blob: 25fed99f0e5e918ff5856d6a62c7458cf9c9859e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dartdoc.model_utils;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model.dart';
import 'package:quiver/core.dart';
import 'config.dart';
final Map<String, String> _fileContents = <String, String>{};
/// Remove elements that aren't documented.
Iterable<T> filterNonDocumented<T extends Documentable>(
Iterable<T> maybeDocumentedItems) {
return maybeDocumentedItems.where((me) => me.isDocumented);
/// Returns an iterable containing only public elements from [privacyItems].
Iterable<T> filterNonPublic<T extends Privacy>(Iterable<T> privacyItems) {
return privacyItems.where((me) => me.isPublic);
/// Finds canonical classes for all classes in the iterable, if possible.
/// If a canonical class can not be found, returns the original class.
Iterable<Class> findCanonicalFor(Iterable<Class> classes) {
return =>
c.packageGraph.findCanonicalModelElementFor(c.element) as Class ?? c);
String getFileContentsFor(Element e) {
var location = e.source.fullName;
if (!_fileContents.containsKey(location)) {
var contents = new File(location).readAsStringSync();
_fileContents.putIfAbsent(location, () => contents);
return _fileContents[location];
Iterable<LibraryElement> getRequiredSdkLibraries(
DartSdk sdk, AnalysisContext context) {
var requiredLibs = sdk.sdkLibraries
.where((sdkLib) => sdkLib.shortName == 'dart:_interceptors');
final Set<LibraryElement> allLibraryElements = new Set();
for (var sdkLib in requiredLibs) {
Source source = sdk.mapDartUri(sdkLib.shortName);
return allLibraryElements;
bool isInExportedLibraries(
List<LibraryElement> libraries, LibraryElement library) {
return libraries
.any((lib) => lib == library || lib.exportedLibraries.contains(library));
final RegExp slashes = new RegExp('[\/]');
bool hasPrivateName(Element e) {
if ( == null) return false;
if ('_')) {
return true;
// GenericFunctionTypeElements have the name we care about in the enclosing
// element.
if (e is GenericFunctionTypeElement) {
if ('_')) {
return true;
if (e is LibraryElement &&
(e.identifier.startsWith('dart:_') ||
['dart:nativewrappers'].contains(e.identifier))) {
return true;
if (e is LibraryElement) {
List<String> locationParts = e.location.components[0].split(slashes);
// TODO(jcollins-g): Implement real cross package detection
if (locationParts.length >= 2 &&
locationParts[0].startsWith('package:') &&
locationParts[1] == 'src') return true;
return false;
bool hasPublicName(Element e) => !hasPrivateName(e);
/// Strip leading dartdoc comments from the given source code.
String stripDartdocCommentsFromSource(String source) {
String remainer = source.trimLeft();
HtmlEscape sanitizer = const HtmlEscape();
bool lineComments = remainer.startsWith('///') ||
bool blockComments = remainer.startsWith('/**') ||
return source.split('\n').where((String line) {
if (lineComments) {
if (line.startsWith('///') || line.startsWith(sanitizer.convert('///'))) {
return false;
lineComments = false;
return true;
} else if (blockComments) {
if (line.contains('*/') || line.contains(sanitizer.convert('*/'))) {
blockComments = false;
return false;
if (line.startsWith('/**') || line.startsWith(sanitizer.convert('/**'))) {
return false;
return false;
return true;
/// Strip the common indent from the given source fragment.
String stripIndentFromSource(String source) {
String remainer = source.trimLeft();
String indent = source.substring(0, source.length - remainer.length);
return source.split('\n').map((line) {
line = line.trimRight();
return line.startsWith(indent) ? line.substring(indent.length) : line;
/// Add links to to the given source fragment
String crossdartifySource(
Map<String, Map<String, List<Map<String, dynamic>>>> json,
String source,
Element element,
int start) {
var sanitizer = const HtmlEscape();
String newSource;
if (json.isNotEmpty) {
var node = element.computeNode();
var file = element.source.fullName
.replaceAll("${config.inputDir.path}${Platform.pathSeparator}", "");
var filesData = json[file];
if (filesData != null) {
var data = filesData["references"]
.where((r) => r["offset"] >= start && r["end"] <= node.end);
if (data.isNotEmpty) {
var previousStop = 0;
var stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
for (var item in data) {
.convert(source.substring(previousStop, item["offset"] - start)));
.write("<a class='crossdart-link' href='${item["remotePath"]}'>");
source.substring(item["offset"] - start, item["end"] - start)));
previousStop = item["end"] - start;
sanitizer.convert(source.substring(previousStop, source.length)));
newSource = stringBuffer.toString();
if (newSource == null) {
newSource = sanitizer.convert(source);
return newSource;
/// An UnmodifiableListView that computes equality and hashCode based on the
/// equality and hashCode of its contained objects.
class _HashableList {
final List _source;
int _hashCache;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is _HashableList) {
if (_source.length == other._source.length) {
for (var index = 0; index < _source.length; ++index) {
if (_source[index] != other._source[index]) return false;
return true;
return false;
get hashCode => _hashCache ??= hashObjects(_source);
/// Like [Memoizer], except in checked mode will validate that the value of the
/// memoized function is unchanging using [DeepCollectionEquality]. Still
/// returns the cached value assuming the assertion passes.
class ValidatingMemoizer extends Memoizer {
bool _assert_on_difference = false;
ValidatingMemoizer() : super() {
// Assignment within assert to take advantage of the expression only
// being executed in checked mode.
assert(_assert_on_difference = true);
/// In checked mode and when constructed with assert_on_difference == true,
/// validate that the return value from f() equals the memoized value.
/// Otherwise, a wrapper around putIfAbsent.
