blob: 2e435059fdaa312b96a0214a14f47f6902c4089a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' hide ProcessException;
import 'package:dartdoc/src/io_utils.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/package_meta.dart';
import 'package:grinder/grinder.dart';
import 'package:io/io.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart' as yaml;
import '../test/src/utils.dart';
void main([List<String> args]) => grind(args);
/// Thrown on failure to find something in a file.
class GrindTestFailure {
final String message;
/// Kind of an inefficient grepper for now.
void expectFileContains(String path, List<Pattern> items) {
File source = File(path);
if (!source.existsSync()) {
throw GrindTestFailure('file not found: ${path}');
for (Pattern item in items) {
if (!File(path).readAsStringSync().contains(item)) {
throw GrindTestFailure('Can not find ${item} in ${path}');
/// The pub cache inherited by grinder.
final String defaultPubCache =
Platform.environment['PUB_CACHE'] ?? resolveTildePath('~/.pub-cache');
/// Run no more than the number of processors available in parallel.
final MultiFutureTracker testFutures =
// Directory.systemTemp is not a constant. So wrap it.
Directory createTempSync(String prefix) =>
/// Global so that the lock is retained for the life of the process.
Future<void> _lockFuture;
Completer<FlutterRepo> _cleanFlutterRepo;
/// Returns true if we need to replace the existing flutter. We never release
/// this lock until the program exits to prevent edge case runs from
/// spontaneously deciding to download a new Flutter SDK in the middle of a run.
Future<FlutterRepo> get cleanFlutterRepo async {
if (_cleanFlutterRepo == null) {
// No await is allowed between check of _cleanFlutterRepo and its assignment,
// to prevent reentering this function.
_cleanFlutterRepo = Completer();
// Figure out where the repository is supposed to be and lock updates for
// it.
await cleanFlutterDir.parent.create(recursive: true);
assert(_lockFuture == null);
_lockFuture = File(path.join(cleanFlutterDir.parent.path, 'lock'))
.openSync(mode: FileMode.write)
await _lockFuture;
File lastSynced =
File(path.join(cleanFlutterDir.parent.path, 'lastSynced'));
FlutterRepo newRepo =
FlutterRepo.fromPath(cleanFlutterDir.path, {}, 'clean');
// We have a repository, but is it up to date?
DateTime lastSyncedTime;
if (lastSynced.existsSync()) {
lastSyncedTime = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(
if (lastSyncedTime == null || > Duration(hours: 4)) {
// Rebuild the repository.
if (cleanFlutterDir.existsSync()) {
cleanFlutterDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
cleanFlutterDir.createSync(recursive: true);
await newRepo._init();
await lastSynced
return _cleanFlutterRepo.future;
Directory _dartdocDocsDir;
Directory get dartdocDocsDir => _dartdocDocsDir ??= createTempSync('dartdoc');
Directory _dartdocDocsDirRemote;
Directory get dartdocDocsDirRemote =>
_dartdocDocsDirRemote ??= createTempSync('dartdoc_remote');
Directory _sdkDocsDir;
Directory get sdkDocsDir => _sdkDocsDir ??= createTempSync('sdkdocs');
Directory cleanFlutterDir = Directory(
path.join(resolveTildePath('~/.dartdoc_grinder'), 'cleanFlutter'));
Directory _flutterDir;
Directory get flutterDir => _flutterDir ??= createTempSync('flutter');
Directory get testPackage =>
Directory(path.joinAll(['testing', 'test_package']));
Directory get pluginPackage =>
Directory(path.joinAll(['testing', 'test_package_flutter_plugin']));
Directory _testPackageDocsDir;
Directory get testPackageDocsDir =>
_testPackageDocsDir ??= createTempSync('test_package');
Directory _pluginPackageDocsDir;
Directory get pluginPackageDocsDir =>
_pluginPackageDocsDir ??= createTempSync('test_package_flutter_plugin');
/// Version of dartdoc we should use when making comparisons.
