blob: fe34aaa219b193c455f678baae99556d1f5d7718 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014, Google Inc. Please see the AUTHORS file for details.
# All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Fast fail the script on failures.
set -e
pub global activate grinder
pub global activate dart_style
# add globally activated packages to the path
export PATH="$PATH":"~/.pub-cache/bin"
if [ "$GEN_SDK_DOCS" = "true" ]
# Build the SDK docs
# silence stdout but echo stderr
echo ""
echo "Building and validating SDK docs..."
grind build-sdk-docs
grind validate-sdk-docs
echo "SDK docs process finished"
echo ""
echo "Skipping SDK docs, because GEN_SDK_DOCS is $GEN_SDK_DOCS"
echo ""
$(dirname -- "$0")/
# Verify that the libraries are error free.
grind analyze
# Run dartdoc on test_package.
cd test_package
dart -c ../bin/dartdoc.dart
cd ..
# checks the test_package results
grind check-links
# And on test_package_small.
cd test_package_small
dart -c ../bin/dartdoc.dart
cd ..
# Run the tests.
grind test
# Gather and send coverage data.
if [ "$REPO_TOKEN" ]; then
pub global activate dart_coveralls
pub global run dart_coveralls report \
--token $REPO_TOKEN \
--retry 2 \
--exclude-test-files \