blob: 6d54fde071f53f33ea3608c5fd7fbcf2bf803b2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_system.dart' show Dart2TypeSystem;
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/dartdoc_options.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/model.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model_utils.dart' as utils;
import 'package:dartdoc/src/package_meta.dart' show PackageMeta;
import 'package:dartdoc/src/special_elements.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/tuple.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/warnings.dart';
class PackageGraph {
this.config, this.driver, this.typeSystem, this.sdk, this.hasEmbedderSdk)
: packageMeta = config.topLevelPackageMeta,
session = driver.currentSession {
_packageWarningCounter = PackageWarningCounter(this);
// Make sure the default package exists, even if it has no libraries.
// This can happen for packages that only contain embedder SDKs.
Package.fromPackageMeta(packageMeta, this);
/// Call during initialization to add a library to this [PackageGraph].
/// Libraries added in this manner are assumed to be part of documented
/// packages, even if includes or embedder.yaml files cause these to
/// span packages.
void addLibraryToGraph(ResolvedLibraryResult result) {
LibraryElement element = result.element;
var packageMeta = PackageMeta.fromElement(element, config);
var lib = Library.fromLibraryResult(
result, this, Package.fromPackageMeta(packageMeta, this));
allLibraries[element] = lib;
/// Call during initialization to add a library possibly containing
/// special/non-documented elements to this [PackageGraph]. Must be called
/// after any normal libraries.
void addSpecialLibraryToGraph(ResolvedLibraryResult result) {
allLibrariesAdded = true;
/// Call after all libraries are added.
Future<void> initializePackageGraph() async {
allLibrariesAdded = true;
// From here on in, we might find special objects. Initialize the
// specialClasses handler so when we find them, they get added.
specialClasses = SpecialClasses();
// Go through docs of every ModelElement in package to pre-build the macros
// index. Uses toList() in order to get all the precaching on the stack.
List<Future> precacheFutures = precacheLocalDocs().toList();
for (Future f in precacheFutures) {
await f;
_localDocumentationBuilt = true;
// Scan all model elements to insure that interceptor and other special
// objects are found.
// After the allModelElements traversal to be sure that all packages
// are picked up.
documentedPackages.toList().forEach((package) {
package.libraries.sort((a, b) => compareNatural(,;
package.libraries.forEach((library) {
_implementors.values.forEach((l) => l.sort());
allImplementorsAdded = true;
allExtensionsAdded = true;
// We should have found all special classes by now.
/// Generate a list of futures for any docs that actually require precaching.
Iterable<Future> precacheLocalDocs() sync* {
// Prevent reentrancy.
Set<ModelElement> precachedElements = Set();
Iterable<Future> precacheOneElement(ModelElement m) sync* {
for (ModelElement d
in m.documentationFrom.where((d) => d.documentationComment != null)) {
if (needsPrecacheRegExp.hasMatch(d.documentationComment) &&
!precachedElements.contains(d)) {
yield d.precacheLocalDocs();
// TopLevelVariables get their documentation from getters and setters,
// so should be precached if either has a template.
if (m is TopLevelVariable) {
yield m.precacheLocalDocs();
for (ModelElement m in allModelElements) {
// Skip if there is a canonicalModelElement somewhere else we can run this
// for. Not the same as allCanonicalModelElements since we need to run
// for any ModelElement that might not have a canonical ModelElement,
// too.
if (m.canonicalModelElement != null && !m.isCanonical) continue;
yield* precacheOneElement(m);
// Many ModelElements have the same ModelNode; don't build/cache this data more
// than once for them.
final Map<Element, ModelNode> _modelNodes = Map();
void populateModelNodeFor(
Element element, Map<String, CompilationUnit> compilationUnitMap) {
() =>
ModelNode(utils.getAstNode(element, compilationUnitMap), element));
void addModelNode(Element element, AstNode node) {
() => ModelNode(node, element));
ModelNode getModelNodeFor(Element element) => _modelNodes[element];
SpecialClasses specialClasses;
/// It is safe to cache values derived from the [_implementors] table if this
/// is true.
bool allImplementorsAdded = false;
/// It is safe to cache values derived from the [_extensions] table if this
/// is true.
