blob: 58c57b421e172d24abaf796a373a13901c5b52b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// The models used to represent Dart code.
library dartdoc.models;
import 'dart:collection' show UnmodifiableListView;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart'
show ExecutableMember, Member, ParameterMember;
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/dartdoc_options.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/element_type.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/documentation_comment.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/feature_set.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/model.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model_utils.dart' as utils;
import 'package:dartdoc/src/render/model_element_renderer.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/render/parameter_renderer.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/render/source_code_renderer.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/source_linker.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/tuple.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/warnings.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// Items mapped less than zero will sort before custom annotations.
/// Items mapped above zero are sorted after custom annotations.
/// Items mapped to zero will sort alphabetically among custom annotations.
/// Custom annotations are assumed to be any annotation or feature not in this
/// map.
const Map<String, int> featureOrder = {
'read-only': 1,
'write-only': 1,
'read / write': 1,
'covariant': 2,
'final': 2,
'late': 2,
'inherited': 3,
'inherited-getter': 3,
'inherited-setter': 3,
'override': 3,
'override-getter': 3,
'override-setter': 3,
'extended': 3,
int byFeatureOrdering(String a, String b) {
var scoreA = 0;
var scoreB = 0;
if (featureOrder.containsKey(a)) scoreA = featureOrder[a];
if (featureOrder.containsKey(b)) scoreB = featureOrder[b];
if (scoreA < scoreB) return -1;
if (scoreA > scoreB) return 1;
return compareAsciiLowerCaseNatural(a, b);
/// This doc may need to be processed in case it has a template or html
/// fragment.
final RegExp needsPrecacheRegExp = RegExp(r'{@(template|tool|inject-html)');
final _htmlInjectRegExp = RegExp(r'<dartdoc-html>([a-f0-9]+)</dartdoc-html>');
@Deprecated('Public variable intended to be private; will be removed as early '
'as Dartdoc 1.0.0')
RegExp get htmlInjectRegExp => _htmlInjectRegExp;
final _macroRegExp = RegExp(r'{@macro\s+([^}]+)}');
@Deprecated('Public variable intended to be private; will be removed as early '
'as Dartdoc 1.0.0')
RegExp get macroRegExp => _macroRegExp;
// TODO(jcollins-g): Implement resolution per ECMA-408 4th edition, page 39 #22.
/// Resolves this very rare case incorrectly by picking the closest element in
/// the inheritance and interface chains from the analyzer.
ModelElement resolveMultiplyInheritedElement(
MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement e,
Library library,
PackageGraph packageGraph,
Class enclosingClass) {
var inheritables = e.inheritedElements
.map((ee) => ModelElement.fromElement(ee, packageGraph) as Inheritable);
Inheritable foundInheritable;
var lowIndex = enclosingClass.inheritanceChain.length;
for (var inheritable in inheritables) {
var index =
if (index < lowIndex) {
foundInheritable = inheritable;
lowIndex = index;
return ModelElement.from(foundInheritable.element, library, packageGraph,
enclosingContainer: enclosingClass);
/// This class is the foundation of Dartdoc's model for source code.
/// All ModelElements are contained within a [PackageGraph], and laid out in a
/// structure that mirrors the availability of identifiers in the various
/// namespaces within that package. For example, multiple [Class] objects
/// for a particular identifier ([ModelElement.element]) may show up in
/// different [Library]s as the identifier is reexported.
/// However, ModelElements have an additional concept vital to generating
/// documentation: canonicalization.
/// A ModelElement is canonical if it is the element in the namespace where that
/// element 'comes from' in the public interface to this [PackageGraph]. That often
/// means the [ModelElement.library] is contained in [PackageGraph.libraries], but
/// there are many exceptions and ambiguities the code tries to address here.
/// Non-canonical elements should refer to their canonical counterparts, making
/// it easy to calculate links via [ModelElement.href] without having to
/// know in a particular namespace which elements are canonical or not.
/// A number of [PackageGraph] methods, such as [PackageGraph.findCanonicalModelElementFor]
/// can help with this.
