blob: d85c9aa3baec6bdceb1dfa8f69e819ea27295ef8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/packages.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/sdk/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/package_map_resolver.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/dartdoc_options.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/logging.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/model.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/quiver.dart' as quiver;
import 'package:dartdoc/src/package_config_provider.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/package_meta.dart'
show PackageMeta, PackageMetaProvider;
import 'package:dartdoc/src/render/renderer_factory.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/special_elements.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// Everything you need to instantiate a PackageGraph object for documenting.
abstract class PackageBuilder {
// Builds package graph to be used by documentation generator.
Future<PackageGraph> buildPackageGraph();
/// A package builder that understands pub package format.
class PubPackageBuilder implements PackageBuilder {
final DartdocOptionContext config;
final PackageMetaProvider packageMetaProvider;
final PackageConfigProvider packageConfigProvider;
this.config, this.packageMetaProvider, this.packageConfigProvider);
Future<PackageGraph> buildPackageGraph() async {
if (!config.sdkDocs) {
if (config.topLevelPackageMeta.needsPubGet &&
config.topLevelPackageMeta.requiresFlutter &&
config.flutterRoot == null) {
throw DartdocOptionError(
'Top level package requires Flutter but FLUTTER_ROOT environment variable not set');
if (config.topLevelPackageMeta.needsPubGet) {
var rendererFactory = RendererFactory.forFormat(config.format);
await _calculatePackageMap();
var newGraph = PackageGraph.UninitializedPackageGraph(
await getLibraries(newGraph);
await newGraph.initializePackageGraph();
return newGraph;
/*late final*/ DartSdk _sdk;
DartSdk get sdk {
_sdk ??= packageMetaProvider.defaultSdk ??
resourceProvider, resourceProvider.getFolder(config.sdkDir));
return _sdk;
EmbedderSdk _embedderSdk;
EmbedderSdk get embedderSdk {
if (_embedderSdk == null && !config.topLevelPackageMeta.isSdk) {
_embedderSdk = EmbedderSdk(
resourceProvider, EmbedderYamlLocator(_packageMap).embedderYamls);
return _embedderSdk;
ResourceProvider get resourceProvider => packageMetaProvider.resourceProvider;
Future<void> _calculatePackageMap() async {
assert(_packageMap == null);
_packageMap = <String, List<Folder>>{};
Folder cwd = resourceProvider.getResource(config.inputDir);
var info = await packageConfigProvider
if (info == null) return;
for (var package in info.packages) {
var packagePath = path.normalize(path.fromUri(package.packageUriRoot));
var resource = resourceProvider.getResource(packagePath);
if (resource is Folder) {
_packageMap[] = [resource];
/*late final*/ Map<String, List<Folder>> _packageMap;
DartUriResolver _embedderResolver;
DartUriResolver get embedderResolver {
_embedderResolver ??= DartUriResolver(embedderSdk);
return _embedderResolver;
SourceFactory get sourceFactory {
final UriResolver packageResolver =
PackageMapUriResolver(resourceProvider, _packageMap);
UriResolver sdkResolver;
if (embedderSdk == null || embedderSdk.urlMappings.isEmpty) {
// The embedder uri resolver has no mappings. Use the default Dart SDK
// uri resolver.
sdkResolver = DartUriResolver(sdk);
} else {
// The embedder uri resolver has mappings, use it instead of the default
// Dart SDK uri resolver.
sdkResolver = embedderResolver;
/// [AnalysisDriver] seems to require package resolvers that
/// never resolve to embedded SDK files, and the resolvers list must still
/// contain a DartUriResolver. This hack won't be necessary once analyzer
/// has a clean public API.
var resolvers = [
PackageWithoutSdkResolver(packageResolver, sdkResolver),
resolvers.any((UriResolver resolver) => resolver is DartUriResolver));
return SourceFactory(resolvers);
AnalysisDriver _driver;
AnalysisDriver get driver {
if (_driver == null) {
var log = PerformanceLog(null);
var scheduler = AnalysisDriverScheduler(log);
var options = AnalysisOptionsImpl()
..hint = false
// TODO(jcollins-g): pass in an ExperimentStatus instead?