bool allExtensionsAdded = false;
Map<String, List<Class>> get implementors {
return _implementors;
Iterable<Extension> get extensions {
return _extensions;
Map<String, Set<ModelElement>> _findRefElementCache;
Map<String, Set<ModelElement>> get findRefElementCache {
if (_findRefElementCache == null) {
_findRefElementCache = Map();
for (final modelElement
in utils.filterNonDocumented(packageGraph.allLocalModelElements)) {
modelElement.fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary, () => Set());
modelElement.fullyQualifiedName, () => Set());
return _findRefElementCache;
// All library objects related to this package; a superset of _libraries.
final Map<LibraryElement, Library> allLibraries = Map();
/// Keep track of warnings
PackageWarningCounter _packageWarningCounter;
/// All ModelElements constructed for this package; a superset of [allModelElements].
final Map<Tuple3<Element, Library, Container>, ModelElement>
allConstructedModelElements = Map();
/// Anything that might be inheritable, place here for later lookup.
final Map<Tuple2<Element, Library>, Set<ModelElement>>
allInheritableElements = Map();
/// Map of Class.href to a list of classes implementing that class
final Map<String, List<Class>> _implementors = Map();
/// A list of extensions that exist in the package graph.
final List<Extension> _extensions = [];
/// PackageMeta for the default package.
final PackageMeta packageMeta;
/// Name of the default package.
String get defaultPackageName =>;
/// Dartdoc's configuration flags.
final DartdocOptionContext config;
Package _defaultPackage;
Package get defaultPackage {
if (_defaultPackage == null) {
_defaultPackage = Package.fromPackageMeta(packageMeta, this);
return _defaultPackage;
final bool hasEmbedderSdk;
bool get hasFooterVersion => !config.excludeFooterVersion;
PackageGraph get packageGraph => this;
/// Map of package name to Package.
final Map<String, Package> packageMap = {};
/// TODO(brianwilkerson) Replace the driver with the session.
final AnalysisDriver driver;
final AnalysisSession session;
final Dart2TypeSystem typeSystem;
final DartSdk sdk;
Map<Source, SdkLibrary> _sdkLibrarySources;
Map<Source, SdkLibrary> get sdkLibrarySources {
if (_sdkLibrarySources == null) {
_sdkLibrarySources = Map();
for (SdkLibrary lib in sdk?.sdkLibraries) {
_sdkLibrarySources[sdk.mapDartUri(lib.shortName)] = lib;
return _sdkLibrarySources;
final Map<String, String> _macros = {};
final Map<String, String> _htmlFragments = {};
bool allLibrariesAdded = false;
bool _localDocumentationBuilt = false;
/// Returns true if there's at least one library documented in the package
/// that has the same package path as the library for the given element.
/// Usable as a cross-check for dartdoc's canonicalization to generate
/// warnings for ModelElement.isPublicAndPackageDocumented.
Set<String> _allRootDirs;
bool packageDocumentedFor(ModelElement element) {
if (_allRootDirs == null) {
_allRootDirs = Set()
..addAll( => l.packageMeta?.resolvedDir));
return (_allRootDirs.contains(element.library.packageMeta?.resolvedDir));
PackageWarningCounter get packageWarningCounter => _packageWarningCounter;
final Set<Tuple3<Element, PackageWarning, String>> _warnAlreadySeen = Set();
void warnOnElement(Warnable warnable, PackageWarning kind,
{String message,
Iterable<Locatable> referredFrom,
Iterable<String> extendedDebug}) {
var newEntry = Tuple3(warnable?.element, kind, message);
if (_warnAlreadySeen.contains(newEntry)) {
// Warnings can cause other warnings. Queue them up via the stack but
// don't allow warnings we're already working on to get in there.
_warnOnElement(warnable, kind,
message: message,
referredFrom: referredFrom,
extendedDebug: extendedDebug);
void _warnOnElement(Warnable warnable, PackageWarning kind,
{String message,
Iterable<Locatable> referredFrom,
Iterable<String> extendedDebug}) {
if (warnable != null) {
// This sort of warning is only applicable to top level elements.
if (kind == PackageWarning.ambiguousReexport) {
while (warnable.enclosingElement is! Library &&
warnable.enclosingElement != null) {
warnable = warnable.enclosingElement;
} else {
// If we don't have an element, we need a message to disambiguate.
assert(message != null);
if (_packageWarningCounter.hasWarning(warnable, kind, message)) {
// Some kinds of warnings it is OK to drop if we're not documenting them.
// TODO(jcollins-g): drop this and use new flag system instead.
if (warnable != null &&
skipWarningIfNotDocumentedFor.contains(kind) &&
!warnable.isDocumented) {
// Elements that are part of the Dart SDK can have colons in their FQNs.
