blob: cb2c41ffe0f96395c4ce87ff911073b80b2bd0fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dartdoc.html_generator;
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:profiler';
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'package:mustache4dart/mustache4dart.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'model.dart';
import 'package_meta.dart';
import '../generator.dart';
import '../markdown_processor.dart';
import 'resources.g.dart' as resources;
import '../resource_loader.dart' as loader;
typedef String TemplateRenderer(context,
{bool assumeNullNonExistingProperty, bool errorOnMissingProperty});
final UserTag _HTML_GENERATE = new UserTag('HTML GENERATE');
class Templates {
TemplateRenderer indexTemplate;
TemplateRenderer libraryTemplate;
TemplateRenderer classTemplate;
TemplateRenderer functionTemplate;
TemplateRenderer methodTemplate;
TemplateRenderer constructorTemplate;
TemplateRenderer propertyTemplate;
TemplateRenderer constantTemplate;
TemplateRenderer topLevelConstantTemplate;
TemplateRenderer topLevelPropertyTemplate;
TemplateRenderer typeDefTemplate;
final Map<String, String> _partialTemplates = <String, String>{};
final String _footer;
final String _header;
Templates(this._header, this._footer);
Future init() async {
if (_partialTemplates.isNotEmpty) return;
indexTemplate = await _loadTemplate('index.html');
libraryTemplate = await _loadTemplate('library.html');
classTemplate = await _loadTemplate('class.html');
functionTemplate = await _loadTemplate('function.html');
methodTemplate = await _loadTemplate('method.html');
constructorTemplate = await _loadTemplate('constructor.html');
propertyTemplate = await _loadTemplate('property.html');
constantTemplate = await _loadTemplate('constant.html');
topLevelConstantTemplate = await _loadTemplate('top_level_constant.html');
topLevelPropertyTemplate = await _loadTemplate('top_level_property.html');
typeDefTemplate = await _loadTemplate('typedef.html');
var partials = [
for (var partial in partials) {
_partialTemplates[partial] = await _loadPartial('_$partial.html');
String _partial(String name) => _partialTemplates[name];
Future<TemplateRenderer> _loadTemplate(String templatePath) async {
var templateContents = await _getTemplateFile(templatePath);
return compile(templateContents, partial: _partial) as TemplateRenderer;
Future<String> _getTemplateFile(String templatePath) {
return loader.loadAsString('package:dartdoc/templates/$templatePath');
Future<String> _loadPartial(String templatePath) async {
String template = await _getTemplateFile(templatePath);
// TODO: revisit, not sure this is the right place for this logic
if (templatePath.contains('_footer') && _footer != null) {
var footerValue = await new File(_footer).readAsString();
template =
template.replaceAll('<!-- Footer Placeholder -->', footerValue);
if (templatePath.contains('_head') && _header != null) {
var headerValue = await new File(_header).readAsString();
template =
template.replaceAll('<!-- Header Placeholder -->', headerValue);
return template;
class HtmlGenerator extends Generator {
final String url;
final Templates _templates;
HtmlGenerator(this.url, {String header, String footer})
: _templates = new Templates(header, footer);
Future generate(Package package, Directory out) {
return new HtmlGeneratorInstance(url, _templates, package, out).generate();
class HtmlGeneratorInstance {
final String _url;
final Templates _templates;
final Package package;
final Directory out;
final List<String> _htmlFiles = [];
HtmlGeneratorInstance(this._url, this._templates, this.package, this.out);
Future generate() async {
var previousTag = _HTML_GENERATE.makeCurrent();
await _templates.init();
if (!out.existsSync()) out.createSync();
package.libraries.forEach((Library lib) {
generateLibrary(package, lib);
lib.allClasses.forEach((Class clazz) {
generateClass(package, lib, clazz);
clazz.constructors.forEach((constructor) {
generateConstructor(package, lib, clazz, constructor);
clazz.constants.forEach((constant) {
generateConstant(package, lib, clazz, constant);
clazz.staticProperties.forEach((property) {
generateProperty(package, lib, clazz, property);
clazz.instanceProperties.forEach((property) {
generateProperty(package, lib, clazz, property);
clazz.instanceMethods.forEach((method) {
generateMethod(package, lib, clazz, method);
clazz.operators.forEach((operator) {
generateMethod(package, lib, clazz, operator);
clazz.staticMethods.forEach((method) {
generateMethod(package, lib, clazz, method);
lib.enums.forEach((eNum) {
generateEnum(package, lib, eNum);
lib.constants.forEach((constant) {
generateTopLevelConstant(package, lib, constant);
}); {
generateTopLevelProperty(package, lib, property);
lib.functions.forEach((function) {
generateFunction(package, lib, function);
lib.typedefs.forEach((typeDef) {
generateTypeDef(package, lib, typeDef);
if (_url != null) {
await _copyResources();
void generatePackage() {
// TODO: Should we add _this_ to the context and avoid putting stuff in the
// map?
