blob: f68fb5999490d755fdd0b3c7bbb2934a7028d03d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// The models used to represent Dart code.
library dartdoc.models;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' show UnmodifiableListView;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart'
show Declaration, Expression, InstanceCreationExpression;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart' as fileSystem;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/package_map_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/sdk_ext.dart';
// TODO(jcollins-g): Stop using internal analyzer structures somehow.
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/handle.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/sdk/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart' hide AnalysisResult;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart'
show Namespace, NamespaceBuilder, InheritanceManager;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart' show ParameterKind;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart'
show ExecutableMember, Member, ParameterMember;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/io_utils.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/byte_store/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
import 'package:package_config/discovery.dart' as package_config;
import 'config.dart';
import 'element_type.dart';
import 'line_number_cache.dart';
import 'logging.dart';
import 'markdown_processor.dart' show Documentation;
import 'model_utils.dart';
import 'package_meta.dart' show PackageMeta, FileContents;
import 'utils.dart';
import 'warnings.dart';
Map<String, Map<String, List<Map<String, dynamic>>>> __crossdartJson;
Map<String, Map<String, List<Map<String, dynamic>>>> get _crossdartJson {
if (__crossdartJson == null) {
if (config != null) {
var crossdartFile =
new File(p.join(config.inputDir.path, "crossdart.json"));
if (crossdartFile.existsSync()) {
__crossdartJson = JSON.decode(crossdartFile.readAsStringSync())
as Map<String, Map<String, List<Map<String, dynamic>>>>;
} else {
__crossdartJson = {};
} else {
__crossdartJson = {};
return __crossdartJson;
int byName(Nameable a, Nameable b) =>
/// Items mapped less than zero will sort before custom annotations.
/// Items mapped above zero are sorted after custom annotations.
/// Items mapped to zero will sort alphabetically among custom annotations.
/// Custom annotations are assumed to be any annotation or feature not in this
/// map.
const Map<String, int> featureOrder = const {
'read-only': 1,
'write-only': 1,
'read / write': 1,
'final': 2,
'inherited': 3,
int byFeatureOrdering(String a, String b) {
int scoreA = 0;
int scoreB = 0;
if (featureOrder.containsKey(a)) scoreA = featureOrder[a];
if (featureOrder.containsKey(b)) scoreB = featureOrder[b];
if (scoreA < scoreB) return -1;
if (scoreA > scoreB) return 1;
return compareAsciiLowerCaseNatural(a, b);
final RegExp locationSplitter = new RegExp(r"(package:|[\\/;.])");
/// Mixin for subclasses of ModelElement representing Elements that can be
/// inherited from one class to another.
/// Inheritable adds yet another view to help canonicalization for member
/// [ModelElement]s -- [Inheritable.definingEnclosingElement]. With this
/// as an end point, we can search the inheritance chain between this instance and
/// the [Inheritable.definingEnclosingElement] in [Inheritable.canonicalEnclosingElement],
/// for the canonical [Class] closest to where this member was defined. We
/// can then know that when we find [Inheritable.element] inside that [Class]'s
/// namespace, that's the one we should treat as canonical and implementors
/// of this class can use that knowledge to determine canonicalization.
/// We pick the class closest to the definingEnclosingElement so that all
/// children of that class inheriting the same member will point to the same
/// place in the documentation, and we pick a canonical class because that's
/// the one in the public namespace that will be documented.
abstract class Inheritable implements ModelElement {
bool get isInherited;
bool _canonicalEnclosingClassIsSet = false;
Class _canonicalEnclosingClass;
Class _definingEnclosingClass;
ModelElement get definingEnclosingElement {
if (_definingEnclosingClass == null) {
_definingEnclosingClass =
new ModelElement.fromElement(element.enclosingElement, packageGraph);
return _definingEnclosingClass;
ModelElement _buildCanonicalModelElement() {
return canonicalEnclosingElement?.allCanonicalModelElements
?.firstWhere((m) => == name, orElse: () => null);
Class get canonicalEnclosingElement {
Element searchElement = element;
if (!_canonicalEnclosingClassIsSet) {
if (isInherited) {
searchElement = searchElement is Member
? PackageGraph.getBasestElement(searchElement)
: searchElement;
// TODO(jcollins-g): generate warning if an inherited element's definition
// is in an intermediate non-canonical class in the inheritance chain?
Class previous;
Class previousNonSkippable;
for (Class c in inheritance.reversed) {
// Filter out mixins.
if (c.contains(searchElement)) {
if ((packageGraph.inheritThrough.contains(previous) &&
c != definingEnclosingElement) ||
(packageGraph.inheritThrough.contains(c) &&
c == definingEnclosingElement)) {
return (previousNonSkippable.memberByExample(this) as Inheritable)
Class canonicalC =
// TODO(jcollins-g): invert this lookup so traversal is recursive
// starting from the ModelElement.
if (canonicalC != null) {
_canonicalEnclosingClass = canonicalC;
previous = c;
if (!packageGraph.inheritThrough.contains(c)) {
previousNonSkippable = c;
// This is still OK because we're never supposed to cloak public
// classes.
if (definingEnclosingElement.isCanonical &&
definingEnclosingElement.isPublic) {
assert(definingEnclosingElement == _canonicalEnclosingClass);
} else {
_canonicalEnclosingClass =
_canonicalEnclosingClassIsSet = true;
assert(_canonicalEnclosingClass == null ||
assert(_canonicalEnclosingClass == null ||
return _canonicalEnclosingClass;
List<Class> get inheritance {
List<Class> inheritance = [];
inheritance.addAll((enclosingElement as Class).inheritanceChain);
if (!inheritance.contains(definingEnclosingElement) &&
definingEnclosingElement != null) {
assert(definingEnclosingElement == packageGraph.objectElement);
// Unless the code explicitly extends dart-core's Object, we won't get
// an entry here. So add it.
if (inheritance.last != packageGraph.objectElement &&
packageGraph.objectElement != null) {
inheritance.where((e) => e == packageGraph.objectElement).length == 1);
return inheritance;
/// A getter or setter that is a member of a Class.
class InheritableAccessor extends Accessor with Inheritable {
/// Factory will return an [InheritableAccessor] with isInherited = true
/// if [element] is in [inheritedAccessors].
factory InheritableAccessor.from(PropertyAccessorElement element,
Set<PropertyAccessorElement> inheritedAccessors, Class enclosingClass) {
InheritableAccessor accessor;
if (element == null) return null;
if (inheritedAccessors.contains(element)) {
accessor = new ModelElement.from(element, enclosingClass.library,
enclosingClass: enclosingClass);
} else {
accessor = new ModelElement.from(element, enclosingClass.library);
return accessor;
ModelElement _enclosingElement;
bool _isInherited = false;
InheritableAccessor(PropertyAccessorElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library, null);
PropertyAccessorElement element, Library library, this._enclosingElement,
{Member originalMember})
: super(element, library, originalMember) {
_isInherited = true;
bool get isInherited => _isInherited;
Class get enclosingElement {
if (_enclosingElement == null) {
_enclosingElement = super.enclosingElement;
return _enclosingElement;
Set<String> get features {
Set<String> allFeatures = super.features;
if (isInherited) allFeatures.add('inherited');
return allFeatures;
/// Getters and setters.
class Accessor extends ModelElement
with SourceCodeMixin
implements EnclosedElement {
GetterSetterCombo _enclosingCombo;
PropertyAccessorElement element, Library library, Member originalMember)
: super(element, library, originalMember);
get linkedReturnType {
return modelType.createLinkedReturnTypeName();
GetterSetterCombo get enclosingCombo {
if (_enclosingCombo == null) {
if (enclosingElement is Class) {
// TODO(jcollins-g): this side effect is rather hacky. Make sure
// enclosingCombo always gets set at accessor creation time, somehow, to
// avoid this.
// TODO(jcollins-g): This also doesn't work for private accessors sometimes.
(enclosingElement as Class).allFields;
assert(_enclosingCombo != null);
return _enclosingCombo;
/// Call exactly once to set the enclosing combo for this Accessor.
set enclosingCombo(GetterSetterCombo combo) {
assert(_enclosingCombo == null || combo == _enclosingCombo);
assert(combo != null);
_enclosingCombo = combo;
bool get isSynthetic => element.isSynthetic;
String get sourceCode {
if (_sourceCodeCache == null) {
if (isSynthetic) {
_sourceCodeCache =
sourceCodeFor((element as PropertyAccessorElement).variable);
} else {
_sourceCodeCache = super.sourceCode;
return _sourceCodeCache;
List<ModelElement> get computeDocumentationFrom {
if (isSynthetic) return [this];
return super.computeDocumentationFrom;
String get computeDocumentationComment {
if (isSynthetic) {
String docComment =
(element as PropertyAccessorElement).variable.documentationComment;
// If we're a setter, only display something if we have something different than the getter.
// TODO(jcollins-g): modify analyzer to do this itself?
if (isGetter ||
// TODO(jcollins-g): @nodoc reading from comments is at the wrong abstraction level here.
(docComment != null &&
(docComment.contains('<nodoc>') ||
docComment.contains('@nodoc'))) ||
(isSetter &&
enclosingCombo.hasGetter &&
enclosingCombo.getter.computeDocumentationComment !=
docComment)) {
return stripComments(docComment);
} else {
return '';
return stripComments(super.computeDocumentationComment);
void warn(PackageWarning kind,
{String message,
Iterable<Locatable> referredFrom,
Iterable<String> extendedDebug}) {
if (enclosingCombo != null) {
message: message,
referredFrom: referredFrom,
extendedDebug: extendedDebug);
} else {
message: message,
referredFrom: referredFrom,
extendedDebug: extendedDebug);
ModelElement get enclosingElement {
if (_accessor.enclosingElement is CompilationUnitElement) {
return packageGraph
return new ModelElement.from(_accessor.enclosingElement, library);
bool get isCanonical => enclosingCombo.isCanonical;
bool get isInherited => false;
String get href {
return enclosingCombo.href;
bool get isGetter => _accessor.isGetter;
bool get isSetter => _accessor.isSetter;
bool _overriddenElementIsSet = false;
ModelElement _overriddenElement;
Accessor get overriddenElement {
if (!_overriddenElementIsSet) {
_overriddenElementIsSet = true;
Element parent = element.enclosingElement;
if (parent is ClassElement) {
for (InterfaceType t in parent.allSupertypes) {
Element accessor = this.isGetter
? t.getGetter(
: t.getSetter(;
if (accessor != null) {
if (accessor is Member) {
accessor = PackageGraph.getBasestElement(accessor);
Class parentClass =
new ModelElement.fromElement(t.element, packageGraph);
List<Field> possibleFields = [];
String fieldName ='=', '');
Field foundField = possibleFields.firstWhere(
(f) => == fieldName,
orElse: () => null);
if (foundField != null) {
if (this.isGetter) {
_overriddenElement = foundField.getter;
} else {
_overriddenElement = foundField.setter;
assert(!(_overriddenElement as Accessor).isInherited);
return _overriddenElement;
String get kind => 'accessor';
PropertyAccessorElement get _accessor => (element as PropertyAccessorElement);
class Class extends ModelElement
with TypeParameters
implements EnclosedElement {
List<DefinedElementType> _mixins;
DefinedElementType _supertype;
List<DefinedElementType> _interfaces;
List<Constructor> _constructors;
List<Method> _allMethods;
List<Operator> _operators;
List<Operator> _inheritedOperators;
List<Operator> _allOperators;
final Set<Operator> _genPageOperators = new Set();
List<Method> _inheritedMethods;
List<Method> _staticMethods;
List<Method> _instanceMethods;
List<Method> _allInstanceMethods;
final Set<Method> _genPageMethods = new Set();
List<Field> _fields;
List<Field> _staticFields;
List<Field> _constants;
List<Field> _instanceFields;
List<Field> _inheritedProperties;
List<Field> _allInstanceProperties;
Class(ClassElement element, Library library) : super(element, library, null) {
_mixins = _cls.mixins
.map((f) {
ElementType t = new ElementType.from(f, packageGraph);
return t;
.where((mixin) => mixin != null)
.toList(growable: false);
if (_cls.supertype != null && _cls.supertype.element.supertype != null) {
_supertype = new ElementType.from(_cls.supertype, packageGraph);
_interfaces = _cls.interfaces
.map((f) => new ElementType.from(f, packageGraph))
.toList(growable: false);
List<Method> get allInstanceMethods {
if (_allInstanceMethods != null) return _allInstanceMethods;
_allInstanceMethods = []
return _allInstanceMethods;
Iterable<Method> get allPublicInstanceMethods =>
bool get allPublicInstanceMethodsInherited =>
instanceMethods.every((f) => f.isInherited);
List<Field> get allInstanceProperties {
if (_allInstanceProperties != null) return _allInstanceProperties;
// TODO best way to make this a fixed length list?
_allInstanceProperties = []
return _allInstanceProperties;
Iterable<Accessor> get allAccessors {
return allInstanceProperties.expand((f) {
List<Accessor> getterSetters = [];
if (f.hasGetter) getterSetters.add(f.getter);
if (f.hasSetter) getterSetters.add(f.setter);
return getterSetters;
Iterable<Field> get allPublicInstanceProperties =>
bool get allPublicInstancePropertiesInherited =>
allPublicInstanceProperties.every((f) => f.isInherited);
List<Operator> get allOperators {
if (_allOperators != null) return _allOperators;
_allOperators = []
return _allOperators;
Iterable<Operator> get allPublicOperators => filterNonPublic(allOperators);
bool get allPublicOperatorsInherited =>
allPublicOperators.every((f) => f.isInherited);
List<Field> get constants {
if (_constants != null) return _constants;
_constants = allFields.where((f) => f.isConst).toList(growable: false)
return _constants;
Iterable<Field> get publicConstants => filterNonPublic(constants);
Map<Element, ModelElement> _allElements;
Map<Element, ModelElement> get allElements {
if (_allElements == null) {
_allElements = new Map();
for (ModelElement me in allModelElements) {
_allElements[me.element] = me;
return _allElements;
/// This class might be canonical for elements it does not contain.
/// See [canonicalEnclosingElement].
bool contains(Element element) => allElements.containsKey(element);
ModelElement findModelElement(Element element) => allElements[element];
Map<String, List<ModelElement>> _membersByName;
/// Given a ModelElement that is a member of some other class, return
/// a member of this class that has the same name and return type.
/// This enables object substitution for canonicalization, such as Interceptor
/// for Object.
ModelElement memberByExample(ModelElement example) {
if (_membersByName == null) {
_membersByName = new Map();
for (ModelElement me in allModelElements) {
if (!_membersByName.containsKey(
_membersByName[] = new List();
ModelElement member;
Iterable<ModelElement> possibleMembers = _membersByName[]
.where((e) => e.runtimeType == example.runtimeType);
if (example.runtimeType == Accessor) {
possibleMembers = possibleMembers.where(
(e) => (example as Accessor).isGetter == (e as Accessor).isGetter);
member = possibleMembers.first;
assert(possibleMembers.length == 1);
return member;
final Set<ModelElement> _allModelElements = new Set();
List<ModelElement> get allModelElements {
if (_allModelElements.isEmpty) {
return _allModelElements.toList();
List<ModelElement> _allCanonicalModelElements;
List<ModelElement> get allCanonicalModelElements {
return (_allCanonicalModelElements ??=
allModelElements.where((e) => e.isCanonical).toList());
List<Constructor> get constructors {
if (_constructors != null) return _constructors;
_constructors = {
return new ModelElement.from(e, library);
}).toList(growable: true)
return _constructors;
Iterable<Constructor> get publicConstructors => filterNonPublic(constructors);
/// Returns the library that encloses this element.
ModelElement get enclosingElement => library;
String get fileName => "${name}-class.html";
String get fullkind {
if (isAbstract) return 'abstract $kind';
return kind;
bool get hasPublicConstants => publicConstants.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicConstructors => publicConstructors.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicImplementors => publicImplementors.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasInstanceMethods => instanceMethods.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasInstanceProperties => instanceProperties.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicInterfaces => publicInterfaces.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicMethods =>
publicInstanceMethods.isNotEmpty || publicInheritedMethods.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicMixins => publicMixins.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasModifiers =>
hasPublicMixins ||
hasAnnotations ||
hasPublicInterfaces ||
hasPublicSuperChainReversed ||
bool get hasPublicOperators =>
publicOperators.isNotEmpty || publicInheritedOperators.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicProperties =>
publicInheritedProperties.isNotEmpty ||
bool get hasPublicStaticMethods => publicStaticMethods.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicStaticProperties => publicStaticProperties.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicSuperChainReversed => publicSuperChainReversed.isNotEmpty;
String get href {
if (!identical(canonicalModelElement, this))
return canonicalModelElement?.href;
assert(canonicalLibrary != null);
assert(canonicalLibrary == library);
return '${library.dirName}/$fileName';
/// Returns all the implementors of this class.
