blob: 9d555358de598c362ca44d486849167b83417a9a [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/logging.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/model.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/render/model_element_renderer.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/utils.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/warnings.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
final _templatePattern = RegExp(
r'[ ]*{@template\s+(.+?)}([\s\S]+?){@endtemplate}[ ]*(\n?)',
multiLine: true);
final _htmlPattern = RegExp(
r'[ ]*{@inject-html\s*}([\s\S]+?){@end-inject-html}[ ]*\n?',
multiLine: true);
/// Matches all tool directives (even some invalid ones). This is so
/// we can give good error messages if the directive is malformed, instead of
/// just silently emitting it as-is.
final _basicToolPattern = RegExp(
r'[ ]*{@tool\s+([^}]+)}\n?([\s\S]+?)\n?{@end-tool}[ ]*\n?',
multiLine: true);
final _examplePattern = RegExp(r'{@example\s+([^}]+)}');
/// Features for processing directives in a documentation comment.
/// [processCommentWithoutTools] and [processComment] are the primary
/// entrypoints.
mixin CommentProcessable on Documentable, Warnable, Locatable, SourceCodeMixin {
/// Process [documentationComment], performing various actions based on
/// `{@}`-style directives, except `{@tool}`, returning the processed result.
String processCommentWithoutTools(String documentationComment) {
var docs = stripComments(documentationComment);
if (!docs.contains('{@')) {
return docs;
docs = _injectExamples(docs);
docs = _injectYouTube(docs);
docs = _injectAnimations(docs);
// TODO(srawlins): Processing templates here causes #2281. But leaving them
// unprocessed causes #2272.
docs = _stripHtmlAndAddToIndex(docs);
return docs;
/// Process [documentationComment], performing various actions based on
/// `{@}`-style directives, returning the processed result.
Future<String> processComment(String documentationComment) async {
var docs = stripComments(documentationComment);
// Must evaluate tools first, in case they insert any other directives.
docs = await _evaluateTools(docs);
docs = processCommentDirectives(docs);
return docs;
String processCommentDirectives(String docs) {
if (!docs.contains('{@')) {
return docs;
docs = _injectExamples(docs);
docs = _injectYouTube(docs);
docs = _injectAnimations(docs);
docs = _stripMacroTemplatesAndAddToIndex(docs);
docs = _stripHtmlAndAddToIndex(docs);
return docs;
String get _sourceFileName => element.source.fullName;
String get _fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary =>
// Remember, periods are legal in library names.
fullyQualifiedName.replaceFirst('${library.fullyQualifiedName}.', '');
ModelElementRenderer get _modelElementRenderer =>
/// Replace &#123;@tool ...&#125&#123;@end-tool&#125; in API comments with the
/// output of an external tool.
/// Looks for tools invocations, looks up their bound executables in the
/// options, and executes them with the source comment material as input,
/// returning the output of the tool. If a named tool isn't configured in the
/// options file, then it will not be executed, and dartdoc will quit with an
/// error.
/// Tool command line arguments are passed to the tool, with the token
/// `$INPUT` replaced with the absolute path to a temporary file containing
/// the content for the tool to read and produce output from. If the tool
/// doesn't need any input, then no `$INPUT` is needed.
/// Nested tool directives will not be evaluated, but tools may generate other
/// directives in their output and those will be evaluated.
/// Syntax:
/// &#123;@tool TOOL [Tool arguments]&#125;
/// Content to send to tool.
/// &#123;@end-tool&#125;
/// Examples:
/// In `dart_options.yaml`:
/// ```yaml
/// dartdoc:
/// tools:
/// # Prefixes the given input with "## "
/// # Path is relative to project root.
/// prefix: "bin/prefix.dart"
/// # Prints the date
/// date: "/bin/date"
/// ```
/// In code:
/// _This:_
/// &#123;@tool prefix $INPUT&#125;
/// Content to send to tool.
/// &#123;@end-tool&#125;
/// &#123;@tool date --iso-8601=minutes --utc&#125;
/// &#123;@end-tool&#125;
/// _Produces:_
/// ## Content to send to tool.
