blob: 91244f643683f6194fd4e0461a64216c447db389 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A documentation generator for Dart.
library dartdoc;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart' show LibraryElement;
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart' as fileSystem;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/package_map_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/sdk_ext.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/sdk/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/utils.dart';
import 'package:html/dom.dart' show Element, Document;
import 'package:html/parser.dart' show parse;
import 'package:package_config/discovery.dart' as package_config;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
import 'src/config.dart';
import 'src/generator.dart';
import 'src/html/html_generator.dart';
import 'src/io_utils.dart';
import 'src/model.dart';
import 'src/model_utils.dart';
import 'src/package_meta.dart';
import 'src/warnings.dart';
export 'src/config.dart';
export 'src/element_type.dart';
export 'src/generator.dart';
export 'src/model.dart';
export 'src/package_meta.dart';
export 'src/sdk.dart';
const String name = 'dartdoc';
// Update when pubspec version changes.
const String version = '0.14.1';
final String defaultOutDir = path.join('doc', 'api');
/// Initialize and setup the generators.
Future<List<Generator>> initGenerators(String url, String relCanonicalPrefix,
{List<String> headerFilePaths,
List<String> footerFilePaths,
List<String> footerTextFilePaths,
String faviconPath,
bool useCategories: false,
bool prettyIndexJson: false}) async {
var options = new HtmlGeneratorOptions(
url: url,
relCanonicalPrefix: relCanonicalPrefix,
toolVersion: version,
faviconPath: faviconPath,
useCategories: useCategories,
prettyIndexJson: prettyIndexJson);
return [
await HtmlGenerator.create(
options: options,
headers: headerFilePaths,
footers: footerFilePaths,
footerTexts: footerTextFilePaths,
Map<String, List<fileSystem.Folder>> _calculatePackageMap(
fileSystem.Folder dir) {
Map<String, List<fileSystem.Folder>> map = new Map();
var info = package_config.findPackagesFromFile(dir.toUri());
for (String name in info.packages) {
Uri uri = info.asMap()[name];
fileSystem.Resource resource =
if (resource is fileSystem.Folder) {
map[name] = [resource];
return map;
/// Generates Dart documentation for all public Dart libraries in the given
/// directory.
class DartDoc {
final Directory rootDir;
final Directory sdkDir;
final List<Generator> generators;
final Directory outputDir;
final PackageMeta packageMeta;
final List<String> includes;
final List<String> includeExternals;
final List<String> excludes;
final Set<String> writtenFiles = new Set();
// Fires when the self checks make progress.
final StreamController<String> _onCheckProgress =
new StreamController(sync: true);
Stopwatch _stopwatch;
DartDoc(this.rootDir, this.excludes, this.sdkDir, this.generators,
this.outputDir, this.packageMeta, this.includes,
{this.includeExternals: const []});
Stream<String> get onCheckProgress =>;
/// Generate DartDoc documentation.
/// [DartDocResults] is returned if dartdoc succeeds. [DartDocFailure] is
/// thrown if dartdoc fails in an expected way, for example if there is an
/// analysis error in the code. Any other exception can be throw if there is an
/// unexpected failure.
Future<DartDocResults> generateDocs() async {
_stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
List<String> files = packageMeta.isSdk
? const []
: findFilesToDocumentInPackage(rootDir.path).toList();
// TODO(jcollins-g): seems like most of this belongs in the Package constructor
List<LibraryElement> libraries = _parseLibraries(files, includeExternals);
if (includes != null && includes.isNotEmpty) {
Iterable knownLibraryNames = =>;
Set notFound =
new Set.from(includes).difference(new Set.from(knownLibraryNames));
if (notFound.isNotEmpty) {
throw 'Did not find: [${notFound.join(', ')}] in '
'known libraries: [${knownLibraryNames.join(', ')}]';
libraries.removeWhere((lib) => !includes.contains(;
} else {
// remove excluded libraries
excludes.forEach((pattern) {
libraries.removeWhere((lib) {
return || == pattern;
PackageWarningOptions warningOptions = new PackageWarningOptions();
// TODO(jcollins-g): explode this into detailed command line options.
if (config != null && config.showWarnings) {
for (PackageWarning kind in PackageWarning.values) {
Package package;
if (config != null && config.autoIncludeDependencies) {
package = Package.withAutoIncludedDependencies(
libraries, packageMeta, warningOptions);
libraries = => l.element).toList();
// remove excluded libraries again, in case they are picked up through
// dependencies.
excludes.forEach((pattern) {
libraries.removeWhere((lib) {
return || == pattern;
package = new Package(libraries, packageMeta, warningOptions);
// Go through docs of every model element in package to prebuild the macros index
// TODO(jcollins-g): move index building into a cached-on-demand generation
// like most other bits in [Package].
