blob: fcd9dba42fb75949031b413d439ae9490e2f7b9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// dartdoc's dartdoc_options.yaml configuration file follows similar loading
/// semantics to that of analysis_options.yaml,
/// [documented here](
/// It searches parent directories until it finds an analysis_options.yaml file,
/// and uses built-in defaults if one is not found.
/// The classes here manage both the dartdoc_options.yaml loading and command
/// line arguments.
library dartdoc.dartdoc_options;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/dartdoc.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as pathLib;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// Constants to help with type checking, because T is int and so forth
/// don't work in Dart.
const String _kStringVal = '';
const List<String> _kListStringVal = const <String>[];
const Map<String, String> _kMapStringVal = const <String, String>{};
const int _kIntVal = 0;
const double _kDoubleVal = 0.0;
const bool _kBoolVal = true;
String resolveTildePath(String originalPath) {
if (originalPath == null || !originalPath.startsWith('~/')) {
return originalPath;
String homeDir;
if (Platform.isWindows) {
homeDir = pathLib.absolute(Platform.environment['USERPROFILE']);
} else {
homeDir = pathLib.absolute(Platform.environment['HOME']);
return pathLib.join(homeDir, originalPath.substring(2));
class DartdocOptionError extends DartdocFailure {
DartdocOptionError(String details) : super(details);
class DartdocFileMissing extends DartdocOptionError {
DartdocFileMissing(String details) : super(details);
/// A container class to keep track of where our yaml data came from.
class _YamlFileData {
/// The map from the yaml file.
final Map data;
/// The path to the directory containing the yaml file.
final String canonicalDirectoryPath;
_YamlFileData(, this.canonicalDirectoryPath);
/// Some DartdocOption subclasses need to keep track of where they
/// got the value from; this class contains those intermediate results
/// so that error messages can be more useful.
class _OptionValueWithContext<T> {
/// The value of the option at canonicalDirectoryPath.
final T value;
/// A canonical path to the directory where this value came from. May
/// be different from [DartdocOption.valueAt]'s `dir` parameter.
String canonicalDirectoryPath;
/// If non-null, the basename of the configuration file the value came from.
String definingFile;
/// A [pathLib.Context] variable initialized with canonicalDirectoryPath.
pathLib.Context pathContext;
/// Build a _OptionValueWithContext.
/// [path] is the path where this value came from (not required to be canonical)
_OptionValueWithContext(this.value, String path, {String definingFile}) {
this.definingFile = definingFile;
canonicalDirectoryPath = pathLib.canonicalize(path);
pathContext = new pathLib.Context(current: canonicalDirectoryPath);
/// Assume value is a path, and attempt to resolve it. Throws [UnsupportedError]
/// if [T] isn't a [String] or [List<String>].
T get resolvedValue {
if (value is List<String>) {
return (value as List<String>)
.map((v) => pathContext.canonicalize(resolveTildePath(v)))
.toList() as T;
} else if (value is String) {
return pathContext.canonicalize(resolveTildePath(value as String)) as T;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError('Type $T is not supported for resolvedValue');
/// An abstract class for interacting with dartdoc options.
/// This class and its implementations allow Dartdoc to declare options
/// that are both defined in a configuration file and specified via the
/// command line, with searching the directory tree for a proper file
/// and overriding file options with the command line built-in. A number
/// of sanity checks are also built in to these classes so that file existence
/// can be verified, types constrained, and defaults provided.
/// Use via implementations [DartdocOptionSet], [DartdocOptionArgFile],
/// [DartdocOptionArgOnly], and [DartdocOptionFileOnly].
abstract class DartdocOption<T> {
/// This is the value returned if we couldn't find one otherwise.
final T defaultsTo;
/// Text string for help passed on in command line options.
final String help;
/// The name of this option, not including the names of any parents.
final String name;
/// Set to true if this option represents the name of a directory.
final bool isDir;
/// Set to true if this option represents the name of a file.
final bool isFile;
/// Set to true if DartdocOption subclasses should validate that the
/// directory or file exists. Does not imply validation of [defaultsTo],
/// and requires that one of [isDir] or [isFile] is set.
final bool mustExist;
DartdocOption._(, this.defaultsTo,, this.isDir,
this.isFile, this.mustExist) {
assert(!(isDir && isFile));
if (isDir || isFile) assert(_isString || _isListString);
if (mustExist) {
assert(isDir || isFile);
// The choice not to use reflection means there's some ugly type checking,
// somewhat more ugly than we'd have to do anyway to automatically convert
// command line arguments and yaml data to real types.
