blob: efd3d4ef065647cc1edae179cd09fa4ebc4c6f0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// The models used to represent Dart code
library dartdoc.models;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart' show AnnotatedNode, Annotation;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart'
show Namespace, NamespaceBuilder, InheritanceManager, MemberMap;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart' show ParameterKind;
import 'package:quiver/core.dart' show hash3;
import 'html_utils.dart' show stripComments, htmlEscape;
import 'model_utils.dart' show isPrivate, isPublic, getAllSupertypes;
import 'package_meta.dart' show PackageMeta, FileContents;
import '../markdown_processor.dart' show Documentation, renderMarkdownToHtml;
int byName(Nameable a, Nameable b) =>;
final Map<Class, List<Class>> _implementors = new Map();
void _addToImplementors(Class c) {
_implementors.putIfAbsent(c, () => []);
void _checkAndAddClass(Class key, Class implClass) {
_implementors.putIfAbsent(key, () => []);
List list = _implementors[key];
if (!list.any((l) => l.element == c.element)) {
if (!c._mixins.isEmpty) {
c._mixins.forEach((t) {
_checkAndAddClass(t.element, c);
if (c._supertype != null) {
_checkAndAddClass(c._supertype.element, c);
if (!c._interfaces.isEmpty) {
c._interfaces.forEach((t) {
_checkAndAddClass(t.element, c);
/// An element that is enclosed by some other element.
/// Libraries are not enclosed.
abstract class EnclosedElement {
ModelElement get enclosingElement;
/// Something that has a name.
abstract class Nameable {
String get name;
/// Bridges the gap between model elements and packages,
/// both of which have documentation.
abstract class Documentable {
String get oneLineDoc;
String get documentation;
String get documentationAsHtml;
bool get hasMoreThanOneLineDocs;
bool get hasDocumentation;
abstract class ModelElement implements Comparable, Nameable, Documentable {
final Element element;
final Library library;
ElementType _modelType;
String _rawDocs;
Documentation __documentation;
List _parameters;
// WARNING: putting anything into the body of this seems
// to lead to stack overflows. Need to make a registry of ModelElements
// somehow.
ModelElement(this.element, this.library);
factory ModelElement.from(Element e, Library library) {
// Also handles enums
if (e is ClassElement) {
return new Class(e, library);
if (e is FunctionElement) {
return new ModelFunction(e, library);
if (e is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
return new Typedef(e, library);
if (e is FieldElement) {
return new Field(e, library);
if (e is ConstructorElement) {
return new Constructor(e, library);
if (e is MethodElement && e.isOperator) {
return new Operator(e, library);
if (e is MethodElement && !e.isOperator) {
return new Method(e, library);
if (e is TopLevelVariableElement) {
return new TopLevelVariable(e, library);
if (e is PropertyAccessorElement) {
return new Accessor(e, library);
if (e is TypeParameterElement) {
return new TypeParameter(e, library);
if (e is DynamicElementImpl) {
return new Dynamic(e, library);
if (e is ParameterElement) {
return new Parameter(e, library);
throw "Unknown type ${e.runtimeType}";
int compareTo(dynamic other) {
if (other is ModelElement) {
return name.toLowerCase().compareTo(;
} else {
return 0;
/// A human-friendly name for the kind of element this is.
String get kind;
String get _computeDocumentationComment =>
String get documentation {
if (_rawDocs != null) return _rawDocs;
_rawDocs = _computeDocumentationComment;
if (_rawDocs == null && canOverride()) {
var overrideElement = overriddenElement;
if (overrideElement != null) {
_rawDocs = overrideElement.documentation;
_rawDocs = stripComments(_rawDocs);
if (_rawDocs == null) _rawDocs = '';
return _rawDocs;
Documentation get _documentation {
if (__documentation != null) return __documentation;
__documentation = new Documentation(this);
return __documentation;
bool get hasDocumentation =>
documentation != null && documentation.isNotEmpty;
String get documentationAsHtml => _documentation.asHtml;
String get oneLineDoc => _documentation.asOneLiner;
bool get hasMoreThanOneLineDocs => _documentation.hasMoreThanOneLineDocs;
String get htmlId => name;
String toString() => '$runtimeType $name';
List<String> get annotations {
// Check
// If that is fixed, this code might get a lot easier
if (element.computeNode() != null &&
element.computeNode() is AnnotatedNode) {
return (element.computeNode() as AnnotatedNode)
.map((Annotation a) {
var annotationString = a.toSource().substring(1); // remove the @
var e = a.element;
if (e != null && (e is ConstructorElement)) {
var me = new ModelElement.from(
e.enclosingElement, new Library(e.library, package));
if (me.href != null) {
return annotationString.replaceAll(, '<a href="${me.href}">${}</a>');
return annotationString;
}).toList(growable: false);
} else {
return a) {
// TODO link to the element's href
}).toList(growable: false);
bool get hasAnnotations => annotations.isNotEmpty;
bool canOverride() => element is ClassMemberElement;
ModelElement get overriddenElement => null;
String get name =>;
bool get canHaveParameters =>
element is ExecutableElement || element is FunctionTypeAliasElement;
List<Parameter> get parameters {
if (!canHaveParameters) {
throw new StateError("$element cannot have parameters");
if (_parameters != null) return _parameters;
List<ParameterElement> params;
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
// the as check silences the warning
params = (element as ExecutableElement).parameters;
if (element is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
params = (element as FunctionTypeAliasElement).parameters;
_parameters = => new Parameter(p, library)).toList(growable: false);
return _parameters;
bool get hasParameters => parameters.isNotEmpty;
bool get isExecutable => element is ExecutableElement;
bool get isPropertyInducer => element is PropertyInducingElement;
bool get isPropertyAccessor => element is PropertyAccessorElement;
bool get isLocalElement => element is LocalElement;
bool get isAsynchronous =>
isExecutable && (element as ExecutableElement).isAsynchronous;
bool get isStatic {
if (isPropertyInducer) {
return (element as PropertyInducingElement).isStatic;
return false;
bool get isFinal => false;
bool get isConst => false;
bool get isDeprecated => element.metadata.any((a) => a.isDeprecated);
ElementType get modelType => _modelType;
/// Returns the [ClassElement] that encloses this.