..contextFeatures = FeatureSet.fromEnableFlags(config.enableExperiment);
// TODO(jcollins-g): Make use of currently not existing API for managing
// many AnalysisDrivers
// TODO(jcollins-g): make use of DartProject isApi()
_driver = AnalysisDriver(scheduler, log, resourceProvider,
MemoryByteStore(), FileContentOverlay(), null, sourceFactory, options,
packages: Packages.empty);
driver.results.listen((_) => logProgress(''));
driver.exceptions.listen((_) {});
return _driver;
/// Return an Iterable with the sdk files we should parse.
/// Filter can be String or RegExp (technically, anything valid for
/// [String.contains])
Iterable<String> getSdkFilesToDocument() sync* {
for (var sdkLib in sdk.sdkLibraries) {
var source = sdk.mapDartUri(sdkLib.shortName);
yield source.fullName;
/// Parse a single library at [filePath] using the current analysis driver.
/// If [filePath] is not a library, returns null.
Future<DartDocResolvedLibrary> processLibrary(String filePath) async {
var name = filePath;
var directoryCurrentPath = resourceProvider.pathContext.current;
if (name.startsWith(directoryCurrentPath)) {
name = name.substring(directoryCurrentPath.length);
if (name.startsWith(resourceProvider.pathContext.separator)) {
name = name.substring(1);
var javaFile = JavaFile(filePath).getAbsoluteFile();
Source source = FileBasedSource(javaFile);
// TODO(jcollins-g): remove the manual reversal using embedderSdk when we
// upgrade to analyzer-0.30 (where DartUriResolver implements
// restoreAbsolute)
var uri = embedderSdk?.fromFileUri(source.uri)?.uri;
if (uri != null) {
source = FileBasedSource(javaFile, uri);
} else {
uri = driver.sourceFactory.restoreUri(source);
if (uri != null) {
source = FileBasedSource(javaFile, uri);
var sourceKind = await driver.getSourceKind(filePath);
// Allow dart source files with inappropriate suffixes (#1897). Those
// do not show up as SourceKind.LIBRARY.
if (sourceKind != SourceKind.PART) {
// Loading libraryElements from part files works, but is painfully slow
// and creates many duplicates.
final library =
await driver.currentSession.getResolvedLibrary(source.fullName);
final libraryElement = library.element;
var restoredUri = libraryElement.source.uri.toString();
if (!restoredUri.startsWith('dart:')) {
restoredUri =
return DartDocResolvedLibrary(library, restoredUri);
return null;
Set<PackageMeta> _packageMetasForFiles(Iterable<String> files) => {
for (var filename in files) packageMetaProvider.fromFilename(filename),
/// Parses libraries with the analyzer and invokes [libraryAdder] with each
/// result.
/// Uses [libraries] to prevent calling the callback more than once with the
/// same [LibraryElement]. Adds each [LibraryElement] found to [libraries].
Future<void> _parseLibraries(
void Function(DartDocResolvedLibrary) libraryAdder,
Set<LibraryElement> libraries,
Set<String> files,
[bool Function(LibraryElement) isLibraryIncluded]) async {
isLibraryIncluded ??= (_) => true;
var lastPass = <PackageMeta>{};
Set<PackageMeta> current;
var knownParts = <String>{};
do {
lastPass = _packageMetasForFiles(files);
// Be careful here not to accidentally stack up multiple
// [DartDocResolvedLibrary]s, as those eat our heap.
for (var f in files.difference(knownParts)) {
var r = await processLibrary(f);
if (r == null) {
if (!libraries.contains(r.element) && isLibraryIncluded(r.element)) {
logDebug('parsing ${f}...');
// Be sure to give the analyzer enough time to find all the files.
