blob: a78aeb8af2848f108ec810af2aafd8a8d93d4421 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/memory_file_system.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/mustachio/renderer_base.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'foo.dart';
import 'foo.runtime_renderers.dart';
void main() {
/*late*/ MemoryResourceProvider resourceProvider;
/*late*/ p.Context pathContext;
File getFile(String path) => resourceProvider
setUp(() {
resourceProvider = MemoryResourceProvider();
pathContext = resourceProvider.pathContext;
test('property map contains all public getters', () {
var propertyMap = Renderer_Foo.propertyMap();
expect(propertyMap.keys, hasLength(8));
expect(propertyMap['b1'], isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['s1'], isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['l1'], isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['baz'], isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['p1'], isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['length'], isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['hashCode'], isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['runtimeType'], isNotNull);
test('property map contains valid bool Properties', () {
var propertyMap = Renderer_Foo.propertyMap();
expect(propertyMap['b1'].getValue, isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['b1'].renderVariable, isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['b1'].getBool, isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['b1'].renderIterable, isNull);
expect(propertyMap['b1'].isNullValue, isNull);
expect(propertyMap['b1'].renderValue, isNull);
test('property map contains valid Iterable Properties', () {
var propertyMap = Renderer_Foo.propertyMap();
expect(propertyMap['l1'].getValue, isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['l1'].renderVariable, isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['l1'].getBool, isNull);
expect(propertyMap['l1'].renderIterable, isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['l1'].isNullValue, isNull);
expect(propertyMap['l1'].renderValue, isNull);
test('property map contains valid non-bool, non-Iterable Properties', () {
var propertyMap = Renderer_Foo.propertyMap();
expect(propertyMap['s1'].getValue, isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['s1'].renderVariable, isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['s1'].getBool, isNull);
expect(propertyMap['s1'].renderIterable, isNull);
expect(propertyMap['s1'].isNullValue, isNotNull);
expect(propertyMap['s1'].renderValue, isNotNull);
test('Property returns a field value by name', () {
var propertyMap = Renderer_Foo.propertyMap();
var foo = Foo()..s1 = 'hello';
expect(propertyMap['s1'].getValue(foo), equals('hello'));
test('Property returns a bool field value by name', () {
var propertyMap = Renderer_Foo.propertyMap();
var foo = Foo()..b1 = true;
expect(propertyMap['b1'].getBool(foo), isTrue);
test('isNullValue returns true when a value is null', () {
var propertyMap = Renderer_Foo.propertyMap();
var foo = Foo()..s1 = null;
expect(propertyMap['s1'].isNullValue(foo), isTrue);
test('isNullValue returns false when a value is not null', () {
var propertyMap = Renderer_Foo.propertyMap();
var foo = Foo()..s1 = 'hello';
expect(propertyMap['s1'].isNullValue(foo), isFalse);
test('Property returns false for a null bool field value', () {
var propertyMap = Renderer_Foo.propertyMap();
var foo = Foo()..b1 = null;
expect(propertyMap['b1'].getBool(foo), isFalse);
test('Renderer renders a non-bool variable node, escaped', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{s1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..s1 = '<p>hello</p>';
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate),
equals('Text &lt;p&gt;hello&lt;&#47;p&gt;'));
test('Renderer renders a non-bool variable node, not escaped', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{{s1}}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..s1 = '<p>hello</p>';
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text <p>hello</p>'));
test('Renderer renders a bool variable node', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{b1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..b1 = true;
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text true'));
test('Renderer renders an Iterable variable node', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{l1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..l1 = [1, 2, 3];
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text [1, 2, 3]'));
test('Renderer renders a conditional section node', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#b1}}Section{{/b1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..b1 = true;
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text Section'));
test('Renderer renders a false conditional section node as blank', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#b1}}Section{{/b1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..b1 = false;
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text '));
test('Renderer renders an inverted conditional section node as empty',
() async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{^b1}}Section{{/b1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..b1 = true;
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text '));
test('Renderer renders an inverted false conditional section node', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{^b1}}Section{{/b1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..b1 = false;
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text Section'));
test('Renderer renders a repeated section node', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#l1}}Num {{.}}, {{/l1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..l1 = [1, 2, 3];
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text Num 1, Num 2, Num 3, '));
test('Renderer renders a repeated section node with a multi-name key',
() async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo.l1}}Num {{.}}, {{/foo.l1}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()..l1 = [1, 2, 3]);
expect(renderBar(bar, barTemplate), equals('Text Num 1, Num 2, Num 3, '));
test('Renderer renders an empty repeated section node as blank', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#l1}}Num {{.}}, {{/l1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..l1 = [];
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text '));
test('Renderer renders an empty inverted repeated section node', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{^l1}}Empty{{/l1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..l1 = [];
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text Empty'));
