blob: 15d8d7cb7751437e248b99a68787169d4c94c654 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dartdoc.package_meta;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
abstract class PackageMeta {
final Directory dir;
factory PackageMeta.fromDir(Directory dir) => new _FilePackageMeta(dir);
factory PackageMeta.fromSdk(Directory sdkDir, {String sdkReadmePath}) =>
new _SdkMeta(sdkDir, sdkReadmePath: sdkReadmePath);
bool get isSdk;
String get name;
String get version;
String get description;
String get homepage;
FileContents getReadmeContents();
FileContents getLicenseContents();
FileContents getChangelogContents();
/// Returns true if we are a valid package, valid enough to generate docs.
bool get isValid;
/// Returns a list of reasons this package is invalid, or an
/// empty list if no reasons found.
/// If the list is empty, this package is valid.
List<String> getInvalidReasons();
String toString() => name;
class FileContents {
final File file;
factory FileContents(File file) =>
file == null ? null : new FileContents._(file);
String get contents => file.readAsStringSync();
bool get isMarkdown => file.path.toLowerCase().endsWith('.md');
String toString() => file.path;
class _FilePackageMeta extends PackageMeta {
FileContents _readme;
FileContents _license;
FileContents _changelog;
Map _pubspec;
_FilePackageMeta(Directory dir) : super(dir) {
File f = new File(path.join(dir.path, 'pubspec.yaml'));
if (f.existsSync()) {
_pubspec = loadYaml(f.readAsStringSync());
} else {
_pubspec = {};
bool get isSdk => false;
String get name => _pubspec['name'];
String get version => _pubspec['version'];
String get description => _pubspec['description'];
String get homepage => _pubspec['homepage'];
FileContents getReadmeContents() {
if (_readme != null) return _readme;
_readme =
new FileContents(_locate(dir, ['', 'readme.txt', 'readme']));
return _readme;
FileContents getLicenseContents() {
if (_license != null) return _license;
_license = new FileContents(
_locate(dir, ['', 'license.txt', 'license']));
return _license;
FileContents getChangelogContents() {
if (_changelog != null) return _changelog;
_changelog = new FileContents(
_locate(dir, ['', 'changelog.txt', 'changelog']));
return _changelog;
bool get isValid => getInvalidReasons().isEmpty;
/// Returns a list of reasons this package is invalid, or an
/// empty list if no reasons found.
List<String> getInvalidReasons() {
var reasons = [];
if (_pubspec == null || _pubspec.isEmpty) {
reasons.add('No pubspec.yaml found');
} else if (!_pubspec.containsKey('name')) {
reasons.add('No name found in pubspec.yaml');
return reasons;
File _locate(Directory dir, List<String> fileNames) {
List<File> files = dir.listSync().where((f) => f is File).toList();
for (String name in fileNames) {
for (File f in files) {
String baseName = path.basename(f.path).toLowerCase();
if (baseName == name) return f;
if (baseName.startsWith(name)) return f;
return null;
class _SdkMeta extends PackageMeta {
final String sdkReadmePath;
_SdkMeta(Directory dir, {this.sdkReadmePath}) : super(dir);
bool get isSdk => true;
String get name => 'Dart SDK';
String get version =>
new File(path.join(dir.path, 'version')).readAsStringSync().trim();
String get description =>
'The Dart SDK is a set of tools and libraries for the '
'Dart programming language.';
String get homepage => '';
FileContents getReadmeContents() {
File f = sdkReadmePath != null
? new File(sdkReadmePath)
: new File(path.join(dir.path, 'lib', ''));
return f.existsSync() ? new FileContents(f) : null;
bool get isValid => true;
List<String> getInvalidReasons() => [];
FileContents getLicenseContents() => null;
// TODO: The changelog doesn't seem to be available in the sdk.
FileContents getChangelogContents() => null;