staticMethodsCanBeReferenced() async {
// TODO(srawlins): As all supported Dart is >=2.15.0, this test can just
// be a "static methods" test rather than an "enum" test.
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
one, two;
static void m() {}
/// Reference to [E.m].
class C {}
var cClass = library.classes.named('C');
'<p>Reference to <a href="$linkPrefix/E/m.html">E.m</a>.</p>',
void test_valuesHaveAConstantValueImplementation() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
final int x;
/// A named constructor.
const E.named(this.x);
enum F { one, two }
var eOneValue = library.enums.named('E').publicEnumValues.named('one');
expect(eOneValue.constantValueTruncated, 'E.named(1)');
var eTwoValue = library.enums.named('E').publicEnumValues.named('two');
expect(eTwoValue.constantValueTruncated, 'E.named(2)');
var fOneValue = library.enums.named('F').publicEnumValues.named('one');
expect(fOneValue.constantValueTruncated, 'F()');
var fTwoValue = library.enums.named('F').publicEnumValues.named('two');
expect(fTwoValue.constantValueTruncated, 'F()');
class EnumTest extends DartdocTestBase {
String get libraryName => 'enums';
void test_annotatedValue() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
two, three
var one = library.enums.named('E').publicEnumValues.named('one');
expect(one.hasAnnotations, true);
expect(one.annotations, hasLength(1));
expect(one.isDeprecated, true);
void test_enclosingElement() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('enum E { one, two, three }');
var eEnum = library.enums.named('E');
expect(, 'enums');
void test_fullyQualifiedName() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('enum E { one, two, three }');
var eEnum = library.enums.named('E');
expect(eEnum.fullyQualifiedName, equals('enums.E'));
void test_hasAnnotations() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
class C {
const C();
enum E { one, two, three }
var eEnum = library.enums.named('E');
expect(eEnum.hasAnnotations, true);
expect(eEnum.annotations, hasLength(1));
'<a href="$linkPrefix/C-class.html">C</a>');
void test_hasDocComment() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
/// Doc comment for [E].
enum E { one, two, three }
var eEnum = library.enums.named('E');
expect(eEnum.hasDocumentationComment, true);
expect(eEnum.documentationComment, '/// Doc comment for [E].');
void test_index_canBeReferenced() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E { one, two, three }
/// Reference to [E.index].
class C {}
var cClass = library.classes.named('C');
'<p>Reference to '
'<a href="">E.index</a>.</p>',
void test_index_isLinked() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('enum E { one, two, three }');
var eEnum = library.enums.named('E');
expect( =>, contains('index'));
'<a href="">index</a>',
void test_linkedName() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('enum E { one, two, three }');
var eEnum = library.enums.named('E');
expect(eEnum.linkedName, equals('<a href="$linkPrefix/E.html">E</a>'));
void test_publicEnums() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('enum E { one, two, three }');
expect(library.publicEnums, isNotEmpty);
void test_publicEnumValues() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('enum E { one, two, three }');
var eEnum = library.enums.named('E');
expect(eEnum.publicEnumValues, hasLength(3));
void test_toString() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('enum E { one, two, three }');
var eEnum = library.enums.named('E');
var toStringMethod = eEnum.instanceMethods.named('toString');
expect(toStringMethod.characterLocation, isNotNull);
void test_value_canBeReferenced() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E { one, two, three }
/// Reference to [].
class C {}
var cClass = library.classes.named('C');
'<p>Reference to <a href="$linkPrefix/E.html"></a>.</p>');
void test_value_hasDocComment() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E {
/// Doc comment for [].
var one = library.enums.named('E').publicEnumValues.named('one');
expect(one.hasDocumentationComment, true);
expect(one.documentationComment, '/// Doc comment for [].');
void test_value_linksToItsAnchor() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('enum E { one, two, three }');
var oneValue =
library.enums.named('E').publicEnumValues.named('one') as EnumField;
expect(oneValue.linkedName, '<a href="$linkPrefix/E.html#one">one</a>');
void test_values_haveIndices() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('enum E { one, two, three }');
var oneValue =
library.enums.named('E').publicEnumValues.named('one') as EnumField;
var twoValue =
library.enums.named('E').publicEnumValues.named('two') as EnumField;
var threeValue =
library.enums.named('E').publicEnumValues.named('three') as EnumField;
expect(oneValue.constantValue, equals('const E(0)'));
expect(twoValue.constantValue, equals('const E(1)'));
expect(threeValue.constantValue, equals('const E(2)'));
void test_valuesConstant() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('enum E { one, two, three }');
var valuesField = library.enums.named('E').constantFields.named('values');
expect(valuesField.documentation, startsWith('A constant List'));
void test_valuesConstant_canBeReferenced() async {
var library = await bootPackageWithLibrary('''
enum E { one, two, three }
/// Reference to [E.values].
class C {}
var cClass = library.classes.named('C');
'<p>Reference to '
'<a href="$linkPrefix/E/values-constant.html">E.values</a>.</p>',