test('Renderer renders an inverted repeated section node as blank', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{^l1}}Empty{{/l1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..l1 = [1, 2, 3];
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text '));
test('Renderer renders a value section node', () async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo}}Foo: {{s1}}{{/foo}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()..s1 = 'hello');
expect(renderBar(bar, barTemplate), equals('Text Foo: hello'));
test('Renderer renders a value section node keyed lower in the stack',
() async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo}}One {{#s2}}Two{{/s2}}{{/foo}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = Foo()
..s2 = 'hello';
expect(renderBar(bar, barTemplate), equals('Text One Two'));
test('Renderer renders a null value section node as blank', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#s1}}"{{.}}" ({{length}}){{/s1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..s1 = null;
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text '));
test('Renderer renders an inverted value section node as blank', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{^s1}}Section{{/s1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..s1 = 'hello';
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text '));
test('Renderer renders an inverted null value section node', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{^s1}}Section{{/s1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..s1 = null;
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text Section'));
test('Renderer resolves variable inside a value section', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo}}{{s1}}{{/foo}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()..s1 = 'hello');
expect(renderBar(bar, fooTemplate), equals('Text hello'));
test('Renderer resolves variable from outer context inside a value section',
() async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo}}{{s2}}{{/foo}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()..s1 = 'hello')
..s2 = 'goodbye';
expect(renderBar(bar, barTemplate), equals('Text goodbye'));
}); //
test('Renderer resolves variable with key with multiple names', () async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{foo.s1}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()..s1 = 'hello')
..s2 = 'goodbye';
expect(renderBar(bar, barTemplate), equals('Text hello'));
test('Renderer resolves variable with properties not in @Renderer', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{p1.p2.s}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..p1 = (Property1()..p2 = (Property2()..s = 'hello'));
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text hello'));
test('Renderer resolves variable with mixin properties not in @Renderer',
() async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{p1.p2.p3.s}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()
..p1 = (Property1()..p2 = (Property2()..p3 = (Property3()..s = 'hello')));
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('Text hello'));
test('Renderer resolves outer variable with key with two names', () async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo}}{{foo.s1}}{{/foo}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()..s1 = 'hello')
..s2 = 'goodbye';
expect(renderBar(bar, barTemplate), equals('Text hello'));
test('Renderer resolves outer variable with key with three names', () async {
var bazTemplateFile = getFile('/project/baz.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#bar}}{{}}{{/bar}}');
var bazTemplate = await Template.parse(bazTemplateFile);
var baz = Baz() = (Bar() = (Foo()..s1 = 'hello'));
expect(renderBaz(baz, bazTemplate), equals('Text hello'));
test('Renderer resolves outer variable with key with more than three names',
() async {
var bazTemplateFile = getFile('/project/baz.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#bar}}{{}}{{/bar}}');
var baz = Baz() = (Bar() = (Foo()..s1 = 'hello'));
var bazTemplate = await Template.parse(bazTemplateFile); = baz;
expect(renderBaz(baz, bazTemplate), equals('Text hello'));
test('Renderer renders a partial in the same directory', () async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo}}{{>foo.mustache}}{{/foo}}');
getFile('/project/foo.mustache').writeAsStringSync('Partial {{s1}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()..s1 = 'hello');
expect(renderBar(bar, barTemplate), equals('Text Partial hello'));
test('Renderer renders a partial in a different directory', () async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/src/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo}}{{>../foo.mustache}}{{/foo}}');
getFile('/project/foo.mustache').writeAsStringSync('Partial {{s1}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()..s1 = 'hello');
expect(renderBar(bar, barTemplate), equals('Text Partial hello'));
test('Renderer renders a partial in an absolute directory', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache');
fooTemplateFile.writeAsStringSync('Partial {{s1}}');
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/src/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo}}{{>${fooTemplateFile.path}}}{{/foo}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()..s1 = 'hello');
expect(renderBar(bar, barTemplate), equals('Text Partial hello'));
test('Renderer renders a partial with context chain', () async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo}}{{>foo.mustache}}{{/foo}}');
getFile('/project/foo.mustache').writeAsStringSync('Partial {{s2}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()..s1 = 'hello')
..s2 = 'goodbye';
expect(renderBar(bar, barTemplate), equals('Text Partial goodbye'));
test('Renderer renders a partial which refers to other partials', () async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text, {{#foo}}{{>foo.mustache}}{{/foo}}');
.writeAsStringSync('p1, {{#l1}}{{>foo_l1.mustache}}{{/l1}}');
getFile('/project/foo_l1.mustache').writeAsStringSync('p2 {{.}}, ');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()
..s1 = 'hello'
..l1 = [1, 2, 3]);
expect(renderBar(bar, barTemplate), equals('Text, p1, p2 1, p2 2, p2 3, '));
test('Renderer renders a partial with a heterogeneous context chain',
() async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Line 1 {{#foo}}{{>baz.mustache}}{{/foo}}\n'
'Line 2 {{>baz.mustache}}');
.writeAsStringSync('Partial {{#l1}}Section {{.}}{{/l1}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var baz = Baz();
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()
..baz = baz
..l1 = [1, 2, 3])
..baz = baz
..l1 = true;
// This is a wild consequence of Mustache's dynamic rendering concepts.