// Condense the ugly all in one place, this set of getters.
bool get _isString => _kStringVal is T;
bool get _isListString => _kListStringVal is T;
bool get _isMapString => _kMapStringVal is T;
bool get _isBool => _kBoolVal is T;
bool get _isInt => _kIntVal is T;
bool get _isDouble => _kDoubleVal is T;
DartdocOption _parent;
/// The parent of this DartdocOption, or null if this is the root.
DartdocOption get parent => _parent;
final Map<String, _YamlFileData> __yamlAtCanonicalPathCache = {};
/// Implementation detail for [DartdocOptionFileOnly]. Make sure we use
/// the root node's cache.
Map<String, _YamlFileData> get _yamlAtCanonicalPathCache =>
final ArgParser __argParser = new ArgParser();
ArgParser get argParser => root.__argParser;
ArgResults __argResults;
/// Parse these as string arguments (from argv) with the argument parser.
/// Call before calling [valueAt] for any [DartdocOptionArgOnly] or
/// [DartdocOptionArgFile] in this tree.
void _parseArguments(List<String> arguments) {
__argResults = argParser.parse(arguments);
/// Throw [DartdocFileMissing] with a detailed error message indicating where
/// the error came from when a file or directory option is missing.
void _onMissing(
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext, String missingFilename);
/// Call [_onMissing] for every path that does not exist. Returns true if
/// all paths exist or [mustExist] == false.
void _validatePaths(_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext) {
if (!mustExist) return;
assert(isDir || isFile);
List<String> resolvedPaths;
if (valueWithContext.value is String) {
resolvedPaths = [valueWithContext.resolvedValue];
} else {
resolvedPaths = valueWithContext.resolvedValue.toList();
for (String path in resolvedPaths) {
FileSystemEntity f = isDir ? new Directory(path) : new File(path);
if (!f.existsSync()) {
_onMissing(valueWithContext, path);
/// For a [List<String>] or [String] value, if [isDir] or [isFile] is set,
/// resolve paths in value relative to canonicalPath.
T _handlePathsInContext(_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext) {
if (valueWithContext?.value == null || !(isDir || isFile))
return valueWithContext?.value;
return valueWithContext.resolvedValue;
/// Call this with argv to set up the argument overrides. Applies to all
/// children.
void parseArguments(List<String> arguments) =>
ArgResults get _argResults => root.__argResults;
/// Set the parent of this [DartdocOption]. Do not call more than once.
set parent(DartdocOption newParent) {
assert(_parent == null);
_parent = newParent;
/// The root [DartdocOption] containing this object, or [this] if the object
/// has no parent.
DartdocOption get root {
DartdocOption p = this;
while (p.parent != null) {
p = p.parent;
return p;
/// All object names starting at the root.
Iterable<String> get keys {
List<String> keyList = [];
DartdocOption option = this;
while (option?.name != null) {
option = option.parent;
return keyList.reversed;
/// Direct children of this node, mapped by name.
final Map<String, DartdocOption> _children = {};
/// Return the calculated value of this option, given the directory as context.
/// If [isFile] or [isDir] is set, the returned value will be transformed
/// into a canonical path relative to the current working directory
/// (for arguments) or the config file from which the value was derived.
/// May throw [DartdocOptionError] if a command line argument is of the wrong
/// type. If [mustExist] is true, will throw [DartdocFileMissing] for command
/// line parameters and file paths in config files that don't point to
/// corresponding files or directories.
T valueAt(Directory dir);
/// Calls [valueAt] with the current working directory.
T valueAtCurrent() => valueAt(Directory.current);
/// Calls [valueAt] on the directory this element is defined in.
T valueAtElement(Element element) => valueAt(new Directory(
/// Adds a DartdocOption to the children of this DartdocOption.
void add(DartdocOption option) {
if (_children.containsKey(
throw new DartdocOptionError(
'Tried to add two children with the same name: ${}');
_children[] = option;
option.parent = this;
option.traverse((option) => option._onAdd());
/// This method is guaranteed to be called when [this] or any parent is added.
void _onAdd() {}
/// Adds a list of dartdoc options to the children of this DartdocOption.
void addAll(Iterable<DartdocOption> options) =>
options.forEach((o) => add(o));
/// Get the immediate child of this node named [name].
