blob: 77e96ff31fbdd91df4c78fac900876c4752b2777 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// The models used to represent Dart code.
library dartdoc.element_type;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/comment_referable.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/model.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/render/element_type_renderer.dart';
/// Base class representing a type in Dartdoc. It wraps a [DartType], and
/// may link to a [ModelElement].
abstract class ElementType extends Privacy with CommentReferable, Nameable {
final DartType _type;
final PackageGraph packageGraph;
final ElementType returnedFrom;
final Library library;
ElementType(this._type, this.library, this.packageGraph, this.returnedFrom);
factory ElementType.from(
DartType f, Library library, PackageGraph packageGraph,
{ElementType returnedFrom}) {
if (f.element == null ||
f.element.kind == ElementKind.DYNAMIC ||
f.element.kind == ElementKind.NEVER) {
if (f is FunctionType) {
if (f.aliasElement != null) {
return AliasedFunctionTypeElementType(
f, library, packageGraph, returnedFrom);
return FunctionTypeElementType(f, library, packageGraph, returnedFrom);
return UndefinedElementType(f, library, packageGraph, returnedFrom);
} else {
var element = ModelElement.fromElement(f.element, packageGraph);
// [TypeAliasElement.aliasElement] has different implications.
// In that case it is an actual type alias of some kind (generic
// or otherwise. Here however aliasElement signals that this is a
// type referring to an alias.
if (f is! TypeAliasElement && f.aliasElement != null) {
return AliasedElementType(
f, library, packageGraph, element, returnedFrom);
assert(f is ParameterizedType || f is TypeParameterType);
// TODO(jcollins-g): strip out all the cruft that's accumulated
// here for non-generic type aliases.
var isGenericTypeAlias = f.aliasElement != null && f is! InterfaceType;
if (f is FunctionType) {
assert(f is ParameterizedType);
// This is an indication we have an extremely out of date analyzer....
!isGenericTypeAlias, 'should never occur: out of date analyzer?');
// And finally, delete this case and its associated class
// after
// is in all published versions of analyzer this version of dartdoc
// is compatible with.
return CallableElementType(
f, library, packageGraph, element, returnedFrom);
} else if (isGenericTypeAlias) {
return GenericTypeAliasElementType(
f, library, packageGraph, element, returnedFrom);
if (f is TypeParameterType) {
return TypeParameterElementType(
f, library, packageGraph, element, returnedFrom);
assert(f is ParameterizedType);
return ParameterizedElementType(
f, library, packageGraph, element, returnedFrom);
bool get canHaveParameters => false;
bool get isTypedef => false;
String get linkedName;
/// Name with generics and nullability indication.
String get nameWithGenerics;
/// Return a dartdoc nullability suffix for this type.
String get nullabilitySuffix {
if (library.isNullSafety && !type.isVoid && !type.isBottom) {
/// If a legacy type appears inside the public interface of a Null
/// safety library, we pretend it is nullable for the purpose of
/// documentation (since star-types are not supposed to be public).
if (type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question ||
type.nullabilitySuffix == {
return '?';
return '';
DartType get instantiatedType;
Iterable<ElementType> get typeArguments;
bool isBoundSupertypeTo(ElementType t);
bool isSubtypeOf(ElementType t);
String toString() => '$type';
DartType get type => _type;
/// An [ElementType] that isn't pinned to an Element (or one that is, but whose
/// element is irrelevant).
class UndefinedElementType extends ElementType {
UndefinedElementType(DartType f, Library library, PackageGraph packageGraph,
ElementType returnedFrom)
: super(f, library, packageGraph, returnedFrom);
Element get element => null;
bool get isPublic => true;
String get name {
if (type.isVoid) return 'void';
assert({'Never', 'void', 'dynamic'}.contains(,
'Unrecognized type for UndefinedElementType: ${type.toString()}');
String get nameWithGenerics => '$name$nullabilitySuffix';
/// Assume that undefined elements don't have useful bounds.