Iterable<Class> get publicImplementors {
return filterNonPublic(findCanonicalFor(
packageGraph._implementors[href] != null
? packageGraph._implementors[href]
: []));
List<Method> get inheritedMethods {
if (_inheritedMethods == null) {
_inheritedMethods = new List<Method>();
Set<String> methodNames = =>;
Set<ExecutableElement> inheritedMethodElements =
_inheritedElements.where((e) {
return (e is MethodElement &&
!e.isOperator &&
e is! PropertyAccessorElement &&
for (ExecutableElement e in inheritedMethodElements) {
Method m = new ModelElement.from(e, library, enclosingClass: this);
return _inheritedMethods;
Iterable get publicInheritedMethods => filterNonPublic(inheritedMethods);
bool get hasPublicInheritedMethods => publicInheritedMethods.isNotEmpty;
List<Operator> get inheritedOperators {
if (_inheritedOperators == null) {
_inheritedOperators = [];
Set<String> operatorNames = =>;
Set<ExecutableElement> inheritedOperatorElements =
_inheritedElements.where((e) {
return (e is MethodElement &&
e.isOperator &&
for (ExecutableElement e in inheritedOperatorElements) {
Operator o = new ModelElement.from(e, library, enclosingClass: this);
return _inheritedOperators;
Iterable<Operator> get publicInheritedOperators =>
List<Field> get inheritedProperties {
if (_inheritedProperties == null) {
_inheritedProperties = allFields.where((f) => f.isInherited).toList()
return _inheritedProperties;
Iterable<Field> get publicInheritedProperties =>
List<Method> get instanceMethods {
if (_instanceMethods != null) return _instanceMethods;
_instanceMethods = _methods
.where((m) => !m.isStatic && !m.isOperator)
.toList(growable: false)
return _instanceMethods;
Iterable<Method> get publicInstanceMethods => instanceMethods;
List<Field> get instanceProperties {
if (_instanceFields != null) return _instanceFields;
_instanceFields = allFields
.where((f) => !f.isStatic && !f.isInherited && !f.isConst)
.toList(growable: false)
return _instanceFields;
Iterable<Field> get publicInstanceProperties =>
List<DefinedElementType> get interfaces => _interfaces;
Iterable<DefinedElementType> get publicInterfaces =>
List<DefinedElementType> _interfaceChain;
List<DefinedElementType> get interfaceChain {
if (_interfaceChain == null) {
_interfaceChain = [];
for (DefinedElementType interface in interfaces) {
_interfaceChain.addAll((interface.element as Class).interfaceChain);
return _interfaceChain;
bool get isAbstract => _cls.isAbstract;
bool get isCanonical => super.isCanonical && isPublic;
bool get isErrorOrException {
bool _doCheck(InterfaceType type) {
return (type.element.library.isDartCore &&
( == 'Exception' || == 'Error'));
// if this class is itself Error or Exception, return true
if (_doCheck(_cls.type)) return true;
return _cls.allSupertypes.any(_doCheck);
/// Returns true if [other] is a parent class for this class.
bool isInheritingFrom(Class other) => => (et.element as Class)).contains(other);
String get kind => 'class';
List<Method> get methodsForPages => _genPageMethods.toList(growable: false);
List<DefinedElementType> get mixins => _mixins;
Iterable<DefinedElementType> get publicMixins => filterNonPublic(mixins);
List<Operator> get operators {
if (_operators != null) return _operators;
_operators = _methods.where((m) => m.isOperator).toList(growable: false)
return _operators;
Iterable<Operator> get publicOperators => filterNonPublic(operators);
List<Operator> get operatorsForPages =>
new UnmodifiableListView(_genPageOperators.toList());
// TODO: make this method smarter about hierarchies and overrides. Right
// now, we're creating a flat list. We're not paying attention to where
// these methods are actually coming from. This might turn out to be a
// problem if we want to show that info later.
List<Field> _propertiesForPages;
List<Field> get propertiesForPages {
if (_propertiesForPages == null) {
_propertiesForPages = []
return _propertiesForPages;
List<Method> get staticMethods {
if (_staticMethods != null) return _staticMethods;
_staticMethods = _methods.where((m) => m.isStatic).toList(growable: false)
return _staticMethods;
Iterable<Method> get publicStaticMethods => filterNonPublic(staticMethods);
List<Field> get staticProperties {
if (_staticFields != null) return _staticFields;
_staticFields = allFields
.where((f) => f.isStatic)
.where((f) => !f.isConst)
.toList(growable: false)
return _staticFields;
Iterable<Field> get publicStaticProperties =>
/// Not the same as superChain as it may include mixins.
/// It's really not even the same as ordinary Dart inheritance, either,
/// because we pretend that interfaces are part of the inheritance chain
/// to include them in the set of things we might link to for documentation
/// purposes in abstract classes.
List<Class> _inheritanceChain;
List<Class> get inheritanceChain {
if (_inheritanceChain == null) {
_inheritanceChain = [];
/// Caching should make this recursion a little less painful.
for (Class c in => (e.element as Class))) {
for (Class c in => (e.element as Class))) {
/// Interfaces need to come last, because classes in the superChain might
/// implement them even when they aren't mentioned.
interfaces.expand((e) => (e.element as Class).inheritanceChain));
return _inheritanceChain.toList(growable: false);
List<DefinedElementType> get superChain {
List<DefinedElementType> typeChain = [];
var parent = _supertype;
while (parent != null) {
parent = (parent.element as Class)._supertype;
return typeChain;
Iterable<DefinedElementType> get superChainReversed => superChain.reversed;
Iterable<DefinedElementType> get publicSuperChain =>
Iterable<DefinedElementType> get publicSuperChainReversed =>
DefinedElementType get supertype => _supertype;
List<ExecutableElement> __inheritedElements;
List<ExecutableElement> get _inheritedElements {
if (__inheritedElements == null) {
__inheritedElements = [];
Map<String, ExecutableElement> cmap =
Map<String, ExecutableElement> imap =
.addAll(imap.values.where((e) => !cmap.containsKey(;
return __inheritedElements;
List<Field> get allFields {
if (_fields != null) return _fields;
_fields = [];
Set<PropertyAccessorElement> inheritedAccessors = new Set()
..addAll(_inheritedElements.where((e) => e is PropertyAccessorElement));
// This structure keeps track of inherited accessors, allowing lookup
// by field name (stripping the '=' from setters).
Map<String, List<PropertyAccessorElement>> accessorMap = new Map();
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessorElement in inheritedAccessors) {
String name ='=', '');
accessorMap.putIfAbsent(name, () => []);
// For half-inherited fields, the analyzer only links the non-inherited
// to the [FieldElement]. Compose our [Field] class by hand by looking up
// inherited accessors that may be related.
for (FieldElement f in _cls.fields) {
PropertyAccessorElement getterElement = f.getter;
if (getterElement == null && accessorMap.containsKey( {
getterElement = accessorMap[]
.firstWhere((e) => e.isGetter, orElse: () => null);
PropertyAccessorElement setterElement = f.setter;
if (setterElement == null && accessorMap.containsKey( {
setterElement = accessorMap[]
.firstWhere((e) => e.isSetter, orElse: () => null);
_addSingleField(getterElement, setterElement, inheritedAccessors, f);
// Now we only have inherited accessors who aren't associated with
// anything in cls._fields.
for (String fieldName in accessorMap.keys) {
List<PropertyAccessorElement> elements = accessorMap[fieldName].toList();
PropertyAccessorElement getterElement =
elements.firstWhere((e) => e.isGetter, orElse: () => null);
PropertyAccessorElement setterElement =
elements.firstWhere((e) => e.isSetter, orElse: () => null);
_addSingleField(getterElement, setterElement, inheritedAccessors);
return _fields;
/// Add a single Field to _fields.
/// If [f] is not specified, pick the FieldElement from the PropertyAccessorElement
/// whose enclosing class inherits from the other (defaulting to the getter)
/// and construct a Field using that.
void _addSingleField(
PropertyAccessorElement getterElement,
PropertyAccessorElement setterElement,
Set<PropertyAccessorElement> inheritedAccessors,
[FieldElement f]) {
Accessor getter =
new InheritableAccessor.from(getterElement, inheritedAccessors, this);
Accessor setter =
new InheritableAccessor.from(setterElement, inheritedAccessors, this);
// Rebind getterElement/setterElement as ModelElement.from can resolve
// MultiplyInheritedExecutableElements or resolve Members.
getterElement = getter?.element;
setterElement = setter?.element;
assert(!(getter == null && setter == null));
if (f == null) {
// Pick an appropriate FieldElement to represent this element.
// Only hard when dealing with a synthetic Field.
if (getter != null && setter == null) {
f = getterElement.variable;
} else if (getter == null && setter != null) {
f = setterElement.variable;
} else /* getter != null && setter != null */ {
// In cases where a Field is composed of two Accessors defined in
// different places in the inheritance chain, there are two FieldElements
// for this single Field we're trying to compose. Pick the one closest
// to this class on the inheritance chain.
if ((setter.enclosingElement as Class)
.isInheritingFrom(getter.enclosingElement)) {
f = setterElement.variable;
} else {
f = getterElement.variable;
Field field;
if ((getter == null || getter.isInherited) &&
(setter == null || setter.isInherited)) {
// Field is 100% inherited.
field = new ModelElement.from(f, library,
enclosingClass: this, getter: getter, setter: setter);
} else {
// Field is <100% inherited (could be half-inherited).
// TODO(jcollins-g): Navigation is probably still confusing for
// half-inherited fields when traversing the inheritance tree. Make
// this better, somehow.
field = new ModelElement.from(f, library, getter: getter, setter: setter);
ClassElement get _cls => (element as ClassElement);
List<Method> get _methods {
if (_allMethods != null) return _allMethods;
_allMethods = {
return new ModelElement.from(e, library);
}).toList(growable: false)
return _allMethods;
// a stronger hash?
List<TypeParameter> get typeParameters => {
var lib = new Library(f.enclosingElement.library, packageGraph);
return new ModelElement.from(f, lib);
bool operator ==(o) =>
o is Class &&
name == && == && ==;
class Constructor extends ModelElement
with SourceCodeMixin, TypeParameters
implements EnclosedElement {
Constructor(ConstructorElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library, null);
// TODO(jcollins-g): Revisit this when dart-lang/sdk#31517 is implemented.
List<TypeParameter> get typeParameters =>
(enclosingElement as Class).typeParameters;
ModelElement get enclosingElement =>
new ModelElement.from(_constructor.enclosingElement, library);
String get fullKind {
if (isConst) return 'const $kind';
if (isFactory) return 'factory $kind';
return kind;
String get fullyQualifiedName => '${}.$name';
String get href {
if (!identical(canonicalModelElement, this))
return canonicalModelElement?.href;
assert(canonicalLibrary != null);
assert(canonicalLibrary == library);
return '${enclosingElement.library.dirName}/${}/$name.html';
bool get isConst => _constructor.isConst;
bool get isFactory => _constructor.isFactory;
String get kind => 'constructor';
String _name;
String get name {
if (_name == null) {
String constructorName =;
if (constructorName.isEmpty) {
_name =;
} else {
_name = '${}.$constructorName';
return _name;
String _nameWithGenerics;
String get nameWithGenerics {
if (_nameWithGenerics == null) {
String constructorName =;
if (constructorName.isEmpty) {
_nameWithGenerics = '${}${genericParameters}';
} else {
_nameWithGenerics =
return _nameWithGenerics;
String get shortName {
if (name.contains('.')) {
return name.substring( + 1);
} else {
return name;
ConstructorElement get _constructor => (element as ConstructorElement);
/// Bridges the gap between model elements and packages,
/// both of which have documentation.
abstract class Documentable extends Nameable {
String get documentation;
String get documentationAsHtml;
bool get hasDocumentation;
bool get hasExtendedDocumentation;
String get oneLineDoc;
Documentable get overriddenDocumentedElement;
PackageGraph get packageGraph;
bool get isDocumented;
/// Classes extending this class have canonicalization support in Dartdoc.
abstract class Canonicalization extends Object
with Locatable
implements Documentable {
bool get isCanonical;
Library get canonicalLibrary;
List<ScoredCandidate> scoreCanonicalCandidates(List<Library> libraries) {
return => scoreElementWithLibrary(l)).toList()..sort();
ScoredCandidate scoreElementWithLibrary(Library lib) {
ScoredCandidate scoredCandidate = new ScoredCandidate(this, lib);
Iterable<String> resplit(Set<String> items) sync* {
for (String item in items) {
for (String subItem in item.split('_')) {
yield subItem;
// Large boost for @canonicalFor, essentially overriding all other concerns.
if (lib.canonicalFor.contains(fullyQualifiedName)) {
scoredCandidate.alterScore(5.0, 'marked @canonicalFor');
// Penalty for deprecated libraries.
if (lib.isDeprecated) scoredCandidate.alterScore(-1.0, 'is deprecated');
// Give a big boost if the library has the package name embedded in it.
if (packageGraph.namePieces.intersection(lib.namePieces).length > 0) {
scoredCandidate.alterScore(1.0, 'embeds package name');
// Give a tiny boost for libraries with long names, assuming they're
// more specific (and therefore more likely to be the owner of this symbol).
scoredCandidate.alterScore(.01 * lib.namePieces.length, 'name is long');
// If we don't know the location of this element, return our best guess.
// TODO(jcollins-g): is that even possible?
if (locationPieces.isEmpty) return scoredCandidate;
// The more pieces we have of the location in our library name, the more we should boost our score.
lib.namePieces.intersection(locationPieces).length.toDouble() /
'element location shares parts with name');
// If pieces of location at least start with elements of our library name, boost the score a little bit.
double scoreBoost = 0.0;
for (String piece in resplit(locationPieces)) {
for (String namePiece in lib.namePieces) {
if (piece.startsWith(namePiece)) {
scoreBoost += 0.001;
scoreBoost, 'element location parts start with parts of name');
return scoredCandidate;
class Dynamic extends ModelElement {
PackageGraph packageGraph;
Dynamic(Element element, Library library, PackageGraph p)
: super(element, library, null) {
packageGraph = p;
assert(packageGraph != null || library != null);
if (p == null) packageGraph = library.packageGraph;
ModelElement get enclosingElement => throw new UnsupportedError('');
String get href => throw new StateError('dynamic should not have an href');
String get kind => 'dynamic';
String get linkedName => 'dynamic';
/// An element that is enclosed by some other element.
/// Libraries are not enclosed.
abstract class EnclosedElement {
ModelElement get enclosingElement;
class Enum extends Class {
Enum(ClassElement element, Library library) : super(element, library);
List<EnumField> get instanceProperties {
return super
.map((Field p) => new ModelElement.from(p.element, p.library,
getter: p.getter, setter: p.setter))
.toList(growable: false);
List<Field> get propertiesForPages => allInstanceProperties;
String get kind => 'enum';
/// Enum's fields are virtual, so we do a little work to create
/// usable values for the docs.
class EnumField extends Field {
int _index;
FieldElement element, Library library, Accessor getter, Accessor setter)
: super(element, library, getter, setter);
this._index, FieldElement element, Library library, Accessor getter)
: super(element, library, getter, null);
String get constantValueBase {
if (name == 'values') {
return 'const List&lt;${}&gt;';
} else {
return 'const ${}($_index)';
List<EnumField> get documentationFrom {
if (name == 'values' && name == 'index') return [this];
return super.documentationFrom;
String get documentation {
if (name == 'values') {
return 'A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.';
} else if (name == 'index') {
return 'The integer index of this enum.';
} else {
return super.documentation;
String get href {
if (!identical(canonicalModelElement, this))
return canonicalModelElement?.href;
assert(!(canonicalLibrary == null || canonicalEnclosingElement == null));
assert(canonicalLibrary == library);
assert(canonicalEnclosingElement == enclosingElement);
return '${enclosingElement.library.dirName}/${(enclosingElement as Class).fileName}';
String get linkedName => name;
bool get isCanonical {
if (name == 'index') return false;
// If this is something inherited from Object, e.g. hashCode, let the
// normal rules apply.
if (_index == null) {
return super.isCanonical;
// TODO(jcollins-g): We don't actually document this as a separate entity;
// do that or change this to false and deal with the
// consequences.
return true;
String get oneLineDoc => documentationAsHtml;
class Field extends ModelElement
with GetterSetterCombo, Inheritable, SourceCodeMixin
implements EnclosedElement {
bool _isInherited = false;
Class _enclosingClass;
final InheritableAccessor getter;
final InheritableAccessor setter;
Field(FieldElement element, Library library, this.getter, this.setter)
: super(element, library, null) {
if (getter != null) getter.enclosingCombo = this;
if (setter != null) setter.enclosingCombo = this;
factory Field.inherited(FieldElement element, Class enclosingClass,
Library library, Accessor getter, Accessor setter) {
Field newField = new Field(element, library, getter, setter);
newField._isInherited = true;
newField._enclosingClass = enclosingClass;
// Can't set _isInherited to true if this is the defining element, because
// that would mean it isn't inherited.
assert(newField.enclosingElement != newField.definingEnclosingElement);
return newField;
String get documentation {
// Verify that hasSetter and hasGetterNoSetter are mutually exclusive,
// to prevent displaying more or less than one summary.
if (isPublic) {
Set<bool> assertCheck = new Set()
..addAll([hasPublicSetter, hasPublicGetterNoSetter]);
assert(assertCheck.containsAll([true, false]));
return super.documentation;
ModelElement get enclosingElement {
if (_enclosingClass == null) {
_enclosingClass = new ModelElement.from(_field.enclosingElement, library);
return _enclosingClass;
String get href {
if (!identical(canonicalModelElement, this))
return canonicalModelElement?.href;
assert(canonicalLibrary != null);
assert(canonicalEnclosingElement == enclosingElement);
assert(canonicalLibrary == library);
return '${enclosingElement.library.dirName}/${}/$fileName';
bool get isConst => _field.isConst;
bool get isFinal {
/// isFinal returns true for the field even if it has an explicit getter
/// (which means we should not document it as "final").
if (hasExplicitGetter) return false;
return _field.isFinal;
bool get isInherited => _isInherited;
String get kind => isConst ? 'constant' : 'property';
String get typeName => kind;
List<String> get annotations {
List<String> all_annotations = new List<String>();
if (element is PropertyInducingElement) {
var pie = element as PropertyInducingElement;
return all_annotations.toList(growable: false);
Set<String> get features {
Set<String> allFeatures = super.features..addAll(comboFeatures);
if (hasPublicGetter && hasPublicSetter) {
if (getter.isInherited && setter.isInherited) {
} else {
if (getter.isInherited) allFeatures.add('inherited-getter');
if (setter.isInherited) allFeatures.add('inherited-setter');
} else {
if (isInherited) allFeatures.add('inherited');
return allFeatures;
String get computeDocumentationComment {
String docs = getterSetterDocumentationComment;
if (docs.isEmpty) return _field.documentationComment;
return docs;
FieldElement get _field => (element as FieldElement);
String get fileName => isConst ? '$name-constant.html' : '$name.html';
String get sourceCode {
if (_sourceCodeCache == null) {
// We could use a set to figure the dupes out, but that would lose ordering.