DartdocOption operator [](String name) {
return _children[name];
/// Apply the function [visit] to [this] and all children.
void traverse(void visit(DartdocOption)) {
_children.values.forEach((d) => d.traverse(visit));
/// A class that defaults to a value computed from a closure, but can be
/// overridden by a file.
class DartdocOptionFileSynth<T> extends DartdocOption<T>
with DartdocSyntheticOption<T>, _DartdocFileOption<T> {
bool _parentDirOverridesChild;
T Function(DartdocSyntheticOption<T>, Directory) _compute;
DartdocOptionFileSynth(String name, this._compute,
{bool mustExist = false,
String help = '',
bool isDir = false,
bool isFile = false,
bool parentDirOverridesChild})
: super._(name, null, help, isDir, isFile, mustExist) {
_parentDirOverridesChild = parentDirOverridesChild;
T valueAt(Directory dir) {
_OptionValueWithContext result = _valueAtFromFile(dir);
if (result?.definingFile != null) {
return _handlePathsInContext(result);
return _valueAtFromSynthetic(dir);
void _onMissing(
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext, String missingPath) {
if (valueWithContext.definingFile != null) {
_onMissingFromFiles(valueWithContext, missingPath);
} else {
_onMissingFromSynthetic(valueWithContext, missingPath);
bool get parentDirOverridesChild => _parentDirOverridesChild;
/// A class that defaults to a value computed from a closure, but can
/// be overridden on the command line.
class DartdocOptionArgSynth<T> extends DartdocOption<T>
with DartdocSyntheticOption<T>, _DartdocArgOption<T> {
String _abbr;
bool _hide;
bool _negatable;
bool _splitCommas;
T Function(DartdocSyntheticOption<T>, Directory) _compute;
DartdocOptionArgSynth(String name, this._compute,
{String abbr,
bool mustExist = false,
String help = '',
bool hide = false,
bool isDir = false,
bool isFile = false,
bool negatable,
bool splitCommas})
: super._(name, null, help, isDir, isFile, mustExist) {
_hide = hide;
_negatable = negatable;
_splitCommas = splitCommas;
_abbr = abbr;
void _onMissing(
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext, String missingPath) {
_onMissingFromArgs(valueWithContext, missingPath);
T valueAt(Directory dir) {
if (_argResults.wasParsed(argName)) {
return _valueAtFromArgs();
return _valueAtFromSynthetic(dir);
String get abbr => _abbr;
bool get hide => _hide;
bool get negatable => _negatable;
bool get splitCommas => _splitCommas;
/// A synthetic option takes a closure at construction time that computes
/// the value of the configuration option based on other configuration options.
/// Does not protect against closures that self-reference. If [mustExist] and
/// [isDir] or [isFile] is set, computed values will be resolved to canonical
/// paths.
class DartdocOptionSyntheticOnly<T> extends DartdocOption<T>
with DartdocSyntheticOption<T> {
T Function(DartdocSyntheticOption<T>, Directory) _compute;
DartdocOptionSyntheticOnly(String name, this._compute,
{bool mustExist = false,
String help = '',
bool isDir = false,
bool isFile = false})
: super._(name, null, help, isDir, isFile, mustExist);
abstract class DartdocSyntheticOption<T> implements DartdocOption<T> {
T Function(DartdocSyntheticOption<T>, Directory) get _compute;
T valueAt(Directory dir) => _valueAtFromSynthetic(dir);
T _valueAtFromSynthetic(Directory dir) {
_OptionValueWithContext context =
new _OptionValueWithContext<T>(_compute(this, dir), dir.path);
return _handlePathsInContext(context);
void _onMissing(
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext, String missingPath) =>
_onMissingFromSynthetic(valueWithContext, missingPath);
void _onMissingFromSynthetic(
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext, String missingPath) {
String description =
'Synthetic configuration option ${name} from <internal>';
throw new DartdocFileMissing(
'$description, computed as ${valueWithContext.value}, resolves to missing path: "${missingPath}"');
typedef Future<List<DartdocOption>> OptionGenerator();
/// A [DartdocOption] that only contains other [DartdocOption]s and is not an option itself.
class DartdocOptionSet extends DartdocOption<Null> {
DartdocOptionSet(String name)
: super._(name, null, null, false, false, false);
/// Asynchronous factory that is the main entry point to initialize Dartdoc
/// options for use.
/// [name] is the top level key for the option set.
/// [optionGenerators] is a sequence of asynchronous functions that return
/// [DartdocOption]s that will be added to the new option set.
static Future<DartdocOptionSet> fromOptionGenerators(
String name, Iterable<OptionGenerator> optionGenerators) async {
DartdocOptionSet optionSet = new DartdocOptionSet(name);
for (OptionGenerator generator in optionGenerators) {
optionSet.addAll(await generator());
return optionSet;
/// [DartdocOptionSet] always has the null value.