// This confuses IntelliJ and makes it so it can't link to the location
// of the error in the console window, so separate out the library from
// the path.
// TODO(jcollins-g): What about messages that may include colons? Substituting
// them out doesn't work as well there since it might confuse
// the user, yet we still want IntelliJ to link properly.
final warnableName = _safeWarnableName(warnable);
String warnablePrefix = 'from';
String referredFromPrefix = 'referred to by';
String warningMessage;
switch (kind) {
case PackageWarning.noCanonicalFound:
// Fix these warnings by adding libraries with --include, or by using
// --auto-include-dependencies.
// TODO(jcollins-g): pipeline references through linkedName for error
// messages and warn for non-public canonicalization
// errors.
warningMessage =
"no canonical library found for ${warnableName}, not linking";
case PackageWarning.ambiguousReexport:
// Fix these warnings by adding the original library exporting the
// symbol with --include, by using --auto-include-dependencies,
// or by using --exclude to hide one of the libraries involved
warningMessage =
"ambiguous reexport of ${warnableName}, canonicalization candidates: ${message}";
case PackageWarning.noLibraryLevelDocs:
warningMessage =
"${warnable.fullyQualifiedName} has no library level documentation comments";
case PackageWarning.ambiguousDocReference:
warningMessage = "ambiguous doc reference ${message}";
case PackageWarning.ignoredCanonicalFor:
warningMessage =
"library says it is {@canonicalFor ${message}} but ${message} can't be canonical there";
case PackageWarning.packageOrderGivesMissingPackageName:
warningMessage =
"--package-order gives invalid package name: '${message}'";
case PackageWarning.reexportedPrivateApiAcrossPackages:
warningMessage =
"private API of ${message} is reexported by libraries in other packages: ";
case PackageWarning.notImplemented:
warningMessage = message;
case PackageWarning.unresolvedDocReference:
warningMessage = "unresolved doc reference [${message}]";
referredFromPrefix = 'in documentation inherited from';
case PackageWarning.unknownMacro:
warningMessage = "undefined macro [${message}]";
case PackageWarning.unknownHtmlFragment:
warningMessage = "undefined HTML fragment identifier [${message}]";
case PackageWarning.brokenLink:
warningMessage = 'dartdoc generated a broken link to: ${message}';
warnablePrefix = 'to element';
referredFromPrefix = 'linked to from';
case PackageWarning.orphanedFile:
warningMessage = 'dartdoc generated a file orphan: ${message}';
case PackageWarning.unknownFile:
warningMessage =
'dartdoc detected an unknown file in the doc tree: ${message}';
case PackageWarning.missingFromSearchIndex:
warningMessage =
'dartdoc generated a file not in the search index: ${message}';
case PackageWarning.typeAsHtml:
// The message for this warning can contain many punctuation and other symbols,
// so bracket with a triple quote for defense.
warningMessage = 'generic type handled as HTML: """${message}"""';
case PackageWarning.invalidParameter:
warningMessage = 'invalid parameter to dartdoc directive: ${message}';
case PackageWarning.toolError:
warningMessage = 'tool execution failed: ${message}';
case PackageWarning.deprecated:
warningMessage = 'deprecated dartdoc usage: ${message}';
case PackageWarning.unresolvedExport:
warningMessage = 'unresolved export uri: ${message}';
List<String> messageParts = [warningMessage];
if (warnable != null) {
messageParts.add("$warnablePrefix $warnableName: ${warnable.location}");
if (referredFrom != null) {
for (Locatable referral in referredFrom) {
if (referral != warnable) {
var referredFromStrings = _safeWarnableName(referral);
"$referredFromPrefix $referredFromStrings: ${referral.location}");
if (config.verboseWarnings && extendedDebug != null) {
messageParts.addAll( => " $s"));
String fullMessage;
if (messageParts.length <= 2) {
fullMessage = messageParts.join(', ');
} else {
fullMessage = messageParts.join('\n ');
packageWarningCounter.addWarning(warnable, kind, message, fullMessage);
String _safeWarnableName(Locatable locatable) {
if (locatable == null) {
return '<unknown>';
return locatable.fullyQualifiedName.replaceFirst(':', '-');
List<Package> get packages => packageMap.values.toList();
List<Package> _publicPackages;
List<Package> get publicPackages {
if (_publicPackages == null) {
// Help the user if they pass us a package that doesn't exist.
for (String packageName in config.packageOrder) {
if (! => {
null, PackageWarning.packageOrderGivesMissingPackageName,
"${packageName}, packages: ${ =>',')}");
_publicPackages = packages.where((p) => p.isPublic).toList()..sort();
return _publicPackages;
/// Local packages are to be documented locally vs. remote or not at all.
