blob: 629f8bf3268f7b09131ca2bbd49d167e880d9829 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/dartdoc_options.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/io_utils.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p show extension;
/// Defines the attributes of a tool in the options file, corresponding to
/// the 'tools' keyword in the options file, and populated by the
/// [ToolConfiguration] class.
class ToolDefinition {
/// A list containing the command and options to be run for this tool. The
/// first argument in the command is the tool executable, and will have its
/// path evaluated relative to the `dartdoc_options.yaml` location. Must not
/// be an empty list, or be null.
final List<String> command;
/// A list containing the command and options to setup phase for this tool.
/// The first argument in the command is the tool executable, and will have
/// its path evaluated relative to the `dartdoc_options.yaml` location. May
/// be null or empty, in which case it will be ignored at setup time.
final List<String> setupCommand;
/// A description of the defined tool. Must not be null.
final String description;
/// If set, then the setup command has been run once for this tool definition.
bool setupComplete = false;
/// Returns true if the given executable path has an extension recognized as a
/// Dart extension (e.g. '.dart' or '.snapshot').
static bool isDartExecutable(String executable) {
var extension = p.extension(executable);
return extension == '.dart' || extension == '.snapshot';
/// Creates a ToolDefinition or subclass that is appropriate for the command
/// given.
factory ToolDefinition.fromCommand(
List<String> command,
List<String> setupCommand,
String description,
ResourceProvider resourceProvider,
{List<String> compileArgs}) {
assert(command != null);
assert(description != null);
if (isDartExecutable(command[0])) {
return DartToolDefinition(
command, setupCommand, description, resourceProvider,
compileArgs: compileArgs ?? const []);
} else {
if (compileArgs != null && compileArgs.isNotEmpty) {
throw DartdocOptionError(
'Compile arguments may only be specified for Dart tools, but '
'$compileArgsTagName of $compileArgs were specified for '
return ToolDefinition(command, setupCommand, description);
ToolDefinition(this.command, this.setupCommand, this.description)
: assert(command != null),
assert(description != null);
String toString() {
final commandString =
'${this is DartToolDefinition ? '(Dart) ' : ''}"${command.join(' ')}"';
if (setupCommand == null) {
return '$runtimeType: $commandString ($description)';
} else {
return '$runtimeType: $commandString, with setup command '
'"${setupCommand.join(' ')}" ($description)';
Future<ToolStateForArgs> toolStateForArgs(List<String> args) async {
var commandPath = args.removeAt(0);
return ToolStateForArgs(commandPath, args, null);
/// A special kind of tool definition for Dart commands.
class DartToolDefinition extends ToolDefinition {
final ResourceProvider _resourceProvider;
/// A list of arguments to add to the snapshot compilation arguments.
final List<String> compileArgs;
/// Takes a list of args to modify, and returns the name of the executable
/// to run.
/// If no snapshot file existed, then creates one and modify the args
/// so that if they are executed with dart, will result in the snapshot being
/// built.
Future<ToolStateForArgs> toolStateForArgs(List<String> args) async {
assert(args[0] == command.first);
// Set up flags to create a new snapshot, if needed, and use the first run
// as the training run.
var snapshot = SnapshotCache.instance.getSnapshot(command.first);
var snapshotPath =
var needsSnapshot = snapshot.needsSnapshot;
if (needsSnapshot) {
return ToolStateForArgs(
// TODO(jcollins-g): remove ignore and verbosity resets once
// is safely
// in the rearview mirror in dev/Flutter.
} else {
await snapshot._snapshotValid();
// replace the first argument with the path to the snapshot.
args[0] = snapshotPath;
return ToolStateForArgs(_resourceProvider.resolvedExecutable, args, null);
DartToolDefinition(List<String> command, List<String> setupCommand,
String description, this._resourceProvider,
{this.compileArgs = const []})
: assert(compileArgs != null),
super(command, setupCommand, description);
/// Manages the creation of a single snapshot file in a context where multiple
/// async functions could be trying to use and/or create it.
/// To use:
/// ```dart
/// var s = new Snapshot(...);
/// if (s.needsSnapshot) {
/// // create s.snapshotFile, then call:
/// s.snapshotCompleted();
/// } else {
/// await snapshotValid();
/// // use existing s.snapshotFile;
/// }
/// ```
class _Snapshot {
final File _snapshotFile;
final Completer<void> _snapshotCompleter = Completer();
factory _Snapshot(Folder snapshotCache, String toolPath, int serial,
ResourceProvider resourceProvider) {
if (toolPath.endsWith('.snapshot')) {
return _Snapshot.existing(toolPath, resourceProvider);
} else {
return _Snapshot.create(resourceProvider.getFile(
_Snapshot.existing(String toolPath, ResourceProvider resourceProvider)
: _needsSnapshot = false,
_snapshotFile = resourceProvider.getFile(toolPath) {
bool _needsSnapshot = true;
/// Will return true precisely once, unless [snapshotFile] was already a
/// snapshot. In that case, will always return false.
bool get needsSnapshot {
if (_needsSnapshot == true) {
_needsSnapshot = false;
return true;
return _needsSnapshot;
Future<void> _snapshotValid() => _snapshotCompleter.future;
void _snapshotCompleted() => _snapshotCompleter.complete();
/// A singleton that keeps track of cached snapshot files. The [dispose]
/// function must be called before process exit to clean up snapshots in the
/// cache.
class SnapshotCache {
static SnapshotCache _instance;
final Folder snapshotCache;
final ResourceProvider _resourceProvider;
final Map<String, _Snapshot> snapshots = {};
int _serial = 0;
: snapshotCache =
static SnapshotCache get instance => _instance;
static SnapshotCache createInstance(ResourceProvider resourceProvider) =>
_instance ??= SnapshotCache._(resourceProvider);
_Snapshot getSnapshot(String toolPath) {
if (snapshots.containsKey(toolPath)) {
return snapshots[toolPath];
snapshots[toolPath] =
_Snapshot(snapshotCache, toolPath, _serial, _resourceProvider);
return snapshots[toolPath];
void dispose() {
_instance = null;
if (snapshotCache != null && snapshotCache.exists) {
return snapshotCache.delete();
return null;
class ToolStateForArgs {
final String commandPath;
final List<String> args;
final void Function() onProcessComplete;
ToolStateForArgs(this.commandPath, this.args, this.onProcessComplete);