String get dartdocOriginalBranch {
String branch = 'master';
if (Platform.environment.containsKey('DARTDOC_ORIGINAL')) {
branch = Platform.environment['DARTDOC_ORIGINAL'];
log('using branch/tag: $branch for comparison from \$DARTDOC_ORIGINAL');
return branch;
List<String> _extraDartdocParams;
/// If DARTDOC_PARAMS is set, add given parameters to the list.
List<String> get extraDartdocParameters {
if (_extraDartdocParams == null) {
final RegExp whitespace = RegExp(r'\s+');
_extraDartdocParams = [];
if (Platform.environment.containsKey('DARTDOC_PARAMS')) {
return _extraDartdocParams;
final Directory flutterDirDevTools =
Directory(path.join(flutterDir.path, 'dev', 'tools'));
/// Creates a throwaway pub cache and returns the environment variables
/// necessary to use it.
Map<String, String> _createThrowawayPubCache() {
final Directory pubCache = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('pubcache');
final Directory pubCacheBin = Directory(path.join(pubCache.path, 'bin'));
return Map.fromIterables([
], [
[pubCacheBin.path, Platform.environment['PATH']].join(':')
// TODO(jcollins-g): make a library out of this
final FilePath _pkgDir = FilePath('lib/src/third_party/pkg');
final FilePath _mustache4dartDir =
final RegExp _mustache4dartPatches =
@Task('Update third_party forks')
void updateThirdParty() async {
run('rm', arguments: ['-rf', _mustache4dartDir.path]);
Directory(_pkgDir.path).createSync(recursive: true);
run('git', arguments: [
run('rm', arguments: ['-rf', path.join(_mustache4dartDir.path, '.git')]);
for (String patchFileName in Directory(_pkgDir.path)
.map((e) => path.basename(e.path))
.where((String filename) => _mustache4dartPatches.hasMatch(filename))
..sort()) {
arguments: [
workingDirectory: _pkgDir.path);
@Task('Analyze dartdoc to ensure there are no errors and warnings')
void analyze() async {
await SubprocessLauncher('analyze').runStreamed(
@Task('Check for dartfmt cleanliness')
void dartfmt() async {
if (Platform.version.contains('dev')) {
List<String> filesToFix = [];
// Filter out test packages as they always have strange formatting.
// Passing parameters to dartfmt for directories to search results in
// filenames being stripped of the dirname so we have to filter here.
void addFileToFix(String fileName) {
if (path.split(fileName).first == 'testing') return;
log('Validating dartfmt with version ${Platform.version}');
await SubprocessLauncher('dartfmt').runStreamed(
perLine: addFileToFix);
if (filesToFix.isNotEmpty) {
'dartfmt found files needing reformatting. Use this command to reformat:\n'
'dartfmt -w ${ => "\'$f\'").join(' ')}');
} else {
log('Skipping dartfmt check, requires latest dev version of SDK');
@Task('Run quick presubmit checks.')
@Depends(analyze, checkBuild, smokeTest, dartfmt, tryPublish)
void presubmit() => null;
@Task('Run long tests, self-test dartdoc, and run the publish test')
@Depends(presubmit, test, testDartdoc)
void buildbot() => null;
@Task('Generate docs for the Dart SDK')
Future buildSdkDocs() async {
log('building SDK docs');
await _buildSdkDocs(sdkDocsDir.path, Future.value(Directory.current.path));
class WarningsCollection {
final String tempDir;
final Map<String, int> warningKeyCounts;
final String branch;
final String pubCachePath;
WarningsCollection(this.tempDir, this.pubCachePath, this.branch)
: this.warningKeyCounts = Map();
static const String kPubCachePathReplacement = '_xxxPubDirectoryxxx_';
static const String kTempDirReplacement = '_xxxTempDirectoryxxx_';
String _toKey(String text) {
String key = text.replaceAll(tempDir, kTempDirReplacement);
if (pubCachePath != null) {
key = key.replaceAll(pubCachePath, kPubCachePathReplacement);
return key;
String _fromKey(String text) {
String key = text.replaceAll(kTempDirReplacement, tempDir);
if (pubCachePath != null) {
key = key.replaceAll(kPubCachePathReplacement, pubCachePath);
return key;
void add(String text) {
String key = _toKey(text);
warningKeyCounts.putIfAbsent(key, () => 0);
/// Output formatter for comparing warnings. [this] is the original.