String fieldSourceCode = sourceCodeFor(element) ?? '';
String getterSourceCode = getter?.sourceCode ?? '';
String setterSourceCode = setter?.sourceCode ?? '';
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (fieldSourceCode.isNotEmpty) {
if (buffer.isNotEmpty) buffer.write('\n\n');
if (fieldSourceCode != getterSourceCode) {
if (getterSourceCode != setterSourceCode) {
if (buffer.isNotEmpty) buffer.write('\n\n');
if (fieldSourceCode != setterSourceCode) {
_sourceCodeCache = buffer.toString();
return _sourceCodeCache;
void _setModelType() {
if (hasGetter) {
_modelType = getter.modelType;
/// Mixin for top-level variables and fields (aka properties)
abstract class GetterSetterCombo implements ModelElement {
Accessor get getter;
Set<String> get comboFeatures {
Set<String> allFeatures = new Set();
if (hasExplicitGetter) allFeatures.addAll(getter.features);
if (hasExplicitSetter) allFeatures.addAll(setter.features);
if (readOnly && !isFinal && !isConst) allFeatures.add('read-only');
if (writeOnly) allFeatures.add('write-only');
if (readWrite) allFeatures.add('read / write');
return allFeatures;
ModelElement enclosingElement;
bool get isInherited;
Expression get constantInitializer =>
(element as ConstVariableElement).constantInitializer;
String linkifyConstantValue(String original) {
if (constantInitializer is! InstanceCreationExpression) return original;
String constructorName = (constantInitializer as InstanceCreationExpression)
Element staticElement =
(constantInitializer as InstanceCreationExpression).staticElement;
Constructor target =
new ModelElement.fromElement(staticElement, packageGraph);
Class targetClass = target.enclosingElement;
// TODO(jcollins-g): this logic really should be integrated into Constructor,
// but that's not trivial because of linkedName's usage.
if ( == {
return original.replaceAll(constructorName, "${target.linkedName}");
return original.replaceAll("${}.${}",
String _buildConstantValueBase() {
String result = constantInitializer?.toString() ?? '';
return const HtmlEscape(HtmlEscapeMode.UNKNOWN).convert(result);
String get constantValue => linkifyConstantValue(constantValueBase);
String get constantValueTruncated =>
linkifyConstantValue(truncateString(constantValueBase, 200));
String _constantValueBase;
String get constantValueBase =>
_constantValueBase ??= _buildConstantValueBase();
/// Returns true if both accessors are synthetic.
bool get hasSyntheticAccessors {
if ((hasPublicGetter && getter.isSynthetic) ||
(hasPublicSetter && setter.isSynthetic)) {
return true;
return false;
bool get hasPublicGetter => hasGetter && getter.isPublic;
bool get hasPublicSetter => hasSetter && setter.isPublic;
bool get isPublic => hasPublicGetter || hasPublicSetter;
List<ModelElement> get documentationFrom {
if (_documentationFrom == null) {
_documentationFrom = [];
if (hasPublicGetter) {
} else if (hasPublicSetter) {
if (_documentationFrom.length == 0 ||
_documentationFrom.every((e) => e.documentation == ''))
_documentationFrom = computeDocumentationFrom;
return _documentationFrom;
bool get hasAccessorsWithDocs =>
(hasPublicGetter && getter.documentation.isNotEmpty ||
hasPublicSetter && setter.documentation.isNotEmpty);
bool get getterSetterBothAvailable => (hasPublicGetter &&
getter.documentation.isNotEmpty &&
hasPublicSetter &&
String get oneLineDoc {
if (_oneLineDoc == null) {
if (!hasAccessorsWithDocs) {
_oneLineDoc = _documentation.asOneLiner;
} else {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (hasPublicGetter && getter.oneLineDoc.isNotEmpty) {
if (hasPublicSetter && setter.oneLineDoc.isNotEmpty) {
buffer.write('${getterSetterBothAvailable ? "": setter.oneLineDoc}');
_oneLineDoc = buffer.toString();
return _oneLineDoc;
String get getterSetterDocumentationComment {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (hasPublicGetter && !getter.isSynthetic) {
assert(getter.documentationFrom.length == 1);
// We have to check against dropTextFrom here since documentationFrom
// doesn't yield the real elements for GetterSetterCombos.
if (!config.dropTextFrom
.contains( {
String docs =
if (docs != null) buffer.write(docs);
if (hasPublicSetter && !setter.isSynthetic) {
assert(setter.documentationFrom.length == 1);
if (!config.dropTextFrom
.contains( {
String docs =
if (docs != null) {
if (buffer.isNotEmpty) buffer.write('\n\n');
return buffer.toString();
String get linkedReturnType {
if (hasGetter) {
return getter.linkedReturnType;
} else {
return setter.linkedParamsNoMetadataOrNames;
bool get canHaveParameters => hasSetter;
List<Parameter> get parameters => setter.parameters;
String get linkedParamsNoMetadata {
if (hasSetter) return setter.linkedParamsNoMetadata;
return null;
bool get hasExplicitGetter => hasPublicGetter && !getter.isSynthetic;
bool get hasExplicitSetter => hasPublicSetter && !setter.isSynthetic;
bool get hasImplicitSetter => hasPublicSetter && setter.isSynthetic;
bool get hasImplicitGetter => hasPublicGetter && getter.isSynthetic;
bool get hasGetter => getter != null;
bool get hasNoGetterSetter => !hasGetterOrSetter;
bool get hasGetterOrSetter => hasExplicitGetter || hasExplicitSetter;
bool get hasSetter => setter != null;
bool get hasPublicGetterNoSetter => (hasPublicGetter && !hasPublicSetter);
String get arrow {
// →
if (readOnly) return r'&#8594;';
// ←
if (writeOnly) return r'&#8592;';
// ↔
if (readWrite) return r'&#8596;';
// A GetterSetterCombo should always be one of readOnly, writeOnly,
// or readWrite (if documented).
return null;
bool get readOnly => hasPublicGetter && !hasPublicSetter;
bool get readWrite => hasPublicGetter && hasPublicSetter;
bool get writeOnly => hasPublicSetter && !hasPublicGetter;
Accessor get setter;
class Library extends ModelElement {
final PackageGraph packageGraph;
List<Class> _classes;
List<Class> _enums;
List<ModelFunction> _functions;
List<Typedef> _typeDefs;
List<TopLevelVariable> _variables;
Namespace _exportedNamespace;
String _name;
String _packageName;
factory Library(LibraryElement element, PackageGraph packageGraph) {
return packageGraph.findOrCreateLibraryFor(element);
Library._(LibraryElement element, this.packageGraph)
: super(element, null, null) {
if (element == null) throw new ArgumentError.notNull('element');
_exportedNamespace =
new NamespaceBuilder().createExportNamespaceForLibrary(element);
List<String> _allOriginalModelElementNames;
/// [allModelElements] resolved to their original names.
/// A collection of [ModelElement.fullyQualifiedNames] for [ModelElement]s
/// documented with this library, but these ModelElements and names correspond
/// to the defining library where each originally came from with respect
/// to inheritance and reexporting. Most useful for error reporting.
Iterable<String> get allOriginalModelElementNames {
if (_allOriginalModelElementNames == null) {
_allOriginalModelElementNames = {
Accessor getter;
Accessor setter;
if (e is GetterSetterCombo) {
if (e.hasGetter) {
getter =
new ModelElement.fromElement(e.getter.element, packageGraph);
if (e.hasSetter) {
setter =
new ModelElement.fromElement(e.setter.element, packageGraph);
return new ModelElement.from(
e.element, packageGraph.findOrCreateLibraryFor(e.element),
getter: getter, setter: setter)
return _allOriginalModelElementNames;
List<Class> get allClasses => _allClasses;
Iterable<Class> get classes {
return _allClasses
.where((c) => !c.isErrorOrException)
.toList(growable: false);
SdkLibrary get sdkLib {
if (packageGraph.sdkLibrarySources.containsKey(element.librarySource)) {
return packageGraph.sdkLibrarySources[element.librarySource];
return null;
bool get isPublic {
if (!super.isPublic) return false;
if (sdkLib != null && (sdkLib.isInternal || !sdkLib.isDocumented)) {
return false;
return true;
/// A special case where the SDK has defined that we should not document
/// this library. This is implemented by tweaking canonicalization so
/// even though the library is public and part of the Package's list,
/// we don't count it as a candidate for canonicalization.
bool get isSdkUndocumented => (sdkLib != null && !sdkLib.isDocumented);
Iterable<Class> get publicClasses => filterNonPublic(classes);
List<TopLevelVariable> _constants;
Iterable<TopLevelVariable> get constants {
if (_constants == null) {
// _getVariables() is already sorted.
_constants =
_getVariables().where((v) => v.isConst).toList(growable: false);
return _constants;
Set<Library> _packageImportedExportedLibraries;
/// Returns all libraries either imported by or exported by any public library
/// this library's package. (Not [PackageGraph], but sharing a package name).
/// Note: will still contain non-public libraries because those can be
/// imported or exported.
// TODO(jcollins-g): move this to [Package] once it really knows about
// more than one package.
Set<Library> get packageImportedExportedLibraries {
if (_packageImportedExportedLibraries == null) {
_packageImportedExportedLibraries = new Set();
.where((l) => l.packageName == packageName)
.forEach((l) {
return _packageImportedExportedLibraries;
Set<Library> _importedExportedLibraries;
/// Returns all libraries either imported by or exported by this library,
/// recursively.
Set<Library> get importedExportedLibraries {
if (_importedExportedLibraries == null) {
_importedExportedLibraries = new Set();
Set<LibraryElement> importedExportedLibraryElements = new Set();
.addAll((element as LibraryElement).importedLibraries);
.addAll((element as LibraryElement).exportedLibraries);
for (LibraryElement l in importedExportedLibraryElements) {
Library lib = new ModelElement.from(l, library);
return _importedExportedLibraries;
Iterable<TopLevelVariable> get publicConstants => filterNonPublic(constants);
String _dirName;
String get dirName {
if (_dirName == null) {
_dirName = name;
if (isAnonymous) {
_dirName = nameFromPath;
_dirName = _dirName.replaceAll(':', '-').replaceAll('/', '_');
return _dirName;
Set<String> _canonicalFor;
Set<String> get canonicalFor {
if (_canonicalFor == null) {
// TODO(jcollins-g): restructure to avoid using side effects.
return _canonicalFor;
/// Hide canonicalFor from doc while leaving a note to ourselves to
/// help with ambiguous canonicalization determination.
/// Example:
/// {@canonicalFor libname.ClassName}
String _setCanonicalFor(String rawDocs) {
if (_canonicalFor == null) {
_canonicalFor = new Set();
Set<String> notFoundInAllModelElements = new Set();
final canonicalRegExp = new RegExp(r'{@canonicalFor\s([^}]+)}');
rawDocs = rawDocs.replaceAllMapped(canonicalRegExp, (Match match) {
return '';
if (notFoundInAllModelElements.isNotEmpty) {
for (String notFound in notFoundInAllModelElements) {
warn(PackageWarning.ignoredCanonicalFor, message: notFound);
return rawDocs;
String _libraryDocs;
String get documentation {
if (_libraryDocs == null) {
_libraryDocs = _setCanonicalFor(super.documentation);
return _libraryDocs;
/// Libraries are not enclosed by anything.
ModelElement get enclosingElement => null;
List<Class> get enums {
if (_enums != null) return _enums;
List<ClassElement> enumClasses = [];
.where((element) => element is ClassElement && element.isEnum));
_enums = enumClasses
.map((e) => new ModelElement.from(e, this))
.toList(growable: false)
return _enums;
Iterable<Class> get publicEnums => filterNonPublic(enums);
List<Class> get exceptions {
return _allClasses
.where((c) => c.isErrorOrException)
.toList(growable: false)
Iterable<Class> get publicExceptions => filterNonPublic(exceptions);
String get fileName => '$dirName-library.html';
List<ModelFunction> get functions {
if (_functions != null) return _functions;
Set<FunctionElement> elements = new Set();
for (CompilationUnitElement cu in {
.where((element) => element is FunctionElement));
_functions = {
return new ModelElement.from(e, this);
}).toList(growable: false)
return _functions;
Iterable<ModelFunction> get publicFunctions => filterNonPublic(functions);
bool get hasPublicClasses => publicClasses.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicConstants => publicConstants.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicEnums => publicEnums.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicExceptions => publicExceptions.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicFunctions => publicFunctions.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicProperties => publicProperties.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasPublicTypedefs => publicTypedefs.isNotEmpty;
String get href {
if (!identical(canonicalModelElement, this))
return canonicalModelElement?.href;
return '${library.dirName}/$fileName';
InheritanceManager _inheritanceManager;
InheritanceManager get inheritanceManager {
if (_inheritanceManager == null) {
_inheritanceManager = new InheritanceManager(element);
return _inheritanceManager;
bool get isAnonymous => == null ||;
bool get isInSdk => _libraryElement.isInSdk;
String get kind => 'library';
Library get library => this;
String get name {
if (_name == null) {
_name = getLibraryName(element);
return _name;
String _nameFromPath;
/// Generate a name for this library based on its location.
/// nameFromPath provides filename collision-proofing for anonymous libraries
/// by incorporating more from the location of the anonymous library into
/// the name calculation. Simple cases (such as an anonymous library in
/// 'lib') are the same, but this will include slashes and possibly colons
/// for anonymous libraries in subdirectories or other packages.
String get nameFromPath {
if (_nameFromPath == null) {
_nameFromPath = getNameFromPath(
element, packageGraph.driver, packageGraph.packageMeta);
return _nameFromPath;
/// The real package, as opposed to the package we are documenting it with,
/// []
String get packageName {
if (_packageName == null) {
if (name.startsWith('dart:')) {
_packageName = 'Dart Core';
} else {
_packageName = packageMeta?.name ?? '';
return _packageName;
/// The real packageMeta, as opposed to the package we are documenting with.
PackageMeta _packageMeta;
PackageMeta get packageMeta {
if (_packageMeta == null) {
_packageMeta = getPackageMeta(element);
return _packageMeta;
String get path =>;
List<TopLevelVariable> _properties;
/// All variables ("properties") except constants.
Iterable<TopLevelVariable> get properties {
if (_properties == null) {
_properties =
_getVariables().where((v) => !v.isConst).toList(growable: false);
return _properties;
Iterable<TopLevelVariable> get publicProperties =>
List<Typedef> get typedefs {
if (_typeDefs != null) return _typeDefs;
Set<FunctionTypeAliasElement> elements = new Set();
for (CompilationUnitElement cu in {
.where((element) => element is FunctionTypeAliasElement));
_typeDefs = elements
.map((e) => new ModelElement.from(e, this))
.toList(growable: false)
return _typeDefs;
Iterable<Typedef> get publicTypedefs => filterNonPublic(typedefs);
List<Class> get _allClasses {
if (_classes != null) return _classes;
Set<ClassElement> types = new Set();
for (CompilationUnitElement cu in {
for (LibraryElement le in _libraryElement.exportedLibraries) {
.where((t) => _exportedNamespace.definedNames.values.contains(
.where((element) => element is ClassElement && !element.isEnum));
_classes = types
.map((e) => new ModelElement.from(e, this))
.toList(growable: false)
return _classes;
LibraryElement get _libraryElement => (element as LibraryElement);
Class getClassByName(String name) {
return _allClasses.firstWhere((it) => == name, orElse: () => null);
bool hasInExportedNamespace(Element element) {
Element found = _exportedNamespace.get(;
if (found == null) return false;
if (found == element) return true; // this checks more than just the name
// Fix for #587, comparison between elements isn't reliable on windows.
