blob: 17e837983e1b37ec275eeab706bfb650cbb1f079 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// See the Mustachio README at tool/mustachio/ for high-level
// documentation.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// Specifies information for generating both a runtime-interpreted Mustache
/// renderer and a pre-compiled Mustache renderer for a [context] object, using
/// a Mustache template located at [standardHtmlTemplate] and at
/// [standardMdTemplate], for an HTML template, and for a Markdown template,
/// respectively.
// Update `test/builder_test_base.dart` when updating this.
class Renderer {
/// The name of the render function to generate.
final Symbol name;
/// The type of the context type, specified as the [Context] type argument.
final Context context;
/// The unparsed, string form of the URI of the _standard_ HTML template.
/// This represents the Mustache template that dartdoc uses out-of-the-box to
/// render the [context] object while generating documentation in HTML.
final String standardHtmlTemplate;
/// The unparsed, string form of the URI of the _standard_ Markdown template.
/// This represents the Mustache template that dartdoc uses out-of-the-box to
/// render the [context] object while generating documentation in Markdown.
final String standardMdTemplate;
/// A set of types which are "visible" to the Mustache runtime interpreter.
/// Mustache runtime-rendering has access to all of a type's public getters if
/// the type is visible to Mustache.
/// Note that all subtypes and supertypes of a "visible" type are also visible
/// to Mustache.
final Set<Type> visibleTypes;
/// Returns a Renderer with the specified renderer function [name] which can
/// render [context] objects.
/// [standardTemplateBasename] is used as a basename in an
/// Asset URL, in both [standardHtmlTemplate] and [standardMdTemplate],
/// in order to render with the out-of-the-box Mustache templates.
const Renderer(,
String standardTemplateBasename, {
this.visibleTypes = const {},
}) : standardHtmlTemplate =
standardMdTemplate =
const Renderer.forTest(,
String standardTemplateBasename, {
this.visibleTypes = const {},
}) : standardHtmlTemplate = 'templates/$standardTemplateBasename.html',
standardMdTemplate = 'templates/$';
/// A container for a type, [T], which is the type of a context object,
/// referenced in a `@Renderer` annotation.
/// An instance of this class holds zero information, except for [T], a type.
// Update `test/builder_test_base.dart` when updating this.
class Context<T> {
const Context();
/// The specification of a renderer, as derived from a @Renderer annotation.
/// This is only meant to be used by dartdoc's builders.
class RendererSpec {
/// The name of the render function.
final String name;
final InterfaceType contextType;
final Set<DartType> visibleTypes;
final String standardHtmlTemplate;
final String standardMdTemplate;
final Map<TemplateFormat, Uri> standardTemplateUris;
) : standardTemplateUris = {
TemplateFormat.html: _parseUriFromAnnotation(standardHtmlTemplate), _parseUriFromAnnotation(standardMdTemplate),
/// Parses a URI from a String which comes from a const annotation object.
/// The String value may be the literal value, 'null'.
static Uri _parseUriFromAnnotation(String unparsed) =>
unparsed == 'null' || unparsed == null ? null : Uri.parse(unparsed);
ClassElement get contextElement => contextType.element;
enum TemplateFormat {