List<Package> get localPackages =>
publicPackages.where((p) => p.isLocal).toList();
/// Documented packages are documented somewhere (local or remote).
Iterable<Package> get documentedPackages =>
packages.where((p) => p.documentedWhere != DocumentLocation.missing);
Map<LibraryElement, Set<Library>> _libraryElementReexportedBy = Map();
/// Prevent cycles from breaking our stack.
Set<Tuple2<Library, LibraryElement>> _reexportsTagged = Set();
void _tagReexportsFor(
final Library topLevelLibrary, final LibraryElement libraryElement,
[ExportElement lastExportedElement]) {
Tuple2<Library, LibraryElement> key =
Tuple2(topLevelLibrary, libraryElement);
if (_reexportsTagged.contains(key)) {
if (libraryElement == null) {
// The first call to _tagReexportFor should not have a null libraryElement.
assert(lastExportedElement != null);
message: '"${lastExportedElement.uri}"',
referredFrom: <Locatable>[topLevelLibrary]);
_libraryElementReexportedBy.putIfAbsent(libraryElement, () => Set());
for (ExportElement exportedElement in libraryElement.exports) {
topLevelLibrary, exportedElement.exportedLibrary, exportedElement);
int _lastSizeOfAllLibraries = 0;
Map<LibraryElement, Set<Library>> get libraryElementReexportedBy {
// Table must be reset if we're still in the middle of adding libraries.
if (allLibraries.keys.length != _lastSizeOfAllLibraries) {
_lastSizeOfAllLibraries = allLibraries.keys.length;
_libraryElementReexportedBy = Map<LibraryElement, Set<Library>>();
_reexportsTagged = Set();
for (Library library in publicLibraries) {
_tagReexportsFor(library, library.element);
return _libraryElementReexportedBy;
/// A lookup index for hrefs to allow warnings to indicate where a broken
/// link or orphaned file may have come from. Not cached because
/// [ModelElement]s can be created at any time and we're basing this
/// on more than just [allLocalModelElements] to make the error messages
/// comprehensive.
Map<String, Set<ModelElement>> get allHrefs {
Map<String, Set<ModelElement>> hrefMap = Map();
// TODO(jcollins-g ): handle calculating hrefs causing new elements better
// than toList().
for (ModelElement modelElement
in allConstructedModelElements.values.toList()) {
// Technically speaking we should be able to use canonical model elements
// only here, but since the warnings that depend on this debug
// canonicalization problems, don't limit ourselves in case an href is
// generated for something non-canonical.
if (modelElement is Dynamic) continue;
// TODO: see [Accessor.enclosingCombo]
if (modelElement is Accessor) continue;
if (modelElement.href == null) continue;
hrefMap.putIfAbsent(modelElement.href, () => Set());
for (Package package in packageMap.values) {
for (Library library in package.libraries) {
if (library.href == null) continue;
hrefMap.putIfAbsent(library.href, () => Set());
return hrefMap;
void _addToImplementors(Class c) {
_implementors.putIfAbsent(c.href, () => []);
void _checkAndAddClass(Class key, Class implClass) {
_implementors.putIfAbsent(key.href, () => []);
List list = _implementors[key.href];
if (!list.any((l) => l.element == c.element)) {
if (c.mixins.isNotEmpty) {
c.mixins.forEach((t) {
_checkAndAddClass(t.element, c);
if (c.supertype != null) {
_checkAndAddClass(c.supertype.element, c);
if (c.interfaces.isNotEmpty) {
c.interfaces.forEach((t) {
_checkAndAddClass(t.element, c);
List<Library> get libraries =>
packages.expand((p) => p.libraries).toList()..sort();
List<Library> _publicLibraries;
Iterable<Library> get publicLibraries {
if (_publicLibraries == null) {
_publicLibraries = utils.filterNonPublic(libraries).toList();
return _publicLibraries;
List<Library> _localLibraries;
Iterable<Library> get localLibraries {
if (_localLibraries == null) {
_localLibraries = localPackages.expand((p) => p.libraries).toList()
return _localLibraries;
List<Library> _localPublicLibraries;
Iterable<Library> get localPublicLibraries {
if (_localPublicLibraries == null) {
_localPublicLibraries = utils.filterNonPublic(localLibraries).toList();
return _localPublicLibraries;
Set<Class> _inheritThrough;
/// Return the set of [Class]es objects should inherit through if they
/// show up in the inheritance chain. Do not call before interceptorElement is
/// found. Add classes here if they are similar to Interceptor in that they
/// are to be ignored even when they are the implementors of [Inheritable]s,
/// and the class these inherit from should instead claim implementation.