Null valueAt(Directory dir) => null;
/// Since we have no value, [_onMissing] does nothing.
void _onMissing(
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext, String missingFilename) {}
/// Traverse skips this node, because it doesn't represent a real configuration object.
void traverse(void visitor(DartdocOption)) {
_children.values.forEach((d) => d.traverse(visitor));
/// A [DartdocOption] that only exists as a command line argument. --help would
/// be a good example.
class DartdocOptionArgOnly<T> extends DartdocOption<T>
with _DartdocArgOption<T> {
String _abbr;
bool _hide;
bool _negatable;
bool _splitCommas;
DartdocOptionArgOnly(String name, T defaultsTo,
{String abbr,
bool mustExist = false,
String help = '',
bool hide = false,
bool isDir = false,
bool isFile = false,
bool negatable,
bool splitCommas})
: super._(name, defaultsTo, help, isDir, isFile, mustExist) {
_hide = hide;
_negatable = negatable;
_splitCommas = splitCommas;
_abbr = abbr;
String get abbr => _abbr;
bool get hide => _hide;
bool get negatable => _negatable;
bool get splitCommas => _splitCommas;
/// A [DartdocOption] that works with command line arguments and dartdoc_options files.
class DartdocOptionArgFile<T> extends DartdocOption<T>
with _DartdocArgOption<T>, _DartdocFileOption<T> {
String _abbr;
bool _hide;
bool _negatable;
bool _parentDirOverridesChild;
bool _splitCommas;
DartdocOptionArgFile(String name, T defaultsTo,
{String abbr,
bool mustExist = false,
String help: '',
bool hide = false,
bool isDir = false,
bool isFile = false,
bool negatable,
bool parentDirOverridesChild: false,
bool splitCommas})
: super._(name, defaultsTo, help, isDir, isFile, mustExist) {
_abbr = abbr;
_hide = hide;
_negatable = negatable;
_parentDirOverridesChild = parentDirOverridesChild;
_splitCommas = splitCommas;
void _onMissing(
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext, String missingPath) {
if (valueWithContext.definingFile != null) {
_onMissingFromFiles(valueWithContext, missingPath);
} else {
_onMissingFromArgs(valueWithContext, missingPath);
/// Try to find an explicit argument setting this value, but if not, fall back to files
/// finally, the default.
T valueAt(Directory dir) {
T value = _valueAtFromArgs();
if (value == null) value = _valueAtFromFiles(dir);
if (value == null) value = defaultsTo;
return value;
String get abbr => _abbr;
bool get hide => _hide;
bool get negatable => _negatable;
bool get parentDirOverridesChild => _parentDirOverridesChild;
bool get splitCommas => _splitCommas;
class DartdocOptionFileOnly<T> extends DartdocOption<T>
with _DartdocFileOption<T> {
bool _parentDirOverridesChild;
DartdocOptionFileOnly(String name, T defaultsTo,
{bool mustExist = false,
String help: '',
bool isDir = false,
bool isFile = false,
bool parentDirOverridesChild: false})
: super._(name, defaultsTo, help, isDir, isFile, mustExist) {
_parentDirOverridesChild = parentDirOverridesChild;
bool get parentDirOverridesChild => _parentDirOverridesChild;
/// Implements checking for options contained in dartdoc.yaml.
abstract class _DartdocFileOption<T> implements DartdocOption<T> {
/// If true, the parent directory's value overrides the child's. Otherwise, the child's
/// value overrides values in parents.
bool get parentDirOverridesChild;
/// The name of the option, with nested options joined by [.]. For example:
/// ```yaml
/// dartdoc:
/// stuff:
/// things:
/// ```
/// would have the name `things` and the fieldName `dartdoc.stuff.things`.
String get fieldName => keys.join('.');
void _onMissing(
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext, String missingPath) =>
_onMissingFromFiles(valueWithContext, missingPath);
void _onMissingFromFiles(
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext, String missingPath) {
String dartdocYaml = pathLib.join(
valueWithContext.canonicalDirectoryPath, valueWithContext.definingFile);
throw new DartdocFileMissing(
'Field ${fieldName} from ${dartdocYaml}, set to ${valueWithContext.value}, resolves to missing path: "${missingPath}"');
/// Searches for a value in configuration files relative to [dir], and if not
/// found, returns [defaultsTo].