Map data = {
'package': package,
'documentation': package.documentation,
'title': '${} - Dart API docs',
'layoutTitle': _layoutTitle(, package.isSdk ? '' : 'package'),
'${} API docs, for the Dart programming language.',
'navLinks': [package],
'htmlBase': '.'
if (package.hasDocumentation) {
FileContents readme = package.documentationFile;
data['markdown'] = readme.isMarkdown ? renderMarkdown : renderPlainText;
_build('index.html', _templates.indexTemplate, data);
void generateLibrary(Package package, Library lib) {
print('generating docs for library ${lib.path}...');
if (!lib.hasDocumentation) {
" warning: library '${}' has no documentation; consider adding some");
// TODO: Should we add _this_ to the context and avoid putting stuff in the
// map?
Map data = {
'package': package,
'library': lib,
'markdown': renderMarkdown,
'documentation': lib.documentation,
'oneLineDoc': lib.oneLineDoc,
'title': '${} library - Dart API',
'htmlBase': '..',
'${} library API docs, for the Dart programming language.',
'navLinks': [package, lib],
'layoutTitle': _layoutTitle(, 'library', lib.isDeprecated)
_build(path.join(lib.nameForFile, 'index.html'), _templates.libraryTemplate,
Class get objectType {
if (_objectType != null) {
return _objectType;
Library dc = package.libraries.firstWhere((it) => == "dart:core",
orElse: () => null);
if (dc == null) {
return _objectType = null;
return _objectType = dc.getClassByName("Object");
Class _objectType;
void generateClass(Package package, Library lib, Class clazz) {
Map data = {
'package': package,
'markdown': renderMarkdown,
'documentation': clazz.documentation,
'oneLineDoc': clazz.oneLineDoc,
'library': lib,
'class': clazz,
'linkedObjectType': objectType == null ? 'Object' : objectType.linkedName,
'title': '${} ${clazz.kind} - ${} library - Dart API',
'API docs for the ${} ${clazz.kind} from the ${} library, for the Dart programming language.',
_layoutTitle(clazz.nameWithGenerics, clazz.kind, clazz.isDeprecated),
'navLinks': [package, lib, clazz],
'htmlBase': '..'
// TODO: `clazz.href` can be null here.
_build(path.joinAll(clazz.href.split('/')), _templates.classTemplate, data);
void generateConstructor(
Package package, Library lib, Class clazz, Constructor constructor) {
Map data = {
'package': package,
'markdown': renderMarkdown,
'documentation': constructor.documentation,
'oneLineDoc': constructor.oneLineDoc,
'library': lib,
'class': clazz,
'constructor': constructor,
'layoutTitle': _layoutTitle(, 'constructor', constructor.isDeprecated),
'navLinks': [package, lib, clazz, constructor],
'htmlBase': '../..'
_templates.constructorTemplate, data);
void generateEnum(Package package, Library lib, Class eNum) {
Map data = {
'package': package,
'markdown': renderMarkdown,
'documentation': eNum.documentation,
'oneLineDoc': eNum.oneLineDoc,
'library': lib,
'class': eNum,
'layoutTitle': _layoutTitle(, 'enum', eNum.isDeprecated),
'navLinks': [package, lib, eNum],
'htmlBase': '..'
_build(path.joinAll(eNum.href.split('/')), _templates.classTemplate, data);
void generateFunction(Package package, Library lib, ModelFunction function) {
Map data = {
'package': package,
'markdown': renderMarkdown,
'documentation': function.documentation,
'oneLineDoc': function.oneLineDoc,
'library': lib,
'function': function,
'title': '${} function - ${} library - Dart API',
_layoutTitle(, 'function', function.isDeprecated),
'API docs for the ${} function from the ${} library, for the Dart programming language.',
'navLinks': [package, lib, function],
'htmlBase': '..'