String getPrintableWarningDelta(String title, WarningsCollection current) {
StringBuffer printBuffer = StringBuffer();
Set<String> quantityChangedOuts = Set();
Set<String> onlyOriginal = Set();
Set<String> onlyCurrent = Set();
Set<String> identical = Set();
Set<String> allKeys = Set.from([]
for (String key in allKeys) {
if (warningKeyCounts.containsKey(key) &&
!current.warningKeyCounts.containsKey(key)) {
} else if (!warningKeyCounts.containsKey(key) &&
current.warningKeyCounts.containsKey(key)) {
} else if (warningKeyCounts.containsKey(key) &&
current.warningKeyCounts.containsKey(key) &&
warningKeyCounts[key] != current.warningKeyCounts[key]) {
} else {
if (onlyOriginal.isNotEmpty) {
'*** $title : ${onlyOriginal.length} warnings from $branch, missing in ${current.branch}:');
onlyOriginal.forEach((key) => printBuffer.writeln(_fromKey(key)));
if (onlyCurrent.isNotEmpty) {
'*** $title : ${onlyCurrent.length} new warnings in ${current.branch}, missing in $branch');
onlyCurrent.forEach((key) => printBuffer.writeln(current._fromKey(key)));
if (quantityChangedOuts.isNotEmpty) {
printBuffer.writeln('*** $title : Identical warning quantity changed');
for (String key in quantityChangedOuts) {
"* Appeared ${warningKeyCounts[key]} times in $branch, ${current.warningKeyCounts[key]} in ${current.branch}:");
if (onlyOriginal.isEmpty &&
onlyCurrent.isEmpty &&
quantityChangedOuts.isEmpty) {
'*** $title : No difference in warning output from $branch to ${current.branch}${allKeys.isEmpty ? "" : " (${allKeys.length} warnings found)"}');
} else if (identical.isNotEmpty) {
'*** $title : Difference in warning output found for ${allKeys.length - identical.length} warnings (${allKeys.length} warnings found)"');
return printBuffer.toString();
/// Returns a map of warning texts to the number of times each has been seen.
WarningsCollection jsonMessageIterableToWarnings(Iterable<Map> messageIterable,
String tempPath, String pubDir, String branch) {
WarningsCollection warningTexts =
WarningsCollection(tempPath, pubDir, branch);
if (messageIterable == null) return warningTexts;
for (Map<String, dynamic> message in messageIterable) {
if (message.containsKey('level') &&
message['level'] == 'WARNING' &&
message.containsKey('data')) {
return warningTexts;
@Task('Display delta in SDK warnings')
Future compareSdkWarnings() async {
Directory originalDartdocSdkDocs =
Future originalDartdoc = createComparisonDartdoc();
Future currentDartdocSdkBuild = _buildSdkDocs(
sdkDocsDir.path, Future.value(Directory.current.path), 'current');
Future originalDartdocSdkBuild =
_buildSdkDocs(originalDartdocSdkDocs.path, originalDartdoc, 'original');
WarningsCollection currentDartdocWarnings = jsonMessageIterableToWarnings(
await currentDartdocSdkBuild, sdkDocsDir.absolute.path, null, 'HEAD');
WarningsCollection originalDartdocWarnings = jsonMessageIterableToWarnings(
await originalDartdocSdkBuild,
'SDK docs', currentDartdocWarnings));
/// Helper function to create a clean version of dartdoc (based on the current
/// directory, assumed to be a git repository). Uses [dartdocOriginalBranch]
/// to checkout a branch or tag.