// for some reason. sigh.
return found.runtimeType == element.runtimeType &&
found.nameOffset == element.nameOffset;
List<TopLevelVariable> _getVariables() {
if (_variables != null) return _variables;
Set<TopLevelVariableElement> elements = new Set();
for (CompilationUnitElement cu in {
_exportedNamespace.definedNames.values.forEach((element) {
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
_variables = [];
for (TopLevelVariableElement element in elements) {
Accessor getter;
if (element.getter != null)
getter = new ModelElement.from(element.getter, this);
Accessor setter;
if (element.setter != null)
setter = new ModelElement.from(element.setter, this);
ModelElement me =
new ModelElement.from(element, this, getter: getter, setter: setter);
return _variables;
/// Reverses URIs if needed to get a package URI.
/// Not the same as [] because there we always strip all
/// path components; this function only strips the package prefix if the
/// library is part of the default package.
static String getNameFromPath(LibraryElement element, AnalysisDriver driver,
PackageMeta defaultPackage) {
String name;
if (element.source.uri.toString().startsWith('dart:')) {
name = element.source.uri.toString();
} else {
name = driver.sourceFactory.restoreUri(element.source).toString();
if (name.startsWith('file:')) {
// restoreUri doesn't do anything for the package we're documenting.
String canonicalPackagePath =
String canonicalElementPath =
List<String> pathSegments = []..addAll(
p.split(canonicalElementPath.replaceFirst(canonicalPackagePath, '')));
Uri libraryUri = new Uri(
scheme: 'package',
pathSegments: pathSegments,
name = libraryUri.toString();
String defaultPackagePrefix = 'package:$defaultPackage/';
if (name.startsWith(defaultPackagePrefix)) {
name = name.substring(defaultPackagePrefix.length, name.length);
if (name.endsWith('.dart')) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - '.dart'.length);
return name;
static PackageMeta getPackageMeta(LibraryElement element) {
String sourcePath = element.source.fullName;
File file = new File(p.canonicalize(sourcePath));
Directory dir = file.parent;
while (dir.parent.path != dir.path && dir.existsSync()) {
File pubspec = new File(p.join(dir.path, 'pubspec.yaml'));
if (pubspec.existsSync()) {
return new PackageMeta.fromDir(dir);
dir = dir.parent;
return null;
static String getLibraryName(LibraryElement element) {
String name =;
if (name == null || name.isEmpty) {
// handle the case of an anonymous library
name =;
if (name.endsWith('.dart')) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - '.dart'.length);
// So, if the library is a system library, it's name is not
// dart:___, it's dart.___. Apparently the way to get to the dart:___
// name is to get source.encoding.
// This may be wrong or misleading, but developers expect the name
// of dart:____
var source = element.definingCompilationUnit.source;
name = source.isInSystemLibrary ? source.encoding : name;
return name;
Map<Element, Set<ModelElement>> _modelElementsMap;
Map<Element, Set<ModelElement>> get modelElementsMap {
if (_modelElementsMap == null) {
final Set<ModelElement> results = new Set();
library.allClasses.forEach((c) {
_modelElementsMap = new Map<Element, Set<ModelElement>>();
results.forEach((modelElement) {
_modelElementsMap.putIfAbsent(modelElement.element, () => new Set());
_modelElementsMap.putIfAbsent(element, () => new Set());
return _modelElementsMap;
List<ModelElement> _allModelElements;
Iterable<ModelElement> get allModelElements {
if (_allModelElements == null) {
_allModelElements = [];
for (Set<ModelElement> modelElements in modelElementsMap.values) {
return _allModelElements;
List<ModelElement> _allCanonicalModelElements;
Iterable<ModelElement> get allCanonicalModelElements {
return (_allCanonicalModelElements ??=
allModelElements.where((e) => e.isCanonical).toList());
final Map<Library, bool> _isReexportedBy = {};
/// Heuristic that tries to guess if this library is actually largely
/// reexported by some other library. We guess this by comparing the elements
/// inside each of allModelElements for both libraries. Don't use this
/// except as a last-resort for canonicalization as it is a pretty fuzzy
/// definition.
/// If most of the elements from this library appear in the other, but not
/// the reverse, then the other library is considered to be a reexporter of
/// this one.
/// If not, then the situation is either ambiguous, or the reverse is true.
/// Computing this is expensive, so cache it.
bool isReexportedBy(Library library) {
if (_isReexportedBy.containsKey(library)) return _isReexportedBy[library];
Set<Element> otherElements = new Set()
..addAll( => l.element));
Set<Element> ourElements = new Set()
..addAll( => l.element));
if (ourElements.difference(otherElements).length <=
ourElements.length / 2) {
// Less than half of our elements are unique to us.
if (otherElements.difference(ourElements).length <=
otherElements.length / 2) {
// ... but the same is true for the other library. Reexporting
// is ambiguous.
_isReexportedBy[library] = false;
} else {
_isReexportedBy[library] = true;
} else {
// We have a lot of unique elements, we're probably not reexported by
// the other libraries.
_isReexportedBy[library] = false;
return _isReexportedBy[library];
class Method extends ModelElement
with SourceCodeMixin, Inheritable, TypeParameters
implements EnclosedElement {
bool _isInherited = false;
Class _enclosingClass;
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = [];
Method(MethodElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library, null) {
Method.inherited(MethodElement element, this._enclosingClass, Library library,
{Member originalMember})
: super(element, library, originalMember) {
_isInherited = true;
void _calcTypeParameters() {
typeParameters = {
return new ModelElement.from(f, library);
ModelElement get enclosingElement {
if (_enclosingClass == null) {
_enclosingClass =
new ModelElement.from(_method.enclosingElement, library);
return _enclosingClass;
String get fullkind {
if (_method.isAbstract) return 'abstract $kind';
return kind;
String get href {
if (!identical(canonicalModelElement, this))
return canonicalModelElement?.href;
assert(!(canonicalLibrary == null || canonicalEnclosingElement == null));
assert(canonicalLibrary == library);
assert(canonicalEnclosingElement == enclosingElement);
return '${enclosingElement.library.dirName}/${}/${fileName}';
bool get isInherited => _isInherited;
bool get isOperator => false;
Set<String> get features {
Set<String> allFeatures = super.features;
if (isInherited) allFeatures.add('inherited');
return allFeatures;
bool get isStatic => _method.isStatic;
String get kind => 'method';
String get linkedReturnType => modelType.createLinkedReturnTypeName();
Method get overriddenElement {
ClassElement parent = element.enclosingElement;
for (InterfaceType t in parent.allSupertypes) {
Element e = t.getMethod(;
if (e != null) {
assert(e.enclosingElement is ClassElement);
return new ModelElement.fromElement(e, packageGraph);
return null;
String get typeName => 'method';
MethodElement get _method => (element as MethodElement);
/// This class represents the score for a particular element; how likely
/// it is that this is the canonical element.
class ScoredCandidate implements Comparable<ScoredCandidate> {
final List<String> reasons = [];
/// The canonicalization element being scored.
final Canonicalization element;
final Library library;
/// The score accumulated so far. Higher means it is more likely that this
/// is the intended canonical Library.
double score = 0.0;
ScoredCandidate(this.element, this.library);
void alterScore(double scoreDelta, String reason) {
score += scoreDelta;
if (scoreDelta != 0) {
"${reason} (${scoreDelta >= 0 ? '+' : ''}${scoreDelta.toStringAsPrecision(4)})");
int compareTo(ScoredCandidate other) {
//assert(element == other.element);
return score.compareTo(other.score);
String toString() =>
"${}: ${score.toStringAsPrecision(4)} - ${reasons.join(', ')}";
// TODO(jcollins-g): Implement resolution per ECMA-408 4th edition, page 39 #22.
/// Resolves this very rare case incorrectly by picking the closest element in
/// the inheritance and interface chains from the analyzer.
ModelElement resolveMultiplyInheritedElement(
MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement e,
Library library,
Class enclosingClass) {
Iterable<Inheritable> inheritables = =>
new ModelElement.fromElement(ee, library.packageGraph) as Inheritable);
Inheritable foundInheritable;
int lowIndex = enclosingClass.inheritanceChain.length;
for (var inheritable in inheritables) {
int index =
if (index < lowIndex) {
foundInheritable = inheritable;
lowIndex = index;
return new ModelElement.from(foundInheritable.element, library,
enclosingClass: enclosingClass);
/// Classes implementing this have a public/private distinction.
abstract class Privacy {
bool get isPublic;
/// This class is the foundation of Dartdoc's model for source code.
/// All ModelElements are contained within a [PackageGraph], and laid out in a
/// structure that mirrors the availability of identifiers in the various
/// namespaces within that package. For example, multiple [Class] objects
/// for a particular identifier ([ModelElement.element]) may show up in
/// different [Library]s as the identifier is reexported.
/// However, ModelElements have an additional concept vital to generating
/// documentation: canonicalization.
/// A ModelElement is canonical if it is the element in the namespace where that
/// element 'comes from' in the public interface to this [PackageGraph]. That often
/// means the [ModelElement.library] is contained in [PackageGraph.libraries], but
/// there are many exceptions and ambiguities the code tries to address here.
/// Non-canonical elements should refer to their canonical counterparts, making
/// it easy to calculate links via [ModelElement.href] without having to
/// know in a particular namespace which elements are canonical or not.
/// A number of [PackageGraph] methods, such as [PackageGraph.findCanonicalModelElementFor]
/// can help with this.
/// When documenting, Dartdoc should only write out files corresponding to
/// canonical instances of ModelElement ([ModelElement.isCanonical]). This
/// helps prevent subtle bugs as generated output for a non-canonical
/// ModelElement will reference itself as part of the "wrong" [Library]
/// from the public interface perspective.
abstract class ModelElement extends Canonicalization
with Privacy, Warnable, Nameable
implements Comparable, Documentable {
final Element _element;
// TODO(jcollins-g): This really wants a "member that has a type" class.
final Member _originalMember;
final Library _library;
ElementType _modelType;
String _rawDocs;
Documentation __documentation;
UnmodifiableListView<Parameter> _parameters;
String _linkedName;
String _fullyQualifiedName;
String _fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary;
// TODO(jcollins-g): make _originalMember optional after dart-lang/sdk#15101
// is fixed.
ModelElement(this._element, this._library, this._originalMember) {}
factory ModelElement.fromElement(Element e, PackageGraph p) {
Library lib = _findOrCreateEnclosingLibraryForStatic(e, p);
return new ModelElement.from(e, lib, packageGraph: p);
// TODO(jcollins-g): this way of using the optional parameter is messy,
// clean that up.
// TODO(jcollins-g): Refactor this into class-specific factories that
// call this one.
// TODO(jcollins-g): Enforce construction restraint.
// TODO(jcollins-g): Allow e to be null and drop extraneous null checks.
// TODO(jcollins-g): Auto-vivify element's defining library for library
// parameter when given a null.
/// Do not construct any ModelElements unless they are from this constructor.
/// Specify enclosingClass only if this is to be an inherited object.
factory ModelElement.from(Element e, Library library,
{Class enclosingClass,
Accessor getter,
Accessor setter,
PackageGraph packageGraph}) {
// With AnalysisDriver, we sometimes get ElementHandles when building
// docs for the SDK, seen via [Library.importedExportedLibraries]. Why?
if (e is ElementHandle) {
e = (e as ElementHandle).actualElement;
Member originalMember;
// TODO(jcollins-g): Refactor object model to instantiate 'ModelMembers'
// for members?
if (e is Member) {
var basest = PackageGraph.getBasestElement(e);
originalMember = e;
e = basest;
Tuple3<Element, Library, Class> key =
new Tuple3(e, library, enclosingClass);
ModelElement newModelElement;
if (e.kind != ElementKind.DYNAMIC &&
library.packageGraph._allConstructedModelElements.containsKey(key)) {
newModelElement = library.packageGraph._allConstructedModelElements[key];
assert(newModelElement.element is! MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement);
} else {
if (e.kind == ElementKind.DYNAMIC) {
newModelElement = new Dynamic(e, library, packageGraph);
if (e is MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement) {
newModelElement =
resolveMultiplyInheritedElement(e, library, enclosingClass);
} else {
if (e is LibraryElement) {
newModelElement = new Library(e, library.packageGraph);
// Also handles enums
if (e is ClassElement) {
if (!e.isEnum) {
newModelElement = new Class(e, library);
if ( == 'Object' && == 'dart:core') {
// We've found Object. This is an important object, so save it in the package.
newModelElement.library.packageGraph._objectElement == null);
newModelElement.library.packageGraph._objectElement =
if ( == 'Interceptor' && == 'dart:_interceptors') {
// We've found Interceptor. Another important object.
newModelElement.library.packageGraph.interceptor =
} else {
newModelElement = new Enum(e, library);
if (e is FunctionElement) {
newModelElement = new ModelFunction(e, library);
} else if (e is GenericFunctionTypeElement) {
if (e is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
assert( != '');
newModelElement = new ModelFunctionTypedef(e, library);
} else {
if (e.enclosingElement is GenericTypeAliasElement) {
assert( != '');
newModelElement = new ModelFunctionTypedef(e, library);
} else {
// Allowing null here is allowed as a workaround for
// dart-lang/sdk#32005.
assert( == '' || == null);
newModelElement = new ModelFunctionAnonymous(e, library);
if (e is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
newModelElement = new Typedef(e, library);
if (e is FieldElement) {
if (enclosingClass == null) {
if (e.isEnumConstant) {
int index =
newModelElement =
new EnumField.forConstant(index, e, library, getter);
} else if (e.enclosingElement.isEnum) {
newModelElement = new EnumField(e, library, getter, setter);
} else {
newModelElement = new Field(e, library, getter, setter);
} else {
// EnumFields can't be inherited, so this case is simpler.
newModelElement =
new Field.inherited(e, enclosingClass, library, getter, setter);
if (e is ConstructorElement) {
newModelElement = new Constructor(e, library);
if (e is MethodElement && e.isOperator) {
if (enclosingClass == null)
newModelElement = new Operator(e, library);
newModelElement = new Operator.inherited(e, enclosingClass, library,
originalMember: originalMember);
if (e is MethodElement && !e.isOperator) {
if (enclosingClass == null)
newModelElement = new Method(e, library);
newModelElement = new Method.inherited(e, enclosingClass, library,
originalMember: originalMember);
if (e is TopLevelVariableElement) {
if (getter == null && setter == null) {
List<TopLevelVariable> allVariables = []
newModelElement = allVariables.firstWhere((v) => v.element == e);
} else {
newModelElement = new TopLevelVariable(e, library, getter, setter);
if (e is PropertyAccessorElement) {
// TODO(jcollins-g): why test for ClassElement in enclosingElement?
if (e.enclosingElement is ClassElement ||
e is MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement) {
if (enclosingClass == null)
newModelElement = new InheritableAccessor(e, library);
newModelElement = new InheritableAccessor.inherited(
e, library, enclosingClass,
originalMember: originalMember);
} else {
newModelElement = new Accessor(e, library, null);
if (e is TypeParameterElement) {
newModelElement = new TypeParameter(e, library);
if (e is ParameterElement) {
newModelElement =
new Parameter(e, library, originalMember: originalMember);
if (newModelElement == null) throw "Unknown type ${e.runtimeType}";
if (enclosingClass != null) assert(newModelElement is Inheritable);
// TODO(jcollins-g): Reenable Parameter caching when dart-lang/sdk#30146
// is fixed?
if (library != null && newModelElement is! Parameter) {
library.packageGraph._allConstructedModelElements[key] = newModelElement;
if (newModelElement is Inheritable) {
Tuple2<Element, Library> iKey = new Tuple2(e, library);
.putIfAbsent(iKey, () => new Set());
if (newModelElement is GetterSetterCombo) {
assert(getter == null || newModelElement?.getter?.enclosingCombo != null);
assert(setter == null || newModelElement?.setter?.enclosingCombo != null);
assert(newModelElement.element is! MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement);
return newModelElement;
Set<Library> get exportedInLibraries {
return library
// TODO(jcollins-g): annotations should now be able to use the utility
// functions in package for finding elements and avoid using computeNode().
List<String> get annotations => annotationsFromMetadata(element.metadata);
/// Returns linked annotations from a given metadata set, with escaping.