T valueAt(Directory dir) {
return _valueAtFromFiles(dir) ?? defaultsTo;
T _valueAtFromFiles(Directory dir) {
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext;
if (parentDirOverridesChild) {
valueWithContext = _valueAtFromFilesLastFound(dir);
} else {
valueWithContext = _valueAtFromFilesFirstFound(dir);
return _handlePathsInContext(valueWithContext);
/// Searches all dartdoc_options files through parent directories,
/// starting at [dir], for the option and returns one once
/// found.
_OptionValueWithContext _valueAtFromFilesFirstFound(Directory dir) {
_OptionValueWithContext value;
while (true) {
value = _valueAtFromFile(dir);
if (value != null || pathLib.equals(dir.parent.path, dir.path)) break;
dir = dir.parent;
return value;
/// Searches all dartdoc_options files for the option, and returns the
/// value in the top-most parent directory dartdoc_options.yaml file it is
/// mentioned in.
_OptionValueWithContext _valueAtFromFilesLastFound(Directory dir) {
_OptionValueWithContext value;
while (true) {
_OptionValueWithContext tmpValue = _valueAtFromFile(dir);
if (tmpValue != null) value = tmpValue;
if (pathLib.equals(dir.parent.path, dir.path)) break;
dir = dir.parent;
return value;
/// Returns null if not set in the yaml file in this directory (or its
/// parents).
_OptionValueWithContext _valueAtFromFile(Directory dir) {
_YamlFileData yamlFileData = _yamlAtDirectory(dir);
String contextPath = yamlFileData.canonicalDirectoryPath;
dynamic yamlData =;
for (String key in keys) {
if (!yamlData.containsKey(key)) return null;
yamlData = yamlData[key];
var returnData;
if (_isListString) {
if (yamlData is YamlList) {
returnData = <String>[];
for (var item in yamlData) {
} else if (_isMapString) {
if (yamlData is YamlMap) {
returnData = <String, String>{};
for (MapEntry entry in yamlData.entries) {
returnData[entry.key.toString()] = entry.value.toString();
} else if (_isDouble) {
if (yamlData is num) {
returnData = yamlData.toDouble();
} else if (_isInt || _isString || _isBool) {
if (yamlData is T) {
returnData = yamlData;
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError('Type ${T} is not supported');
return new _OptionValueWithContext(returnData as T, contextPath,
definingFile: 'dartdoc_options.yaml');
_YamlFileData _yamlAtDirectory(Directory dir) {
List<String> canonicalPaths = [pathLib.canonicalize(dir.path)];
if (!_yamlAtCanonicalPathCache.containsKey(canonicalPaths.first)) {
_YamlFileData yamlData = new _YamlFileData(
new Map(), pathLib.canonicalize(Directory.current.path));
if (dir.existsSync()) {
File dartdocOptionsFile;
while (true) {
dartdocOptionsFile =
new File(pathLib.join(dir.path, 'dartdoc_options.yaml'));
if (dartdocOptionsFile.existsSync() ||
pathLib.equals(dir.parent.path, dir.path)) break;
dir = dir.parent;
if (dartdocOptionsFile.existsSync()) {
yamlData = new _YamlFileData(
canonicalPaths.forEach((p) => _yamlAtCanonicalPathCache[p] = yamlData);
return _yamlAtCanonicalPathCache[canonicalPaths.first];
/// Mixin class implementing command-line arguments for [DartdocOption].
abstract class _DartdocArgOption<T> implements DartdocOption<T> {
/// For [ArgParser], set to true if the argument can be negated with --no on the command line.
bool get negatable;
/// For [ArgParser], set to true if a single string argument will be broken into a list on commas.
bool get splitCommas;
/// For [ArgParser], set to true to hide this from the help menu.
bool get hide;
/// For [ArgParser], set to a single character to have a short version of the command line argument.
String get abbr;
/// valueAt for arguments ignores the [dir] parameter and only uses command
/// line arguments and the current working directory to resolve the result.
T valueAt(Directory dir) => _valueAtFromArgs() ?? defaultsTo;
/// For passing in to [int.parse] and [double.parse] `onError'.
_throwErrorForTypes(String value) {
String example;
if (defaultsTo is Map) {
example = 'key::value';
} else if (_isInt) {
example = '32';
} else if (_isDouble) {
example = '0.76';
throw new DartdocOptionError(
'Invalid argument value: --${argName}, set to "${value}", must be a ${T}. Example: --${argName} ${example}');
/// Returns null if no argument was given on the command line.