await driver.discoverAvailableFiles();
current = _packageMetasForFiles(files.difference(knownParts));
// To get canonicalization correct for non-locally documented packages
// (so we can generate the right hyperlinks), it's vital that we
// add all libraries in dependent packages. So if the analyzer
// discovers some files in a package we haven't seen yet, add files
// for that package.
for (var meta in current.difference(lastPass)) {
if (meta.isSdk) {
} else {
files.addAll(await findFilesToDocumentInPackage(meta.dir.path,
autoIncludeDependencies: false, filterExcludes: false)
} while (!lastPass.containsAll(current));
/// Given a package name, explore the directory and pull out all top level
/// library files in the "lib" directory to document.
Stream<String> findFilesToDocumentInPackage(String basePackageDir,
{@required bool autoIncludeDependencies,
bool filterExcludes = true}) async* {
var packageDirs = {basePackageDir};
if (autoIncludeDependencies) {
var info = await packageConfigProvider
for (var package in info.packages) {
if (!filterExcludes || !config.exclude.contains( {
var sep = path.separator;
for (var packageDir in packageDirs) {
var packageLibDir = path.join(packageDir, 'lib');
var packageLibSrcDir = path.join(packageLibDir, 'src');
// To avoid analyzing package files twice, only files with paths not
// containing '/packages' will be added. The only exception is if the file
// to analyze already has a '/package' in its path.
for (var lib
in _listDir(packageDir, recursive: true, listDir: _packageDirList)) {
if (lib.endsWith('.dart') &&
(!lib.contains('${sep}packages${sep}') ||
packageDir.contains('${sep}packages${sep}'))) {
// Only include libraries within the lib dir that are not in 'lib/src'.
if (path.isWithin(packageLibDir, lib) &&
!path.isWithin(packageLibSrcDir, lib)) {
// Only add the file if it does not contain 'part of'.
var contents = resourceProvider.getFile(lib).readAsStringSync();
if (contents.startsWith('part of ') ||
contents.contains('\npart of ')) {
// NOOP: it's a part file.
} else {
yield lib;
/// Lists the contents of [dir].
/// If [recursive] is `true`, lists subdirectory contents (defaults to `false`).
/// Excludes files and directories beginning with `.`
/// The returned paths are guaranteed to begin with [dir].
Iterable<String> _listDir(String dir,
{bool recursive = false,
Iterable<Resource> Function(Folder dir) listDir}) {
listDir ??= (Folder dir) => dir.getChildren();
return _doList(dir, <String>{}, recursive, listDir);
Iterable<String> _doList(String dir, Set<String> listedDirectories,
bool recurse, Iterable<Resource> Function(Folder dir) listDir) sync* {
// Avoid recursive symlinks.
var resolvedPath =
if (!listedDirectories.contains(resolvedPath)) {
listedDirectories = Set<String>.from(listedDirectories);
for (var resource in listDir(resourceProvider.getFolder(dir))) {
// Skip hidden files and directories
if (path.basename(resource.path).startsWith('.')) {
yield resource.path;
if (resource is Folder && recurse) {
yield* _doList(resource.path, listedDirectories, recurse, listDir);
/// Calculate includeExternals based on a list of files. Assumes each
/// file might be part of a [DartdocOptionContext], and loads those
/// objects to find any [DartdocOptionContext.includeExternal] configurations
/// therein.