/// When documenting, Dartdoc should only write out files corresponding to
/// canonical instances of ModelElement ([ModelElement.isCanonical]). This
/// helps prevent subtle bugs as generated output for a non-canonical
/// ModelElement will reference itself as part of the "wrong" [Library]
/// from the public interface perspective.
abstract class ModelElement extends Canonicalization
implements Comparable<ModelElement>, Documentable {
final Element _element;
// TODO(jcollins-g): This really wants a "member that has a type" class.
final Member _originalMember;
final Library _library;
ElementType _modelType;
String _rawDocs;
Documentation __documentation;
UnmodifiableListView<Parameter> _parameters;
String _linkedName;
// TODO(jcollins-g): make _originalMember optional after dart-lang/sdk#15101
// is fixed.
this._element, this._library, this._packageGraph, this._originalMember);
/// Creates a [ModelElement] from [e].
factory ModelElement.fromElement(Element e, PackageGraph p) {
var lib = p.findButDoNotCreateLibraryFor(e);
if (e is PropertyInducingElement) {
var getter =
e.getter != null ? ModelElement.from(e.getter, lib, p) : null;
var setter =
e.setter != null ? ModelElement.from(e.setter, lib, p) : null;
return ModelElement.fromPropertyInducingElement(e, lib, p,
getter: getter, setter: setter);
return ModelElement.from(e, lib, p);
/// Creates a [ModelElement] from [PropertyInducingElement] [e].
/// Do not construct any ModelElements except from this constructor or
/// [ModelElement.from]. Specify [enclosingContainer]
/// if and only if this is to be an inherited or extended object.
factory ModelElement.fromPropertyInducingElement(
PropertyInducingElement e, Library library, PackageGraph packageGraph,
{Container enclosingContainer,
@required Accessor getter,
@required Accessor setter}) {
assert(packageGraph != null);
assert(e != null);
assert(library != null);
// TODO(jcollins-g): Refactor object model to instantiate 'ModelMembers'
// for members?
if (e is Member) {
e = e.declaration;
// Return the cached ModelElement if it exists.
var key =
Tuple3<Element, Library, Container>(e, library, enclosingContainer);
if (packageGraph.allConstructedModelElements.containsKey(key)) {
return packageGraph.allConstructedModelElements[key];
ModelElement newModelElement;
if (e is FieldElement) {
if (enclosingContainer == null) {
if (e.isEnumConstant) {
var index = e.computeConstantValue().getField(;
newModelElement =
EnumField.forConstant(index, e, library, packageGraph, getter);
} else if (e.enclosingElement is ExtensionElement) {
newModelElement = Field(e, library, packageGraph, getter, setter);
} else if (e.enclosingElement is ClassElement &&
(e.enclosingElement as ClassElement).isEnum) {
newModelElement = EnumField(e, library, packageGraph, getter, setter);
} else {
newModelElement = Field(e, library, packageGraph, getter, setter);
} else {
// EnumFields can't be inherited, so this case is simpler.
newModelElement = Field.inherited(
e, enclosingContainer, library, packageGraph, getter, setter);
if (e is TopLevelVariableElement) {
assert(getter != null || setter != null);
newModelElement =
TopLevelVariable(e, library, packageGraph, getter, setter);
if (enclosingContainer != null) assert(newModelElement is Inheritable);
_cacheNewModelElement(e, newModelElement, library,
enclosingContainer: enclosingContainer);
assert(newModelElement.element is! MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement);
return newModelElement;
/// Creates a [ModelElement] from a non-property-inducing [e].
/// Do not construct any ModelElements except from this constructor or
/// [ModelElement.fromPropertyInducingElement]. Specify [enclosingContainer]
/// if and only if this is to be an inherited or extended object.
// TODO(jcollins-g): this way of using the optional parameter is messy,
// clean that up.
// TODO(jcollins-g): Enforce construction restraint.
// TODO(jcollins-g): Allow e to be null and drop extraneous null checks.