Class get enclosingClass {
// A class's enclosing element is a library, and there isn't a
// modelelement for a library.
if (element.enclosingElement != null &&
element.enclosingElement is ClassElement) {
return new ModelElement.from(element.enclosingElement, library) as Class;
} else {
return null;
Package get package =>
(this is Library) ? (this as Library).package : this.library.package;
String get linkedName {
if (!package.isDocumented(this.element)) {
return htmlEscape(name);
if (name.startsWith('_')) {
return htmlEscape(name);
// this smells like it's in the wrong place
Class c = enclosingClass;
if (c != null &&'_')) {
return '${}.${htmlEscape(name)}';
return '<a href="${href}">$name</a>';
String get href => package.isDocumented(this.element) ? _href : null;
String get _href;
String linkedParams(
{bool showMetadata: true, bool showNames: true, String separator: ', '}) {
String renderParam(Parameter p) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.write('<span class="parameter" id="${p.htmlId}">');
if (showMetadata && p.hasAnnotations) {
buf.write('<ol class="comma-separated metadata-annotations">');
p.annotations.forEach((String annotation) {
buf.write('<li class="metadata-annotation">@$annotation</li>');
buf.write('</ol> ');
if (p.modelType.isFunctionType) {
'<span class="type-annotation">${(p.modelType.element as Typedef).linkedReturnType}</span>');
if (showNames) {
buf.write(' <span class="parameter-name">${}</span>');
.linkedParams(showNames: showNames, showMetadata: showMetadata));
} else if (p.modelType != null && p.modelType.element != null) {
var mt = p.modelType;
String typeName = "";
if (mt != null && !mt.isDynamic) {
typeName = mt.linkedName;
if (typeName.isNotEmpty) {
buf.write('<span class="type-annotation">$typeName</span> ');
if (showNames) {
buf.write('<span class="parameter-name">${}</span>');
if (p.hasDefaultValue) {
if (p.isOptionalNamed) {
buf.write(': ');
} else {
buf.write(' = ');
buf.write('<span class="default-value">${p.defaultValue}</span>');
return buf.toString();
String renderParams(Iterable<Parameter> params,
{String open: '', String close: ''}) {
return '$open${}$close';
Iterable<Parameter> requiredParams =
parameters.where((Parameter p) => !p.isOptional);
Iterable<Parameter> positionalParams =
parameters.where((Parameter p) => p.isOptionalPositional);
Iterable<Parameter> namedParams =
parameters.where((Parameter p) => p.isOptionalNamed);
List<String> fragments = [];
if (requiredParams.isNotEmpty) {
if (positionalParams.isNotEmpty) {
fragments.add(renderParams(positionalParams, open: '[', close: ']'));
if (namedParams.isNotEmpty) {
fragments.add(renderParams(namedParams, open: '{', close: '}'));
return fragments.join(separator);
String get linkedParamsNoMetadata => linkedParams(showMetadata: false);
/// End each parameter with `<br>`
String get linkedParamsLines {
return linkedParams(separator: ',<br>');
// TODO: how do we get rid of this class?
class Dynamic extends ModelElement {
Dynamic(DynamicElementImpl element, Library library)
: super(element, library);
ModelElement get enclosingElement => throw new UnsupportedError('');
String get _href => throw new StateError('dynamic should not have an href');
String get kind => 'dynamic';
class Package implements Nameable, Documentable {
final List<Library> _libraries = [];
final PackageMeta packageMeta;
String _docsAsHtml;
String get name =>;
String get version => packageMeta.version;
bool get hasDocumentation =>
documentationFile != null && documentationFile.contents.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasDocumentationFile => documentationFile != null;
FileContents get documentationFile => packageMeta.getReadmeContents();
// TODO: make this work
String get oneLineDoc => '';
// TODO: Clients should use [documentationFile] so they can act differently on
// plain text or markdown.