Set<Class> get inheritThrough {
if (_inheritThrough == null) {
_inheritThrough = Set();
return _inheritThrough;
Set<Class> _invisibleAnnotations;
/// Returns the set of [Class] objects that are similar to pragma
/// in that we should never count them as documentable annotations.
Set<Class> get invisibleAnnotations {
if (_invisibleAnnotations == null) {
_invisibleAnnotations = Set();
return _invisibleAnnotations;
String toString() => 'PackageGraph built from ${}';
final Map<Element, Library> _canonicalLibraryFor = Map();
/// Tries to find a top level library that references this element.
Library findCanonicalLibraryFor(Element e) {
Element searchElement = e;
if (e is PropertyAccessorElement) {
searchElement = e.variable;
if (e is GenericFunctionTypeElement) {
searchElement = e.enclosingElement;
if (_canonicalLibraryFor.containsKey(e)) {
return _canonicalLibraryFor[e];
_canonicalLibraryFor[e] = null;
for (Library library in publicLibraries) {
if (library.modelElementsMap.containsKey(searchElement)) {
for (ModelElement modelElement
in library.modelElementsMap[searchElement]) {
if (modelElement.isCanonical) {
_canonicalLibraryFor[e] = library;
return _canonicalLibraryFor[e];
// TODO(jcollins-g): Revise when dart-lang/sdk#29600 is fixed.
static Element getBasestElement(Element possibleMember) {
Element element = possibleMember;
while (element is Member) {
element = (element as Member).baseElement;
return element;
/// Tries to find a canonical ModelElement for this element. If we know
/// this element is related to a particular class, pass preferredClass to
/// disambiguate.
/// This doesn't know anything about [PackageGraph.inheritThrough] and probably
/// shouldn't, so using it with [Inheritable]s without special casing is
/// not advised.
ModelElement findCanonicalModelElementFor(Element e,
{Container preferredClass}) {
Library lib = findCanonicalLibraryFor(e);
if (preferredClass != null && preferredClass is Container) {
Container canonicalClass =
if (canonicalClass != null) preferredClass = canonicalClass;
if (lib == null && preferredClass != null) {
lib = findCanonicalLibraryFor(preferredClass.element);
ModelElement modelElement;
// For elements defined in extensions, they are canonical.
if (e?.enclosingElement is ExtensionElement) {
lib ??= Library(e.enclosingElement.library, packageGraph);
// (TODO:keertip) Find a better way to exclude members of extensions
// when libraries are specified using the "--include" flag
if (lib?.isDocumented == true) {
return ModelElement.from(e, lib, packageGraph);
// TODO(jcollins-g): Special cases are pretty large here. Refactor to split
// out into helpers.
// TODO(jcollins-g): The data structures should be changed to eliminate guesswork
// with member elements.
if (e is ClassMemberElement || e is PropertyAccessorElement) {
if (e is Member) e = getBasestElement(e);
Set<ModelElement> candidates = Set();
Tuple2<Element, Library> iKey = Tuple2(e, lib);
Tuple4<Element, Library, Class, ModelElement> key =
Tuple4(e, lib, null, null);
Tuple4<Element, Library, Class, ModelElement> keyWithClass =
Tuple4(e, lib, preferredClass, null);
if (allConstructedModelElements.containsKey(key)) {
if (allConstructedModelElements.containsKey(keyWithClass)) {
if (candidates.isEmpty && allInheritableElements.containsKey(iKey)) {
.addAll(allInheritableElements[iKey].where((me) => me.isCanonical));
Class canonicalClass = findCanonicalModelElementFor(e.enclosingElement);
if (canonicalClass != null) {
candidates.addAll(canonicalClass.allCanonicalModelElements.where((m) {
if (m.element == e) return true;
return false;
Set<ModelElement> matches = Set()
..addAll(candidates.where((me) => me.isCanonical));
// It's possible to find accessors but no combos. Be sure that if we
// have Accessors, we find their combos too.
if (matches.any((me) => me is Accessor)) {
List<GetterSetterCombo> combos =
matches.whereType<Accessor>().map((a) => a.enclosingCombo).toList();
assert(combos.every((c) => c.isCanonical));
// This is for situations where multiple classes may actually be canonical
// for an inherited element whose defining Class is not canonical.
if (matches.length > 1 &&
preferredClass != null &&
preferredClass is Class) {
// Search for matches inside our superchain.
