blob: 567368766f864b6c66ca2cadcc028598e92f4205 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:io' hide ProcessException;
import 'package:dartdoc/dartdoc.dart' show defaultOutDir;
import 'package:dartdoc/src/io_utils.dart';
import 'package:grinder/grinder.dart';
import 'package:html/dom.dart';
import 'package:html/parser.dart' show parse;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart' as yaml;
main([List<String> args]) => grind(args);
final Directory docsDir =
new Directory(path.join('${Directory.systemTemp.path}', defaultOutDir));
@Task('Analyze dartdoc to ensure there are no errors and warnings')
analyze() {
Analyzer.analyze(['bin/dartdoc.dart', 'lib/dartdoc.dart', 'test/all.dart'],
fatalWarnings: true);
@Task('analyze, test, and self-test dartdoc')
@Depends(analyze, test, testDartdoc)
buildbot() => null;
@Task('Generate docs for the Dart SDK')
Future buildSdkDocs() async {
log('building SDK docs');
Process process = await Process.start(Platform.resolvedExecutable, [
int exitCode = await process.exitCode;
if (exitCode != 0) {
fail("exitCode: $exitCode");
@Task('Checks that CHANGELOG mentions current version')
checkChangelogHasVersion() async {
var changelog = new File('');
if (!changelog.existsSync()) {
fail('ERROR: No found in ${Directory.current}');
var version = _getPackageVersion();
if (!changelog.readAsLinesSync().contains('## ${version}')) {
fail('ERROR: does not mention version ${version}');
_getPackageVersion() {
var pubspec = new File('pubspec.yaml');
var yamlDoc;
if (pubspec.existsSync()) {
yamlDoc = yaml.loadYaml(pubspec.readAsStringSync());
if (yamlDoc == null) {
fail('Cannot find pubspec.yaml in ${Directory.current}');
var version = yamlDoc['version'];
return version;
@Task('Check links')
checkLinks() {
bool foundError = false;
Set<String> visited = new Set();
final origin = 'testing/test_package/doc/api/';
var start = 'index.html';
_doCheck(origin, visited, start, foundError);
if (foundError) exit(1);
@Task('Check sdk links')
checkSdkLinks() {
bool foundError = false;
Set<String> visited = new Set();
final origin = '${docsDir.path}/';
var start = 'index.html';
_doCheck(origin, visited, start, foundError);
if (foundError) exit(1);
@Task('Checks that version is matched in relevant places')
checkVersionMatches() async {
var version = _getPackageVersion();
var libCode = new File('lib/dartdoc.dart');
if (!libCode.existsSync()) {
fail('Cannot find lib/dartdoc.dart in ${Directory.current}');
String libCodeContents = libCode.readAsStringSync();
if (!libCodeContents.contains("const String version = '${version}';")) {
fail('Version string for ${version} not found in lib/dartdoc.dart');
@Task('Find transformers used by this project')
findTransformers() async {
var dotPackages = new File('.packages');
if (!dotPackages.existsSync()) {
fail('No .packages file found in ${Directory.current}');
var foundAnyTransformers = false;
.where((line) => !line.startsWith('#'))
.map((line) => line.split(':file://'))
.forEach((List<String> mapping) {
var pubspec = new File(mapping.last.replaceFirst('lib/', 'pubspec.yaml'));
if (pubspec.existsSync()) {
var yamlDoc = yaml.loadYaml(pubspec.readAsStringSync());
if (yamlDoc['transformers'] != null) {
log('${mapping.first} has transformers!');
foundAnyTransformers = true;
} else {
log('No pubspec found for ${mapping.first}, tried ${pubspec}');
if (!foundAnyTransformers) {
log('No transformers found');
@Task('Make sure all the resource files are present')
indexResources() {
var sourcePath = path.join('lib', 'resources');
if (!new Directory(sourcePath).existsSync()) {
throw new StateError('lib/resources directory not found');
var outDir = new Directory(path.join('lib'));
var out = new File(path.join(outDir.path, 'src', 'html', 'resources.g.dart'));
out.createSync(recursive: true);
var buffer = new StringBuffer()
..write('// WARNING: This file is auto-generated. Do not taunt.\n\n')
..write('library dartdoc.html.resources;\n\n')
..write('const List<String> resource_names = const [\n');
var packagePaths = [];
for (var fileName in listDir(sourcePath, recursive: true)) {
if (!FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(fileName)) {
var packageified = fileName.replaceFirst('lib/', 'package:dartdoc/');
buffer.write( => " '$p'").join(',\n'));
@Task('Publish to pub.dartlang')
@Depends(checkChangelogHasVersion, checkVersionMatches)
publish() async {
await run('pub', arguments: ['publish', '--force']);
@Task('Run all the tests.')
test() {
// this is 5 seconds faster than `pub run test`, so
// using straight-up VM here
return Dart.runAsync('test/all.dart', vmArgs: ['--checked']);
@Task('Generate docs for dartdoc')
testDartdoc() {
try {
log('running dartdoc');'bin/dartdoc.dart', arguments: ['--output', '${docsDir.path}']);
File indexHtml = joinFile(docsDir, ['index.html']);
if (!indexHtml.existsSync()) fail('docs not generated');
} catch (e) {
@Task('update test_package_docs')
updateTestPackageDocs() {
var options = new RunOptions(workingDirectory: 'testing/test_package');
arguments: [
'--output', '../test_package_docs',
'--example-path-prefix', 'examples',
runOptions: options);
@Task('Validate the SDK doc build.')
validateSdkDocs() {
const expectedLibCount = 18;
File indexHtml = joinFile(docsDir, ['index.html']);
if (!indexHtml.existsSync()) {
fail('no index.html found for SDK docs');
log('found index.html');
String indexContents = indexHtml.readAsStringSync();
int foundLibs = _findCount(indexContents, ' <li><a href="dart-');
if (foundLibs != expectedLibCount) {
fail('expected $expectedLibCount dart: index.html entries, found $foundLibs');
log('$foundLibs index.html dart: entries found');
// check for the existence of certain files/dirs
var libsLength =
docsDir.listSync().where((fs) => fs.path.contains('dart-')).length;
if (libsLength != expectedLibCount) {
fail('docs not generated for all the SDK libraries, '
'expected $expectedLibCount directories, generated $libsLength directories');
log('$libsLength dart: libraries found');
var futureConstFile =
joinFile(docsDir, [path.join('dart-async', 'Future', 'Future.html')]);
if (!futureConstFile.existsSync()) {
fail('no Future.html found for dart:async Future constructor');
log('found Future.async ctor');
int _findCount(String str, String match) {
int count = 0;
int index = str.indexOf(match);
while (index != -1) {
index = str.indexOf(match, index + match.length);
return count;
_doCheck(String origin, Set<String> visited, String pathToCheck, bool error,
[String source]) {
var fullPath = path.normalize("$origin$pathToCheck");
if (visited.contains(fullPath)) return;
File file = new File("$fullPath");
if (!file.existsSync()) {
error = true;
log(' * Not found: $fullPath from $source');
Document doc = parse(file.readAsStringSync());
Element base = doc.querySelector('base');
String baseHref;
if (base != null) {
baseHref = base.attributes['href'];
List<Element> links = doc.querySelectorAll('a');
.map((link) => link.attributes['href'])
.where((href) => href != null)
.forEach((href) {
if (!href.startsWith('http') && !href.contains('#')) {
var full = '${path.dirname(pathToCheck)}/$baseHref/$href';
var normalized = path.normalize(full);
_doCheck(origin, visited, normalized, error, pathToCheck);