List<String> annotationsFromMetadata(List<ElementAnnotation> md) {
if (md == null) return <String>[];
return a) {
String annotation = (const HtmlEscape()).convert(a.toSource());
// a.element can be null if the element can't be resolved.
var me = packageGraph
if (me != null)
annotation = annotation.replaceFirst(, me.linkedName);
return annotation;
}).toList(growable: false);
bool _isPublic;
bool get isPublic {
if (_isPublic == null) {
if (name == '') {
_isPublic = false;
} else if (this is! Library && (library == null || !library.isPublic)) {
_isPublic = false;
} else if (enclosingElement is Class &&
!(enclosingElement as Class).isPublic) {
_isPublic = false;
} else {
String docComment = computeDocumentationComment;
if (docComment == null) {
_isPublic = hasPublicName(element);
} else {
_isPublic = hasPublicName(element) &&
!(docComment.contains('@nodoc') ||
return _isPublic;
Set<String> get features {
Set<String> allFeatures = new Set<String>();
// override as an annotation should be replaced with direct information
// from the analyzer if we decide to display it at this level.
// Drop the plain "deprecated" annotation, that's indicated via
// strikethroughs. Custom @Deprecated() will still appear.
// const and static are not needed here because const/static elements get
// their own sections in the doc.
if (isFinal) allFeatures.add('final');
return allFeatures;
String get featuresAsString {
List<String> allFeatures = features.toList()..sort(byFeatureOrdering);
return allFeatures.join(', ');
bool get canHaveParameters =>
element is ExecutableElement || element is FunctionTypedElement;
ModelElement _buildCanonicalModelElement() {
Class preferredClass;
if (enclosingElement is Class) {
preferredClass = enclosingElement;
return packageGraph.findCanonicalModelElementFor(element,
preferredClass: preferredClass);
// Returns the canonical ModelElement for this ModelElement, or null
// if there isn't one.
ModelElement _canonicalModelElement;
ModelElement get canonicalModelElement =>
_canonicalModelElement ??= _buildCanonicalModelElement();
List<ModelElement> _documentationFrom;
// TODO(jcollins-g): untangle when mixins can call super
List<ModelElement> get documentationFrom {
if (_documentationFrom == null) {
_documentationFrom = computeDocumentationFrom;
return _documentationFrom;
/// Returns the ModelElement(s) from which we will get documentation.
/// Can be more than one if this is a Field composing documentation from
/// multiple Accessors.
/// This getter will walk up the inheritance hierarchy
/// to find docs, if the current class doesn't have docs
/// for this element.
List<ModelElement> get computeDocumentationFrom {
List<ModelElement> docFrom;
if (computeDocumentationComment == null &&
canOverride() &&
overriddenElement != null) {
docFrom = [overriddenElement];
} else if (this is Inheritable && (this as Inheritable).isInherited) {
Inheritable thisInheritable = (this as Inheritable);
InheritableAccessor newGetter;
InheritableAccessor newSetter;
if (this is GetterSetterCombo) {
GetterSetterCombo thisAsCombo = this as GetterSetterCombo;
if (thisAsCombo.hasGetter) {
newGetter = new ModelElement.from(
thisAsCombo.getter.element, thisAsCombo.getter.definingLibrary);
if (thisAsCombo.hasSetter) {
newSetter = new ModelElement.from(
thisAsCombo.setter.element, thisAsCombo.setter.definingLibrary);
ModelElement fromThis = new ModelElement.from(
element, thisInheritable.definingEnclosingElement.library,
getter: newGetter, setter: newSetter);
docFrom = fromThis.documentationFrom;
} else {
docFrom = [this];
return docFrom;
String _buildDocumentationLocal() {
assert(_rawDocs == null);
if (config.dropTextFrom.contains( {
_rawDocs = '';
} else {
_rawDocs = computeDocumentationComment ?? '';
_rawDocs = stripComments(_rawDocs) ?? '';
_rawDocs = _injectExamples(_rawDocs);
_rawDocs = _stripMacroTemplatesAndAddToIndex(_rawDocs);
return _rawDocs;
/// Returns the documentation for this literal element unless
/// [config.dropTextFrom] indicates it should not be returned. Macro
/// definitions are stripped, but macros themselves are not injected. This
/// is a two stage process to avoid ordering problems.
String _documentationLocal;
String get documentationLocal =>
_documentationLocal ??= _buildDocumentationLocal();
/// Returns the docs, stripped of their leading comments syntax.
String get documentation {
return _injectMacros( => e.documentationLocal).join('<p>'));
Library get definingLibrary => packageGraph.findOrCreateLibraryFor(element);
Library _canonicalLibrary;
// _canonicalLibrary can be null so we can't check against null to see whether
// we tried to compute it before.
bool _canonicalLibraryIsSet = false;
Library get canonicalLibrary {
if (!_canonicalLibraryIsSet) {
// This is not accurate if we are constructing the Package.
// Since we're may be looking for a library, find the [Element] immediately
// contained by a [CompilationUnitElement] in the tree.
Element topLevelElement = element;
while (topLevelElement != null &&
topLevelElement.enclosingElement is! LibraryElement &&
topLevelElement.enclosingElement is! CompilationUnitElement &&
topLevelElement.enclosingElement != null) {
topLevelElement = topLevelElement.enclosingElement;
// Privately named elements can never have a canonical library, so
// just shortcut them out.
if (!hasPublicName(element)) {
_canonicalLibrary = null;
} else if (!packageGraph.publicLibraries.contains(definingLibrary)) {
List<Library> candidateLibraries = packageGraph
?.where((l) => l.isPublic)
if (candidateLibraries != null) {
candidateLibraries = candidateLibraries.where((l) {
Element lookup = (l.element as LibraryElement)
if (lookup is PropertyAccessorElement)
lookup = (lookup as PropertyAccessorElement).variable;
if (topLevelElement == lookup) return true;
return false;
// Start with our top-level element.
ModelElement warnable =
new ModelElement.fromElement(topLevelElement, packageGraph);
if (candidateLibraries.length > 1) {
// Heuristic scoring to determine which library a human likely
// considers this element to be primarily 'from', and therefore,
// canonical. Still warn if the heuristic isn't that confident.
List<ScoredCandidate> scoredCandidates =
candidateLibraries = => s.library).toList();
double secondHighestScore =
scoredCandidates[scoredCandidates.length - 2].score;
double highestScore = scoredCandidates.last.score;
double confidence = highestScore - secondHighestScore;
String message =
"${ =>} -> ${} (confidence ${confidence.toStringAsPrecision(4)})";
List<String> debugLines = [];
debugLines.addAll( => '${s.toString()}'));
if (config == null || confidence < config.reexportMinConfidence) {
message: message, extendedDebug: debugLines);
if (candidateLibraries.isNotEmpty)
_canonicalLibrary = candidateLibraries.last;
} else {
_canonicalLibrary = definingLibrary;
if (this is Inheritable) {
if ((this as Inheritable).isInherited &&
_canonicalLibrary == null &&
packageGraph.publicLibraries.contains(library)) {
// In the event we've inherited a field from an object that isn't directly reexported,
// we may need to pretend we are canonical for this.
_canonicalLibrary = library;
_canonicalLibraryIsSet = true;
assert(_canonicalLibrary == null ||
return _canonicalLibrary;
bool get isCanonical {
if (library == canonicalLibrary) {
if (this is Inheritable) {
Inheritable i = (this as Inheritable);
// If we're the defining element, or if the defining element is not
// in the set of libraries being documented, then this element
// should be treated as canonical (given library == canonicalLibrary).
if (i.enclosingElement == i.canonicalEnclosingElement) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// If there's no inheritance to deal with, we're done.
return true;
return false;
String get documentationAsHtml => _documentation.asHtml;
Element get element => _element;
String get elementLocation {
// Call nothing from here that can emit warnings or you'll cause stack overflows.
if (lineAndColumn != null) {
return "(${p.toUri(sourceFileName)}:${lineAndColumn.item1}:${lineAndColumn.item2})";
return "(${p.toUri(sourceFileName)})";
/// Returns a link to extended documentation, or the empty string if that
/// does not exist.
String get extendedDocLink {
if (hasExtendedDocumentation) {
return '<a href="${href}">[...]</a>';
return '';
String get fileName => "${name}.html";
/// Returns the fully qualified name.
/// For example: libraryName.className.methodName
String get fullyQualifiedName {
return (_fullyQualifiedName ??= _buildFullyQualifiedName());
String get fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary {
// Remember, periods are legal in library names.
if (_fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary == null) {
_fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary =
fullyQualifiedName.replaceFirst("${library.fullyQualifiedName}.", '');
return _fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary;
String get sourceFileName => element.source.fullName;
Tuple2<int, int> _lineAndColumn;
bool _isLineNumberComputed = false;
Tuple2<int, int> get lineAndColumn {
// TODO(jcollins-g): implement lineAndColumn for explicit fields
if (!_isLineNumberComputed) {
_lineAndColumn = lineNumberCache.lineAndColumn(
element.source.fullName, element.nameOffset);
return _lineAndColumn;
bool get hasAnnotations => annotations.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasDocumentation =>
documentation != null && documentation.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasExtendedDocumentation =>
href != null && _documentation.hasExtendedDocs;
bool get hasParameters => parameters.isNotEmpty;
/// If canonicalLibrary (or canonicalEnclosingElement, for Inheritable
/// subclasses) is null, href should be null.
String get href;
String get htmlId => name;
bool get isAsynchronous =>
isExecutable && (element as ExecutableElement).isAsynchronous;
bool get isConst => false;
bool get isDeprecated {
// If element.metadata is empty, it might be because this is a property
// where the metadata belongs to the individual getter/setter
if (element.metadata.isEmpty && element is PropertyInducingElement) {
var pie = element as PropertyInducingElement;
// The getter or the setter might be null – so the stored value may be
// `true`, `false`, or `null`
var getterDeprecated = pie.getter?.metadata?.any((a) => a.isDeprecated);
var setterDeprecated = pie.setter?.metadata?.any((a) => a.isDeprecated);
var deprecatedValues =
[getterDeprecated, setterDeprecated].where((a) => a != null).toList();
// At least one of these should be non-null. Otherwise things are weird
// If there are both a setter and getter, only show the property as
// deprecated if both are deprecated.
return deprecatedValues.every((d) => d);
return element.metadata.any((a) => a.isDeprecated);
bool get isDocumented => isCanonical && isPublic;
bool get isExecutable => element is ExecutableElement;
bool get isFinal => false;
bool get isLocalElement => element is LocalElement;
bool get isPropertyAccessor => element is PropertyAccessorElement;
bool get isPropertyInducer => element is PropertyInducingElement;
bool get isStatic {
if (isPropertyInducer) {
return (element as PropertyInducingElement).isStatic;
return false;
/// A human-friendly name for the kind of element this is.
String get kind;
Library get library => _library;
String get linkedName {
if (_linkedName == null) {
_linkedName = _calculateLinkedName();
return _linkedName;
String get linkedParamsLines => linkedParams().trim();
String get linkedParamsNoMetadata => linkedParams(showMetadata: false);
String get linkedParamsNoMetadataOrNames {
return linkedParams(showMetadata: false, showNames: false);
ElementType get modelType {
if (_modelType == null) {
// TODO(jcollins-g): Need an interface for a "member with a type" (or changed object model).
if (_originalMember != null &&
(_originalMember is ExecutableMember ||
_originalMember is ParameterMember)) {
if (_originalMember is ExecutableMember) {
_modelType = new ElementType.from(
(_originalMember as ExecutableMember).type, packageGraph);
} else {
// ParameterMember
_modelType = new ElementType.from(
(_originalMember as ParameterMember).type, packageGraph);
} else if (element is ExecutableElement ||
element is FunctionTypedElement ||
element is ParameterElement ||
element is TypeDefiningElement ||
element is PropertyInducingElement) {
_modelType =
new ElementType.from((element as dynamic).type, packageGraph);
return _modelType;
String get name =>;
String _oneLineDoc;
String get oneLineDoc {
if (_oneLineDoc == null) {
_oneLineDoc =
'${_documentation.asOneLiner}${extendedDocLink.isEmpty ? "" : " $extendedDocLink"}';
return _oneLineDoc;
Member get originalMember => _originalMember;
ModelElement get overriddenElement => null;
ModelElement _overriddenDocumentedElement;
bool _overriddenDocumentedElementIsSet = false;
// TODO(jcollins-g): This method prefers canonical elements, but it isn't
// guaranteed and is probably the source of bugs or confusing warnings.
ModelElement get overriddenDocumentedElement {
if (!_overriddenDocumentedElementIsSet) {
ModelElement found = this;
while ((found.element.documentationComment == null ||
found.element.documentationComment == "") &&
!found.isCanonical &&
found.overriddenElement != null) {
found = found.overriddenElement;
_overriddenDocumentedElement = found;
_overriddenDocumentedElementIsSet = true;
return _overriddenDocumentedElement;
int _overriddenDepth;
int get overriddenDepth {
if (_overriddenDepth == null) {
_overriddenDepth = 0;
ModelElement e = this;
while (e.overriddenElement != null) {
_overriddenDepth += 1;
e = e.overriddenElement;
return _overriddenDepth;
PackageGraph get packageGraph => (this is Library)
? (this as Library).packageGraph
: this.library.packageGraph;
bool get isPublicAndPackageDocumented =>
isPublic && library.packageGraph.packageDocumentedFor(this);
List<Parameter> _allParameters;
// TODO(jcollins-g): This is in the wrong place. Move parts to GetterSetterCombo,
// elsewhere as appropriate?
List<Parameter> get allParameters {
if (_allParameters == null) {
final Set<Parameter> recursedParameters = new Set();
final Set<Parameter> newParameters = new Set();
if (this is GetterSetterCombo &&
(this as GetterSetterCombo).setter != null) {
newParameters.addAll((this as GetterSetterCombo).setter.parameters);
} else {
if (canHaveParameters) newParameters.addAll(parameters);
while (newParameters.isNotEmpty) {
for (Parameter p in recursedParameters) {
.where((p) => !recursedParameters.contains(p)));
_allParameters = recursedParameters.toList();
return _allParameters;
List<Parameter> get parameters {
if (!canHaveParameters) {
throw new StateError("$element cannot have parameters");
if (_parameters == null) {
List<ParameterElement> params;
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
if (_originalMember != null) {
assert(_originalMember is ExecutableMember);
params = (_originalMember as ExecutableMember).parameters;
} else {
params = (element as ExecutableElement).parameters;
if (params == null && element is FunctionTypedElement) {
if (_originalMember != null) {
params = (_originalMember as dynamic).parameters;
} else {
params = (element as FunctionTypedElement).parameters;
_parameters = new UnmodifiableListView<Parameter>(params
.map((p) => new ModelElement.from(p, library))
.toList() as Iterable<Parameter>);
return _parameters;
void warn(PackageWarning kind,
{String message,
Iterable<Locatable> referredFrom,
Iterable<String> extendedDebug}) {
packageGraph.warnOnElement(this, kind,
message: message,
referredFrom: referredFrom,
extendedDebug: extendedDebug);
String get computeDocumentationComment => element.documentationComment;
Documentation get _documentation {
if (__documentation != null) return __documentation;
__documentation = new Documentation.forElement(this);
return __documentation;
bool canOverride() =>
element is ClassMemberElement || element is PropertyAccessorElement;
int compareTo(dynamic other) {
if (other is ModelElement) {
return name.toLowerCase().compareTo(;
} else {
return 0;
String renderParam(
Parameter param, String suffix, bool showMetadata, bool showNames) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
ElementType paramModelType = param.modelType;
buf.write('<span class="parameter" id="${param.htmlId}">');
if (showMetadata && param.hasAnnotations) {
param.annotations.forEach((String annotation) {
buf.write('<span>$annotation</span> ');
if (paramModelType is CallableElementTypeMixin) {
var returnTypeName = paramModelType.createLinkedReturnTypeName();
buf.write('<span class="type-annotation">${returnTypeName}</span>');
if (showNames) {
buf.write(' <span class="parameter-name">${}</span>');
} else if (paramModelType.isTypedef ||
paramModelType is CallableAnonymousElementType) {
' <span class="parameter-name">${}</span>');
if (!paramModelType.isTypedef) {
.linkedParams(showNames: showNames, showMetadata: showMetadata));
} else if (param.modelType != null) {
String typeName = paramModelType.linkedName;
if (typeName.isNotEmpty) {
buf.write('<span class="type-annotation">$typeName</span>');
if (typeName.isNotEmpty && showNames &&
buf.write(' ');
if (showNames && {
buf.write('<span class="parameter-name">${}</span>');
if (param.hasDefaultValue) {
if (param.isOptionalNamed) {
buf.write(': ');
} else {
buf.write(' = ');
buf.write('<span class="default-value">${param.defaultValue}</span>');
return buf.toString();
String linkedParams(
{bool showMetadata: true, bool showNames: true, String separator: ', '}) {
List<Parameter> requiredParams =
parameters.where((Parameter p) => !p.isOptional).toList();
List<Parameter> positionalParams =
parameters.where((Parameter p) => p.isOptionalPositional).toList();
List<Parameter> namedParams =
parameters.where((Parameter p) => p.isOptionalNamed).toList();
StringBuffer builder = new StringBuffer();
// prefix
if (requiredParams.isEmpty && positionalParams.isNotEmpty) {
} else if (requiredParams.isEmpty && namedParams.isNotEmpty) {
// index over params
for (Parameter param in requiredParams) {
bool isLast = param == requiredParams.last;
String ext;
if (isLast && positionalParams.isNotEmpty) {
ext = ', [';
} else if (isLast && namedParams.isNotEmpty) {
ext = ', {';
} else {
ext = isLast ? '' : ', ';
builder.write(renderParam(param, ext, showMetadata, showNames));
builder.write(' ');
for (Parameter param in positionalParams) {
bool isLast = param == positionalParams.last;
renderParam(param, isLast ? '' : ', ', showMetadata, showNames));
builder.write(' ');
for (Parameter param in namedParams) {
bool isLast = param == namedParams.last;
renderParam(param, isLast ? '' : ', ', showMetadata, showNames));
builder.write(' ');
// suffix
if (namedParams.isNotEmpty) {
} else if (positionalParams.isNotEmpty) {
return builder.toString().trim();
String toString() => '$runtimeType $name';
String _buildFullyQualifiedName([ModelElement e, String fqName]) {
e ??= this;
fqName ??=;
if (e is! EnclosedElement) {
return fqName;
ModelElement parent = (e as EnclosedElement).enclosingElement;
return _buildFullyQualifiedName(parent, '${}.$fqName');
String _calculateLinkedName() {
// If we're calling this with an empty name, we probably have the wrong
// element associated with a ModelElement or there's an analysis bug.
