blob: c3e5766728f074990522bb4feb3a9a192fca98ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:charcode/charcode.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
const _operatorKeyword = 'operator';
const Map<String, String> operatorNames = {
'[]': 'get',
'[]=': 'put',
'~': 'bitwise_negate',
'==': 'equals',
'-': 'minus',
'+': 'plus',
'*': 'multiply',
'/': 'divide',
'<': 'less',
'>': 'greater',
'>=': 'greater_equal',
'<=': 'less_equal',
'<<': 'shift_left',
'>>': 'shift_right',
'>>>': 'triple_shift',
'^': 'bitwise_exclusive_or',
'unary-': 'unary_minus',
'|': 'bitwise_or',
'&': 'bitwise_and',
'~/': 'truncate_divide',
'%': 'modulo'
class StringTrie {
final Map<int, StringTrie> children = {};
/// Does [this] node represent a valid entry in the trie?
bool valid = false;
/// Greedily match on the string trie starting at the given index. Returns
/// the index of the first non-operator character if a match is valid,
/// otherwise -1.
int match(String toMatch, [int index = 0, int lastValid = -1]) {
if (index < 0 || index > toMatch.length) {
return lastValid;
if (index == toMatch.length) {
return valid ? index : lastValid;
var matchChar = toMatch.codeUnitAt(index);
if (children.containsKey(matchChar)) {
lastValid = valid ? index : lastValid;
return children[matchChar].match(toMatch, index + 1, lastValid);
return valid ? index : lastValid;
void addWord(String toAdd) {
var currentTrie = this;
for (var i in toAdd.codeUnits) {
currentTrie.children.putIfAbsent(i, () => StringTrie());
currentTrie = currentTrie.children[i];
currentTrie.valid = true;
StringTrie _operatorParseTrie;
StringTrie get operatorParseTrie {
if (_operatorParseTrie == null) {
_operatorParseTrie = StringTrie();
for (var name in operatorNames.keys) {
return _operatorParseTrie;
/// A parser for comment references.
// TODO(jcollins-g): align with [CommentReference] from analyzer AST.
class CommentReferenceParser {
/// Original, unparsed reference.
final String codeRef;
final int _referenceLength;
CommentReferenceParser(this.codeRef) : _referenceLength = codeRef.length;
int _index = 0;
List<CommentReferenceNode> parse() {
assert(_index == 0);
var children = _parseRawCommentReference();
return children;
/// Parser for rawCommentReferences. Does not at present distinguish
/// between package/library names and identifiers.
/// ```text
/// <rawCommentReference> ::= <prefix>?<commentReference><suffix>?
/// <commentReference> ::= (<packageName> '.')? (<libraryName> '.')? <dartdocIdentifier> <typeArguments> ('.' <identifier> <typeArguments>)*
/// ```
List<CommentReferenceNode> _parseRawCommentReference() {
var children = <CommentReferenceNode>[];
// <prefix>?
var prefixResult = _parsePrefix();
if (prefixResult.type == _PrefixResultType.endOfFile) {
return [];
if (prefixResult.type == _PrefixResultType.parsedConstructorHint) {
// [_PrefixResultType.junk] and [_PrefixResultType.missing] we can skip.
// <commentReference>
while (!_atEnd) {
var savedIndex = _index;
var identifierResult = _parseIdentifier();
if (identifierResult.type == _IdentifierResultType.endOfFile) {
} else if (identifierResult.type == _IdentifierResultType.notIdentifier) {
// Push the '.' back.
_index = savedIndex;
} else if (identifierResult.type ==
_IdentifierResultType.parsedIdentifier) {
var typeVariablesResult = _parseTypeVariables();
if (typeVariablesResult.type == _TypeVariablesResultType.endOfFile) {
} else if (typeVariablesResult.type ==
_TypeVariablesResultType.parsedTypeVariables) {
} else {
assert(typeVariablesResult.type ==
if (_atEnd || _thisChar != $dot) {
// <suffix>?
var suffixResult = _parseSuffix();
if (suffixResult.type == _SuffixResultType.notSuffix) {
// Invalid trailing junk; reject the reference.
return [];
} else if (suffixResult.type == _SuffixResultType.parsedCallableHint) {
// [_SuffixResultType.junk] or [_SuffixResultType.missing] we can skip.
return children;
static const _constructorHintPrefix = 'new';
static const _ignorePrefixes = ['const', 'final', 'var'];
/// Implement parsing a prefix to a comment reference.