// TODO(jcollins-g): Auto-vivify element's defining library for library
// parameter when given a null.
factory ModelElement.from(
Element e, Library library, PackageGraph packageGraph,
{Container enclosingContainer}) {
assert(packageGraph != null);
assert(e != null);
assert(library != null ||
e is ParameterElement ||
e is TypeParameterElement ||
e is GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl ||
e.kind == ElementKind.DYNAMIC ||
e.kind == ElementKind.NEVER);
if (e.kind == ElementKind.DYNAMIC) {
return Dynamic(e, packageGraph);
if (e.kind == ElementKind.NEVER) {
return NeverType(e, packageGraph);
Member originalMember;
// TODO(jcollins-g): Refactor object model to instantiate 'ModelMembers'
// for members?
if (e is Member) {
originalMember = e;
e = e.declaration;
// Return the cached ModelElement if it exists.
var key =
Tuple3<Element, Library, Container>(e, library, enclosingContainer);
if (packageGraph.allConstructedModelElements.containsKey(key)) {
return packageGraph.allConstructedModelElements[key];
var newModelElement = ModelElement._from(e, library, packageGraph,
enclosingContainer: enclosingContainer, originalMember: originalMember);
if (enclosingContainer != null) assert(newModelElement is Inheritable);
_cacheNewModelElement(e, newModelElement, library,
enclosingContainer: enclosingContainer);
assert(newModelElement.element is! MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement);
return newModelElement;
/// Caches a newly-created [ModelElement] from [ModelElement.from] or
/// [ModelElement.fromPropertyInducingElement].
static void _cacheNewModelElement(
Element e, ModelElement newModelElement, Library library,
{Container enclosingContainer}) {
// TODO(jcollins-g): Reenable Parameter caching when dart-lang/sdk#30146
// is fixed?
if (library != null && newModelElement is! Parameter) {
var key =
Tuple3<Element, Library, Container>(e, library, enclosingContainer);
library.packageGraph.allConstructedModelElements[key] = newModelElement;
if (newModelElement is Inheritable) {
var iKey = Tuple2<Element, Library>(e, library);
.putIfAbsent(iKey, () => {})
static ModelElement _from(
Element e, Library library, PackageGraph packageGraph,
{Container enclosingContainer, Member originalMember}) {
if (e is MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement) {
return resolveMultiplyInheritedElement(
e, library, packageGraph, enclosingContainer);
assert(e is! MultiplyDefinedElement);
if (e is LibraryElement) {
return Library(e, packageGraph);
if (e is ClassElement) {
if (e.isMixin) {
return Mixin(e, library, packageGraph);
} else if (e.isEnum) {
return Enum(e, library, packageGraph);
} else {
return Class(e, library, packageGraph);
if (e is ExtensionElement) {
return Extension(e, library, packageGraph);
if (e is FunctionElement) {
return ModelFunction(e, library, packageGraph);
} else if (e is GenericFunctionTypeElement) {
assert(e.enclosingElement is FunctionTypeAliasElement);
assert( != '');
return ModelFunctionTypedef(e, library, packageGraph);
if (e is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
return Typedef(e, library, packageGraph);
if (e is ConstructorElement) {
return Constructor(e, library, packageGraph);
if (e is MethodElement && e.isOperator) {
if (enclosingContainer == null) {
return Operator(e, library, packageGraph);
} else {
return Operator.inherited(e, enclosingContainer, library, packageGraph,
originalMember: originalMember);
if (e is MethodElement && !e.isOperator) {
if (enclosingContainer == null) {
return Method(e, library, packageGraph);
} else {
return Method.inherited(e, enclosingContainer, library, packageGraph,
originalMember: originalMember);
if (e is PropertyAccessorElement) {
// TODO(jcollins-g): why test for ClassElement in enclosingElement?
if (e.enclosingElement is ClassElement ||
e is MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement) {
if (enclosingContainer == null) {
return ContainerAccessor(e, library, packageGraph);
} else {
return ContainerAccessor.inherited(
e, library, packageGraph, enclosingContainer,
originalMember: originalMember);
} else {
return Accessor(e, library, packageGraph, null);
if (e is TypeParameterElement) {
return TypeParameter(e, library, packageGraph);
if (e is ParameterElement) {
return Parameter(e, library, packageGraph,
originalMember: originalMember);
throw 'Unknown type ${e.runtimeType}';
// Stub for mustache, which would otherwise search enclosing elements to find
// names for members.
bool get hasCategoryNames => false;
// Stub for mustache.