T _valueAtFromArgs() {
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext = _valueAtFromArgsWithContext();
return _handlePathsInContext(valueWithContext);
void _onMissing(
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext, String missingPath) =>
_onMissingFromArgs(valueWithContext, missingPath);
void _onMissingFromArgs(
_OptionValueWithContext valueWithContext, String missingPath) {
throw new DartdocFileMissing(
'Argument --${argName}, set to ${valueWithContext.value}, resolves to missing path: "${missingPath}"');
/// Generates an _OptionValueWithContext using the value of the argument from
/// the [argParser] and the working directory from [Directory.current].
/// Throws [UnsupportedError] if [T] is not a supported type.
_OptionValueWithContext _valueAtFromArgsWithContext() {
if (!_argResults.wasParsed(argName)) return null;
T retval;
// Unlike in _DartdocFileOption, we throw here on inputs being invalid rather
// than silently proceeding. TODO(jcollins-g): throw on input formatting for
// files too?
if (_isBool || _isListString || _isString) {
retval = _argResults[argName];
} else if (_isInt) {
retval = int.tryParse(_argResults[argName]) as T;
if (retval == null) _throwErrorForTypes(_argResults[argName]);
} else if (_isDouble) {
retval = double.tryParse(_argResults[argName]) as T;
if (retval == null) _throwErrorForTypes(_argResults[argName]);
} else if (_isMapString) {
retval = <String, String>{} as T;
for (String pair in _argResults[argName]) {
List<String> pairList = pair.split('::');
if (pairList.length != 2) {
assert(pairList.length == 2);
(retval as Map<String, String>)[pairList.first] = pairList.last;
} else {
throw UnsupportedError('Type ${T} is not supported');
return new _OptionValueWithContext(retval, Directory.current.path);
/// The name of this option as a command line argument.
String get argName => _keysToArgName(keys);
/// Turns ['foo', 'somethingBar', 'over_the_hill'] into
/// 'something-bar-over-the-hill' (with default skip).
/// This allows argument names to reflect nested structure.
static String _keysToArgName(Iterable<String> keys, [int skip = 1]) {
String argName = "${keys.skip(skip).join('-')}";
argName = argName.replaceAll('_', '-');
// Do not consume the lowercase character after the uppercase one, to handle
// two character words.
final camelCaseRegexp = new RegExp(r'([a-z])([A-Z])(?=([a-z]))');
argName = argName.replaceAllMapped(camelCaseRegexp, (Match m) {
String before =;
String after =;
return '${before}-${after}';
return argName;
/// If this argument is added to a larger tree of DartdocOptions, call
/// [ArgParser.addFlag], [ArgParser.addOption], or [ArgParser.addMultiOption]
/// as appropriate for [T].
void _onAdd() {
if (_isBool) {
abbr: abbr,
defaultsTo: defaultsTo as bool,
help: help,
hide: hide,
negatable: negatable);
} else if (_isInt || _isDouble || _isString) {
abbr: abbr,
defaultsTo: defaultsTo?.toString() ?? null,
help: help,
hide: hide);
} else if (_isListString || _isMapString) {
List<String> defaultsToList = [];
if (_isListString) {
defaultsToList = defaultsTo as List<String>;
} else {
defaultsToList.addAll((defaultsTo as Map<String, String>)
.map((m) => '${m.key}::${m.value}'));
abbr: abbr,
defaultsTo: defaultsToList,
help: help,
hide: hide,
splitCommas: splitCommas);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedError('Type ${T} is not supported');
/// An [DartdocOptionSet] wrapped in nice accessors specific to Dartdoc, which
/// automatically passes in the right directory for a given context. Usually,
/// a single [ModelElement], [Package], [Category] and so forth has a single context
/// and so this can be made a member variable of those structures.
class DartdocOptionContext {
final DartdocOptionSet optionSet;
Directory context;
// TODO(jcollins-g): Allow passing in structured data to initialize a
// [DartdocOptionContext]'s arguments instead of having to parse strings
// via optionSet.
/// If [entity] is null, assume this is the initialization case and use
/// the inputDir flag to determine the context.