DartType get instantiatedType => type;
bool isBoundSupertypeTo(ElementType t) => false;
bool isSubtypeOf(ElementType t) => type.isBottom && !t.type.isBottom;
String get linkedName => name;
Iterable<ElementType> get typeArguments => [];
Map<String, CommentReferable> get referenceChildren => {};
Iterable<CommentReferable> get referenceParents => [];
Iterable<CommentReferable> get referenceGrandparentOverrides => null;
/// A FunctionType that does not have an underpinning Element.
class FunctionTypeElementType extends UndefinedElementType
with Rendered, Callable {
FunctionTypeElementType(FunctionType f, Library library,
PackageGraph packageGraph, ElementType returnedFrom)
: super(f, library, packageGraph, returnedFrom);
/// An unmodifiable list of this function element's type parameters.
List<TypeParameter> get typeFormals => type.typeFormals
.map((p) => ModelElement.from(p, library, packageGraph) as TypeParameter)
.toList(growable: false);
String get name => 'Function';
ElementTypeRenderer get _renderer =>
class AliasedFunctionTypeElementType extends FunctionTypeElementType
with Aliased {
AliasedFunctionTypeElementType(FunctionType f, Library library,
PackageGraph packageGraph, ElementType returnedFrom)
: super(f, library, packageGraph, returnedFrom) {
assert(type.aliasElement != null);
assert(type.aliasArguments != null);
ElementTypeRenderer<AliasedFunctionTypeElementType> get _renderer =>
class ParameterizedElementType extends DefinedElementType with Rendered {
ParameterizedElementType(ParameterizedType type, Library library,
PackageGraph packageGraph, ModelElement element, ElementType returnedFrom)
: super(type, library, packageGraph, element, returnedFrom);
ParameterizedType get type => super.type;
ElementTypeRenderer<ParameterizedElementType> get _renderer =>
Iterable<ElementType> _typeArguments;
Iterable<ElementType> get typeArguments =>
_typeArguments ??= type.typeArguments
.map((f) => ElementType.from(f, library, packageGraph))
.toList(growable: false);
/// A [ElementType] whose underlying type was referrred to by a type alias.
mixin Aliased implements ElementType {
String get name =>;
bool get isTypedef => true;
ModelElement _aliasElement;
ModelElement get aliasElement => _aliasElement ??=
ModelElement.fromElement(type.aliasElement, packageGraph);
Iterable<ElementType> _aliasArguments;
Iterable<ElementType> get aliasArguments =>
_aliasArguments ??= type.aliasArguments
.map((f) => ElementType.from(f, library, packageGraph))
.toList(growable: false);
Iterable<ElementType> _typeArguments;
Iterable<ElementType> get typeArguments =>
_typeArguments ??= (type as ParameterizedType)
.map((f) => ElementType.from(f, library, packageGraph))
.toList(growable: false);
class AliasedElementType extends ParameterizedElementType with Aliased {
AliasedElementType(ParameterizedType type, Library library,
PackageGraph packageGraph, ModelElement element, ElementType returnedFrom)
: super(type, library, packageGraph, element, returnedFrom) {
assert(type.aliasElement != null);
/// Parameters, if available, for the underlying typedef.
List<Parameter> get aliasedParameters =>
modelElement.isCallable ? modelElement.parameters : [];
ElementTypeRenderer<AliasedElementType> get _renderer =>
class TypeParameterElementType extends DefinedElementType {
TypeParameterElementType(TypeParameterType type, Library library,
PackageGraph packageGraph, ModelElement element, ElementType returnedFrom)
: super(type, library, packageGraph, element, returnedFrom);
TypeParameterType get type => super.type;
String get linkedName => '$name$nullabilitySuffix';
String get nameWithGenerics => '$name$nullabilitySuffix';
DartType get _bound => type.bound;
/// An [ElementType] associated with an [Element].
abstract class DefinedElementType extends ElementType {
final ModelElement _modelElement;
DefinedElementType(DartType type, Library library, PackageGraph packageGraph,
this._modelElement, ElementType returnedFrom)
: super(type, library, packageGraph, returnedFrom);
Element get element => modelElement.element;
ModelElement get modelElement {
assert(_modelElement != null);
return _modelElement;
String get name =>;
String get fullyQualifiedName => modelElement.fullyQualifiedName;
bool get isParameterType => (type is TypeParameterType);
/// This type is a public type if the underlying, canonical element is public.