/// 2018-09-18T21:15+00:00
Future<String> _evaluateTools(String rawDocs) async {
if (!config.allowTools) {
return rawDocs;
var invocationIndex = 0;
return await _replaceAllMappedAsync(rawDocs, _basicToolPattern,
(basicMatch) async {
var args = _splitUpQuotedArgs(basicMatch[1]).toList();
// Tool name must come first.
if (args.isEmpty) {
message: 'Must specify a tool to execute for the @tool directive.');
return Future.value('');
// Count the number of invocations of tools in this dartdoc block,
// so that tools can differentiate different blocks from each other.
return await
(String message) async =>
warn(PackageWarning.toolError, message: message),
content: basicMatch[2],
environment: {
'SOURCE_LINE': characterLocation?.lineNumber.toString(),
'SOURCE_COLUMN': characterLocation?.columnNumber.toString(),
(_sourceFileName == null || package?.packagePath == null)
? null
: path.relative(_sourceFileName, from: package.packagePath),
'PACKAGE_PATH': package?.packagePath,
'PACKAGE_NAME': package?.name,
'LIBRARY_NAME': library?.fullyQualifiedName,
'ELEMENT_NAME': _fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary,
'INVOCATION_INDEX': invocationIndex.toString(),
}..removeWhere((key, value) => value == null));
/// Replace &#123;@example ...&#125; in API comments with the content of named file.
/// Syntax:
/// &#123;@example PATH [region=NAME] [lang=NAME]&#125;
/// If PATH is `dir/file.ext` and region is `r` then we'll look for the file
/// named `dir/`, relative to the project root directory of the
/// project for which the docs are being generated.
/// Examples: (escaped in this comment to show literal values in dartdoc's
/// dartdoc)
/// &#123;@example examples/angular/quickstart/web/main.dart&#125;
/// &#123;@example abc/def/xyz_component.dart region=template lang=html&#125;
String _injectExamples(String rawdocs) {
final dirPath = package.packageMeta.dir.path;
return rawdocs.replaceAllMapped(_examplePattern, (match) {
var args = _getExampleArgs(match[1]);
if (args == null) {
// Already warned about an invalid parameter if this happens.
return '';
var lang =
args['lang'] ?? path.extension(args['src']).replaceFirst('.', '');
var replacement = match[0]; // default to fully matched string.
var fragmentFile = File(path.join(dirPath, args['file']));
if (fragmentFile.existsSync()) {
replacement = fragmentFile.readAsStringSync();
if (lang.isNotEmpty) {
replacement = replacement.replaceFirst('```', '```$lang');
} else {
// TODO(jcollins-g): move this to Package.warn system
var filePath = element.source.fullName.substring(dirPath.length + 1);
'warning: ${filePath}: @example file not found, ${fragmentFile.path}');
return replacement;
/// Helper for [_injectExamples] used to process `@example` arguments.
/// Returns a map of arguments. The first unnamed argument will have key
/// 'src'. The computed file path, constructed from 'src' and 'region' will
/// have key 'file'.
Map<String, String> _getExampleArgs(String argsAsString) {
var parser = ArgParser();
var results = _parseArgs(argsAsString, parser, 'example');
if (results == null) {
return null;
// Extract PATH and fix the path separators.
var src =
? ''
:'/', Platform.pathSeparator);
var args = <String, String>{
'src': src,
'lang': results['lang'],
'region': results['region'] ?? '',
// Compute 'file' from region and src.
final fragExtension = '.md';
var file = src + fragExtension;
var region = args['region'] ?? '';
if (region.isNotEmpty) {
var dir = path.dirname(src);
var basename = path.basenameWithoutExtension(src);
var ext = path.extension(src);
file = path.join(dir, '$basename-$region$ext$fragExtension');
args['file'] = config.examplePathPrefix == null
? file
: path.join(config.examplePathPrefix, file);
return args;
/// Matches all youtube directives (even some invalid ones). This is so
/// we can give good error messages if the directive is malformed, instead of
/// just silently emitting it as-is.
static final _basicYouTubePattern = RegExp(r'''{@youtube\s+([^}]+)}''');
/// Matches YouTube IDs from supported YouTube URLs.
static final _validYouTubeUrlPattern =
/// Replace &#123;@youtube ...&#125; in API comments with some HTML to embed
/// a YouTube video.
/// Syntax:
/// &#123;@youtube WIDTH HEIGHT URL&#125;
/// Example:
/// &#123;@youtube 560 315;
/// Which will embed a YouTube player into the page that plays the specified
/// video.
/// The width and height must be positive integers specifying the dimensions
/// of the video in pixels. The height and width are used to calculate the
/// aspect ratio of the video; the video is always rendered to take up all
/// available horizontal space to accommodate different screen sizes on
/// desktop and mobile.
/// The video URL must have the following format:
/// This format can usually be
/// found in the address bar of the browser when viewing a YouTube video.
