blob: 439e9c6d8cdd655775c1d65b93c5fcef4f9f6af4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dartdoc.package_meta;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' show Platform, Process;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/dartdoc.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'logging.dart';
Map<String, PackageMeta> _packageMetaCache = {};
Encoding utf8AllowMalformed = Utf8Codec(allowMalformed: true);
class PackageMetaFailure extends DartdocFailure {
PackageMetaFailure(String message) : super(message);
/// For each list in this list, at least one of the given paths must exist
/// for this to be detected as an SDK.
final List<List<String>> __sdkDirFilePathsPosix = [
['bin/dart.bat', 'bin/dart.exe', 'bin/dart'],
['bin/pub.bat', 'bin/pub'],
final PackageMetaProvider pubPackageMetaProvider = PackageMetaProvider(
/// Sets the supported way of constructing [PackageMeta] objects.
/// These objects can be constructed from a filename, a directory
/// or a [LibraryElement]. We allow different dartdoc implementations to
/// provide their own [PackageMeta] types.
/// By using a different provider, these implementations can control how
/// [PackageMeta] objects is built.
class PackageMetaProvider {
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
final Folder defaultSdkDir;
final DartSdk defaultSdk;
final PackageMeta Function(LibraryElement, String, ResourceProvider)
final PackageMeta Function(String, ResourceProvider) _fromFilename;
final PackageMeta Function(Folder, ResourceProvider) _fromDir;
PackageMeta fromElement(LibraryElement library, String s) =>
_fromElement(library, s, resourceProvider);
PackageMeta fromFilename(String s) => _fromFilename(s, resourceProvider);
PackageMeta fromDir(Folder dir) => _fromDir(dir, resourceProvider);
PackageMetaProvider(this._fromElement, this._fromFilename, this._fromDir,
this.resourceProvider, this.defaultSdkDir,
/// Describes a single package in the context of `dartdoc`.
/// The primary function of this class is to allow canonicalization of packages
/// by returning the same [PackageMeta] for a given filename, library or path
/// if they belong to the same package.
/// Overriding this is typically done by overriding factories as rest of
/// `dartdoc` creates this object by calling these static factories.
abstract class PackageMeta {
final Folder dir;
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider;
PackageMeta(this.dir, this.resourceProvider);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other is! PackageMeta) return false;
PackageMeta otherMeta = other;
return resourceProvider.pathContext.equals(dir.path, otherMeta.dir.path);
int get hashCode => pathContext.hash(pathContext.absolute(dir.path));
p.Context get pathContext => resourceProvider.pathContext;
/// Returns true if this represents a 'Dart' SDK.
/// A package can be part of Dart and Flutter at the same time, but if we are
/// part of a Dart SDK, [sdkType] should never return null.
bool get isSdk;
/// Returns 'Dart' or 'Flutter' (preferentially, 'Flutter' when the answer is
/// "both"), or null if this package is not part of a SDK.
String sdkType(String flutterRootPath);
bool get needsPubGet => false;
bool get requiresFlutter;
void runPubGet(String flutterRoot);
String get name;
/// null if not a hosted pub package. If set, the hostname
/// that the package is hosted at -- usually ''.
String get hostedAt;
String get version;
String get description;
String get homepage;
File getReadmeContents();
File getLicenseContents();
File getChangelogContents();
/// Returns true if we are a valid package, valid enough to generate docs.
bool get isValid => getInvalidReasons().isEmpty;
/// Returns resolved directory.
String get resolvedDir;
/// Returns a list of reasons this package is invalid, or an
/// empty list if no reasons found.
/// If the list is empty, this package is valid.
List<String> getInvalidReasons();
String toString() => name;
/// Default implementation of [PackageMeta] depends on pub packages.
abstract class PubPackageMeta extends PackageMeta {
PubPackageMeta(Folder dir, ResourceProvider resourceProvider)
: super(dir, resourceProvider);
static List<List<String>> __sdkDirFilePaths;
static List<List<String>> get _sdkDirFilePaths {
if (__sdkDirFilePaths == null) {
__sdkDirFilePaths = [];
if (Platform.isWindows) {
for (var paths in __sdkDirFilePathsPosix) {
var windowsPaths = [
for (var path in paths)
p.joinAll(p.Context(style: p.Style.posix).split(path)),
} else {
__sdkDirFilePaths = __sdkDirFilePathsPosix;
return __sdkDirFilePaths;
static final _sdkDirParent = <String, Folder>{};
/// If [folder] is inside a Dart SDK, returns the directory of the SDK, and `null`
/// otherwise.