assert(!name.isEmpty ||
(this.element is TypeDefiningElement &&
(this.element as TypeDefiningElement) == "dynamic") ||
(this is ModelFunction &&
element.enclosingElement is ParameterElement));
if (href == null) {
if (isPublicAndPackageDocumented) {
return HTML_ESCAPE.convert(name);
var classContent = isDeprecated ? ' class="deprecated"' : '';
return '<a${classContent} href="${href}">$name</a>';
// This differs from package.findOrCreateLibraryFor in a small way,
// searching for the [Library] associated with this element's enclosing
// Library before trying to create one.
static Library _findOrCreateEnclosingLibraryForStatic(
Element e, PackageGraph packageGraph) {
var element = e.getAncestor((l) => l is LibraryElement);
var lib;
if (element != null) {
lib = packageGraph.findLibraryFor(element);
if (lib == null) {
lib = packageGraph.findOrCreateLibraryFor(e);
if (lib == null) {
assert(e.kind == ElementKind.DYNAMIC);
return lib;
/// Replace {@example ...} in API comments with the content of named file.
/// Syntax:
/// {@example PATH [region=NAME] [lang=NAME]}
/// where PATH and NAME are tokens _without_ whitespace; NAME can optionally be
/// quoted (use of quotes is for backwards compatibility and discouraged).
/// If PATH is `dir/file.ext` and region is `r` then we'll look for the file
/// named `dir/`, relative to the project root directory (of the
/// project for which the docs are being generated).
/// Examples:
/// {@example examples/angular/quickstart/web/main.dart}
/// {@example abc/def/xyz_component.dart region=template lang=html}
String _injectExamples(String rawdocs) {
final dirPath = this.packageGraph.packageMeta.dir.path;
RegExp exampleRE = new RegExp(r'{@example\s+([^}]+)}');
return rawdocs.replaceAllMapped(exampleRE, (match) {
var args = _getExampleArgs(match[1]);
var lang = args['lang'] ?? p.extension(args['src']).replaceFirst('.', '');
var replacement = match[0]; // default to fully matched string.
var fragmentFile = new File(p.join(dirPath, args['file']));
if (fragmentFile.existsSync()) {
replacement = fragmentFile.readAsStringSync();
if (!lang.isEmpty) {
replacement = replacement.replaceFirst('```', '```$lang');
} else {
// TODO(jcollins-g): move this to Package.warn system
var filePath =
this.element.source.fullName.substring(dirPath.length + 1);
'warning: ${filePath}: @example file not found, ${fragmentFile.path}');
return replacement;
/// Replace {@macro ...} in API comments with the contents of the macro
/// Syntax:
/// {@macro NAME}
/// Example:
/// You define the template in any comment for a documentable entity like:
/// {@template foo}
/// Foo contents!
/// {@endtemplate}
/// and them somewhere use it like this:
/// Some comments
/// {@macro foo}
/// More comments
/// Which will render
/// Some comments
/// Foo contents!
/// More comments
String _injectMacros(String rawDocs) {
final macroRegExp = new RegExp(r'{@macro\s+([^}]+)}');
return rawDocs.replaceAllMapped(macroRegExp, (match) {
String macro = packageGraph.getMacro(match[1]);
if (macro == null) {
warn(PackageWarning.unknownMacro, message: match[1]);
return macro;
/// Parse {@template ...} in API comments and store them in the index on the package.
/// Syntax:
/// {@template NAME}
/// The contents of the macro
/// {@endtemplate}
String _stripMacroTemplatesAndAddToIndex(String rawDocs) {
final templateRegExp = new RegExp(
r'[ ]*{@template\s+(.+?)}([\s\S]+?){@endtemplate}[ ]*\n?',
multiLine: true);
return rawDocs.replaceAllMapped(templateRegExp, (match) {
packageGraph._addMacro(match[1].trim(), match[2].trim());
return "";
/// Helper for _injectExamples used to process @example arguments.
/// Returns a map of arguments. The first unnamed argument will have key 'src'.
/// The computed file path, constructed from 'src' and 'region' will have key
/// 'file'.
Map<String, String> _getExampleArgs(String argsAsString) {
// Extract PATH and return is under key 'src'
var endOfSrc = argsAsString.indexOf(' ');
if (endOfSrc < 0) endOfSrc = argsAsString.length;
var src = argsAsString.substring(0, endOfSrc);
src = src.replaceAll('/', Platform.pathSeparator);
final args = {'src': src};
// Process remaining named arguments
var namedArgs = argsAsString.substring(endOfSrc);
// Arg value: allow optional quotes; warning: we still don't support whitespace.
RegExp keyValueRE = new RegExp('(\\w+)=[\'"]?(\\S*)[\'"]?');
Iterable<Match> matches = keyValueRE.allMatches(namedArgs);
matches.forEach((match) {
// Ignore optional quotes
args[match[1]] = match[2].replaceAll(new RegExp('[\'"]'), '');
// Compute 'file'
final fragExtension = '.md';
var file = src + fragExtension;
var region = args['region'] ?? '';
if (!region.isEmpty) {
var dir = p.dirname(src);
var basename = p.basenameWithoutExtension(src);
var ext = p.extension(src);
file = p.join(dir, '$basename-$region$ext$fragExtension');
args['file'] = config?.examplePathPrefix == null
? file
: p.join(config.examplePathPrefix, file);
return args;
/// A [ModelElement] for a [FunctionElement] that isn't part of a type definition.
class ModelFunction extends ModelFunctionTyped {
ModelFunction(FunctionElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library);
bool get isStatic {
return _func.isStatic;
FunctionElement get _func => (element as FunctionElement);
/// A [ModelElement] for a [GenericModelFunctionElement] that is an
/// explicit typedef.
/// Distinct from ModelFunctionTypedef in that it doesn't
/// have a name, but we document it as "Function" to match how these are
/// written in declarations.
class ModelFunctionAnonymous extends ModelFunctionTyped {
ModelFunctionAnonymous(FunctionTypedElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library) {}
String get name => 'Function';
String get linkedName => 'Function';
bool get isPublic => false;
/// A [ModelElement] for a [GenericModelFunctionElement] that is part of an
/// explicit typedef.
class ModelFunctionTypedef extends ModelFunctionTyped {
ModelFunctionTypedef(FunctionTypedElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library);
String get name {
Element e = element;
while (e != null) {
if (e is FunctionTypeAliasElement || e is GenericTypeAliasElement)
e = e.enclosingElement;
class ModelFunctionTyped extends ModelElement
with SourceCodeMixin, TypeParameters
implements EnclosedElement {
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = [];
ModelFunctionTyped(FunctionTypedElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library, null) {
void _calcTypeParameters() {
typeParameters = {
return new ModelElement.from(f, library);
ModelElement get enclosingElement => library;
String get href {
if (!identical(canonicalModelElement, this))
return canonicalModelElement?.href;
assert(canonicalLibrary != null);
assert(canonicalLibrary == library);
return '${library.dirName}/$fileName';
String get kind => 'function';
String get linkedReturnType => modelType.createLinkedReturnTypeName();
// Food for mustache. TODO(jcollins-g): what about enclosing elements?
bool get isInherited => false;
FunctionTypedElement get _func => (element as FunctionTypedElement);
/// Something that has a name.
abstract class Nameable {
String get name;
Set<String> _namePieces;
Set<String> get namePieces {
if (_namePieces == null) {
_namePieces = new Set()
..addAll(name.split(locationSplitter).where((s) => s.isNotEmpty));
return _namePieces;
class Operator extends Method {
static const Map<String, String> friendlyNames = const {
"[]": "get",
"[]=": "put",
"~": "bitwise_negate",
"==": "equals",
"-": "minus",
"+": "plus",
"*": "multiply",
"/": "divide",
"<": "less",
">": "greater",
">=": "greater_equal",
"<=": "less_equal",
"<<": "shift_left",
">>": "shift_right",
"^": "bitwise_exclusive_or",
"unary-": "unary_minus",
"|": "bitwise_or",
"&": "bitwise_and",
"~/": "truncate_divide",
"%": "modulo"
Operator(MethodElement element, Library library) : super(element, library);
MethodElement element, Class enclosingClass, Library library,
{Member originalMember})
: super.inherited(element, enclosingClass, library,
originalMember: originalMember) {
_isInherited = true;
String get fileName {
var actualName =;
if (friendlyNames.containsKey(actualName)) {
return "operator_${friendlyNames[actualName]}.html";
} else {
return '$actualName.html';
String get fullyQualifiedName =>
bool get isOperator => true;
String get name {
return 'operator ${}';
String get typeName => 'operator';
// TODO(jcollins-g): Break [Package] out into a real single-package only
// class, and a container class for a set of packages.
class PackageGraph extends Canonicalization with Nameable, Warnable {
// All library objects related to this package; a superset of _libraries.
final Map<LibraryElement, Library> allLibraries = new Map();
// Objects to keep track of warnings.
final PackageWarningOptions _packageWarningOptions;
PackageWarningCounter _packageWarningCounter;
// All ModelElements constructed for this package; a superset of allModelElements.
final Map<Tuple3<Element, Library, Class>, ModelElement>
_allConstructedModelElements = new Map();
// Anything that might be inheritable, place here for later lookup.
final Map<Tuple2<Element, Library>, Set<ModelElement>>
_allInheritableElements = new Map();
/// Map of Class.href to a list of classes implementing that class
final Map<String, List<Class>> _implementors = new Map();
final PackageMeta packageMeta;
Library get canonicalLibrary => null;
PackageGraph get packageGraph => this;
/// Map of package name to Package.
final Map<String, Package> packages = {};
final AnalysisDriver driver;
final DartSdk sdk;
Map<Source, SdkLibrary> _sdkLibrarySources;
Map<Source, SdkLibrary> get sdkLibrarySources {
if (_sdkLibrarySources == null) {
_sdkLibrarySources = new Map();
for (SdkLibrary lib in sdk?.sdkLibraries) {
_sdkLibrarySources[sdk.mapDartUri(lib.shortName)] = lib;
return _sdkLibrarySources;
bool get isDocumented => true;
Documentable get overriddenDocumentedElement => this;
List<Locatable> get documentationFrom => [this];
Warnable get enclosingElement => null;
bool get hasExtendedDocumentation => documentation.isNotEmpty;
final Map<Element, Library> _elementToLibrary = {};
String _docsAsHtml;
final Map<String, String> _macros = {};
bool allLibrariesAdded = false;
bool _macrosAdded = false;
PackageGraph(Iterable<LibraryElement> libraryElements, this.packageMeta,
this._packageWarningOptions, this.driver,
[this.sdk]) {
_packageWarningCounter = new PackageWarningCounter(_packageWarningOptions);
libraryElements.forEach((element) {
var lib = new Library._(element, this);
lib.packageName, () => new Package(lib.packageName, this));
allLibraries[element] = lib;
_elementToLibrary[element] = lib;
allLibrariesAdded = true;
packages.values.forEach((package) {
package._libraries.sort((a, b) => compareNatural(,;
package._libraries.forEach((library) {
_implementors.values.forEach((l) => l.sort());
// Go through docs of every model element in package to prebuild the macros
// index.
allModelElements.forEach((m) => m.documentationLocal);
_macrosAdded = true;
/// Returns true if there's at least one library documented in the package
/// that has the same package path as the library for the given element.
/// Usable as a cross-check for dartdoc's canonicalization to generate
/// warnings for ModelElement.isPublicAndPackageDocumented.
Set<String> _allRootDirs;
bool packageDocumentedFor(ModelElement element) {
if (_allRootDirs == null) {
_allRootDirs = new Set()
..addAll( => l.packageMeta?.resolvedDir));
return (_allRootDirs.contains(element.library.packageMeta?.resolvedDir));
Element get element => null;
String get elementLocation => '(top level package)';
/// Flush out any warnings we might have collected while
/// [_packageWarningOptions.autoFlush] was false.
void flushWarnings() {
Tuple2<int, int> get lineAndColumn => null;
String get fullyQualifiedName => name;
bool get isCanonical => true;
PackageWarningCounter get packageWarningCounter => _packageWarningCounter;
void warn(PackageWarning kind,
{String message,
Iterable<Locatable> referredFrom,
Iterable<String> extendedDebug}) {
warnOnElement(this, kind,
message: message,
referredFrom: referredFrom,
extendedDebug: extendedDebug);
/// Returns colon-stripped name and location of the given locatable.
static Tuple2<String, String> nameAndLocation(Locatable locatable) {
String locatableName = '<unknown>';
String locatableLocation = '';
if (locatable != null) {
locatableName = locatable.fullyQualifiedName.replaceFirst(':', '-');
locatableLocation = locatable.elementLocation;
return new Tuple2(locatableName, locatableLocation);
final Set<Tuple3<Element, PackageWarning, String>> _warnAlreadySeen =
new Set();
void warnOnElement(Warnable warnable, PackageWarning kind,
{String message,
Iterable<Locatable> referredFrom,
Iterable<String> extendedDebug}) {
var newEntry = new Tuple3(warnable?.element, kind, message);
if (_warnAlreadySeen.contains(newEntry)) {
// Warnings can cause other warnings. Queue them up via the stack but
// don't allow warnings we're already working on to get in there.
_warnOnElement(warnable, kind,
message: message,
referredFrom: referredFrom,
extendedDebug: extendedDebug);
void _warnOnElement(Warnable warnable, PackageWarning kind,
{String message,
Iterable<Locatable> referredFrom,
Iterable<String> extendedDebug}) {
if (warnable != null) {
// This sort of warning is only applicable to top level elements.
if (kind == PackageWarning.ambiguousReexport) {
while (warnable.enclosingElement is! Library &&
warnable.enclosingElement != null) {
warnable = warnable.enclosingElement;
if (warnable is Accessor) {
// This might be part of a Field, if so, assign this warning to the field
// rather than the Accessor.
if ((warnable as Accessor).enclosingCombo != null)
warnable = (warnable as Accessor).enclosingCombo;
} else {
// If we don't have an element, we need a message to disambiguate.
assert(message != null);
if (_packageWarningCounter.hasWarning(warnable, kind, message)) {
// Some kinds of warnings it is OK to drop if we're not documenting them.
if (warnable != null &&
skipWarningIfNotDocumentedFor.contains(kind) &&
!warnable.isDocumented) {
// Elements that are part of the Dart SDK can have colons in their FQNs.
// This confuses IntelliJ and makes it so it can't link to the location
// of the error in the console window, so separate out the library from
// the path.
// TODO(jcollins-g): What about messages that may include colons? Substituting
// them out doesn't work as well there since it might confuse
// the user, yet we still want IntelliJ to link properly.
final warnableName = _safeWarnableName(warnable);
String warnablePrefix = 'from';
String referredFromPrefix = 'referred to by';
String warningMessage;
switch (kind) {
case PackageWarning.noCanonicalFound:
// Fix these warnings by adding libraries with --include, or by using
// --auto-include-dependencies.