String get documentation {
return hasDocumentationFile ? documentationFile.contents : null;
String get documentationAsHtml {
if (_docsAsHtml != null) return _docsAsHtml;
_docsAsHtml = renderMarkdownToHtml(documentation);
return _docsAsHtml;
// TODO: make this work
bool get hasMoreThanOneLineDocs => true;
List<Library> get libraries => _libraries;
Package(Iterable<LibraryElement> libraryElements, this.packageMeta) {
libraryElements.forEach((element) {
var lib = new Library(element, this);
Library._libraryMap.putIfAbsent(, () => lib);
_libraries.forEach((library) {
_implementors.values.forEach((l) => l.sort());
/// Does this package represent the SDK?
bool get isSdk => packageMeta.isSdk;
String toString() => isSdk ? 'SDK' : 'Package $name';
Library findLibraryFor(final Element element) {
if (element is LibraryElement) {
// will equality work here? or should we check names?
return _libraries.firstWhere((lib) => lib.element == element,
orElse: () => null);
Element el;
if (element is ClassMemberElement || element is PropertyAccessorElement) {
if (element.enclosingElement is! CompilationUnitElement) {
el = element.enclosingElement;
} else {
// in this case, element is an accessor for a library-level variable,
// likely a const. We, in this case, actually don't want the enclosing
// element because it's a compilation unit, whatever that is.
el = element;
} else if (element is TopLevelVariableElement) {
final TopLevelVariableElement variableElement = element;
if (variableElement.getter != null) {
el = variableElement.getter;
} else if (variableElement.setter != null) {
el = variableElement.setter;
} else {
el = variableElement;
} else {
el = element;
//debugger(when: == 'NAME_WITH_TWO_UNDERSCORES');
return _libraries.firstWhere((lib) => lib.hasInNamespace(el),
orElse: () => null);
bool isDocumented(Element element) => findLibraryFor(element) != null;
String get href => 'index.html';
Library _getLibraryFor(Element e) {
var lib;
lib = libraries.firstWhere((l) => l.hasInNamespace(e), orElse: () => null);
if (lib == null) {
lib = new Library(e.library, this);
return lib;
class Library extends ModelElement {
static final Map<String, Library> _libraryMap = <String, Library>{};
final Package package;
List<Class> _classes;
List<Class> _enums;
List<ModelFunction> _functions;
List<Typedef> _typeDefs;
List<TopLevelVariable> _variables;
Iterable<Element> _nameSpaceElements;
Namespace _namespace;
String _name;
LibraryElement get _library => (element as LibraryElement);
Library._(LibraryElement element, this.package) : super(element, null);
factory Library(LibraryElement element, Package package) {
var key = element == null ? 'null' :;
if (key.isEmpty) {
var name =;
key = name.substring(0, name.length - '.dart'.length);
if (_libraryMap.containsKey(key)) {
return _libraryMap[key];
var library = new Library._(element, package);
_libraryMap[key] = library;
return library;
String get kind => 'library';
/// Libraries are not enclosed by anything.
ModelElement get enclosingElement => null;
Library get library => this;
Iterable<Element> get _exportedNamespace {
if (_nameSpaceElements == null) _buildExportedNamespace();
return _nameSpaceElements;
_buildExportedNamespace() {
_namespace =
new NamespaceBuilder().createExportNamespaceForLibrary(_library);
_nameSpaceElements = _namespace.definedNames.values;
bool hasInNamespace(Element element) {
if (_namespace == null) _buildExportedNamespace();
var e = _namespace.get(;
// Fix for #587, comparison between elements isn't reliable.
//return e == element;
return e.runtimeType == element.runtimeType &&
e.nameOffset == element.nameOffset;
bool get isAnonymous => == null ||;
String get name {
if (_name != null) return _name;
// handle the case of an anonymous library
if ( == null || {
_name =;
if (_name.endsWith('.dart')) {
_name = _name.substring(0, _name.length - '.dart'.length);
} else {
_name =;
// So, if the library is a system library, it's name is not
// dart:___, it's dart.___. Apparently the way to get to the dart:___
// name is to get source.encoding.
// This may be wrong or misleading, but developers expect the name
// of dart:____
var source = _library.definingCompilationUnit.source;
_name = source.isInSystemLibrary ? source.encoding : _name;
return _name;
String get path =>;
String get dirName => name.replaceAll(':', '-');
String get fileName => '$dirName-library.html';
bool get isInSdk => _library.isInSdk;
bool get isNotDocumented => oneLineDoc.isEmpty;
List<TopLevelVariable> _getVariables() {
if (_variables != null) return _variables;
Set<TopLevelVariableElement> elements = new Set();
for (CompilationUnitElement cu in {
_exportedNamespace.forEach((element) {
if (element is PropertyAccessorElement) elements.add(element.variable);
_variables = elements
.map((e) => new TopLevelVariable(e, this))
.toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
return _variables;
bool get hasProperties => _getVariables().any((v) => !v.isConst);
/// All variables ("properties") except constants.