DartdocOptionContext(this.optionSet, FileSystemEntity entity) {
if (entity == null) {
String inputDir = optionSet['inputDir'].valueAt(Directory.current) ??
context = new Directory(inputDir);
} else {
context = new Directory(pathLib
.canonicalize(entity is File ? entity.parent.path : entity.path));
/// Build a DartdocOptionContext from an analyzer element (using its source
/// location).
factory DartdocOptionContext.fromElement(
DartdocOptionSet optionSet, Element element) {
return new DartdocOptionContext(
optionSet, new File(element.source.fullName));
/// Build a DartdocOptionContext from an existing [DartdocOptionContext] and a new analyzer [Element].
factory DartdocOptionContext.fromContextElement(
DartdocOptionContext optionContext, Element element) {
return new DartdocOptionContext.fromElement(
optionContext.optionSet, element);
/// Build a DartdocOptionContext from an existing [DartdocOptionContext].
factory DartdocOptionContext.fromContext(
DartdocOptionContext optionContext, FileSystemEntity entity) {
return new DartdocOptionContext(optionContext.optionSet, entity);
// All values defined in createDartdocOptions should be exposed here.
bool get addCrossdart => optionSet['addCrossdart'].valueAt(context);
double get ambiguousReexportScorerMinConfidence =>
bool get autoIncludeDependencies =>
List<String> get categoryOrder => optionSet['categoryOrder'].valueAt(context);
List<String> get dropTextFrom => optionSet['dropTextFrom'].valueAt(context);
String get examplePathPrefix =>
List<String> get exclude => optionSet['exclude'].valueAt(context);
List<String> get excludePackages =>
String get flutterRoot => optionSet['flutterRoot'].valueAt(context);
bool get hideSdkText => optionSet['hideSdkText'].valueAt(context);
List<String> get include => optionSet['include'].valueAt(context);
List<String> get includeExternal =>
bool get includeSource => optionSet['includeSource'].valueAt(context);
/// _input is only used to construct synthetic options.
// ignore: unused_element
String get _input => optionSet['input'].valueAt(context);
String get inputDir => optionSet['inputDir'].valueAt(context);
bool get linkToRemote => optionSet['linkTo']['remote'].valueAt(context);
String get linkToUrl => optionSet['linkTo']['url'].valueAt(context);
/// _linkToHosted is only used to construct synthetic options.
// ignore: unused_element
String get _linkToHosted => optionSet['linkTo']['hosted'].valueAt(context);
String get output => optionSet['output'].valueAt(context);
PackageMeta get packageMeta => optionSet['packageMeta'].valueAt(context);
List<String> get packageOrder => optionSet['packageOrder'].valueAt(context);
bool get sdkDocs => optionSet['sdkDocs'].valueAt(context);
String get sdkDir => optionSet['sdkDir'].valueAt(context);
bool get showWarnings => optionSet['showWarnings'].valueAt(context);
PackageMeta get topLevelPackageMeta =>
bool get useCategories => optionSet['useCategories'].valueAt(context);
bool get validateLinks => optionSet['validateLinks'].valueAt(context);
bool get verboseWarnings => optionSet['verboseWarnings'].valueAt(context);
bool isLibraryExcluded(String name) =>
exclude.any((pattern) => name == pattern);
bool isPackageExcluded(String name) =>
excludePackages.any((pattern) => name == pattern);
/// Instantiate dartdoc's configuration file and options parser with the
/// given command line arguments.
Future<List<DartdocOption>> createDartdocOptions() async {
return <DartdocOption>[
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('addCrossdart', false,
help: 'Add Crossdart links to the source code pieces.',
negatable: true),
new DartdocOptionArgFile<double>(
'ambiguousReexportScorerMinConfidence', 0.1,
'Minimum scorer confidence to suppress warning on ambiguous reexport.'),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('autoIncludeDependencies', false,
'Include all the used libraries into the docs, even the ones not in the current package or "include-external"',
negatable: true),
new DartdocOptionArgFile<List<String>>('categoryOrder', [],
"A list of categories (not package names) to place first when grouping symbols on dartdoc's sidebar. "
'Unmentioned categories are sorted after these.'),
new DartdocOptionSyntheticOnly<List<String>>('dropTextFrom',
(DartdocSyntheticOption<List<String>> option, Directory dir) {
if (option.parent['hideSdkText'].valueAt(dir)) {
return [
return [];
}, help: 'Remove text from libraries with the following names.'),
new DartdocOptionArgFile<String>('examplePathPrefix', null,
isDir: true,
help: 'Prefix for @example paths.\n(defaults to the project root)',
mustExist: true),
new DartdocOptionArgFile<List<String>>('exclude', [],
help: 'Library names to ignore.', splitCommas: true),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<List<String>>('excludePackages', [],
help: 'Package names to ignore.', splitCommas: true),
// This could be a ArgOnly, but trying to not provide too many ways
// to set the flutter root.