String _injectYouTube(String rawDocs) {
return rawDocs.replaceAllMapped(_basicYouTubePattern, (basicMatch) {
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = _parseArgs(basicMatch[1], parser, 'youtube');
if (args == null) {
// Already warned about an invalid parameter if this happens.
return '';
var positionalArgs =;
if (positionalArgs.length != 3) {
message: 'Invalid @youtube directive, "${basicMatch[0]}"\n'
'YouTube directives must be of the form "{@youtube WIDTH '
return '';
var width = int.tryParse(positionalArgs[0]);
if (width == null || width <= 0) {
message: 'A @youtube directive has an invalid width, '
'"${positionalArgs[0]}". The width must be a positive '
var height = int.tryParse(positionalArgs[1]);
if (height == null || height <= 0) {
message: 'A @youtube directive has an invalid height, '
'"${positionalArgs[1]}". The height must be a positive '
var url = _validYouTubeUrlPattern.firstMatch(positionalArgs[2]);
if (url == null) {
message: 'A @youtube directive has an invalid URL: '
'"${positionalArgs[2]}". Supported YouTube URLs have the '
'following format: '
return '';
var youTubeId =;
var aspectRatio = (height / width * 100).toStringAsFixed(2);
return _modelElementRenderer.renderYoutubeUrl(youTubeId, aspectRatio);
/// Matches all animation directives (even some invalid ones). This is so
/// we can give good error messages if the directive is malformed, instead of
/// just silently emitting it as-is.
final _basicAnimationPattern = RegExp(r'''{@animation\s+([^}]+)}''');
/// Matches valid javascript identifiers.
final _validIdPattern = RegExp(r'^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$');
/// Replace &#123;@animation ...&#125; in API comments with some HTML to
/// manage an MPEG 4 video as an animation.
/// Syntax:
/// &#123;@animation WIDTH HEIGHT URL [id=ID]&#125;
/// Example:
/// &#123;@animation 300 300 id="my_video"&#125;
/// Which will render the HTML necessary for embedding a simple click-to-play
/// HTML5 video player with no controls that has an HTML id of "my_video".
/// The optional ID should be a unique id that is a valid JavaScript
/// identifier, and will be used as the id for the video tag. If no ID is
/// supplied, then a unique identifier (starting with "animation_") will be
/// generated.
/// The width and height must be integers specifying the dimensions of the
/// video file in pixels.
String _injectAnimations(String rawDocs) {
String getUniqueId(String base) {
var animationIdCount = 1;
var id = '$base$animationIdCount';
// We check for duplicate IDs so that we make sure not to collide with
// user-supplied ids on the same page.
while (package.usedAnimationIdsByHref[href].contains(id)) {
id = '$base$animationIdCount';
return id;
return rawDocs.replaceAllMapped(_basicAnimationPattern, (basicMatch) {
// Make sure we have a set to keep track of used IDs for this href.
package.usedAnimationIdsByHref[href] ??= {};
var parser = ArgParser();
var args = _parseArgs(basicMatch[1], parser, 'animation');
if (args == null) {
// Already warned about an invalid parameter if this happens.
return '';
final positionalArgs =;
String uniqueId;
var wasDeprecated = false;
if (positionalArgs.length == 4) {
// Supports the original form of the animation tag for backward
// compatibility.
uniqueId = positionalArgs.removeAt(0);
wasDeprecated = true;
} else if (positionalArgs.length == 3) {
uniqueId = args['id'] ?? getUniqueId('animation_');
} else {
message: 'Invalid @animation directive, "${basicMatch[0]}"\n'
'Animation directives must be of the form "{@animation WIDTH '
'HEIGHT URL [id=ID]}"');
return '';
if (!_validIdPattern.hasMatch(uniqueId)) {
message: 'An animation has an invalid identifier, "$uniqueId". The '
'identifier can only contain letters, numbers and underscores, '
'and must not begin with a number.');
return '';
if (package.usedAnimationIdsByHref[href].contains(uniqueId)) {
message: 'An animation has a non-unique identifier, "$uniqueId". '
'Animation identifiers must be unique.');
return '';
int width;
try {
width = int.parse(positionalArgs[0]);
} on FormatException {
message: 'An animation has an invalid width ($uniqueId), '
'"${positionalArgs[0]}". The width must be an integer.');
return '';
int height;
try {
height = int.parse(positionalArgs[1]);
} on FormatException {
message: 'An animation has an invalid height ($uniqueId), '
'"${positionalArgs[1]}". The height must be an integer.');
return '';
Uri movieUrl;
try {
movieUrl = Uri.parse(positionalArgs[2]);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
message: 'An animation URL could not be parsed ($uniqueId): '
return '';
var overlayId = '${uniqueId}_play_button_';
// Only warn about deprecation if some other warning didn't occur.
if (wasDeprecated) {
'Deprecated form of @animation directive, "${basicMatch[0]}"\n'
'Animation directives are now of the form "{@animation '
'WIDTH HEIGHT URL [id=ID]}" (id is an optional '
return _modelElementRenderer.renderAnimation(
uniqueId, width, height, movieUrl, overlayId);
/// Parse and remove &#123;@template ...&#125; in API comments and store them
/// in the index on the package.