Future<String> createComparisonDartdoc() async {
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('create-comparison-dartdoc');
Directory dartdocClean =
await launcher
.runStreamed('git', ['clone', Directory.current.path, dartdocClean.path]);
await launcher.runStreamed('git', ['checkout', dartdocOriginalBranch],
workingDirectory: dartdocClean.path);
await launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), ['get'],
workingDirectory: dartdocClean.path);
return dartdocClean.path;
/// Helper function to create a clean version of dartdoc (based on the current
/// directory, assumed to be a git repository), configured to use the head
/// version of the Dart SDK for analyzer, front-end, and kernel.
Future<String> createSdkDartdoc() async {
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('create-sdk-dartdoc');
Directory dartdocSdk = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dartdoc-sdk');
await launcher
.runStreamed('git', ['clone', Directory.current.path, dartdocSdk.path]);
await launcher.runStreamed('git', ['checkout'],
workingDirectory: dartdocSdk.path);
Directory sdkClone = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('sdk-checkout');
await launcher.runStreamed('git', [
File dartdocPubspec = File(path.join(dartdocSdk.path, 'pubspec.yaml'));
List<String> pubspecLines = await dartdocPubspec.readAsLines();
List<String> pubspecLinesFiltered = [];
for (String line in pubspecLines) {
if (line.startsWith('dependency_overrides:')) {
} else {
await dartdocPubspec.writeAsString(pubspecLinesFiltered.join('\n'));
path: '${sdkClone.path}/pkg/analyzer'
path: '${sdkClone.path}/pkg/_fe_analyzer_shared'
''', mode: FileMode.append);
await launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), ['get'],
workingDirectory: dartdocSdk.path);
return dartdocSdk.path;
@Task('Run grind tasks with the analyzer SDK.')
Future<void> testWithAnalyzerSdk() async {
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('test-with-analyzer-sdk');
var sdkDartdoc = await createSdkDartdoc();
final String defaultGrindParameter =
Platform.environment['DARTDOC_GRIND_STEP'] ?? 'test';
await launcher.runStreamed(
sdkBin('pub'), ['run', 'grinder', defaultGrindParameter],
workingDirectory: sdkDartdoc);
Future<List<Map>> _buildSdkDocs(String sdkDocsPath, Future<String> futureCwd,
[String label]) async {
if (label == null) label = '';
if (label != '') label = '-$label';
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('build-sdk-docs$label');
String cwd = await futureCwd;
await launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), ['get'], workingDirectory: cwd);
return await launcher.runStreamed(
path.join('bin', 'dartdoc.dart'),
workingDirectory: cwd);
Future<List<Map>> _buildTestPackageDocs(
String outputDir, Future<String> futureCwd,
[String label]) async {
if (label == null) label = '';
if (label != '') label = '-$label';
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('build-test-package-docs$label');
Future testPackagePubGet = launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), ['get'],
workingDirectory: testPackage.absolute.path);
String cwd = await futureCwd;
Future dartdocPubGet =
launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), ['get'], workingDirectory: cwd);
await Future.wait([testPackagePubGet, dartdocPubGet]);
return await launcher.runStreamed(
path.join(cwd, 'bin', 'dartdoc.dart'),
workingDirectory: testPackage.absolute.path);
@Task('Build generated test package docs (with inherited docs and source code)')
Future<void> buildTestPackageDocs() async {
await _buildTestPackageDocs(
testPackageDocsDir.absolute.path, Future.value(Directory.current.path));
@Task('Serve test package docs locally with dhttpd on port 8002')
Future<void> serveTestPackageDocs() async {
log('launching dhttpd on port 8002 for SDK');
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('serve-test-package-docs');
await launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), [
Future<void> _serveDocsFrom(String servePath, int port, String context) async {