package.allCanonicalModelElements.forEach((m) => m.documentation);
// Create the out directory.
if (!outputDir.existsSync()) outputDir.createSync(recursive: true);
for (var generator in generators) {
await generator.generate(package, outputDir);
verifyLinks(package, outputDir.path);
int warnings = package.packageWarningCounter.warningCount;
int errors = package.packageWarningCounter.errorCount;
if (warnings == 0 && errors == 0) {
print("\nno issues found");
} else {
print("\nfound ${warnings} ${pluralize('warning', warnings)} "
"and ${errors} ${pluralize('error', errors)}");
double seconds = _stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0;
"\ndocumented ${package.libraries.length} librar${package.libraries.length == 1 ? 'y' : 'ies'} "
"in ${seconds.toStringAsFixed(1)} seconds");
if (package.libraries.isEmpty) {
throw new DartDocFailure(
"dartdoc could not find any libraries to document. Run `pub get` and try again.");
if (package.packageWarningCounter.errorCount > 0) {
throw new DartDocFailure("dartdoc encountered errors while processing");
return new DartDocResults(packageMeta, package, outputDir);
/// Warn on file paths.
void _warn(Package package, PackageWarning kind, String warnOn, String origin,
{String referredFrom}) {
// Ordinarily this would go in [Package.warn], but we don't actually know what
// ModelElement to warn on yet.
Locatable warnOnElement;
Set<Locatable> referredFromElements = new Set();
Set<Locatable> warnOnElements;
// Make all paths relative to origin.
if (path.isWithin(origin, warnOn)) {
warnOn = path.relative(warnOn, from: origin);
if (referredFrom != null) {
if (path.isWithin(origin, referredFrom)) {
referredFrom = path.relative(referredFrom, from: origin);
// Source paths are always relative.
if (_hrefs[referredFrom] != null) {
warnOnElements = _hrefs[warnOn];
if (referredFromElements.any((e) => e.isCanonical)) {
referredFromElements.removeWhere((e) => !e.isCanonical);
if (warnOnElements != null) {
if (warnOnElements.any((e) => e.isCanonical)) {
warnOnElement = warnOnElements.firstWhere((e) => e.isCanonical);
} else {
// If we don't have a canonical element, just pick one.
warnOnElement = warnOnElements.isEmpty ? null : warnOnElements.first;
if (referredFromElements.isEmpty && referredFrom == 'index.html')
String message = warnOn;
if (referredFrom == 'index.json') message = '$warnOn (from index.json)';
package.warnOnElement(warnOnElement, kind,
message: message, referredFrom: referredFromElements);
void _doOrphanCheck(Package package, String origin, Set<String> visited) {
String normalOrigin = path.normalize(origin);
String staticAssets = path.joinAll([normalOrigin, 'static-assets', '']);
String indexJson = path.joinAll([normalOrigin, 'index.json']);
bool foundIndexJson = false;
for (FileSystemEntity f
in new Directory(normalOrigin).listSync(recursive: true)) {
var fullPath = path.normalize(f.path);
if (f is Directory) {
if (fullPath.startsWith(staticAssets)) {
if (fullPath == indexJson) {
foundIndexJson = true;
if (visited.contains(fullPath)) continue;
if (!writtenFiles.contains(fullPath)) {
// This isn't a file we wrote (this time); don't claim we did.
_warn(package, PackageWarning.unknownFile, fullPath, normalOrigin);
} else {
_warn(package, PackageWarning.orphanedFile, fullPath, normalOrigin);
if (!foundIndexJson) {
_warn(package, PackageWarning.brokenLink, indexJson, normalOrigin);
// This is extracted to save memory during the check; be careful not to hang
// on to anything referencing the full file and doc tree.
Tuple2<Iterable<String>, String> _getStringLinksAndHref(String fullPath) {
File file = new File("$fullPath");
if (!file.existsSync()) {
return null;
Document doc = parse(file.readAsBytesSync());
Element base = doc.querySelector('base');
String baseHref;
if (base != null) {
baseHref = base.attributes['href'];
List<Element> links = doc.querySelectorAll('a');
List<String> stringLinks = links
.map((link) => link.attributes['href'])
.where((href) => href != null)
return new Tuple2(stringLinks, baseHref);
void _doSearchIndexCheck(
Package package, String origin, Set<String> visited) {
String fullPath = path.joinAll([origin, 'index.json']);
String indexPath = path.joinAll([origin, 'index.html']);
File file = new File("$fullPath");
if (!file.existsSync()) {
return null;
JsonDecoder decoder = new JsonDecoder();
List jsonData = decoder.convert(file.readAsStringSync());
Set<String> found = new Set();
// The package index isn't supposed to be in the search, so suppress the
// warning.