List<Class> superChain = preferredClass.superChain
.map((et) => et.element)
matches.removeWhere((me) =>
!superChain.contains((me as EnclosedElement).enclosingElement));
// Assumed all matches are EnclosedElement because we've been told about a
// preferredClass.
Set<Class> enclosingElements = Set()
.map((me) => (me as EnclosedElement).enclosingElement as Class));
for (Class c in superChain.reversed) {
if (enclosingElements.contains(c)) {
(me) => (me as EnclosedElement).enclosingElement != c);
if (matches.length <= 1) break;
// Prefer a GetterSetterCombo to Accessors.
if (matches.any((me) => me is GetterSetterCombo)) {
matches.removeWhere((me) => me is Accessor);
assert(matches.length <= 1);
if (matches.isNotEmpty) {
modelElement = matches.first;
} else {
if (lib != null) {
Accessor getter;
Accessor setter;
if (e is PropertyInducingElement) {
if (e.getter != null) {
getter = ModelElement.from(e.getter, lib, packageGraph);
if (e.setter != null) {
setter = ModelElement.from(e.setter, lib, packageGraph);
modelElement = ModelElement.from(e, lib, packageGraph,
getter: getter, setter: setter);
assert(modelElement is! Inheritable);
if (modelElement != null && !modelElement.isCanonical) {
modelElement = null;
// Prefer Fields.
if (e is PropertyAccessorElement && modelElement is Accessor) {
modelElement = (modelElement as Accessor).enclosingCombo;
return modelElement;
/// This is used when we might need a Library object that isn't actually
/// a documentation entry point (for elements that have no Library within the
/// set of canonical Libraries).
Library findButDoNotCreateLibraryFor(Element e) {
// This is just a cache to avoid creating lots of libraries over and over.
if (allLibraries.containsKey(e.library)) {
return allLibraries[e.library];
return null;
/// This is used when we might need a Library object that isn't actually
/// a documentation entry point (for elements that have no Library within the
/// set of canonical Libraries).
Library findOrCreateLibraryFor(ResolvedLibraryResult result) {
// This is just a cache to avoid creating lots of libraries over and over.
if (allLibraries.containsKey(result.element.library)) {
return allLibraries[result.element.library];
// can be null if e is for dynamic
if (result.element.library == null) {
return null;
Library foundLibrary = Library.fromLibraryResult(
PackageMeta.fromElement(result.element.library, config),
allLibraries[result.element.library] = foundLibrary;
return foundLibrary;
List<ModelElement> _allModelElements;
Iterable<ModelElement> get allModelElements {
if (_allModelElements == null) {
_allModelElements = [];
Set<Package> packagesToDo = packages.toSet();
Set<Package> completedPackages = Set();
while (packagesToDo.length > completedPackages.length) {
packagesToDo.difference(completedPackages).forEach((Package p) {
Set<Library> librariesToDo = p.allLibraries.toSet();
Set<Library> completedLibraries = Set();
while (librariesToDo.length > completedLibraries.length) {
.forEach((Library library) {
return _allModelElements;
List<ModelElement> _allLocalModelElements;
Iterable<ModelElement> get allLocalModelElements {
if (_allLocalModelElements == null) {
_allLocalModelElements = [];
this.localLibraries.forEach((library) {
return _allLocalModelElements;
List<ModelElement> _allCanonicalModelElements;
Iterable<ModelElement> get allCanonicalModelElements {
return (_allCanonicalModelElements ??=
allLocalModelElements.where((e) => e.isCanonical).toList());
String getMacro(String name) {
return _macros[name];
void addMacro(String name, String content) {
_macros[name] = content;
String getHtmlFragment(String name) {
return _htmlFragments[name];
void addHtmlFragment(String name, String content) {
_htmlFragments[name] = content;