log('launching dhttpd on port $port for $context');
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher(context);
await launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), ['get']);
await launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), ['global', 'activate', 'dhttpd']);
await launcher.runStreamed(
sdkBin('pub'), ['run', 'dhttpd', '--port', '$port', '--path', servePath]);
@Task('Serve generated SDK docs locally with dhttpd on port 8000')
Future<void> serveSdkDocs() async {
log('launching dhttpd on port 8000 for SDK');
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('serve-sdk-docs');
await launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), [
@Task('Compare warnings in Dartdoc for Flutter')
Future<void> compareFlutterWarnings() async {
Directory originalDartdocFlutter =
Future originalDartdoc = createComparisonDartdoc();
Map<String, String> envCurrent = _createThrowawayPubCache();
Map<String, String> envOriginal = _createThrowawayPubCache();
Future currentDartdocFlutterBuild = _buildFlutterDocs(flutterDir.path,
Future.value(Directory.current.path), envCurrent, 'docs-current');
Future originalDartdocFlutterBuild = _buildFlutterDocs(
WarningsCollection currentDartdocWarnings = jsonMessageIterableToWarnings(
await currentDartdocFlutterBuild,
WarningsCollection originalDartdocWarnings = jsonMessageIterableToWarnings(
await originalDartdocFlutterBuild,
'Flutter repo', currentDartdocWarnings));
if (Platform.environment['SERVE_FLUTTER'] == '1') {
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('serve-flutter-docs');
await launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), ['get']);
Future original = launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), [
path.join(originalDartdocFlutter.absolute.path, 'dev', 'docs', 'doc'),
Future current = launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), [
path.join(flutterDir.absolute.path, 'dev', 'docs', 'doc'),
await Future.wait([original, current]);
@Task('Serve generated Flutter docs locally with dhttpd on port 8001')
Future<void> serveFlutterDocs() async {
log('launching dhttpd on port 8001 for Flutter');
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('serve-flutter-docs');
await launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), ['get']);
await launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), [
path.join(flutterDir.path, 'dev', 'docs', 'doc'),
@Task('Validate flutter docs')
@Depends(buildFlutterDocs, buildDartdocFlutterPluginDocs)
void validateFlutterDocs() {}
@Task('Build flutter docs')
Future<void> buildFlutterDocs() async {
log('building flutter docs into: $flutterDir');
Map<String, String> env = _createThrowawayPubCache();
await _buildFlutterDocs(
flutterDir.path, Future.value(Directory.current.path), env, 'docs');
String index =
File(path.join(flutterDir.path, 'dev', 'docs', 'doc', 'index.html'))
/// A class wrapping a flutter SDK.
class FlutterRepo {
final String flutterPath;
final Map<String, String> env;
final String bin = path.join('bin', 'flutter');
FlutterRepo._(this.flutterPath, this.env, String label) {
cacheDart =
path.join(flutterPath, 'bin', 'cache', 'dart-sdk', 'bin', 'dart');
cachePub = path.join(flutterPath, 'bin', 'cache', 'dart-sdk', 'bin', 'pub');
env['PATH'] =
'${path.join(path.canonicalize(flutterPath), "bin")}:${env['PATH'] ?? Platform.environment['PATH']}';
env['FLUTTER_ROOT'] = flutterPath;
launcher =
SubprocessLauncher('flutter${label == null ? "" : "-$label"}', env);
Future<void> _init() async {
Directory(flutterPath).createSync(recursive: true);
await launcher.runStreamed(
'git', ['clone', '', '.'],
workingDirectory: flutterPath);
await launcher.runStreamed(
workingDirectory: flutterPath,
await launcher.runStreamed(
workingDirectory: flutterPath,
await launcher.runStreamed(
workingDirectory: flutterPath,
factory FlutterRepo.fromPath(String flutterPath, Map<String, String> env,
[String label]) {
FlutterRepo flutterRepo = FlutterRepo._(flutterPath, env, label);
return flutterRepo;
/// Copy an existing, initialized flutter repo.