List<TopLevelVariable> get properties {
return _getVariables().where((v) => !v.isConst).toList(growable: false)
bool get hasConstants => _getVariables().any((v) => v.isConst);
List<TopLevelVariable> get constants {
return _getVariables().where((v) => v.isConst).toList(growable: false)
bool get hasEnums => enums.isNotEmpty;
List<Class> get enums {
if (_enums != null) return _enums;
List<ClassElement> enumClasses = [];
.where((element) => element is ClassElement && element.isEnum));
_enums = enumClasses
.map((e) => new Enum(e, this))
.toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
return _enums;
Class getClassByName(String name) {
return _allClasses.firstWhere((it) => == name, orElse: () => null);
bool get hasTypedefs => typedefs.isNotEmpty;
List<Typedef> get typedefs {
if (_typeDefs != null) return _typeDefs;
Set<FunctionTypeAliasElement> elements = new Set();
for (CompilationUnitElement cu in {
.where((element) => element is FunctionTypeAliasElement));
_typeDefs = elements
.map((e) => new Typedef(e, this))
.toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
return _typeDefs;
bool get hasFunctions => functions.isNotEmpty;
List<ModelFunction> get functions {
if (_functions != null) return _functions;
Set<FunctionElement> elements = new Set();
for (CompilationUnitElement cu in {
_exportedNamespace.where((element) => element is FunctionElement));
_functions = {
return new ModelFunction(e, this);
}).toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
return _functions;
List<Class> get _allClasses {
if (_classes != null) return _classes;
Set<ClassElement> types = new Set();
for (CompilationUnitElement cu in {
for (LibraryElement le in _library.exportedLibraries) {
.where((t) => _exportedNamespace.contains(
.where((element) => element is ClassElement && !element.isEnum));
_classes = types
.map((e) => new Class(e, this))
.toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
return _classes;
List<Class> get classes {
return _allClasses
.where((c) => !c.isErrorOrException)
.toList(growable: false);
List<Class> get allClasses => _allClasses;
bool get hasClasses => classes.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasExceptions => _allClasses.any((c) => c.isErrorOrException);
List<Class> get exceptions {
return _allClasses
.where((c) => c.isErrorOrException)
.toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
String get _href => '$dirName/$fileName';
class Class extends ModelElement implements EnclosedElement {
List<ElementType> _mixins;
ElementType _supertype;
List<ElementType> _interfaces;
List<Constructor> _constructors;
List<Method> _allMethods;
List<Operator> _operators;
List<Operator> _inheritedOperators;
List<Operator> _allOperators;
List<Method> _inheritedMethods;
List<Method> _staticMethods;
List<Method> _instanceMethods;
List<Method> _allInstanceMethods;
List<Field> _fields;
List<Field> _staticFields;
List<Field> _constants;
List<Field> _instanceFields;
List<Field> _inheritedProperties;
List<Field> _allInstanceProperties;
ClassElement get _cls => (element as ClassElement);
Class(ClassElement element, Library library) : super(element, library) {
var p = library.package;
_modelType = new ElementType(_cls.type, this);
_mixins = {
var lib = new Library(f.element.library, p);
var t = new ElementType(f, new ModelElement.from(f.element, lib));
var exclude = t.element.element.isPrivate;
if (exclude) {
return null;
} else {
return t;
}).where((mixin) => mixin != null).toList(growable: false);
if (_cls.supertype != null && _cls.supertype.element.supertype != null) {
Library lib = package._getLibraryFor(_cls.supertype.element);
_supertype = new ElementType(
_cls.supertype, new ModelElement.from(_cls.supertype.element, lib));
/* Private Superclasses should not be shown. */
var exclude = _supertype.element.element.isPrivate;
/* Hide dart2js related stuff */
exclude = exclude ||
("dart:") && == "NativeFieldWrapperClass2");
if (exclude) {
_supertype = null;
_interfaces = {
var lib = new Library(f.element.library, p);
var t = new ElementType(f, new ModelElement.from(f.element, lib));
var exclude = t.element.element.isPrivate;
if (exclude) {
return null;
} else {
return t;
}).where((it) => it != null).toList(growable: false);
/// Returns the library that encloses this element.
ModelElement get enclosingElement => library;
String get nameWithGenerics {
if (!modelType.isParameterizedType) return name;
return '$name&lt${ =>', ')}&gt';
List<TypeParameter> get _typeParameters => {
var lib = new Library(f.enclosingElement.library, package);
return new TypeParameter(f, lib);
String get kind => 'class';
String get fileName => "${name}-class.html";
bool get isAbstract => _cls.isAbstract;
bool get hasSupertype => supertype != null;
bool get hasModifiers => hasMixins ||
hasAnnotations ||
hasInterfaces ||
hasSupertype ||
ElementType get supertype => _supertype;
List<ElementType> get superChain {
List<ElementType> typeChain = [];
var parent = _supertype;
while (parent != null) {
parent = (parent.element as Class)._supertype;
return typeChain;
List<ElementType> get superChainReversed => superChain.reversed.toList();
List<ElementType> get mixins => _mixins;
bool get hasMixins => mixins.isNotEmpty;
List<ElementType> get interfaces => _interfaces;
bool get hasInterfaces => interfaces.isNotEmpty;
/// Returns all the implementors of the class specified.