_build(path.joinAll(function.href.split('/')), _templates.functionTemplate,
void generateMethod(
Package package, Library lib, Class clazz, Method method) {
Map data = {
'package': package,
'markdown': renderMarkdown,
'documentation': method.documentation,
'oneLineDoc': method.oneLineDoc,
'library': lib,
'class': clazz,
'method': method,
'${} method - ${} class - ${} library - Dart API',
'layoutTitle': _layoutTitle(, 'method', method.isDeprecated),
'API docs for the ${} method from the ${} class, for the Dart programming language.',
'navLinks': [package, lib, clazz, method],
'htmlBase': '../..'
path.joinAll(method.href.split('/')), _templates.methodTemplate, data);
void generateConstant(
Package package, Library lib, Class clazz, Field property) {
Map data = {
'package': package,
'markdown': renderMarkdown,
'documentation': property.documentation,
'oneLineDoc': property.oneLineDoc,
'library': lib,
'class': clazz,
'property': property,
'${} constant - ${} class - ${} library - Dart API',
_layoutTitle(, 'constant', property.isDeprecated),
'API docs for the ${} constant from the ${} class, for the Dart programming language.',
'navLinks': [package, lib, clazz, property],
'htmlBase': '../..'
_build(path.joinAll(property.href.split('/')), _templates.constantTemplate,
void generateProperty(
Package package, Library lib, Class clazz, Field property) {
Map data = {
'package': package,
'markdown': renderMarkdown,
'documentation': property.documentation,
'oneLineDoc': property.oneLineDoc,
'library': lib,
'class': clazz,
'property': property,
'${} property - ${} class - ${} library - Dart API',
_layoutTitle(, 'property', property.isDeprecated),
'API docs for the ${} property from the ${} class, for the Dart programming language.',
'navLinks': [package, lib, clazz, property],
'htmlBase': '../..'
_build(path.joinAll(property.href.split('/')), _templates.propertyTemplate,
void generateTopLevelProperty(
Package package, Library lib, TopLevelVariable property) {
Map data = {
'package': package,
'markdown': renderMarkdown,
'documentation': property.documentation,
'oneLineDoc': property.oneLineDoc,
'library': lib,
'property': property,
'title': '${} property - ${} library - Dart API',
_layoutTitle(, 'property', property.isDeprecated),
'API docs for the ${} property from the ${} library, for the Dart programming language.',
'navLinks': [package, lib, property],
'htmlBase': '..'
_templates.topLevelPropertyTemplate, data);
void generateTopLevelConstant(
Package package, Library lib, TopLevelVariable property) {
Map data = {
'package': package,
'markdown': renderMarkdown,
'documentation': property.documentation,
'oneLineDoc': property.oneLineDoc,
'library': lib,
'property': property,
'title': '${} property - ${} library - Dart API',
_layoutTitle(, 'constant', property.isDeprecated),
'API docs for the ${} property from the ${} library, for the Dart programming language.',
'navLinks': [package, lib, property],
'htmlBase': '..'
_templates.topLevelConstantTemplate, data);
void generateTypeDef(Package package, Library lib, Typedef typeDef) {
Map data = {
'package': package,
'markdown': renderMarkdown,
'documentation': typeDef.documentation,
'oneLineDoc': typeDef.oneLineDoc,
'library': lib,
'typeDef': typeDef,
'title': '${} typedef - ${} library - Dart API',
_layoutTitle(, 'typedef', typeDef.isDeprecated),
'API docs for the ${} property from the ${} library, for the Dart programming language.',
'navLinks': [package, lib, typeDef],
'htmlBase': '..'
_build(path.joinAll(typeDef.href.split('/')), _templates.typeDefTemplate,
// TODO: change this to use resource_loader
Future _copyResources() async {
final prefix = 'package:dartdoc/resources/';
for (var resourcePath in resources.resource_names) {
if (!resourcePath.startsWith(prefix)) {
throw new StateError(
'Resource paths must start with $prefix, encountered $resourcePath');
var destFileName = resourcePath.substring(prefix.length);
var destFile =
new File(path.join(out.path, 'static-assets', destFileName))
..createSync(recursive: true);
var resourceBytes = await loader.loadAsBytes(resourcePath);
File _createOutputFile(String filename) {
File f = new File(path.join(out.path, filename));
if (!f.existsSync()) f.createSync(recursive: true);
return f;
void _build(String filename, TemplateRenderer template, Map data) {
String content = template(data,
assumeNullNonExistingProperty: false, errorOnMissingProperty: true);
_writeFile(filename, content);
void _writeFile(String filename, String content) {
File f = _createOutputFile(filename);
String _layoutTitle(String name, String kind,
[bool isDeprecated = false]) => kind.isEmpty
? name
: '<span class="${isDeprecated ? 'deprecated' : ''}">$name</span> <span class="kind">$kind</span>';
/// Converts a markdown formatted string into HTML, and removes any script tags.
/// Returns the HTML as a string.
String renderMarkdown(String markdown) => renderMarkdownToHtml(markdown);
/// Convert the given plain text into HTML.
String renderPlainText(String text) {
if (text == null) return '';
return "<code class='fixed'>${text.trim()}</code>";