static Folder sdkDirParent(Folder folder, ResourceProvider resourceProvider) {
var pathContext = resourceProvider.pathContext;
var dirPathCanonical = pathContext.canonicalize(folder.path);
if (!_sdkDirParent.containsKey(dirPathCanonical)) {
_sdkDirParent[dirPathCanonical] = null;
for (var dir in folder.withAncestors) {
if (_sdkDirFilePaths.every((List<String> l) {
return l.any((f) =>
resourceProvider.getFile(pathContext.join(dir.path, f)).exists);
})) {
_sdkDirParent[dirPathCanonical] = dir;
return _sdkDirParent[dirPathCanonical];
/// Use this instead of fromDir where possible.
static PubPackageMeta fromElement(LibraryElement libraryElement,
String sdkDir, ResourceProvider resourceProvider) {
if (libraryElement.isInSdk) {
return PubPackageMeta.fromDir(
resourceProvider.getFolder(sdkDir), resourceProvider);
return PubPackageMeta.fromDir(
static PubPackageMeta fromFilename(
String filename, ResourceProvider resourceProvider) {
return PubPackageMeta.fromDir(
resourceProvider.getFile(filename).parent2, resourceProvider);
/// This factory is guaranteed to return the same object for any given
/// [dir.absolute.path]. Multiple [dir.absolute.path]s will resolve to the
/// same object if they are part of the same package. Returns null
/// if the directory is not part of a known package.
static PubPackageMeta fromDir(
Folder folder, ResourceProvider resourceProvider) {
var pathContext = resourceProvider.pathContext;
var original =
folder = original;
if (!original.exists) {
throw PackageMetaFailure(
'fatal error: unable to locate the input directory at ${original.path}.');
if (!_packageMetaCache.containsKey(folder.path)) {
PackageMeta packageMeta;
// There are pubspec.yaml files inside the SDK. Ignore them.
var parentSdkDir = sdkDirParent(folder, resourceProvider);
if (parentSdkDir != null) {
packageMeta = _SdkMeta(parentSdkDir, resourceProvider);
} else {
for (var dir in folder.withAncestors) {
var pubspec = resourceProvider
.getFile(pathContext.join(dir.path, 'pubspec.yaml'));
if (pubspec.exists) {
packageMeta = _FilePackageMeta(dir, resourceProvider);
_packageMetaCache[pathContext.absolute(folder.path)] = packageMeta;
return _packageMetaCache[pathContext.absolute(folder.path)];
String sdkType(String flutterRootPath) {
if (flutterRootPath != null) {
var flutterPackages = pathContext.join(flutterRootPath, 'packages');
var flutterBinCache = pathContext.join(flutterRootPath, 'bin', 'cache');
/// Don't include examples or other non-SDK components as being the
/// "Flutter SDK".
var canonicalizedDir = pathContext
if (pathContext.isWithin(flutterPackages, canonicalizedDir) ||
pathContext.isWithin(flutterBinCache, canonicalizedDir)) {
return 'Flutter';
return isSdk ? 'Dart' : null;
String _resolvedDir;
String get resolvedDir {
_resolvedDir ??= dir.resolveSymbolicLinksSync().path;
return _resolvedDir;
class _FilePackageMeta extends PubPackageMeta {
File _readme;
File _license;
File _changelog;
Map<dynamic, dynamic> _pubspec;
_FilePackageMeta(Folder dir, ResourceProvider resourceProvider)
: super(dir, resourceProvider) {
var pubspec = dir.getChildAssumingFile('pubspec.yaml');
_pubspec = loadYaml(pubspec.readAsStringSync());
bool _setHostedAt = false;
String _hostedAt;
String get hostedAt {
if (!_setHostedAt) {
_setHostedAt = true;
// Search for 'hosted/host.domain' as the immediate parent directories,
// and verify that a directory "_temp" exists alongside "hosted". Those
// seem to be the only guaranteed things to exist if we're from a pub
// cache.
// TODO(jcollins-g): This is a funky heuristic. Make this better somehow,
// possibly by calculating hosting directly from pubspec.yaml or importing
// a pub library to do this.