List<Class> get implementors =>
_implementors[this] != null ? _implementors[this] : [];
bool get hasImplementors => implementors.isNotEmpty;
List<Field> get _allFields {
if (_fields != null) return _fields;
_fields = _cls.fields
.map((e) => new Field(e, library))
.toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
return _fields;
List<Field> get staticProperties {
if (_staticFields != null) return _staticFields;
_staticFields = _allFields
.where((f) => f.isStatic)
.where((f) => !f.isConst)
.toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
return _staticFields;
bool get hasInstanceProperties => instanceProperties.isNotEmpty;
List<Field> get instanceProperties {
if (_instanceFields != null) return _instanceFields;
_instanceFields = _allFields
.where((f) => !f.isStatic)
.toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
return _instanceFields;
List<Field> get constants {
if (_constants != null) return _constants;
_constants = _allFields.where((f) => f.isConst).toList(growable: false)
return _constants;
bool get hasConstants => constants.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasStaticProperties => staticProperties.isNotEmpty;
List<Constructor> get constructors {
if (_constructors != null) return _constructors;
_constructors = _cls.constructors.where(isPublic).map((e) {
return new Constructor(e, library);
}).toList(growable: true)..sort(byName);
return _constructors;
bool get hasConstructors => constructors.isNotEmpty;
List<Method> get _methods {
if (_allMethods != null) return _allMethods;
_allMethods = _cls.methods.where(isPublic).map((e) {
if (!e.isOperator) {
return new Method(e, library);
} else {
return new Operator(e, library);
}).toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
return _allMethods;
List<Operator> get operators {
if (_operators != null) return _operators;
_operators = _methods.where((m) => m.isOperator).toList(growable: false)
return _operators;
bool get hasOperators =>
operators.isNotEmpty || inheritedOperators.isNotEmpty;
List<Operator> get allOperators {
if (_allOperators != null) return _allOperators;
_allOperators = []
return _allOperators;
List<Method> get staticMethods {
if (_staticMethods != null) return _staticMethods;
_staticMethods = _methods.where((m) => m.isStatic).toList(growable: false)
return _staticMethods;
bool get hasStaticMethods => staticMethods.isNotEmpty;
List<Method> get instanceMethods {
if (_instanceMethods != null) return _instanceMethods;
_instanceMethods = _methods
.where((m) => !m.isStatic && !m.isOperator)
.toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
return _instanceMethods;
bool get hasInstanceMethods => instanceMethods.isNotEmpty;
// TODO: make this method smarter about hierarchies and overrides. Right
// now, we're creating a flat list. We're not paying attention to where
// these methods are actually coming from. This might turn out to be a
// problem if we want to show that info later.
List<Method> get inheritedMethods {
if (_inheritedMethods != null) return _inheritedMethods;
InheritanceManager manager = new InheritanceManager(element.library);
MemberMap cmap = manager.getMapOfMembersInheritedFromClasses(element);
MemberMap imap = manager.getMapOfMembersInheritedFromInterfaces(element);
// remove methods that exist on this class
_methods.forEach((method) {
_inheritedMethods = [];
List<ExecutableElement> vs = [];
Set<String> uniqueNames = new Set();
for (var i = 0; i < cmap.size; i++) {
// XXX: if we care about showing a hierarchy with our inherited methods,
// then don't do this
if (uniqueNames.contains(cmap.getKey(i))) continue;
for (var i = 0; i < imap.size; i++) {
// XXX: if we care about showing a hierarchy with our inherited methods,
// then don't do this
if (uniqueNames.contains(imap.getKey(i))) continue;
for (ExecutableElement value in vs) {
if (value != null &&
value is MethodElement &&
!value.isPrivate &&
!value.isOperator &&
value.enclosingElement != null && != 'Object') {
var lib = value.library == library.element
? library
: new Library(value.library, package);
_inheritedMethods.add(new Method.inherited(value, lib));
return _inheritedMethods;
List<Method> get allInstanceMethods {
if (_allInstanceMethods != null) return _allInstanceMethods;
_allInstanceMethods = []
return _allInstanceMethods;
List<Method> get inheritedOperators {
if (_inheritedOperators != null) return _inheritedOperators;
InheritanceManager manager = new InheritanceManager(element.library);
MemberMap cmap = manager.getMapOfMembersInheritedFromClasses(element);
MemberMap imap = manager.getMapOfMembersInheritedFromInterfaces(element);
operators.forEach((operator) {
_inheritedOperators = [];
var vs = {};
bool _isInheritedOperator(ExecutableElement value) {
if (value != null &&
value is MethodElement &&
!value.isPrivate &&
value.isOperator &&
value.enclosingElement != null && != 'Object') {
return true;
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < imap.size; i++) {
var value = imap.getValue(i);
if (_isInheritedOperator(value)) {
vs.putIfAbsent(, () => value);
for (var i = 0; i < cmap.size; i++) {
var value = cmap.getValue(i);
if (_isInheritedOperator(value)) {
vs.putIfAbsent(, () => value);
for (var value in vs.values) {
var lib = value.library == library.element
? library
: new Library(value.library, package);
_inheritedOperators.add(new Operator.inherited(value, lib));
return _inheritedOperators;
bool get hasInheritedMethods => inheritedMethods.isNotEmpty;
// TODO: make this method smarter about hierarchies and overrides. Right
// now, we're creating a flat list. We're not paying attention to where
// these methods are actually coming from. This might turn out to be a
// problem if we want to show that info later.