Iterable<Category> get displayedCategories => [];
Set<Library> get exportedInLibraries {
return library.packageGraph.libraryElementReexportedBy[element.library];
ModelNode _modelNode;
ModelNode get modelNode =>
_modelNode ??= packageGraph.getModelNodeFor(element);
List<String> get annotations => annotationsFromMetadata(element.metadata);
/// Returns linked annotations from a given metadata set, with escaping.
// TODO(srawlins): Attempt to revive constructor arguments in an annotation,
// akin to source_gen's Reviver, in order to link to inner components. For
// example, in `@Foo(const Bar(), baz: <Baz>[, Baz.two])`, link to
// `Foo`, `Bar`, `Baz`, ``, and `Baz.two`.
List<String> annotationsFromMetadata(Iterable<ElementAnnotation> md) {
var annotationStrings = <String>[];
if (md == null) return annotationStrings;
for (var a in md) {
var annotation = (const HtmlEscape()).convert(a.toSource());
var annotationElement = a.element;
if (annotationElement is ConstructorElement) {
// TODO(srawlins): I think we should actually link to the constructor,
// which may have details about parameters. For example, given the
// annotation `@Immutable('text')`, the constructor documents what the
// parameter is, and the class only references `immutable`. It's a
// lose-lose cycle of mis-direction.
annotationElement =
(annotationElement as ConstructorElement).returnType.element;
} else if (annotationElement is PropertyAccessorElement) {
annotationElement =
(annotationElement as PropertyAccessorElement).variable;
if (annotationElement is Member) {
annotationElement = (annotationElement as Member).declaration;
// Some annotations are intended to be invisible (such as `@pragma`).
if (!_shouldDisplayAnnotation(annotationElement)) continue;
var annotationModelElement =
if (annotationModelElement != null) {
annotation = annotation.replaceFirst(, annotationModelElement.linkedName);
return annotationStrings;
bool _shouldDisplayAnnotation(Element annotationElement) {
if (annotationElement is ClassElement) {
var annotationClass =
packageGraph.findCanonicalModelElementFor(annotationElement) as Class;
if (annotationClass == null && annotationElement != null) {
annotationClass =
ModelElement.fromElement(annotationElement, packageGraph) as Class;
return annotationClass == null ||
// We cannot resolve it, which does not prevent it from being displayed.
return true;
bool _isPublic;
bool get isPublic {
if (_isPublic == null) {
if (name == '') {
_isPublic = false;
} else if (this is! Library && (library == null || !library.isPublic)) {
_isPublic = false;
} else if (enclosingElement is Class &&
!(enclosingElement as Class).isPublic) {
_isPublic = false;
} else if (enclosingElement is Extension &&
!(enclosingElement as Extension).isPublic) {
_isPublic = false;
} else {
_isPublic = utils.hasPublicName(element) && !hasNodoc;
return _isPublic;
List<ModelCommentReference> _commentRefs;
List<ModelCommentReference> get commentRefs {
if (_commentRefs == null) {
_commentRefs = [];
for (var from in documentationFrom) {
var checkReferences = <ModelElement>[from];
if (from is Accessor) {
for (var e in checkReferences) {
_commentRefs.addAll(e.modelNode.commentRefs ?? []);
return _commentRefs;
DartdocOptionContext _config;
DartdocOptionContext get config {
_config ??= DartdocOptionContext.fromContextElement(
packageGraph.config, element, packageGraph.resourceProvider);
return _config;
Set<String> _locationPieces;
Set<String> get locationPieces =>
_locationPieces ??= Set.from(element.location
.where((s) => s.isNotEmpty));
static final Set<String> _specialFeatures = {
// Replace the @override annotation with a feature that explicitly
// indicates whether an override has occurred.
// Drop the plain "deprecated" annotation; that's indicated via
// strikethroughs. Custom @Deprecated() will still appear.