new DartdocOptionSyntheticOnly<String>(
(DartdocSyntheticOption<String> option, Directory dir) =>
isDir: true,
help: 'Root of the Flutter SDK, specified from environment.',
mustExist: true),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('hideSdkText', false,
hide: true,
'Drop all text for SDK components. Helpful for integration tests for dartdoc, probably not useful for anything else.',
negatable: true),
new DartdocOptionArgFile<List<String>>('include', [],
help: 'Library names to generate docs for.', splitCommas: true),
new DartdocOptionArgFile<List<String>>('includeExternal', null,
isFile: true,
'Additional (external) dart files to include; use "dir/fileName", '
'as in lib/material.dart.',
mustExist: true,
splitCommas: true),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('includeSource', true,
help: 'Show source code blocks.', negatable: true),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<String>('input', Directory.current.path,
isDir: true, help: 'Path to source directory', mustExist: true),
new DartdocOptionSyntheticOnly<String>('inputDir',
(DartdocSyntheticOption<String> option, Directory dir) {
if (option.parent['sdkDocs'].valueAt(dir)) {
return option.parent['sdkDir'].valueAt(dir);
return option.parent['input'].valueAt(dir);
help: 'Path to source directory (with override if --sdk-docs)',
isDir: true,
mustExist: true),
new DartdocOptionSet('linkTo')
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<Map<String, String>>(
help: 'Specify URLs for hosted pub packages'),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<Map<String, String>>(
'Dart': '',
'Flutter': '',
help: 'Specify URLs for SDKs.',
new DartdocOptionFileSynth<String>('url',
(DartdocSyntheticOption<String> option, Directory dir) {
PackageMeta packageMeta =
// Prefer SDK check first, then pub cache check.
String inSdk = packageMeta
if (inSdk != null) {
Map<String, String> sdks = option.parent['sdks'].valueAt(dir);
if (sdks.containsKey(inSdk)) return sdks[inSdk];
String hostedAt = packageMeta.hostedAt;
if (hostedAt != null) {
Map<String, String> hostMap = option.parent['hosted'].valueAt(dir);
if (hostMap.containsKey(hostedAt)) return hostMap[hostedAt];
return '';
}, help: 'Url to use for this particular package.'),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('remote', false,
help: 'Allow links to be generated for packages outside this one.',
negatable: true),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<String>('output', pathLib.join('doc', 'api'),
isDir: true, help: 'Path to output directory.'),
new DartdocOptionSyntheticOnly<PackageMeta>(
(DartdocSyntheticOption<PackageMeta> option, Directory dir) {
PackageMeta packageMeta = new PackageMeta.fromDir(dir);
if (packageMeta == null) {
throw new DartdocOptionError(
'Unable to determine package for directory: ${dir.path}');
return packageMeta;
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<List<String>>('packageOrder', [],
'A list of package names to place first when grouping libraries in packages. '
'Unmentioned categories are sorted after these.'),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('sdkDocs', false,
help: 'Generate ONLY the docs for the Dart SDK.', negatable: false),
new DartdocOptionArgSynth<String>('sdkDir',
(DartdocSyntheticOption<String> option, Directory dir) {
if (!option.parent['sdkDocs'].valueAt(dir) &&
(option.root['topLevelPackageMeta'].valueAt(dir) as PackageMeta)
.requiresFlutter) {
String flutterRoot = option.root['flutterRoot'].valueAt(dir);
if (flutterRoot == null) {
throw new DartdocOptionError(
'Top level package requires Flutter but FLUTTER_ROOT environment variable not set');
return pathLib.join(flutterRoot, 'bin', 'cache', 'dart-sdk');
return defaultSdkDir.absolute.path;
}, help: 'Path to the SDK directory.', isDir: true, mustExist: true),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('showWarnings', false,
help: 'Display all warnings.', negatable: false),
new DartdocOptionSyntheticOnly<PackageMeta>('topLevelPackageMeta',
(DartdocSyntheticOption<PackageMeta> option, Directory dir) {
PackageMeta packageMeta = new PackageMeta.fromDir(
new Directory(option.parent['inputDir'].valueAt(dir)));
if (packageMeta == null) {
throw new DartdocOptionError(
'Unable to generate documentation: no package found');
if (!packageMeta.isValid) {
final String firstError = packageMeta.getInvalidReasons().first;
throw new DartdocOptionError('Package is invalid: $firstError');
return packageMeta;
}, help: 'PackageMeta object for the default package.'),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('useCategories', true,
help: 'Display categories in the sidebar of packages',
negatable: false),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('validateLinks', true,
'Runs the built-in link checker to display Dart context aware warnings for broken links (slow)',
negatable: true),
new DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('verboseWarnings', true,
help: 'Display extra debugging information and help with warnings.',
negatable: true),