/// This avoids discarding the resolved type information as canonicalization
/// would ordinarily do.
bool get isPublic {
Container canonicalClass = modelElement.packageGraph
.findCanonicalModelElementFor(modelElement.element) ??
return canonicalClass?.isPublic ?? false;
DartType get _bound => type;
DartType _instantiatedType;
/// Return this type, instantiated to bounds if it isn't already.
DartType get instantiatedType {
if (_instantiatedType == null) {
if (_bound is InterfaceType &&
!(_bound as InterfaceType)
.every((t) => t is InterfaceType)) {
var typeSystem = library.element.typeSystem;
_instantiatedType = typeSystem.instantiateToBounds2(
classElement: _bound.element as ClassElement,
nullabilitySuffix: _bound.nullabilitySuffix);
} else {
_instantiatedType = _bound;
return _instantiatedType;
/// The instantiated to bounds type of this type is a subtype of
/// [t].
bool isSubtypeOf(ElementType t) =>
library.typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(instantiatedType, t.instantiatedType);
/// Returns true if at least one supertype (including via mixins and
/// interfaces) is equivalent to or a subtype of [this] when
/// instantiated to bounds.
bool isBoundSupertypeTo(ElementType t) {
var type = t.instantiatedType;
if (type is InterfaceType) {
var superTypes = type.allSupertypes;
for (var superType in superTypes) {
if (library.typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(superType, instantiatedType)) {
return true;
return false;
Iterable<ElementType> get typeArguments => [];
Map<String, CommentReferable> get referenceChildren =>
Iterable<CommentReferable> get referenceParents =>
Iterable<CommentReferable> get referenceGrandparentOverrides =>
/// Any callable ElementType will mix-in this class, whether anonymous or not,
/// unless it is an alias reference.
mixin Callable implements ElementType {
List<Parameter> get parameters => type.parameters
.map((p) => ModelElement.from(p, library, packageGraph) as Parameter)
.toList(growable: false);
ElementType _returnType;
ElementType get returnType {
_returnType ??= ElementType.from(type.returnType, library, packageGraph);
return _returnType;
// TODO(jcollins-g): mustachio should not require this
String get linkedName;
FunctionType get type => _type;
/// This [ElementType] uses an [ElementTypeRenderer] to generate
/// some of its parameters.
mixin Rendered implements ElementType {
String _linkedName;
String get linkedName {
_linkedName ??= _renderer.renderLinkedName(this);
return _linkedName;
String _nameWithGenerics;
String get nameWithGenerics {
_nameWithGenerics ??= _renderer.renderNameWithGenerics(this);
return _nameWithGenerics;
ElementTypeRenderer<ElementType> get _renderer;
/// A callable type that may or may not be backed by a declaration using the generic
/// function syntax.
class CallableElementType extends DefinedElementType with Rendered, Callable {
CallableElementType(FunctionType t, Library library,
PackageGraph packageGraph, ModelElement element, ElementType returnedFrom)
: super(t, library, packageGraph, element, returnedFrom);
String get name => != null && ? : 'Function';
ElementTypeRenderer<CallableElementType> get _renderer =>
Iterable<ElementType> _typeArguments;
Iterable<ElementType> get typeArguments =>
_typeArguments ??= (type.aliasArguments ?? [])
.map((f) => ElementType.from(f, library, packageGraph))
.toList(growable: false);
/// A non-callable type backed by a [GenericTypeAliasElement].
class GenericTypeAliasElementType extends TypeParameterElementType {
GenericTypeAliasElementType(TypeParameterType t, Library library,
PackageGraph packageGraph, ModelElement element, ElementType returnedFrom)
: super(t, library, packageGraph, element, returnedFrom);