// People could have a pub cache at root with Windows drive mappings.
if (pathContext.split(pathContext.canonicalize(dir.path)).length >= 3) {
var pubCacheRoot = dir.parent2.parent2.parent2.path;
// Check for directory structure too close to root.
if (pubCacheRoot != dir.parent2.parent2.path) {
var hosted = pathContext.canonicalize(dir.parent2.parent2.path);
var hostname = pathContext.canonicalize(dir.parent2.path);
if (pathContext.basename(hosted) == 'hosted' &&
.getFolder(pathContext.join(pubCacheRoot, '_temp'))
.exists) {
_hostedAt = pathContext.basename(hostname);
return _hostedAt;
bool get isSdk => false;
bool get needsPubGet => !(resourceProvider
.getFile(pathContext.join(dir.path, '.dart_tool', 'package_config.json'))
void runPubGet(String flutterRoot) {
String binPath;
List<String> parameters;
if (requiresFlutter) {
binPath = p.join(flutterRoot, 'bin', 'flutter');
parameters = ['pub', 'get'];
} else {
binPath = p.join(p.dirname(Platform.resolvedExecutable), 'pub');
parameters = ['get'];
if (Platform.isWindows) binPath += '.bat';
var result =
Process.runSync(binPath, parameters, workingDirectory: dir.path);
var trimmedStdout = (result.stdout as String).trim();
if (trimmedStdout.isNotEmpty) {
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
var buf = StringBuffer();
throw DartdocFailure('pub get failed: ${buf.toString().trim()}');
String get name => _pubspec['name'];
String get version => _pubspec['version'];
String get description => _pubspec['description'];
String get homepage => _pubspec['homepage'];
bool get requiresFlutter =>
_environment?.containsKey('flutter') == true ||
_dependencies?.containsKey('flutter') == true;
YamlMap /*?*/ get _environment => _pubspec['environment'];
YamlMap /*?*/ get _dependencies => _pubspec['environment'];
File getReadmeContents() =>
_readme ??= _locate(dir, ['', 'readme.txt', 'readme']);
File getLicenseContents() =>
_license ??= _locate(dir, ['', 'license.txt', 'license']);
File getChangelogContents() => _changelog ??=
_locate(dir, ['', 'changelog.txt', 'changelog']);
/// Returns a list of reasons this package is invalid, or an
/// empty list if no reasons found.
List<String> getInvalidReasons() {
var reasons = <String>[];
if (_pubspec == null || _pubspec.isEmpty) {
reasons.add('no pubspec.yaml found');
} else if (!_pubspec.containsKey('name')) {
reasons.add('no name found in pubspec.yaml');
return reasons;
File _locate(Folder dir, List<String> fileNames) {
var files = dir.getChildren().whereType<File>().toList();
for (var name in fileNames) {
for (var f in files) {
var baseName = p.basename(f.path).toLowerCase();
if (baseName == name) return f;
if (baseName.startsWith(name)) return f;
return null;
class _SdkMeta extends PubPackageMeta {
String sdkReadmePath;
_SdkMeta(Folder dir, ResourceProvider resourceProvider)
: super(dir, resourceProvider) {
sdkReadmePath =
resourceProvider.pathContext.join(dir.path, 'lib', '');
String get hostedAt => null;
bool get isSdk => true;
void runPubGet(String flutterRoot) {
throw 'unsupported operation';
String get name => 'Dart';
String get version {
var versionFile = resourceProvider
.getFile(resourceProvider.pathContext.join(dir.path, 'version'));
if (versionFile.exists) return versionFile.readAsStringSync().trim();
return 'unknown';
String get description =>
'The Dart SDK is a set of tools and libraries for the '
'Dart programming language.';
String get homepage => '';
bool get requiresFlutter => false;
File getReadmeContents() {
var f = resourceProvider.getFile(
resourceProvider.pathContext.join(dir.path, 'lib', ''));
if (!f.exists) {
f = resourceProvider.getFile(
resourceProvider.pathContext.join(dir.path, ''));
return f.exists ? f : null;
List<String> getInvalidReasons() => [];
File getLicenseContents() => null;
// TODO: The changelog doesn't seem to be available in the sdk.
File getChangelogContents() => null;
void clearPackageMetaCache() {