// TODO(jcollins-g): add a dartdoc flag to enable external website linking for non-canonical elements, using .packages for versioning
// TODO(jcollins-g): support documenting multiple packages at once and linking between them
warningMessage =
"no canonical library found for ${warnableName}, not linking";
case PackageWarning.ambiguousReexport:
// Fix these warnings by adding the original library exporting the
// symbol with --include, by using --auto-include-dependencies,
// or by using --exclude to hide one of the libraries involved
warningMessage =
"ambiguous reexport of ${warnableName}, canonicalization candidates: ${message}";
case PackageWarning.noLibraryLevelDocs:
warningMessage =
"${warnable.fullyQualifiedName} has no library level documentation comments";
case PackageWarning.ambiguousDocReference:
warningMessage = "ambiguous doc reference ${message}";
case PackageWarning.ignoredCanonicalFor:
warningMessage =
"library says it is {@canonicalFor ${message}} but ${message} can't be canonical there";
case PackageWarning.categoryOrderGivesMissingPackageName:
warningMessage =
"--category-order gives invalid package name: '${message}'";
case PackageWarning.unresolvedDocReference:
warningMessage = "unresolved doc reference [${message}]";
if (referredFrom == null) {
referredFrom = warnable.documentationFrom;
referredFromPrefix = 'in documentation inherited from';
case PackageWarning.unknownMacro:
warningMessage = "undefined macro [${message}]";
case PackageWarning.brokenLink:
warningMessage = 'dartdoc generated a broken link to: ${message}';
warnablePrefix = 'to element';
referredFromPrefix = 'linked to from';
case PackageWarning.orphanedFile:
warningMessage = 'dartdoc generated a file orphan: ${message}';
case PackageWarning.unknownFile:
warningMessage =
'dartdoc detected an unknown file in the doc tree: ${message}';
case PackageWarning.missingFromSearchIndex:
warningMessage =
'dartdoc generated a file not in the search index: ${message}';
case PackageWarning.typeAsHtml:
// The message for this warning can contain many punctuation and other symbols,
// so bracket with a triple quote for defense.
warningMessage = 'generic type handled as HTML: """${message}"""';
List<String> messageParts = [warningMessage];
if (warnable != null) {
"${warnablePrefix} ${warnableName}: ${warnable.elementLocation ?? ''}");
if (referredFrom != null) {
for (Locatable referral in referredFrom) {
if (referral != warnable) {
var referredFromStrings = _safeWarnableName(referral);
"${referredFromPrefix} ${referredFromStrings}: ${referral.elementLocation ?? ''}");
if (config.verboseWarnings && extendedDebug != null) {
messageParts.addAll( => " $s"));
String fullMessage;
if (messageParts.length <= 2) {
fullMessage = messageParts.join(', ');
} else {
fullMessage = messageParts.join('\n ');
packageWarningCounter.addWarning(warnable, kind, message, fullMessage);
String _safeWarnableName(Locatable locatable) {
if (locatable == null) {
return '<unknown>';
return locatable.fullyQualifiedName.replaceFirst(':', '-');
List<Package> get categories {
// Help the user if they pass us a category that doesn't exist.
for (String categoryName in config.categoryOrder) {
if (!packages.containsKey(categoryName))
warnOnElement(null, PackageWarning.categoryOrderGivesMissingPackageName,
message: "${categoryName}, categories: ${packages.keys.join(',')}");
List<Package> publicPackages = packages.values
.where((p) => p.libraries.any((l) => l.isPublic))
return publicPackages..sort();
Map<LibraryElement, Set<Library>> _libraryElementReexportedBy = new Map();
void _tagReexportsFor(
final Library tll, final LibraryElement libraryElement) {
_libraryElementReexportedBy.putIfAbsent(libraryElement, () => new Set());
for (ExportElement exportedElement in libraryElement.exports) {
_tagReexportsFor(tll, exportedElement.exportedLibrary);
int _lastSizeOfAllLibraries = 0;
Map<LibraryElement, Set<Library>> get libraryElementReexportedBy {
// Table must be reset if we're still in the middle of adding libraries.
if (allLibraries.keys.length != _lastSizeOfAllLibraries) {
_lastSizeOfAllLibraries = allLibraries.keys.length;
_libraryElementReexportedBy = new Map<LibraryElement, Set<Library>>();
for (Library library in publicLibraries) {
_tagReexportsFor(library, library.element);
return _libraryElementReexportedBy;
String get documentation {
return hasDocumentationFile ? documentationFile.contents : null;
/// A lookup index for hrefs to allow warnings to indicate where a broken
/// link or orphaned file may have come from. Not cached because
/// [ModelElement]s can be created at any time and we're basing this
/// on more than just [allModelElements] to make the error messages
/// comprehensive.
Map<String, Set<ModelElement>> get allHrefs {
Map<String, Set<ModelElement>> hrefMap = new Map();
// TODO(jcollins-g ): handle calculating hrefs causing new elements better
// than toList().
for (ModelElement modelElement
in _allConstructedModelElements.values.toList()) {
// Technically speaking we should be able to use canonical model elements
// only here, but since the warnings that depend on this debug
// canonicalization problems, don't limit ourselves in case an href is
// generated for something non-canonical.
if (modelElement is Dynamic) continue;
// TODO: see [Accessor.enclosingCombo]
if (modelElement is Accessor) continue;
if (modelElement.href == null) continue;
hrefMap.putIfAbsent(modelElement.href, () => new Set());
for (Package package in packages.values) {
for (Library library in package._libraries) {
if (library.href == null) continue;
hrefMap.putIfAbsent(library.href, () => new Set());
return hrefMap;
String get documentationAsHtml {
if (_docsAsHtml != null) return _docsAsHtml;
_docsAsHtml = new Documentation.forElement(this).asHtml;
return _docsAsHtml;
FileContents get documentationFile => packageMeta.getReadmeContents();
// TODO: make this work
bool get hasDocumentation =>
documentationFile != null && documentationFile.contents.isNotEmpty;
// TODO: Clients should use [documentationFile] so they can act differently on
// plain text or markdown.
bool get hasDocumentationFile => documentationFile != null;
// TODO: make this work
String get href => 'index.html';
/// Does this package represent the SDK?
bool get isSdk => packageMeta.isSdk;
void _addToImplementors(Class c) {
_implementors.putIfAbsent(c.href, () => []);
void _checkAndAddClass(Class key, Class implClass) {
_implementors.putIfAbsent(key.href, () => []);
List list = _implementors[key.href];
if (!list.any((l) => l.element == c.element)) {
if (!c._mixins.isEmpty) {
c._mixins.forEach((t) {
_checkAndAddClass(t.element, c);
if (c._supertype != null) {
_checkAndAddClass(c._supertype.element, c);
if (!c.interfaces.isEmpty) {
c.interfaces.forEach((t) {
_checkAndAddClass(t.element, c);
List<Library> get libraries =>
packages.values.expand((p) => p.libraries).toList()..sort();
Iterable<Library> get publicLibraries => filterNonPublic(libraries);
bool get hasHomepage =>
packageMeta.homepage != null && packageMeta.homepage.isNotEmpty;
String get homepage => packageMeta.homepage;
String get name =>;
String get kind =>
(packageMeta.useCategories || packageGraph.isSdk) ? '' : 'package';
String get oneLineDoc => '';
// Written from ModelElement.from.
ModelElement _objectElement;
// Return the element for "Object".
ModelElement get objectElement {
assert(_objectElement != null);
return _objectElement;
// Don't let this be used for canonicalization before we find it.
bool _interceptorUsed = false;
Class _interceptor;
/// Return the element for "Interceptor", a Dart implementation class intended
/// to function the same as Object.
Class get interceptor {
_interceptorUsed = true;
return _interceptor;
set interceptor(Class newInterceptor) {
assert(_interceptorUsed == false);
_interceptor = newInterceptor;
// Return the set of [Class]es objects should inherit through if they
// show up in the inheritance chain. Do not call before interceptorElement is
// found. Add classes here if they are similar to Interceptor in that they
// are to be ignored even when they are the implementors of [Inheritable]s,
// and the class these inherit from should instead claim implementation.
Set<Class> _inheritThrough;
Set<Class> get inheritThrough {
if (_inheritThrough == null) {
_inheritThrough = new Set();
return _inheritThrough;
String get version => packageMeta.version;
/// Looks up some [Library] that is reexporting this [Element]; not
/// necessarily the canonical [Library].
Library findLibraryFor(Element element) {
// Maybe we were given an element we already saw, or an element for the
// Library itself added by the constructor in [ModelElement.from].
if (_elementToLibrary.containsKey(element)) {
return _elementToLibrary[element];
Library foundLibrary;
if (libraryElementReexportedBy.containsKey(element.library)) {
Set<Library> exportedIn = libraryElementReexportedBy[element.library];
foundLibrary = exportedIn.firstWhere(
(l) =>
l.element.location.components[0] ==
orElse: () => null);
if (foundLibrary != null) _elementToLibrary[element] = foundLibrary;
return foundLibrary;
String toString() => isSdk ? 'SDK' : 'Package $name';
final Map<Element, Library> _canonicalLibraryFor = new Map();
/// Tries to find a top level library that references this element.
Library findCanonicalLibraryFor(Element e) {
Element searchElement = e;
if (e is PropertyAccessorElement) {
searchElement = e.variable;
if (e is GenericFunctionTypeElement) {
searchElement = e.enclosingElement;
if (_canonicalLibraryFor.containsKey(e)) {
return _canonicalLibraryFor[e];
_canonicalLibraryFor[e] = null;
for (Library library in publicLibraries) {
if (library.modelElementsMap.containsKey(searchElement)) {
for (ModelElement modelElement
in library.modelElementsMap[searchElement]) {
if (modelElement.isCanonical) {
_canonicalLibraryFor[e] = library;
return _canonicalLibraryFor[e];
// TODO(jcollins-g): Revise when dart-lang/sdk#29600 is fixed.
static Element getBasestElement(Element possibleMember) {
Element element = possibleMember;
while (element is Member) {
element = (element as Member).baseElement;
return element;
/// Tries to find a canonical ModelElement for this element. If we know
/// this element is related to a particular class, pass preferredClass to
/// disambiguate.
/// This doesn't know anything about [PackageGraph.inheritThrough] and probably
/// shouldn't, so using it with [Inheritable]s without special casing is
/// not advised.
ModelElement findCanonicalModelElementFor(Element e, {Class preferredClass}) {
Library lib = findCanonicalLibraryFor(e);
if (preferredClass != null) {
Class canonicalClass =
if (canonicalClass != null) preferredClass = canonicalClass;
if (lib == null && preferredClass != null) {
lib = findCanonicalLibraryFor(preferredClass.element);
ModelElement modelElement;
// TODO(jcollins-g): Special cases are pretty large here. Refactor to split
// out into helpers.
// TODO(jcollins-g): The data structures should be changed to eliminate guesswork
// with member elements.
if (e is ClassMemberElement || e is PropertyAccessorElement) {
if (e is Member) e = getBasestElement(e);
Set<ModelElement> candidates = new Set();
Tuple2<Element, Library> iKey = new Tuple2(e, lib);
Tuple4<Element, Library, Class, ModelElement> key =
new Tuple4(e, lib, null, null);
Tuple4<Element, Library, Class, ModelElement> keyWithClass =
new Tuple4(e, lib, preferredClass, null);
if (_allConstructedModelElements.containsKey(key)) {
if (_allConstructedModelElements.containsKey(keyWithClass)) {
if (candidates.isEmpty && _allInheritableElements.containsKey(iKey)) {
_allInheritableElements[iKey].where((me) => me.isCanonical));
Class canonicalClass = findCanonicalModelElementFor(e.enclosingElement);
if (canonicalClass != null) {
candidates.addAll(canonicalClass.allCanonicalModelElements.where((m) {
if (m.element == e) return true;
return false;
Set<ModelElement> matches = new Set()
..addAll(candidates.where((me) => me.isCanonical));
// It's possible to find accessors but no combos. Be sure that if we
// have Accessors, we find their combos too.
if (matches.any((me) => me is Accessor)) {
List<GetterSetterCombo> combos = matches
.where((me) => me is Accessor)
.map((a) => (a as Accessor).enclosingCombo)
assert(combos.every((c) => c.isCanonical));
// This is for situations where multiple classes may actually be canonical
// for an inherited element whose defining Class is not canonical.
if (matches.length > 1 && preferredClass != null) {
// Search for matches inside our superchain.
List<Class> superChain = => et.element).toList();
matches.removeWhere((me) =>
!superChain.contains((me as EnclosedElement).enclosingElement));
// Assumed all matches are EnclosedElement because we've been told about a
// preferredClass.
Set<Class> enclosingElements = new Set()
.map((me) => (me as EnclosedElement).enclosingElement as Class));
for (Class c in superChain.reversed) {
if (enclosingElements.contains(c)) {
(me) => (me as EnclosedElement).enclosingElement != c);
if (matches.length <= 1) break;
// Prefer a GetterSetterCombo to Accessors.
if (matches.any((me) => me is GetterSetterCombo)) {
matches.removeWhere((me) => me is Accessor);
assert(matches.length <= 1);
if (matches.isNotEmpty) {
modelElement = matches.first;
} else {
if (lib != null) {
Accessor getter;
Accessor setter;
if (e is PropertyInducingElement) {
if (e.getter != null) getter = new ModelElement.from(e.getter, lib);
if (e.setter != null) setter = new ModelElement.from(e.setter, lib);
modelElement =
new ModelElement.from(e, lib, getter: getter, setter: setter);
assert(modelElement is! Inheritable);
if (modelElement != null && !modelElement.isCanonical) {
modelElement = null;
// Prefer Fields.
if (e is PropertyAccessorElement && modelElement is Accessor) {
modelElement = (modelElement as Accessor).enclosingCombo;
return modelElement;
/// This is used when we might need a Library object that isn't actually
/// a documentation entry point (for elements that have no Library within the
/// set of canonical Libraries).
Library findOrCreateLibraryFor(Element e) {
// This is just a cache to avoid creating lots of libraries over and over.
if (allLibraries.containsKey(e.library)) {
return allLibraries[e.library];
// can be null if e is for dynamic
if (e.library == null) {
return null;
Library foundLibrary = findLibraryFor(e);
if (foundLibrary == null) {
foundLibrary = new Library._(e.library, this);
allLibraries[e.library] = foundLibrary;
return foundLibrary;
List<ModelElement> _allModelElements;
Iterable<ModelElement> get allModelElements {
if (_allModelElements == null) {
_allModelElements = [];
this.libraries.forEach((library) {
return _allModelElements;
List<ModelElement> _allCanonicalModelElements;
Iterable<ModelElement> get allCanonicalModelElements {
return (_allCanonicalModelElements ??=
allModelElements.where((e) => e.isCanonical).toList());
String getMacro(String name) {
return _macros[name];
void _addMacro(String name, String content) {
_macros[name] = content;
class Package implements Comparable<Package> {
final String name;
final List<Library> _libraries = [];
PackageGraph packageGraph;
Package(, this.packageGraph);
List<Library> get libraries => _libraries;
Iterable<Library> get publicLibraries => filterNonPublic(libraries);
String toString() => name;
/// Returns:
/// -1 if this category is listed in --category-order.
/// 0 if this category is the original package we are documenting.
/// 1 if this group represents the Dart SDK.
/// 2 if this group has a name that contains the name of the original
/// package we are documenting.
/// 3 otherwise.
int get _group {
if (config.categoryOrder.contains(name)) return -1;
if (name.toLowerCase() == return 0;
if (name == "Dart Core") return 1;
if (name.toLowerCase().contains( return 2;
return 3;
int compareTo(Package other) {
if (_group == other._group) {
if (_group == -1) {
} else {
return name.toLowerCase().compareTo(;
return, other._group);
class Parameter extends ModelElement implements EnclosedElement {
Parameter(ParameterElement element, Library library, {Member originalMember})
: super(element, library, originalMember);
String get defaultValue {
if (!hasDefaultValue) return null;
return _parameter.defaultValueCode;
ModelElement get enclosingElement =>
new ModelElement.from(_parameter.enclosingElement, library);
bool get hasDefaultValue {
return _parameter.defaultValueCode != null &&
String get href {
throw new StateError('href not implemented for parameters');
String get htmlId {
String enclosingName =;
if (_parameter.enclosingElement is GenericFunctionTypeElement) {
// TODO(jcollins-g): Drop when GenericFunctionTypeElement populates name.