/// Syntax:
/// &#123;@template NAME&#125;
/// The contents of the macro
/// &#123;@endtemplate&#125;
String _stripMacroTemplatesAndAddToIndex(String rawDocs) {
return rawDocs.replaceAllMapped(_templatePattern, (match) {
var name = match[1].trim();
var content = match[2].trim();
var trailingNewline = match[3];
packageGraph.addMacro(name, content);
return '{@macro $name}$trailingNewline';
/// Parse and remove &#123;@inject-html ...&#125; in API comments and store
/// them in the index on the package, replacing them with a SHA1 hash of the
/// contents, where the HTML will be re-injected after Markdown processing of
/// the rest of the text is complete.
/// Syntax:
/// &#123;@inject-html&#125;
/// <p>The HTML to inject.</p>
/// &#123;@end-inject-html&#125;
String _stripHtmlAndAddToIndex(String rawDocs) {
if (!config.injectHtml) return rawDocs;
return rawDocs.replaceAllMapped(_htmlPattern, (match) {
var fragment = match[1];
var digest = sha1.convert(fragment.codeUnits).toString();
packageGraph.addHtmlFragment(digest, fragment);
// The newlines are so that Markdown will pass this through without
// touching it.
return '\n<dartdoc-html>$digest</dartdoc-html>\n';
/// Helper to process arguments given as a (possibly quoted) string.
/// First, this will split the given [argsAsString] into separate arguments
/// with [_splitUpQuotedArgs] it then parses the resulting argument list
/// normally with [argParser] and returns the result.
ArgResults _parseArgs(
String argsAsString, ArgParser argParser, String directiveName) {
var args = _splitUpQuotedArgs(argsAsString, convertToArgs: true);
try {
return argParser.parse(args);
} on ArgParserException catch (e) {
message: 'The {@$directiveName ...} directive was called with '
'invalid parameters. $e');
return null;
static Future<String> _replaceAllMappedAsync(String string, Pattern exp,
Future<String> Function(Match match) replace) async {
var replaced = StringBuffer();
var currentIndex = 0;
for (var match in exp.allMatches(string)) {
var prefix = match.input.substring(currentIndex, match.start);
currentIndex = match.end;
replaced..write(prefix)..write(await replace(match));
return replaced.toString();
/// Regexp to take care of splitting arguments, and handling the quotes
/// around arguments, if any.
/// Match group 1 is the "foo=" (or "--foo=") part of the option, if any.
/// Match group 2 contains the quote character used (which is discarded).
/// Match group 3 is a quoted arg, if any, without the quotes.
/// Match group 4 is the unquoted arg, if any.
static final RegExp _argPattern = RegExp(r'([a-zA-Z\-_0-9]+=)?' // option name
r'(?:' // Start a new non-capture group for the two possibilities.
r'''(["'])((?:\\{2})*|(?:.*?[^\\](?:\\{2})*))\2|''' // with quotes.
r'([^ ]+))'); // without quotes.
/// Helper to process arguments given as a (possibly quoted) string.
/// First, this will split the given [argsAsString] into separate arguments,
/// taking any quoting (either ' or " are accepted) into account, including
/// handling backslash-escaped quotes.
/// Then, it will prepend "--" to any args that start with an identifier
/// followed by an equals sign, allowing the argument parser to treat any
/// "foo=bar" argument as "--foo=bar". It does handle quoted args like
/// "foo='bar baz'" too, returning just bar (without quotes) for the foo
/// value.
static Iterable<String> _splitUpQuotedArgs(String argsAsString,
{bool convertToArgs = false}) {
final Iterable<Match> matches = _argPattern.allMatches(argsAsString);
// Remove quotes around args, and if [convertToArgs] is true, then for any
// args that look like assignments (start with valid option names followed
// by an equals sign), add a "--" in front so that they parse as options.
return<String>((Match match) {
var option = '';
if (convertToArgs && match[1] != null && !match[1].startsWith('-')) {
option = '--';
if (match[2] != null) {
// This arg has quotes, so strip them.
return '$option${match[1] ?? ''}${match[3] ?? ''}${match[4] ?? ''}';
return '$option${match[0]}';