/// ```text
/// <prefix> ::= <constructorPrefixHint>
/// | <leadingJunk>
/// <constructorPrefixHint> ::= 'new '
/// <leadingJunk> ::= ('const' | 'final' | 'var')(' '+)
/// ```
_PrefixParseResult _parsePrefix() {
if (_atEnd) {
return _PrefixParseResult.endOfFile;
if (_tryMatchLiteral(_constructorHintPrefix,
requireTrailingNonidentifier: true)) {
return _PrefixParseResult.ok(
if (_ignorePrefixes
.any((p) => _tryMatchLiteral(p, requireTrailingNonidentifier: true))) {
return _PrefixParseResult.junk;
/// There is something else here that doesn't look like a prefix.
return _PrefixParseResult.missing;
static const _whitespace = {$space, $tab, $lf, $cr};
static const _nonIdentifierChars = {
/// Advances the index forward to the end of the operator if one is
/// present and returns the operator's name. Otherwise, leaves _index
/// unchanged and returns null.
String _tryParseOperator() {
var tryIndex = _index;
if (tryIndex + _operatorKeyword.length < codeRef.length &&
codeRef.substring(tryIndex, tryIndex + _operatorKeyword.length) ==
_operatorKeyword) {
tryIndex = tryIndex + _operatorKeyword.length;
while (_whitespace.contains(codeRef.codeUnitAt(tryIndex))) {
var result = operatorParseTrie.match(codeRef, tryIndex);
if (result == -1) {
return null;
_index = result;
return codeRef.substring(tryIndex, result);
/// Parse a dartdoc identifier.
/// Dartdoc identifiers can include some operators.
_IdentifierParseResult _parseIdentifier() {
if (_atEnd) {
return _IdentifierParseResult.endOfFile;
var startIndex = _index;
var foundOperator = _tryParseOperator();
if (foundOperator != null) {
return _IdentifierParseResult.ok(IdentifierNode(foundOperator));
while (!_atEnd) {
if (_nonIdentifierChars.contains(_thisChar)) {
if (startIndex == _index) {
return _IdentifierParseResult.notIdentifier;
} else {
return _IdentifierParseResult.ok(
IdentifierNode(codeRef.substring(startIndex, _index)));
/// Parse a list of type variables (arguments or parameters).
/// Dartdoc isolates these where present and potentially valid, but we don't
/// break them down.
_TypeVariablesParseResult _parseTypeVariables() {
if (_atEnd) {
return _TypeVariablesParseResult.endOfFile;
var startIndex = _index;
if (_matchBraces($lt, $gt)) {
return _TypeVariablesParseResult.ok(
TypeVariablesNode(codeRef.substring(startIndex + 1, _index - 1)));
return _TypeVariablesParseResult.notIdentifier;
static const _callableHintSuffix = '()';
/// ```text
/// <suffix> ::= <callableHintSuffix>
/// | <trailingJunk>
/// <trailingJunk> ::= '<'<CHARACTER>*'>'
/// | '('<notClosedParenthesis>*')'
/// | '<'<notGreaterThan>*'>'
/// | '?'
/// | '!'
/// <callableHintSuffix> ::= '()'
/// ```
_SuffixParseResult _parseSuffix() {
var startIndex = _index;
if (_atEnd) {
return _SuffixParseResult.missing;
if (_tryMatchLiteral(_callableHintSuffix)) {
if (_atEnd) {
return _SuffixParseResult.ok(
CallableHintEndNode(codeRef.substring(startIndex, _index)));
return _SuffixParseResult.notSuffix;
if ((_thisChar == $exclamation || _thisChar == $question) && _nextAtEnd) {
return _SuffixParseResult.junk;
if (_matchBraces($lparen, $rparen)) {
return _SuffixParseResult.junk;
return _SuffixParseResult.notSuffix;
bool get _atEnd => _index >= _referenceLength;
bool get _nextAtEnd => _index + 1 >= _referenceLength;
int get _thisChar => codeRef.codeUnitAt(_index);
/// Advances [_index] on match, preserves on non-match.
bool _tryMatchLiteral(String characters,
{bool acceptTrailingWhitespace = true,
bool requireTrailingNonidentifier = false}) {
assert(acceptTrailingWhitespace != null);
if (characters.length + _index > _referenceLength) return false;
int startIndex;
for (startIndex = _index;
_index - startIndex < characters.length;
_index++) {
if (codeRef.codeUnitAt(_index) !=
characters.codeUnitAt(_index - startIndex)) {
_index = startIndex;
return false;
if (requireTrailingNonidentifier) {
if (_atEnd || !_nonIdentifierChars.contains(_thisChar)) {
_index = startIndex;
return false;
if (acceptTrailingWhitespace) _walkPastWhitespace();
return true;
/// Walks past any whitespace characters.
/// [_index] points to a non-whitespace character when this method returns.
/// If EOF is reached, then [_index] points past the end of the template
/// content when this method returns.
void _walkPastWhitespace() {
while (!_atEnd) {
if (_whitespace.contains(_thisChar)) {
} else {
/// Returns `true` if we started with [startChar] and ended with [endChar]
/// with a matching number of braces.