// The `baz.mustache` partial refers to a variable, "l1", which does not
// exist on the Baz class, so variable resolution walks up the context
// chain. In the first line, this finds `Foo.l1`, and renders a repeated
// section for the `l1` List. In the second line, this finds `Bar.l1`, and
// renders the conditional section, which doesn't push a context, so
// `{{.}}` renders `Bar.toString()`.
renderBar(bar, barTemplate),
equals('Line 1 Partial Section 1Section 2Section 3\n'
'Line 2 Partial Section Instance of &#39;Bar&#39;'));
test('Renderer renders a partial using a custom partial renderer', () async {
Future<File> partialResolver(String path) async {
var partialPath = pathContext.isAbsolute(path)
? '_$path.mustache'
: pathContext.join('/project', '_$path.mustache');
return getFile(partialPath);
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo}}{{>foo}}{{/foo}}');
getFile('/project/_foo.mustache').writeAsStringSync('Partial {{s1}}');
var barTemplate =
await Template.parse(barTemplateFile, partialResolver: partialResolver);
var bar = Bar() = (Foo()..s1 = 'hello');
expect(renderBar(bar, barTemplate), equals('Text Partial hello'));
test('Parser removes whitespace preceding a Section tag on its own line',
() async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
<li>Num {{.}}</li>
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..l1 = [1, 2, 3];
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('''
<li>Num 1</li>
<li>Num 2</li>
<li>Num 3</li>
test('Parser does not remove whitespace preceding a non-Section tag',
() async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
{{ #b1 }}
{{ s1 }}
{{ /b1 }}
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()
..b1 = true
..s1 = 'World';
expect(renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate), equals('''
test('Renderer throws when it cannot resolve a variable key', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{s2}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo();
() => renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<MustachioResolutionError>()
.having((e) => e.message, 'message', contains('''
line 1, column 8 of ${fooTemplateFile.path}: Failed to resolve 's2' as a property on any types in the context chain: Foo
1 │ Text {{s2}}
│ ^^
test('Renderer throws when it cannot resolve a section key', () async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#s2}}Section{{/s2}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo();
() => renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<MustachioResolutionError>()
.having((e) => e.message, 'message', contains('''
line 1, column 9 of ${fooTemplateFile.path}: Failed to resolve 's2' as a property on any types in the current context
1 │ Text {{#s2}}Section{{/s2}}
│ ^^
test('Renderer throws when it cannot resolve a multi-name variable key',
() async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{foo.x}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = Foo();
() => renderBar(bar, barTemplate),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<MustachioResolutionError>().having(
(e) => e.message,
contains("Failed to resolve 'x' on Foo while resolving [x] as a "
'property chain on any types in the context chain: Bar, after '
"first resolving 'foo' to a property on Bar"))));
test('Renderer throws when it cannot resolve a multi-name section key',
() async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo.x}}Section{{/foo.x}}');
var barTemplate = await Template.parse(barTemplateFile);
var bar = Bar() = Foo();
() => renderBar(bar, barTemplate),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<MustachioResolutionError>().having(
(e) => e.message,
contains("Failed to resolve 'x' as a property on any types in the "
'current context'))));
test('Renderer throws when it cannot resolve a key with a SimpleRenderer',
() async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{s1.length}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo();
() => renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<MustachioResolutionError>().having(
(e) => e.message,
contains('Failed to resolve [length] property chain on String'))));
test('Renderer throws when a SimpleRenderer variable key shadows another key',
() async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#s1}} {{length}} {{/s1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..s1 = 'String';
() => renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<MustachioResolutionError>().having(
(e) => e.message,
contains('[length] is a getter on String, which is not visible to '
test('Renderer throws when a SimpleRenderer section key shadows another key',
() async {
var fooTemplateFile = getFile('/project/foo.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#s1}} {{#length}}Inner{{/length}} {{/s1}}');
var fooTemplate = await Template.parse(fooTemplateFile);
var foo = Foo()..s1 = 'String';
() => renderFoo(foo, fooTemplate),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<MustachioResolutionError>().having(
(e) => e.message,
contains('[length] is a getter on String, which is not visible to '
test('Template parser throws when it cannot read a template', () async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/src/bar.mustache');
() async => await Template.parse(barTemplateFile),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<FileSystemException>()
.having((e) => e.message, 'message', contains('does not exist.'))));
test('Template parser throws when it cannot read a partial', () async {
var barTemplateFile = getFile('/project/src/bar.mustache')
..writeAsStringSync('Text {{#foo}}{{>missing.mustache}}{{/foo}}');
() async => await Template.parse(barTemplateFile),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<MustachioResolutionError>().having(
(e) => e.message,
line 1, column 14 of ${barTemplateFile.path}: FileSystemException'''),
contains('''does not exist.'''),
contains('''when reading partial:
1 │ Text {{#foo}}{{>missing.mustache}}{{/foo}}
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^