List<Field> get inheritedProperties {
if (_inheritedProperties != null) return _inheritedProperties;
InheritanceManager manager = new InheritanceManager(element.library);
MemberMap cmap = manager.getMapOfMembersInheritedFromClasses(element);
MemberMap imap = manager.getMapOfMembersInheritedFromInterfaces(element);
_inheritedProperties = [];
List<ExecutableElement> vs = [];
Set<String> uniqueNames = new Set();
for (var i = 0; i < cmap.size; i++) {
// XXX: if we care about showing a hierarchy with our inherited methods,
// then don't do this
if (uniqueNames.contains(cmap.getKey(i))) continue;
for (var i = 0; i < imap.size; i++) {
// XXX: if we care about showing a hierarchy with our inherited methods,
// then don't do this
if (uniqueNames.contains(imap.getKey(i))) continue;
vs.removeWhere((it) => instanceProperties.any((i) => ==;
for (var value in vs) {
if (value != null &&
value is PropertyAccessorElement &&
!value.isPrivate &&
value.enclosingElement != null && != 'Object') {
var e = value.variable;
if (_inheritedProperties.any((f) => f.element == e)) {
var lib = value.library == library.element
? library
: new Library(value.library, package);
_inheritedProperties.add(new Field.inherited(e, lib));
return _inheritedProperties;
bool get hasMethods =>
instanceMethods.isNotEmpty || inheritedMethods.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasProperties =>
inheritedProperties.isNotEmpty || instanceProperties.isNotEmpty;
List<Field> get allInstanceProperties {
if (_allInstanceProperties != null) return _allInstanceProperties;
// TODO best way to make this a fixed length list?
_allInstanceProperties = []
return _allInstanceProperties;
bool get isErrorOrException {
bool _doCheck(InterfaceType type) {
return (type.element.library.isDartCore &&
( == 'Exception' || == 'Error'));
// if this class is itself Error or Exception, return true
if (_doCheck(_cls.type)) return true;
return _cls.allSupertypes.any(_doCheck);
bool operator ==(o) => o is Class &&
name == && == && ==;
// a stronger hash?
int get hashCode => hash3(
String get _href => '${library.dirName}/$fileName';
class Enum extends Class {
List<EnumField> _constants;
Enum(ClassElement element, Library library) : super(element, library);
String get kind => 'enum';
List<EnumField> get constants {
if (_constants != null) return _constants;
// is there a better way to get the index during a map() ?
var index = 0;
_constants = _cls.fields
.where((f) => f.isConst)
.map((field) => new EnumField.forConstant(index++, field, library))
.toList(growable: false)..sort(byName);
return _constants;
List<EnumField> get instanceProperties {
return super
.map((Field p) => new EnumField(p.element, p.library))
.toList(growable: false);
abstract class SourceCodeMixin {
String get sourceCode {
String contents =;
var node = element.computeNode(); // TODO: computeNode once we go to 0.25.2
// find the start of the line, so that we can line up all the indents
int i = node.offset;
while (i > 0) {
i -= 1;
if (contents[i] == '\n' || contents[i] == '\r') {
i += 1;
// Trim the common indent from the source snippet.
String source =
contents.substring(node.offset - (node.offset - i), node.end);
String remainer = source.trimLeft();
String indent = source.substring(0, source.length - remainer.length);
return source.split('\n').map((line) {
line = line.trimRight();
return line.startsWith(indent) ? line.substring(indent.length) : line;
bool get hasSourceCode => sourceCode.trim().isNotEmpty;
Element get element;
class ModelFunction extends ModelElement
with SourceCodeMixin
implements EnclosedElement {
ModelFunction(FunctionElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library) {
_modelType = new ElementType(_func.type, this);
ModelElement get enclosingElement => library;
FunctionElement get _func => (element as FunctionElement);
bool get isStatic => _func.isStatic;
String get linkedReturnType => modelType.createLinkedReturnTypeName();
String get fileName => "$name.html";
String get kind => 'function';
String get _href => '${library.dirName}/$fileName';
class Typedef extends ModelElement implements EnclosedElement {
FunctionTypeAliasElement get _typedef =>
(element as FunctionTypeAliasElement);
Typedef(FunctionTypeAliasElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library) {
if (element.type != null) {
_modelType = new ElementType(element.type, this);
String get kind => 'typedef';
ModelElement get enclosingElement => library;
String get fileName => '$name.html';
String get linkedReturnType => modelType != null
? modelType.createLinkedReturnTypeName()
String get _href => '${library.dirName}/$fileName';
// TODO: rename this to Property
class Field extends ModelElement
with GetterSetterCombo
implements EnclosedElement {
String _constantValue;
bool _isInherited = false;
FieldElement get _field => (element as FieldElement);
Field(FieldElement element, Library library) : super(element, library) {
Field.inherited(FieldElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library) {
_isInherited = true;
String get kind => 'property';
ModelElement get enclosingElement =>
new ModelElement.from(_field.enclosingElement, library);
void _setModelType() {
if (hasGetter) {
var t = _field.getter.returnType;
_modelType = new ElementType(t,
new ModelElement.from(t.element, package._getLibraryFor(t.element)));
} else {
var s = _field.setter.parameters.first.type;
_modelType = new ElementType(s,
new ModelElement.from(s.element, package._getLibraryFor(s.element)));
bool get isFinal => _field.isFinal;
bool get isConst => _field.isConst;
String get linkedReturnType => modelType.linkedName;
String get constantValue {
if (_constantValue != null) return _constantValue;
if (_field.computeNode() == null) return null;
var v = _field.computeNode().toSource();
if (v == null) return null;
var string = v.substring(v.indexOf('=') + 1, v.length).trim();
_constantValue = string.replaceAll(, modelType.linkedName);
return _constantValue;
bool get hasGetter => _field.getter != null;
bool get hasSetter => _field.setter != null;
PropertyAccessorElement get getter => _field.getter;
PropertyAccessorElement get setter => _field.setter;
String computeDocumentationComment() => _field.computeDocumentationComment();
bool get readOnly => hasGetter && !hasSetter;
bool get writeOnly => hasSetter && !hasGetter;
bool get readWrite => hasGetter && hasSetter;
String get typeName => "property";
bool get isInherited => _isInherited;
String get _href {
if (element.enclosingElement is ClassElement) {
return '${library.dirName}/${}/$name.html';
} else if (element.enclosingElement is LibraryElement) {
return '${library.dirName}/$name.html';
} else {
throw new StateError(
'$name is not in a class or library, instead a ${element.enclosingElement}');
/// Enum's fields are virtual, so we do a little work to create
/// usable values for the docs.