/// Restores [_index] to state when called if returning `false`.
bool _matchBraces(int startChar, int endChar) {
var braceCount = 0;
if (_thisChar != startChar) return false;
var startIndex = _index;
while (!_atEnd) {
if (_thisChar == startChar) braceCount++;
if (_thisChar == endChar) braceCount--;
if (braceCount == 0) {
return true;
_index = startIndex;
return false;
enum _PrefixResultType {
endOfFile, // Found end of file instead of a prefix.
junk, // Found some recognized junk that can be ignored.
missing, // There is no prefix here.
parsedConstructorHint, // Parsed a [ConstructorHintStartNode].
/// The result of attempting to parse a prefix to a comment reference.
class _PrefixParseResult {
final _PrefixResultType type;
final CommentReferenceNode node;
const _PrefixParseResult._(this.type, this.node);
factory _PrefixParseResult.ok(ConstructorHintStartNode node) =>
_PrefixParseResult._(_PrefixResultType.parsedConstructorHint, node);
static const _PrefixParseResult endOfFile =
_PrefixParseResult._(_PrefixResultType.endOfFile, null);
static const _PrefixParseResult junk =
_PrefixParseResult._(_PrefixResultType.junk, null);
static const _PrefixParseResult missing =
_PrefixParseResult._(_PrefixResultType.missing, null);
enum _IdentifierResultType {
endOfFile, // Found end of file instead of the beginning of an identifier.
notIdentifier, // This is not an identifier.
parsedIdentifier, // Found an identifier.
/// The result of attempting to parse a single identifier within a
/// comment reference.
class _IdentifierParseResult {
final _IdentifierResultType type;
final IdentifierNode node;
const _IdentifierParseResult._(this.type, this.node);
factory _IdentifierParseResult.ok(IdentifierNode node) =>
_IdentifierParseResult._(_IdentifierResultType.parsedIdentifier, node);
static const _IdentifierParseResult endOfFile =
_IdentifierParseResult._(_IdentifierResultType.endOfFile, null);
static const _IdentifierParseResult notIdentifier =
_IdentifierParseResult._(_IdentifierResultType.notIdentifier, null);
enum _TypeVariablesResultType {
endOfFile, // Found end of file instead of the beginning of a list of type
// variables.
notTypeVariables, // Found something, but it isn't type variables.
parsedTypeVariables, // Found type variables.
class _TypeVariablesParseResult {
final _TypeVariablesResultType type;
final TypeVariablesNode node;
const _TypeVariablesParseResult._(this.type, this.node);
factory _TypeVariablesParseResult.ok(TypeVariablesNode node) =>
_TypeVariablesResultType.parsedTypeVariables, node);
static const _TypeVariablesParseResult endOfFile =
_TypeVariablesParseResult._(_TypeVariablesResultType.endOfFile, null);
static const _TypeVariablesParseResult notIdentifier =
_TypeVariablesResultType.notTypeVariables, null);
enum _SuffixResultType {
junk, // Found known types of junk it is OK to ignore.
missing, // There is no suffix here. Same as EOF as this is a suffix.
notSuffix, // Found something, but not a valid suffix.
parsedCallableHint, // Parsed a [CallableHintEndNode].
/// The result of attempting to parse a suffix to a comment reference.
class _SuffixParseResult {
final _SuffixResultType type;
final CommentReferenceNode node;
const _SuffixParseResult._(this.type, this.node);
factory _SuffixParseResult.ok(CommentReferenceNode node) =>
_SuffixParseResult._(_SuffixResultType.parsedCallableHint, node);
static const _SuffixParseResult junk =
_SuffixParseResult._(_SuffixResultType.junk, null);
static const _SuffixParseResult missing =
_SuffixParseResult._(_SuffixResultType.missing, null);
static const _SuffixParseResult notSuffix =
_SuffixParseResult._(_SuffixResultType.notSuffix, null);
// TODO(jcollins-g): add SourceSpans?
abstract class CommentReferenceNode {
String get text;
class ConstructorHintStartNode extends CommentReferenceNode {
final String text;
String toString() => 'ConstructorHintStartNode["$text"]';
class CallableHintEndNode extends CommentReferenceNode {
final String text;
String toString() => 'CallableHintEndNode["$text"]';
/// Represents an identifier.
class IdentifierNode extends CommentReferenceNode {
final String text;
String toString() => 'Identifier["$text"]';
/// Represents one or more type variables, may be
/// comma separated.
class TypeVariablesNode extends CommentReferenceNode {
/// Note that this will contain commas, spaces, and other text, as
/// generally type variables are a form of junk that comment references
/// should ignore.
final String text;
String toString() => 'TypeVariablesNode["$text"]';