blob: 9ab6d40d9dc6584f9f1b3b8ab401bd6ffdfb97ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dartdoc.html_generator;
import 'dart:async' show Future, StreamController, Stream;
import 'dart:io' show Directory, File;
import '../generator.dart';
import '../model.dart';
import 'html_generator_instance.dart';
import 'templates.dart';
typedef String Renderer(String input);
// Generation order for libraries:
// constants
// typedefs
// properties
// functions
// enums
// classes
// exceptions
// Generation order for classes:
// constants
// static properties
// static methods
// properties
// constructors
// operators
// methods
class HtmlGenerator extends Generator {
final Templates _templates;
final HtmlGeneratorOptions _options;
final StreamController<File> _onFileCreated =
new StreamController(sync: true);
Stream<File> get onFileCreated =>;
/// [url] - optional URL for where the docs will be hosted.
static Future<HtmlGenerator> create(
{HtmlGeneratorOptions options,
List<String> headers,
List<String> footers}) async {
var templates =
await Templates.create(headerPaths: headers, footerPaths: footers);
return new HtmlGenerator._(
options ?? new HtmlGeneratorOptions(), templates);
HtmlGenerator._(this._options, this._templates);
Future generate(Package package, Directory out) {
return new HtmlGeneratorInstance(
_options, _templates, package, out, _onFileCreated)
class HtmlGeneratorOptions {
final String url;
final String relCanonicalPrefix;
final String faviconPath;
final String toolVersion;
final bool useCategories;
final bool prettyIndexJson;
String toolVersion,
this.useCategories: false,
this.prettyIndexJson: false})
: this.toolVersion = toolVersion ?? 'unknown';