class EnumField extends Field {
int _index;
EnumField.forConstant(this._index, FieldElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library);
EnumField(FieldElement element, Library library) : super(element, library);
String get constantValue {
if (name == 'values') {
return 'const List&lt;${}&gt;';
} else {
return 'const ${}($_index)';
String get documentation {
if (name == 'values') {
return 'A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.';
} else {
return super.documentation;
String get linkedName => name;
class Constructor extends ModelElement implements EnclosedElement {
ConstructorElement get _constructor => (element as ConstructorElement);
Constructor(ConstructorElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library);
String get kind => 'constructor';
ModelElement get enclosingElement =>
new ModelElement.from(_constructor.enclosingElement, library);
String get _href =>
bool get isConst => _constructor.isConst;
String get shortName {
if (name.contains('.')) {
return name.substring( + 1);
} else {
return name;
String get name {
String constructorName =;
Class c = enclosingClass;
if (constructorName.isEmpty) {
} else {
return '${}.$constructorName';
class Method extends ModelElement
with SourceCodeMixin
implements EnclosedElement {
bool _isInherited = false;
MethodElement get _method => (element as MethodElement);
Method(MethodElement element, Library library) : super(element, library) {
_modelType = new ElementType(_method.type, this);
Method.inherited(MethodElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library) {
_modelType = new ElementType(_method.type, this);
_isInherited = true;
String get kind => 'method';
ModelElement get enclosingElement =>
new ModelElement.from(_method.enclosingElement, library);
Method get overriddenElement {
ClassElement parent = element.enclosingElement;
for (InterfaceType t in getAllSupertypes(parent)) {
if (t.getMethod( != null) {
return new Method(t.getMethod(, library);
return null;
bool get isStatic => _method.isStatic;
bool get isOperator => false;
String get typeName => 'method';
String get linkedReturnType => modelType.createLinkedReturnTypeName();
String get fileName => "${name}.html";
String get _href =>
bool get isInherited => _isInherited;
class Operator extends Method {
Operator(MethodElement element, Library library) : super(element, library);
Operator.inherited(MethodElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library) {
_isInherited = true;
bool get isOperator => true;
String get typeName => 'operator';
String get fileName {
var actualName =;
if (friendlyNames.containsKey(actualName)) {
return "operator_${friendlyNames[actualName]}.html";
} else {
return '$actualName.html';
String get name {
return 'operator ${}';
static const Map<String, String> friendlyNames = const {
"[]": "get",
"[]=": "put",
"~": "bitwise_negate",
"==": "equals",
"-": "minus",
"+": "plus",
"*": "multiply",
"/": "divide",
"<": "less",
">": "greater",
">=": "greater_equal",
"<=": "less_equal",
"<<": "shift_left",
">>": "shift_right",
"^": "bitwise_exclusive_or",
"unary-": "unary_minus",
"|": "bitwise_or",
"&": "bitwise_and",
"~/": "truncate_divide",
"%": "modulo"
/// Getters and setters.
class Accessor extends ModelElement implements EnclosedElement {
PropertyAccessorElement get _accessor => (element as PropertyAccessorElement);
Accessor(PropertyAccessorElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library);
String get kind => 'accessor';
ModelElement get enclosingElement =>
new ModelElement.from(_accessor.enclosingElement, library);
bool get isGetter => _accessor.isGetter;
String get _href =>
/// Mixin for top-level variables and fields (aka properties)
abstract class GetterSetterCombo {
bool get hasGetter;
bool get hasSetter;
PropertyAccessorElement get getter;
PropertyAccessorElement get setter;
String computeDocumentationComment();
String get _computeDocumentationComment {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (hasGetter) {
String docs = stripComments(getter.computeDocumentationComment());
if (docs != null) buffer.write(docs);
if (hasSetter && !setter.isSynthetic) {
String docs = stripComments(setter.computeDocumentationComment());
if (docs != null) {
if (buffer.isNotEmpty) buffer.write('\n\n');
if (buffer.isNotEmpty) return buffer.toString();
// TODO: check that we'd ever get here. Doesn't seem like we would.