static Future<FlutterRepo> copyFromExistingFlutterRepo(
FlutterRepo origRepo, String flutterPath, Map<String, String> env,
[String label]) async {
await copyPath(origRepo.flutterPath, flutterPath);
FlutterRepo flutterRepo = FlutterRepo._(flutterPath, env, label);
return flutterRepo;
/// Doesn't actually copy the existing repo; use for read-only operations only.
static Future<FlutterRepo> fromExistingFlutterRepo(FlutterRepo origRepo,
[String label]) async {
FlutterRepo flutterRepo = FlutterRepo._(origRepo.flutterPath, {}, label);
return flutterRepo;
String cacheDart;
String cachePub;
SubprocessLauncher launcher;
Future<List<Map>> _buildFlutterDocs(
String flutterPath, Future<String> futureCwd, Map<String, String> env,
[String label]) async {
FlutterRepo flutterRepo = await FlutterRepo.copyFromExistingFlutterRepo(
await cleanFlutterRepo, flutterPath, env, label);
await flutterRepo.launcher.runStreamed(
workingDirectory: path.join(flutterPath, 'dev', 'tools'),
await flutterRepo.launcher.runStreamed(
workingDirectory: path.join(flutterPath, 'dev', 'snippets'),
await flutterRepo.launcher.runStreamed(
flutterRepo.cachePub, ['global', 'activate', '-spath', '.'],
workingDirectory: await futureCwd);
return await flutterRepo.launcher.runStreamed(
[path.join('dev', 'tools', 'dartdoc.dart'), '-c', '--json'],
workingDirectory: flutterPath,
/// Returns the directory in which we generated documentation.
Future<String> _buildPubPackageDocs(
String pubPackageName, List<String> dartdocParameters,
[String version, String label]) async {
Map<String, String> env = _createThrowawayPubCache();
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher(
'build-${pubPackageName}${version == null ? "" : "-$version"}${label == null ? "" : "-$label"}',
List<String> args = <String>['cache', 'add'];
if (version != null) args.addAll(<String>['-v', version]);
await launcher.runStreamed('pub', args);
Directory cache =
Directory(path.join(env['PUB_CACHE'], 'hosted', ''));
Directory pubPackageDir =
cache.listSync().firstWhere((e) => e.path.contains(pubPackageName));
if (PackageMeta.fromDir(pubPackageDir).requiresFlutter) {
FlutterRepo flutterRepo =
await FlutterRepo.fromExistingFlutterRepo(await cleanFlutterRepo);
await launcher.runStreamed(flutterRepo.cachePub, ['get'],
environment: flutterRepo.env,
workingDirectory: pubPackageDir.absolute.path);
await launcher.runStreamed(
path.join(Directory.current.absolute.path, 'bin', 'dartdoc.dart'),
environment: flutterRepo.env,
workingDirectory: pubPackageDir.absolute.path);
} else {
await launcher.runStreamed('pub', ['get'],
workingDirectory: pubPackageDir.absolute.path);
await launcher.runStreamed(
path.join(Directory.current.absolute.path, 'bin', 'dartdoc.dart'),
workingDirectory: pubPackageDir.absolute.path);
return path.join(pubPackageDir.absolute.path, 'doc', 'api');
'Build an arbitrary pub package based on PACKAGE_NAME and PACKAGE_VERSION environment variables')
Future<String> buildPubPackage() async {
String packageName = Platform.environment['PACKAGE_NAME'];
String version = Platform.environment['PACKAGE_VERSION'];
return _buildPubPackageDocs(packageName, extraDartdocParameters, version);
'Serve an arbitrary pub package based on PACKAGE_NAME and PACKAGE_VERSION environment variables')
Future<void> servePubPackage() async {
await _serveDocsFrom(await buildPubPackage(), 9000, 'serve-pub-package');
@Task('Checks that CHANGELOG mentions current version')
Future<void> checkChangelogHasVersion() async {
var changelog = File('');
if (!changelog.existsSync()) {
fail('ERROR: No found in ${Directory.current}');
var version = _getPackageVersion();
if (!changelog.readAsLinesSync().contains('## ${version}')) {
fail('ERROR: does not mention version ${version}');
String _getPackageVersion() {
var pubspec = File('pubspec.yaml');
var yamlDoc;
if (pubspec.existsSync()) {
yamlDoc = yaml.loadYaml(pubspec.readAsStringSync());
if (yamlDoc == null) {
fail('Cannot find pubspec.yaml in ${Directory.current}');
var version = yamlDoc['version'];
return version;
@Task('Rebuild generated files')
Future<void> build() async {
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('build');
await launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'),
['run', 'build_runner', 'build', '--delete-conflicting-outputs']);
// TODO(jcollins-g): port to build system?
