blob: 7ff418b75f26c8afff2418cb8305eda4ebe48cae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
class _RuntimeStats {
int totalReferences = 0;
int resolvedReferences = 0;
final List<_PerfTask> perfTasks = [];
final List<_PerfTask> taskQueue = [];
final Map<String, int> _accumulators = {};
String _valueAndPercent(int references) {
final percent = references.toDouble() / totalReferences.toDouble() * 100;
return '$references (${percent.toStringAsFixed(3)}%)';
/// Start a new, named, performance task.
/// Performance tasks may be nested. Note that this API currently depends on
/// inner tasks ending before their parent tasks, and, sibling tasks being
/// sequential (and not parallelized).
void startPerfTask(String name) {
if (taskQueue.isEmpty) {
var task = _PerfTask(name);
} else {
var task = _PerfTask(name);
/// End the last started performance task.
void endPerfTask() {
void resetAccumulators(Iterable<String> names) {
for (var name in names) {
_accumulators[name] = 0;
/// Increments the accumulator named [name].
/// Accumulator key must exist before calling.
void incrementAccumulator(String name) =>
_accumulators.update(name, (c) => c + 1);
String buildReport() {
final report = StringBuffer();
report.writeln('\nReference Counts:');
report.writeln(' total references: $totalReferences');
report.writeln(' resolved references: '
if (perfTasks.isNotEmpty) {
report.writeln('\nRuntime performance:');
for (var task in perfTasks) {
if (_accumulators.isNotEmpty) {
_accumulators.forEach((name, count) {
report.writeln(' $name: $count');
return report.toString();
/// Statistics that get populated as the package graph is built up (like a count
/// of all comment references) and as files are written (like the number of
/// class files that are written).
// TODO(jcollins-g): re-write to something that isn't process-global?
final runtimeStats = _RuntimeStats();
class _PerfTask {
final String name;
final Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch();
List<_PerfTask> children = [];
_PerfTask( {
void finish() {
void writeTo(StringBuffer buf) {
_writeTo(buf, '');
void _writeTo(StringBuffer buf, String indent) {
buf.write('$indent$name '.padRight(32));
for (var child in children) {
child._writeTo(buf, ' $indent');