// Also, allowing null here is allowed as a workaround for
// dart-lang/sdk#32005.
for (Element e = _parameter.enclosingElement;
e.enclosingElement != null;
e = e.enclosingElement) {
enclosingName =;
if (enclosingName != null && enclosingName.isNotEmpty) break;
return '${enclosingName}-param-${name}';
bool get isOptional => _parameter.parameterKind.isOptional;
bool get isOptionalNamed => _parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.NAMED;
bool get isOptionalPositional =>
_parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.POSITIONAL;
String get kind => 'parameter';
ParameterElement get _parameter => element as ParameterElement;
String toString() =>;
abstract class SourceCodeMixin {
String _sourceCodeCache;
String get crossdartHtmlTag {
if (config != null && config.addCrossdart && _crossdartUrl != null) {
return "<a class='crossdart' href='${_crossdartUrl}'>Link to Crossdart</a>";
} else {
return "";
Tuple2<int, int> get lineAndColumn;
Element get element;
bool get hasSourceCode => config.includeSource && sourceCode.isNotEmpty;
Library get library;
String sourceCodeFor(Element element) {
String contents = getFileContentsFor(element);
var node = element.computeNode();
if (node != null) {
// Find the start of the line, so that we can line up all the indents.
int i = node.offset;
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
if (contents[i] == '\n' || contents[i] == '\r') {
i += 1;
// Trim the common indent from the source snippet.
var start = node.offset - (node.offset - i);
String source = contents.substring(start, node.end);
if (config != null && config.addCrossdart) {
source = crossdartifySource(_crossdartJson, source, element, start);
} else {
source = const HtmlEscape().convert(source);
source = stripIndentFromSource(source);
source = stripDartdocCommentsFromSource(source);
return source.trim();
} else {
return '';
String get sourceCode {
if (_sourceCodeCache == null) {
_sourceCodeCache = sourceCodeFor(element);
return _sourceCodeCache;
String get _crossdartPath {
var node = element.computeNode();
if (node is Declaration && node.element != null) {
var source = node.element.source;
var filePath = source.fullName;
var uri = source.uri.toString();
var packageMeta = library.packageGraph.packageMeta;
if (uri.startsWith("package:")) {
var splittedUri =
uri.replaceAll(new RegExp(r"^package:"), "").split("/");
var packageName = splittedUri.first;
var packageVersion;
if (packageName == {
packageVersion = packageMeta.version;
} else {
var match = new RegExp(
if (match != null) {
packageVersion = match[2];
if (packageVersion != null) {
return "${packageName}/${packageVersion}/${splittedUri.skip(1).join("/")}";
} else {
return null;
} else if (uri.startsWith("dart:")) {
var packageName = "sdk";
var packageVersion = config.sdkVersion;
return "${packageName}/${packageVersion}/lib/${uri.replaceAll(new RegExp(r"^dart:"), "")}";
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
String get _crossdartUrl {
if (lineAndColumn != null && _crossdartPath != null) {
String url = "//${_crossdartPath}.html";
return "${url}#line-${lineAndColumn.item1}";
} else {
return null;
void clearSourceCodeCache() {
_sourceCodeCache = null;
abstract class TypeParameters implements ModelElement {
String get nameWithGenerics => '$name$genericParameters';
String get nameWithLinkedGenerics => '$name$linkedGenericParameters';
bool get hasGenericParameters => typeParameters.isNotEmpty;
String get genericParameters {
if (typeParameters.isEmpty) return '';
return '&lt;${ =>', ')}&gt;';
String get linkedGenericParameters {
if (typeParameters.isEmpty) return '';
return '<span class="signature">&lt;${ => t.linkedName).join(', ')}&gt;</span>';
DefinedElementType get modelType => super.modelType;
List<TypeParameter> get typeParameters;
/// Top-level variables. But also picks up getters and setters?
class TopLevelVariable extends ModelElement
with GetterSetterCombo, SourceCodeMixin
implements EnclosedElement {
final Accessor getter;
final Accessor setter;
TopLevelVariable(TopLevelVariableElement element, Library library,
this.getter, this.setter)
: super(element, library, null) {
if (getter != null) {
getter.enclosingCombo = this;
assert(getter.enclosingCombo != null);
if (setter != null) {
setter.enclosingCombo = this;
assert(setter.enclosingCombo != null);
bool get isInherited => false;
String get documentation {
// Verify that hasSetter and hasGetterNoSetter are mutually exclusive,
// to prevent displaying more or less than one summary.
if (isPublic) {
Set<bool> assertCheck = new Set()
..addAll([hasPublicSetter, hasPublicGetterNoSetter]);
assert(assertCheck.containsAll([true, false]));
return super.documentation;
ModelElement get enclosingElement => library;
String get href {
if (!identical(canonicalModelElement, this))
return canonicalModelElement?.href;
assert(canonicalLibrary != null);
assert(canonicalLibrary == library);
return '${library.dirName}/$fileName';
bool get isConst => _variable.isConst;
bool get isFinal {
/// isFinal returns true for the variable even if it has an explicit getter
/// (which means we should not document it as "final").
if (hasExplicitGetter) return false;
return _variable.isFinal;
String get kind => isConst ? 'top-level constant' : 'top-level property';
Set<String> get features => super.features..addAll(comboFeatures);
String get computeDocumentationComment {
String docs = getterSetterDocumentationComment;
if (docs.isEmpty) return _variable.documentationComment;
return docs;
String get fileName => isConst ? '$name-constant.html' : '$name.html';
DefinedElementType get modelType => super.modelType;
TopLevelVariableElement get _variable => (element as TopLevelVariableElement);
class Typedef extends ModelElement
with SourceCodeMixin, TypeParameters
implements EnclosedElement {
Typedef(FunctionTypeAliasElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library, null);
ModelElement get enclosingElement => library;
String get nameWithGenerics => '$name${super.genericParameters}';
String get genericParameters {
if (element is GenericTypeAliasElement) {
List<TypeParameterElement> genericTypeParameters =
(element as GenericTypeAliasElement).function.typeParameters;
if (genericTypeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
return '&lt;${ =>', ')}&gt;';
} // else, all types are resolved.
return '';
String get href {
if (!identical(canonicalModelElement, this))
return canonicalModelElement?.href;
assert(canonicalLibrary != null);
assert(canonicalLibrary == library);
return '${library.dirName}/$fileName';
// Food for mustache.
bool get isInherited => false;
String get kind => 'typedef';
String get linkedReturnType => modelType.createLinkedReturnTypeName();
FunctionTypeAliasElement get _typedef =>
(element as FunctionTypeAliasElement);
List<TypeParameter> get typeParameters => {
return new ModelElement.from(f, library);
class TypeParameter extends ModelElement {
TypeParameter(TypeParameterElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library, null);
ModelElement get enclosingElement =>
new ModelElement.from(element.enclosingElement, library);
String get href {
if (!identical(canonicalModelElement, this))
return canonicalModelElement?.href;
assert(canonicalLibrary != null);
assert(canonicalLibrary == library);
return '${enclosingElement.library.dirName}/${}/$name';
String get kind => 'type parameter';
ElementType _boundType;
ElementType get boundType {
if (_boundType == null) {
var bound = _typeParameter.bound;
if (bound != null) {
_boundType = new ElementType.from(bound, packageGraph);
return _boundType;
String _name;
String get name {
if (_name == null) {
_name = _typeParameter.bound != null
? '${} extends ${boundType.nameWithGenerics}'
return _name;
String get linkedName {
if (_linkedName == null) {
_linkedName = _typeParameter.bound != null
? '${} extends ${boundType.linkedName}'
return _linkedName;
TypeParameterElement get _typeParameter => element as TypeParameterElement;
String toString() =>;
/// Everything you need to instantiate a Package object for documenting.
class PackageBuilder {
final bool autoIncludeDependencies;
final List<String> excludes;
final List<String> excludePackages;
final List<String> includes;
final List<String> includeExternals;
final PackageMeta packageMeta;
final Directory rootDir;
final Directory sdkDir;
final bool showWarnings;
void logAnalysisErrors(Set<Source> sources) {}
Future<PackageGraph> buildPackageGraph() async {
Set<LibraryElement> libraries = await getLibraries(getFiles);
return new PackageGraph(
libraries, packageMeta, getWarningOptions(), driver, sdk);
DartSdk _sdk;
DartSdk get sdk {
if (_sdk == null) {
_sdk = new FolderBasedDartSdk(PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE,
return _sdk;
EmbedderSdk _embedderSdk;
EmbedderSdk get embedderSdk {
if (_embedderSdk == null && packageMeta.isSdk == false) {
_embedderSdk = new EmbedderSdk(PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE,
new EmbedderYamlLocator(packageMap).embedderYamls);
return _embedderSdk;
static Map<String, List<fileSystem.Folder>> _calculatePackageMap(
fileSystem.Folder dir) {
Map<String, List<fileSystem.Folder>> map = new Map();
var info = package_config.findPackagesFromFile(dir.toUri());
for (String name in info.packages) {
Uri uri = info.asMap()[name];
fileSystem.Resource resource =
if (resource is fileSystem.Folder) {
map[name] = [resource];
return map;
Map<String, List<fileSystem.Folder>> _packageMap;
Map<String, List<fileSystem.Folder>> get packageMap {
if (_packageMap == null) {
fileSystem.Folder cwd =
_packageMap = _calculatePackageMap(cwd);
return _packageMap;
DartUriResolver _embedderResolver;
DartUriResolver get embedderResolver {
if (_embedderResolver == null) {
_embedderResolver = new DartUriResolver(embedderSdk);
return _embedderResolver;
SourceFactory get sourceFactory {
List<UriResolver> resolvers = [];
resolvers.add(new SdkExtUriResolver(packageMap));
final UriResolver packageResolver = new PackageMapUriResolver(
PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE, packageMap);
UriResolver sdkResolver;
if (embedderSdk == null || embedderSdk.urlMappings.length == 0) {
// The embedder uri resolver has no mappings. Use the default Dart SDK
// uri resolver.
sdkResolver = new DartUriResolver(sdk);
} else {
// The embedder uri resolver has mappings, use it instead of the default
// Dart SDK uri resolver.
sdkResolver = embedderResolver;
/// [AnalysisDriver] seems to require package resolvers that
/// never resolve to embedded SDK files, and the resolvers list must still
/// contain a DartUriResolver. This hack won't be necessary once analyzer
/// has a clean public API.
resolvers.add(new PackageWithoutSdkResolver(packageResolver, sdkResolver));
new fileSystem.ResourceUriResolver(PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE));
resolvers.any((UriResolver resolver) => resolver is DartUriResolver));
SourceFactory sourceFactory = new SourceFactory(resolvers);
return sourceFactory;
AnalysisDriver _driver;
AnalysisDriver get driver {
if (_driver == null) {
// The performance log is why we have a direct dependency on front_end.
PerformanceLog log = new PerformanceLog(null);
AnalysisDriverScheduler scheduler = new AnalysisDriverScheduler(log);
AnalysisOptionsImpl options = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
options.strongMode = true;
options.enableSuperMixins = true;
// TODO(jcollins-g): Make use of currently not existing API for managing
// many AnalysisDrivers
// TODO(jcollins-g): make use of DartProject isApi()
_driver = new AnalysisDriver(
new MemoryByteStore(),
new FileContentOverlay(),
driver.results.listen((_) {});
driver.exceptions.listen((_) {});
return _driver;
PackageWarningOptions getWarningOptions() {
PackageWarningOptions warningOptions = new PackageWarningOptions();
// TODO(jcollins-g): explode this into detailed command line options.
if (config != null && showWarnings) {
for (PackageWarning kind in PackageWarning.values) {
return warningOptions;
/// Return an Iterable with the sdk files we should parse.
/// Filter can be String or RegExp (technically, anything valid for
/// [String.contains])
Iterable<String> getSdkFilesToDocument([dynamic filter]) sync* {
for (var sdkLib in sdk.sdkLibraries) {
Source source = sdk.mapDartUri(sdkLib.shortName);
if (filter == null || source.uri.toString().contains(filter)) {
yield source.fullName;
bool isExcluded(String name) => excludes.any((pattern) => name == pattern);
/// Parse a single library at [filePath] using the current analysis driver.
/// Note: [libraries] and [sources] are output parameters. Adds a libraryElement
/// only if it has a non-private name.
Future processLibrary(String filePath, Set<LibraryElement> libraries,
Set<Source> sources) async {
String name = filePath;
if (name.startsWith(Directory.current.path)) {
name = name.substring(Directory.current.path.length);
if (name.startsWith(Platform.pathSeparator)) name = name.substring(1);
logInfo('parsing ${name}...');
JavaFile javaFile = new JavaFile(filePath).getAbsoluteFile();
Source source = new FileBasedSource(javaFile);
// TODO(jcollins-g): remove the manual reversal using embedderSdk when we
// upgrade to analyzer-0.30 (where DartUriResolver implements
// restoreAbsolute)
Uri uri = embedderSdk?.fromFileUri(source.uri)?.uri;
if (uri != null) {
source = new FileBasedSource(javaFile, uri);
} else {
uri = driver.sourceFactory.restoreUri(source);
if (uri != null) {
source = new FileBasedSource(javaFile, uri);
// TODO(jcollins-g): Excludes can match on uri or on name. Fix that.
if (!isExcluded(source.uri.toString())) {
LibraryElement library =
await driver.getLibraryByUri(source.uri.toString());
if (library != null) {
if (!isExcluded(Library.getLibraryName(library)) &&
!excludePackages.contains(Library.getPackageMeta(library)?.name)) {
Future<List<LibraryElement>> _parseLibraries(Set<String> files) async {
Set<LibraryElement> libraries = new Set();
Set<Source> sources = new Set<Source>();
files.forEach((filename) => driver.addFile(filename));
await Future.wait( => processLibrary(f, libraries, sources)));
await logAnalysisErrors(sources);
return libraries.toList();
/// Given a package name, explore the directory and pull out all top level
/// library files in the "lib" directory to document.
Iterable<String> findFilesToDocumentInPackage(
String basePackageDir, bool autoIncludeDependencies) sync* {
final String sep = p.separator;
Set<String> packageDirs = new Set()..add(basePackageDir);
if (autoIncludeDependencies) {
Map<String, Uri> info = package_config
new Uri.file(p.join(basePackageDir, 'pubspec.yaml')))
for (String packageName in info.keys) {
if (!excludes.contains(packageName)) {
for (String packageDir in packageDirs) {
var packageLibDir = p.join(packageDir, 'lib');
var packageLibSrcDir = p.join(packageLibDir, 'src');
// To avoid analyzing package files twice, only files with paths not
// containing '/packages' will be added. The only exception is if the file
// to analyze already has a '/package' in its path.
for (var lib
in listDir(packageDir, recursive: true, listDir: _packageDirList)) {
if (lib.endsWith('.dart') &&
(!lib.contains('${sep}packages${sep}') ||
packageDir.contains('${sep}packages${sep}'))) {
// Only include libraries within the lib dir that are not in lib/src
if (p.isWithin(packageLibDir, lib) &&
!p.isWithin(packageLibSrcDir, lib)) {
// Only add the file if it does not contain 'part of'
var contents = new File(lib).readAsStringSync();
if (contents.contains(newLinePartOfRegexp) ||
contents.startsWith(partOfRegexp)) {
// NOOP: it's a part file
} else {
yield lib;
Set<String> get getFiles {
Set<String> files = new Set();
? new Set()
: findFilesToDocumentInPackage(rootDir.path, autoIncludeDependencies));
if (packageMeta.isSdk) {
} else if (embedderSdk == null || embedderSdk.urlMappings.isEmpty) {
// Always throw in the interceptors; this library is needed for
// canonicalization assuming that the Interceptor class still exists.
} else /* embedderSdk.urlMappings.isNotEmpty && !packageMeta.isSdk */ {
embedderSdk.urlMappings.keys.forEach((String dartUri) {
Source source = embedderSdk.mapDartUri(dartUri);
// Use the includeExternals.
for (String fullName in driver.knownFiles) {
if (includeExternals.any((string) => fullName.endsWith(string)))
return new Set.from( => new File(s).absolute.path));
Future<Set<LibraryElement>> getLibraries(Set<String> files) async {
Set<LibraryElement> libraries = new Set();
libraries.addAll(await _parseLibraries(files));
if (includes != null && includes.isNotEmpty) {
Iterable knownLibraryNames = =>;
Set notFound =
new Set.from(includes).difference(new Set.from(knownLibraryNames));
if (notFound.isNotEmpty) {
throw 'Did not find: [${notFound.join(', ')}] in '
'known libraries: [${knownLibraryNames.join(', ')}]';
libraries.removeWhere((lib) => !includes.contains(;
return libraries;
/// If [dir] contains both a `lib` directory and a `pubspec.yaml` file treat
/// it like a package and only return the `lib` dir.
/// This ensures that packages don't have non-`lib` content documented.
static Iterable<FileSystemEntity> _packageDirList(Directory dir) sync* {
var entities = dir.listSync();
var pubspec = entities.firstWhere(
(e) => e is File && p.basename(e.path) == 'pubspec.yaml',
orElse: () => null);
var libDir = entities.firstWhere(
(e) => e is Directory && p.basename(e.path) == 'lib',
orElse: () => null);
if (pubspec != null && libDir != null) {
yield libDir;
} else {
yield* entities;
/// This class resolves package URIs, but only if a given SdkResolver doesn't
/// resolve them.
/// TODO(jcollins-g): remove this hackery when a clean public API to analyzer
/// exists, and port dartdoc to it.
class PackageWithoutSdkResolver extends UriResolver {
final UriResolver _packageResolver;
final UriResolver _sdkResolver;
PackageWithoutSdkResolver(this._packageResolver, this._sdkResolver);
Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri, [Uri actualUri]) {
if (_sdkResolver.resolveAbsolute(uri, actualUri) == null) {
return _packageResolver.resolveAbsolute(uri, actualUri);
return null;
Uri restoreAbsolute(Source source) {
Uri resolved;
try {
resolved = _sdkResolver.restoreAbsolute(source);
} catch (ArgumentError) {
// SDK resolvers really don't like being thrown package paths.
if (resolved == null) {
return _packageResolver.restoreAbsolute(source);
return null;