String version = _getPackageVersion();
File dartdoc_options = File('dartdoc_options.yaml');
await dartdoc_options.writeAsString('''dartdoc:
root: '.'
uriTemplate: '${version}/%f%#L%l%'
/// Paths in this list are relative to lib/.
final _generated_files_list = <String>[
].map((s) => path.joinAll(path.posix.split(s)));
@Task('Verify generated files are up to date')
Future<void> checkBuild() async {
var originalFileContents = Map<String, String>();
var differentFiles = <String>[];
// Load original file contents into memory before running the builder;
// it modifies them in place.
for (String relPath in _generated_files_list) {
String origPath = path.joinAll(['lib', relPath]);
File oldVersion = File(origPath);
if (oldVersion.existsSync()) {
originalFileContents[relPath] = oldVersion.readAsStringSync();
await build();
for (String relPath in _generated_files_list) {
File newVersion = File(path.join('lib', relPath));
if (!await newVersion.exists()) {
log('${newVersion.path} does not exist\n');
} else if (originalFileContents[relPath] !=
await newVersion.readAsString()) {
log('${newVersion.path} has changed to: \n${newVersion.readAsStringSync()})');
if (differentFiles.isNotEmpty) {
fail('The following generated files needed to be rebuilt:\n'
' ${ => path.join('lib', f)).join("\n ")}\n'
'Rebuild them with "grind build" and check the results in.');
@Task('Dry run of publish to pub.dartlang')
Future<void> tryPublish() async {
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('try-publish');
await launcher.runStreamed(sdkBin('pub'), ['publish', '-n']);
@Task('Run a smoke test, only')
Future<void> smokeTest() async {
await testDart2(smokeTestFiles);
await testFutures.wait();
@Task('Run non-smoke tests, only')
Future<void> longTest() async {
await testDart2(testFiles);
await testFutures.wait();
@Task('Run all the tests.')
Future<void> test() async {
await testDart2(smokeTestFiles.followedBy(testFiles));
await testFutures.wait();
List<File> get smokeTestFiles => Directory('test')
.listSync(recursive: true)
.where((e) => path.basename(e.path) == 'model_test.dart')
List<File> get testFiles => Directory('test')
.listSync(recursive: true)
.where((e) => e.path.endsWith('test.dart'))
.where((e) => path.basename(e.path) != 'model_test.dart')
Future<void> testDart2(Iterable<File> tests) async {
List<String> parameters = ['--enable-asserts'];
for (File dartFile in tests) {
await testFutures.addFutureFromClosure(() =>
return CoverageSubprocessLauncher.generateCoverageToFile(File(''));
@Task('Generate docs for dartdoc')
Future<void> testDartdoc() async {
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('test-dartdoc');
await launcher.runStreamed(Platform.resolvedExecutable, [
expectFileContains(path.join(dartdocDocsDir.path, 'index.html'),
['<title>dartdoc - Dart API docs</title>']);
final RegExp object = RegExp('<li>Object</li>', multiLine: true);
path.join(dartdocDocsDir.path, 'dartdoc', 'ModelElement-class.html'),
@Task('Generate docs for dartdoc with remote linking')
Future<void> testDartdocRemote() async {
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('test-dartdoc-remote');
final RegExp object = RegExp(
'<a href="|stable)/[^/]*/dart-core/Object-class.html">Object</a>',
multiLine: true);
await launcher.runStreamed(Platform.resolvedExecutable, [