// This is old.
return computeDocumentationComment();
String get getterDocsAsHtml => '';
String get setterDocsAsHtml => '';
/// Top-level variables. But also picks up getters and setters?
class TopLevelVariable extends ModelElement
with GetterSetterCombo
implements EnclosedElement {
TopLevelVariableElement get _variable => (element as TopLevelVariableElement);
TopLevelVariable(TopLevelVariableElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library) {
if (hasGetter) {
var t = _variable.getter.returnType;
_modelType = new ElementType(t,
new ModelElement.from(t.element, package._getLibraryFor(t.element)));
} else {
var s = _variable.setter.parameters.first.type;
_modelType = new ElementType(s,
new ModelElement.from(s.element, package._getLibraryFor(s.element)));
String get kind => 'top-level property';
ModelElement get enclosingElement => library;
bool get isFinal => _variable.isFinal;
bool get isConst => _variable.isConst;
bool get readOnly => hasGetter && !hasSetter;
bool get writeOnly => hasSetter && !hasGetter;
bool get readWrite => hasGetter && hasSetter;
String get linkedReturnType => modelType.linkedName;
bool get hasGetter => _variable.getter != null;
bool get hasSetter => _variable.setter != null;
PropertyAccessorElement get getter => _variable.getter;
PropertyAccessorElement get setter => _variable.setter;
String computeDocumentationComment() {
return _variable.computeDocumentationComment();
String get constantValue {
var v = (_variable as ConstTopLevelVariableElementImpl)
if (v == null) return '';
var string = v.substring(v.indexOf('=') + 1, v.length).trim();
return string.replaceAll(, modelType.linkedName);
String get _href => '${library.dirName}/${name}.html';
class Parameter extends ModelElement implements EnclosedElement {
Parameter(ParameterElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library) {
var t = _parameter.type;
_modelType = new ElementType(
t, new ModelElement.from(t.element, package._getLibraryFor(t.element)));
String get kind => 'parameter';
ModelElement get enclosingElement =>
new ModelElement.from(_parameter.enclosingElement, library);
ParameterElement get _parameter => element as ParameterElement;
bool get isOptional => _parameter.parameterKind.isOptional;
bool get isOptionalPositional =>
_parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.POSITIONAL;
bool get isOptionalNamed => _parameter.parameterKind == ParameterKind.NAMED;
bool get hasDefaultValue {
return _parameter.defaultValueCode != null &&
String get defaultValue {
if (!hasDefaultValue) return null;
return _parameter.defaultValueCode;
String toString() =>;
String get htmlId => '${}-param-${name}';
String get _href {
var p = _parameter.enclosingElement;
if (p is FunctionElement) {
return '${library.dirName}/${}.html';
} else {
// TODO: why is this logic here?
var name = Operator.friendlyNames.containsKey(
? Operator.friendlyNames[]
return '${library.dirName}/${}/' +
class TypeParameter extends ModelElement {
TypeParameter(TypeParameterElement element, Library library)
: super(element, library) {
_modelType = new ElementType(_typeParameter.type, this);
String get kind => 'type parameter';
TypeParameterElement get _typeParameter => element as TypeParameterElement;
String toString() =>;
String get name {
var bound = _typeParameter.bound;
return bound != null
? '${} extends ${}'
String get _href =>
class ElementType {
DartType _type;
ModelElement _element;
String _linkedName;
ElementType(this._type, this._element);
String toString() => "$_type";
bool get isDynamic => _type.isDynamic;
bool get isParameterType => (_type is TypeParameterType);
bool get isFunctionType => (_type is FunctionType);
ModelElement get element => _element;
String get name =>;
// TODO: this is probably a bug. Apparently, EVERYTHING is a parameterized type?
bool get isParameterizedType => (_type is ParameterizedType) &&
(_type as ParameterizedType).typeArguments.isNotEmpty;
String get _returnTypeName => (_type as FunctionType);
ElementType get _returnType {
var rt = (_type as FunctionType).returnType;
return new ElementType(
new ModelElement.from(rt.element,
new Library(_element.library.element, _element.package)));
ModelElement get returnElement {
Element e = (_type as FunctionType).returnType.element;
if (e == null) {
return null;
Library lib = new Library(e.library, _element.package);
return (new ModelElement.from(e, lib));
List<ElementType> get typeArguments =>
(_type as ParameterizedType) {
var lib = new Library(f.element.library, _element.package);
return new ElementType(f, new ModelElement.from(f.element, lib));
String get linkedName {
if (_linkedName != null) return _linkedName;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if (isParameterType) {
} else {
// not TypeParameterType or Void or Union type
if (isParameterizedType) {
var list = typeArguments.where((t) => t.linkedName != 'dynamic').toList();
if (list.isNotEmpty) {
var string = => t.linkedName).join(',');
_linkedName = buf.toString();
return _linkedName;
String createLinkedReturnTypeName() {
if ((_type as FunctionType).returnType.element == null ||
(_type as FunctionType).returnType.element.library == null) {
if (_returnTypeName != null) {
if (_returnTypeName == 'dynamic' && element.isAsynchronous) {
// TODO(keertip): for SDK docs it should be a link
return 'Future';
return _returnTypeName;
} else {
return '';
} else {
return _returnType.linkedName;