for (Map<String, String> entry in jsonData) {
if (entry.containsKey('href')) {
String entryPath = path.joinAll([origin, entry['href']]);
if (!visited.contains(entryPath)) {
_warn(package, PackageWarning.brokenLink, entryPath,
referredFrom: fullPath);
// Missing from search index
Set<String> missing_from_search = visited.difference(found);
for (String s in missing_from_search) {
_warn(package, PackageWarning.missingFromSearchIndex, s,
referredFrom: fullPath);
void _doCheck(
Package package, String origin, Set<String> visited, String pathToCheck,
[String source, String fullPath]) {
if (fullPath == null) {
fullPath = path.joinAll([origin, pathToCheck]);
fullPath = path.normalize(fullPath);
Tuple2 stringLinksAndHref = _getStringLinksAndHref(fullPath);
if (stringLinksAndHref == null) {
_warn(package, PackageWarning.brokenLink, pathToCheck,
referredFrom: source);
// Remove so that we properly count that the file doesn't exist for
// the orphan check.
return null;
Iterable<String> stringLinks = stringLinksAndHref.item1;
String baseHref = stringLinksAndHref.item2;
// Prevent extremely large stacks by storing the paths we are using
// here instead -- occasionally, very large jobs have overflowed
// the stack without this.
// (newPathToCheck, newFullPath)
Set<Tuple2<String, String>> toVisit = new Set();
for (String href in stringLinks) {
Uri uri;
try {
uri = Uri.parse(href);
} catch (FormatError) {}
if (uri == null || !uri.hasAuthority && !uri.hasFragment) {
var full;
if (baseHref != null) {
full = '${path.dirname(pathToCheck)}/$baseHref/$href';
} else {
full = '${path.dirname(pathToCheck)}/$href';
var newPathToCheck = path.normalize(full);
String newFullPath = path.joinAll([origin, newPathToCheck]);
newFullPath = path.normalize(newFullPath);
if (!visited.contains(newFullPath)) {
toVisit.add(new Tuple2(newPathToCheck, newFullPath));
for (Tuple2 visitPaths in toVisit) {
_doCheck(package, origin, visited, visitPaths.item1, pathToCheck,
Map<String, Set<ModelElement>> _hrefs;
/// Don't call this method more than once, and only after you've
/// generated all docs for the Package.
void verifyLinks(Package package, String origin) {
assert(_hrefs == null);
_hrefs = package.allHrefs;
final Set<String> visited = new Set();
final String start = 'index.html';
stdout.write('\nvalidating docs...');
_doCheck(package, origin, visited, start);
_doOrphanCheck(package, origin, visited);
_doSearchIndexCheck(package, origin, visited);
List<LibraryElement> _parseLibraries(
List<String> files, List<String> includeExternals) {
Set<LibraryElement> libraries = new Set();
DartSdk sdk = new FolderBasedDartSdk(PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE,
List<UriResolver> resolvers = [];
fileSystem.Folder cwd =
Map<String, List<fileSystem.Folder>> packageMap = _calculatePackageMap(cwd);
EmbedderSdk embedderSdk;
DartUriResolver embedderResolver;
if (packageMap != null) {
resolvers.add(new SdkExtUriResolver(packageMap));
resolvers.add(new PackageMapUriResolver(
PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE, packageMap));
var embedderYamls = new EmbedderYamlLocator(packageMap).embedderYamls;
embedderSdk =
new EmbedderSdk(PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE, embedderYamls);
embedderResolver = new DartUriResolver(embedderSdk);
if (embedderSdk.urlMappings.length == 0) {
// The embedder uri resolver has no mappings. Use the default Dart SDK
// uri resolver.
resolvers.add(new DartUriResolver(sdk));
} else {
// The embedder uri resolver has mappings, use it instead of the default
// Dart SDK uri resolver.