expectFileContains(path.join(dartdocDocsDir.path, 'index.html'),
['<title>dartdoc - Dart API docs</title>']);
path.join(dartdocDocsDir.path, 'dartdoc', 'ModelElement-class.html'),
@Task('serve docs for a package that requires flutter with remote linking')
Future<void> serveDartdocFlutterPluginDocs() async {
await _serveDocsFrom(
pluginPackageDocsDir.path, 8005, 'serve-dartdoc-flutter-plugin-docs');
Future<WarningsCollection> _buildDartdocFlutterPluginDocs() async {
FlutterRepo flutterRepo = await FlutterRepo.fromExistingFlutterRepo(
await cleanFlutterRepo, 'docs-flutter-plugin');
return jsonMessageIterableToWarnings(
await flutterRepo.launcher.runStreamed(
path.join(Directory.current.path, 'bin', 'dartdoc.dart'),
'Dart', // TODO(jcollins-g): dart-lang/dartdoc#1431
workingDirectory: pluginPackage.path),
@Task('Build docs for a package that requires flutter with remote linking')
Future<void> buildDartdocFlutterPluginDocs() async {
await _buildDartdocFlutterPluginDocs();
@Task('Verify docs for a package that requires flutter with remote linking')
Future<void> testDartdocFlutterPlugin() async {
WarningsCollection warnings = await _buildDartdocFlutterPluginDocs();
if (warnings.warningKeyCounts.isNotEmpty) {
fail('No warnings should exist in : ${warnings.warningKeyCounts}');
// Verify that links to Dart SDK and Flutter SDK go to the flutter site.
pluginPackageDocsDir.path, 'testlib', 'MyAwesomeWidget-class.html'),
'<a href="">Widget</a>',
'<a href="">Object</a>'
@Task('Validate the SDK doc build.')
void validateSdkDocs() {
// TODO(jcollins-g): Remove flexibility in library counts once dev build
// includes
const expectedLibCounts = [0, 1];
const expectedSubLibCount = [19, 20];
const expectedTotalCount = [19, 20];
File indexHtml = joinFile(sdkDocsDir, ['index.html']);
if (!indexHtml.existsSync()) {
fail('no index.html found for SDK docs');
log('found index.html');
String indexContents = indexHtml.readAsStringSync();
int foundLibs = _findCount(indexContents, ' <li><a href="dart-');
if (!expectedLibCounts.contains(foundLibs)) {
'expected $expectedTotalCount dart: index.html entries, found $foundLibs');
log('$foundLibs index.html dart: entries found');
int foundSubLibs =
_findCount(indexContents, '<li class="section-subitem"><a href="dart-');
if (!expectedSubLibCount.contains(foundSubLibs)) {
'expected $expectedSubLibCount dart: index.html entries in categories, found $foundSubLibs');
log('$foundSubLibs index.html dart: entries in categories found');
// check for the existence of certain files/dirs
var libsLength =
sdkDocsDir.listSync().where((fs) => fs.path.contains('dart-')).length;
if (!expectedTotalCount.contains(libsLength)) {
fail('docs not generated for all the SDK libraries, '
'expected ${expectedTotalCount + expectedTotalCount} directories, generated $libsLength directories');
log('$libsLength dart: libraries found');
var futureConstFile =
joinFile(sdkDocsDir, [path.join('dart-async', 'Future', 'Future.html')]);
if (!futureConstFile.existsSync()) {
fail('no Future.html found for dart:async Future constructor');
log('found Future.async ctor');
int _findCount(String str, String match) {
int count = 0;
int index = str.indexOf(match);
while (index != -1) {
index = str.indexOf(match, index + match.length);
return count;