R _cacheIfAbsent<R>(_HashableList key, R Function() f) {
if (_assert_on_difference) {
if (_memoizationTable.containsKey(key)) {
R value = f();
if (!new DeepCollectionEquality()
.equals(value, _memoizationTable[key])) {
throw new AssertionError('${value} != $_memoizationTable[key]');
return super._cacheIfAbsent(key, f);
/// A basic Memoizer class. Instantiate as a member variable, extend, or use
/// as a mixin to track object-specific cached values, or instantiate directly
/// to track other values.
/// For all methods in this class, the parameter [f] must be a tear-off method
/// or top level function (not an inline closure) for memoization to work.
/// [Memoizer] depends on the equality operator on the given function to detect
/// when we are calling the same function.
/// Use:
/// ```dart
/// String aTestFunction(String greeting, String name) => "${greeting}, ${name}";
/// int aSlowFunction() { doSome(); return expensiveCalculations(); }
/// myMemoizer.memoized2(aTestFunction, "Hello, "world");
/// myMemoizer.memoized(aSlowFunction);
/// ```
/// *Not*:
/// ```dart
/// String aTestFunction(String greeting, String name) => "${greeting}, ${name}";
/// myMemoizer.memoized2((a, b) => aTestFunction(a, b), "Hello", "world");
/// myMemoizer.memoized(() => aSlowFunction());;
/// ```
class Memoizer {
/// Map of a function and its positional parameters (if any), to a value.
final Map<_HashableList, dynamic> _memoizationTable = new HashMap();
/// Reset the memoization table, forcing calls of the underlying functions.
void invalidateMemos() {
/// A wrapper around putIfAbsent, exposed to allow overrides.
R _cacheIfAbsent<R>(_HashableList key, R Function() f) {
return _memoizationTable.putIfAbsent(key, f);
/// Calls and caches the return value of [f]() if not in the cache, then
/// returns the cached value of [f]().
R memoized<R>(Function f, {String altKey}) {
Object obj = altKey ?? f;
_HashableList key = new _HashableList([obj]);
return _cacheIfAbsent(key, f);
/// Calls and caches the return value of [f]([param1]) if not in the cache, then
/// returns the cached value of [f]([param1]).
R memoized1<R, A>(R Function(A) f, A param1) {
_HashableList key = new _HashableList([f, param1]);
return _cacheIfAbsent(key, () => f(param1));
/// Calls and caches the return value of [f]([param1], [param2]) if not in the
/// cache, then returns the cached value of [f]([param1], [param2]).
R memoized2<R, A, B>(R Function(A, B) f, A param1, B param2) {
_HashableList key = new _HashableList([f, param1, param2]);
return _cacheIfAbsent(key, () => f(param1, param2));
/// Calls and caches the return value of [f]([param1], [param2], [param3]) if
/// not in the cache, then returns the cached value of [f]([param1],
/// [param2], [param3]).
R memoized3<R, A, B, C>(R Function(A, B, C) f, A param1, B param2, C param3) {
_HashableList key = new _HashableList([f, param1, param2, param3]);
return _cacheIfAbsent(key, () => f(param1, param2, param3));
/// Calls and caches the return value of [f]([param1], [param2], [param3],
/// [param4]) if not in the cache, then returns the cached value of
/// [f]([param1], [param2], [param3], [param4]).
R memoized4<R, A, B, C, D>(
R Function(A, B, C, D) f, A param1, B param2, C param3, D param4) {
_HashableList key = new _HashableList([f, param1, param2, param3, param4]);
return _cacheIfAbsent(key, () => f(param1, param2, param3, param4));
/// Calls and caches the return value of [f]([param1], [param2], [param3],
/// [param4], [param5]) if not in the cache, then returns the cached value of [f](
/// [param1], [param2], [param3], [param4], [param5]).
R memoized5<R, A, B, C, D, E>(R Function(A, B, C, D, E) f, A param1, B param2,
C param3, D param4, E param5) {
_HashableList key =
new _HashableList([f, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5]);
return _cacheIfAbsent(key, () => f(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5));
/// Calls and caches the return value of [f]([param1], [param2], [param3],
/// [param4], [param5], [param6]) if not in the cache, then returns the cached
/// value of [f]([param1], [param2], [param3], [param4], [param5], [param6]).
R memoized6<R, A, B, C, D, E, F>(R Function(A, B, C, D, E, F) f, A param1,
B param2, C param3, D param4, E param5, F param6) {
_HashableList key =
new _HashableList([f, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6]);
return _cacheIfAbsent(
key, () => f(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6));
/// Calls and caches the return value of [f]([param1], [param2], [param3],
/// [param4], [param5], [param6], [param7]) if not in the cache, then returns
/// the cached value of [f]([param1], [param2], [param3], [param4], [param5],
/// [param6], [param7]).
R memoized7<R, A, B, C, D, E, F, G>(R Function(A, B, C, D, E, F, G) f,
A param1, B param2, C param3, D param4, E param5, F param6, G param7) {
_HashableList key = new _HashableList(
[f, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7]);
return _cacheIfAbsent(
key, () => f(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7));
/// Calls and caches the return value of [f]([param1], [param2], [param3],
/// [param4], [param5], [param6], [param7], [param8]) if not in the cache,
/// then returns the cached value of [f]([param1], [param2], [param3],
/// [param4], [param5], [param6], [param7], [param8]).
R memoized8<R, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>(
R Function(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) f,
A param1,
B param2,
C param3,
D param4,
E param5,
F param6,
G param7,
H param8) {
_HashableList key = new _HashableList(
[f, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8]);
return _cacheIfAbsent(
() =>
f(param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6, param7, param8));