} else {
resolvers.add(new DartUriResolver(sdk));
new fileSystem.ResourceUriResolver(PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE));
SourceFactory sourceFactory = new SourceFactory(resolvers);
// TODO(jcollins-g): fix this so it actually obeys analyzer options files.
var options = new AnalysisOptionsImpl()..enableAssertInitializer = true;
AnalysisContext context = AnalysisEngine.instance.createAnalysisContext()
..analysisOptions = options
..sourceFactory = sourceFactory;
if (packageMeta.isSdk) {
.addAll(new Set()..addAll(getSdkLibrariesToDocument(sdk, context)));
List<Source> sources = [];
void processLibrary(String filePath) {
String name = filePath;
if (name.startsWith(Directory.current.path)) {
name = name.substring(Directory.current.path.length);
if (name.startsWith(Platform.pathSeparator)) name = name.substring(1);
print('parsing ${name}...');
JavaFile javaFile = new JavaFile(filePath).getAbsoluteFile();
Source source = new FileBasedSource(javaFile);
// TODO(jcollins-g): remove the manual reversal using embedderSdk when we
// upgrade to analyzer-0.30 (where DartUriResolver implements
// restoreAbsolute)
Uri uri = embedderSdk?.fromFileUri(source.uri)?.uri;
if (uri != null) {
source = new FileBasedSource(javaFile, uri);
} else {
uri = context.sourceFactory.restoreUri(source);
if (uri != null) {
source = new FileBasedSource(javaFile, uri);
if (context.computeKindOf(source) == SourceKind.LIBRARY) {
LibraryElement library = context.computeLibraryElement(source);
if (!hasPrivateName(library)) libraries.add(library);
if ((embedderSdk != null) && (embedderSdk.urlMappings.length > 0)) {
embedderSdk.urlMappings.keys.forEach((String dartUri) {
Source source = embedderSdk.mapDartUri(dartUri);
// Ensure that the analysis engine performs all remaining work.
AnalysisResult result = context.performAnalysisTask();
while (result.hasMoreWork) {
result = context.performAnalysisTask();
// Use the includeExternals.
for (Source source in context.librarySources) {
LibraryElement library = context.computeLibraryElement(source);
String libraryName = Library.getLibraryName(library);
var fullPath = source.fullName;
if (includeExternals.any((string) => fullPath.endsWith(string))) {
if ( {
} else if (config != null &&
config.autoIncludeDependencies &&
libraryName != '') {
File searchFile = new File(fullPath);
searchFile =
new File(path.join(searchFile.parent.path, 'pubspec.yaml'));
bool foundLibSrc = false;
while (!foundLibSrc && searchFile.parent != null) {
if (searchFile.existsSync()) break;
List<String> pathParts = path.split(searchFile.parent.path);
// This is a pretty intensely hardcoded convention, but there seems to
// to be no other way to identify what might be a "top level" library
// here. If lib/src is in the path between the file and the pubspec,
// assume that this is supposed to be private.
if (pathParts.length < 2) break;
pathParts = pathParts.sublist(pathParts.length - 2, pathParts.length);
foundLibSrc =
path.join(pathParts[0], pathParts[1]) == path.join('lib', 'src');
searchFile = new File(
path.join(searchFile.parent.parent.path, 'pubspec.yaml'));
if (foundLibSrc) continue;
List<AnalysisErrorInfo> errorInfos = [];
for (Source source in sources) {
List<_Error> errors = errorInfos
.expand((AnalysisErrorInfo info) {
return =>
new _Error(error, info.lineInfo, packageMeta.dir.path));
.where((_Error error) => error.isError)
double seconds = _stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0;
print("parsed ${libraries.length} ${pluralize('file', libraries.length)} "
"in ${seconds.toStringAsFixed(1)} seconds");
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
int len = errors.length;
throw new DartDocFailure(
"encountered ${len} analysis error${len == 1 ? '' : 's'}");
return libraries.toList();
/// This class is returned if dartdoc fails in an expected way (for instance, if
/// there is an analysis error in the library).
class DartDocFailure {
final String message;
String toString() => message;
/// The results of a [DartDoc.generateDocs] call.
class DartDocResults {
final PackageMeta packageMeta;
final Package package;
final Directory outDir;
DartDocResults(this.packageMeta, this.package, this.outDir);
class _Error implements Comparable<_Error> {
final AnalysisError error;
final LineInfo lineInfo;
final String projectPath;
_Error(this.error, this.lineInfo, this.projectPath);
String get description => '${error.message} at ${location}, line ${line}.';
bool get isError => error.errorCode.errorSeverity == ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
int get line => lineInfo.getLocation(error.offset).lineNumber;
String get location {
String path = error.source.fullName;
if (path.startsWith(projectPath)) {
path = path.substring(projectPath.length + 1);
return path;
int get severity => error.errorCode.errorSeverity.ordinal;
String get severityName => error.errorCode.errorSeverity.displayName;
int compareTo(_Error other) {
if (severity == other.severity) {
int cmp = error.source.fullName.compareTo(other.error.source.fullName);
return cmp == 0 ? line - other.line : cmp;
} else {
return other.severity - severity;
String toString() => '[${severityName}] ${description}';