Iterable<String> _includeExternalsFrom(Iterable<String> files) sync* {
for (var file in files) {
var fileContext = DartdocOptionContext.fromContext(config,
config.resourceProvider.getFile(file), config.resourceProvider);
if (fileContext.includeExternal != null) {
yield* fileContext.includeExternal;
Future<Set<String>> _getFiles() async {
Iterable<String> files;
if (config.topLevelPackageMeta.isSdk) {
files = getSdkFilesToDocument();
} else {
files = await findFilesToDocumentInPackage(config.inputDir,
autoIncludeDependencies: config.autoIncludeDependencies)
files = quiver.concat([files, _includeExternalsFrom(files)]);
return { => resourceProvider.pathContext
Iterable<String> getEmbedderSdkFiles() {
return [
for (var dartUri in _embedderSdkUris)
bool get hasEmbedderSdkFiles => _embedderSdkUris.isNotEmpty;
Iterable<String> get _embedderSdkUris {
if (config.topLevelPackageMeta.isSdk) return [];
return embedderSdk?.urlMappings?.keys ?? [];
Future<void> getLibraries(PackageGraph uninitializedPackageGraph) async {
var findSpecialsSdk = sdk;
if (embedderSdk != null && embedderSdk.urlMappings.isNotEmpty) {
findSpecialsSdk = embedderSdk;
var files = await _getFiles();
var specialFiles = specialLibraryFiles(findSpecialsSdk);
/// Returns true if this library element should be included according
/// to the configuration.
bool isLibraryIncluded(LibraryElement libraryElement) {
if (config.include.isNotEmpty &&
!config.include.contains( {
return false;
return true;
var foundLibraries = <LibraryElement>{};
await _parseLibraries(uninitializedPackageGraph.addLibraryToGraph,
foundLibraries, files, isLibraryIncluded);
if (config.include.isNotEmpty) {
var knownLibraryNames = =>;
var notFound = Set<String>.from(config.include)
if (notFound.isNotEmpty) {
throw 'Did not find: [${notFound.join(', ')}] in '
'known libraries: [${knownLibraryNames.join(', ')}]';
// Include directive does not apply to special libraries.
await _parseLibraries(uninitializedPackageGraph.addSpecialLibraryToGraph,
foundLibraries, specialFiles.difference(files));
/// If [dir] contains both a `lib` directory and a `pubspec.yaml` file treat
/// it like a package and only return the `lib` dir.
/// This ensures that packages don't have non-`lib` content documented.
static Iterable<Resource> _packageDirList(Folder dir) sync* {
var resources = dir.getChildren();
var pubspec = resources.firstWhere(
(e) => e is File && path.basename(e.path) == 'pubspec.yaml',
orElse: () => null);
var libDir = resources.firstWhere(
(e) => e is Folder && path.basename(e.path) == 'lib',
orElse: () => null);
if (pubspec != null && libDir != null) {
yield libDir;
} else {
yield* resources;
/// This class resolves package URIs, but only if a given SdkResolver doesn't
/// resolve them.
/// TODO(jcollins-g): remove this hackery when a clean public API to analyzer
/// exists, and port dartdoc to it.
class PackageWithoutSdkResolver extends UriResolver {
final UriResolver _packageResolver;
final UriResolver _sdkResolver;
PackageWithoutSdkResolver(this._packageResolver, this._sdkResolver);
Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri, [Uri actualUri]) {
if (_sdkResolver.resolveAbsolute(uri, actualUri) == null) {
return _packageResolver.resolveAbsolute(uri, actualUri);
return null;
Uri restoreAbsolute(Source source) {
Uri resolved;
try {
resolved = _sdkResolver.restoreAbsolute(source);
} on ArgumentError {
// SDK resolvers really don't like being thrown package paths.
if (resolved == null) {
return _packageResolver.restoreAbsolute(source);
return null;
/// Contains the [ResolvedLibraryResult] and any additional information about
/// the library coming from [AnalysisDriver].
/// Prefer to populate this class with more information rather than passing
/// [AnalysisDriver] or [AnalysisSession] down to [PackageGraph]. The graph
/// object is reachable by many DartDoc model objects and there's no guarantee
/// that there's a valid [AnalysisDriver] in every environment dartdoc runs.
class DartDocResolvedLibrary {
final ResolvedLibraryResult result;
final String restoredUri;
DartDocResolvedLibrary(this.result, this.restoredUri);
LibraryElement get element => result.element;
LibraryElement get library => result.element.library;