Set<String> get features {
return {
.where((e) => !_specialFeatures.contains(e.element?.name))),
// 'const' and 'static' are not needed here because 'const' and 'static'
// elements get their own sections in the doc.
if (isFinal) 'final',
if (isLate) 'late',
String get featuresAsString {
var allFeatures = features.toList()..sort(byFeatureOrdering);
return allFeatures.join(', ');
bool get canHaveParameters =>
element is ExecutableElement ||
element is FunctionTypedElement ||
element is FunctionTypeAliasElement;
ModelElement buildCanonicalModelElement() {
Container preferredClass;
if (enclosingElement is Class || enclosingElement is Extension) {
preferredClass = enclosingElement;
return packageGraph.findCanonicalModelElementFor(element,
preferredClass: preferredClass);
ModelElement _canonicalModelElement;
// Returns the canonical ModelElement for this ModelElement, or null
// if there isn't one.
ModelElement get canonicalModelElement =>
_canonicalModelElement ??= buildCanonicalModelElement();
List<ModelElement> _documentationFrom;
// TODO(jcollins-g): untangle when mixins can call super
List<ModelElement> get documentationFrom {
_documentationFrom ??= computeDocumentationFrom;
return _documentationFrom;
bool get hasSourceHref => sourceHref.isNotEmpty;
String _sourceHref;
String get sourceHref {
_sourceHref ??= SourceLinker.fromElement(this).href();
return _sourceHref;
/// Returns the ModelElement(s) from which we will get documentation.
/// Can be more than one if this is a Field composing documentation from
/// multiple Accessors.
/// This getter will walk up the inheritance hierarchy
/// to find docs, if the current class doesn't have docs
/// for this element.
List<ModelElement> get computeDocumentationFrom {
if (documentationComment == null &&
_canOverride &&
this is Inheritable &&
(this as Inheritable).overriddenElement != null) {
return (this as Inheritable).overriddenElement.documentationFrom;
} else if (this is Inheritable && (this as Inheritable).isInherited) {
var thisInheritable = (this as Inheritable);
var fromThis = ModelElement.fromElement(
element, thisInheritable.definingEnclosingContainer.packageGraph);
return fromThis.documentationFrom;
} else {
return [this];
String _buildDocumentationLocal() => _buildDocumentationBaseSync();
/// Override this to add more features to the documentation builder in a
/// subclass.
String buildDocumentationAddition(String docs) => docs ??= '';
/// Separate from _buildDocumentationLocal for overriding.
String _buildDocumentationBaseSync() {
assert(_rawDocs == null,
'reentrant calls to _buildDocumentation* not allowed');
// Do not use the sync method if we need to evaluate tools or templates.
assert(!isCanonical ||
!needsPrecacheRegExp.hasMatch(documentationComment ?? ''));
if (config.dropTextFrom.contains( {
_rawDocs = '';
} else {
_rawDocs = processCommentWithoutTools(documentationComment ?? '');
_rawDocs = buildDocumentationAddition(_rawDocs);
return _rawDocs;
/// Separate from _buildDocumentationLocal for overriding. Can only be
/// used as part of [PackageGraph.setUpPackageGraph].
Future<String> _buildDocumentationBase() async {
assert(_rawDocs == null,
'reentrant calls to _buildDocumentation* not allowed');
// Do not use the sync method if we need to evaluate tools or templates.
if (config.dropTextFrom.contains( {
_rawDocs = '';
} else {
_rawDocs = await processComment(documentationComment ?? '');
_rawDocs = buildDocumentationAddition(_rawDocs);
return _rawDocs;
/// Returns the documentation for this literal element unless
/// [config.dropTextFrom] indicates it should not be returned. Macro
/// definitions are stripped, but macros themselves are not injected. This
/// is a two stage process to avoid ordering problems.
String _documentationLocal;
String get documentationLocal =>
_documentationLocal ??= _buildDocumentationLocal();
/// Returns the docs, stripped of their leading comments syntax.
String get documentation {
return _injectMacros( => e.documentationLocal).join('<p>'));
Library get definingLibrary {
var library = packageGraph.findButDoNotCreateLibraryFor(element);
if (library == null) {
return library;
Library _canonicalLibrary;
// [_canonicalLibrary] can be null so we can't check against null to see
// whether we tried to compute it before.
bool _canonicalLibraryIsSet = false;
Library get canonicalLibrary {
if (!_canonicalLibraryIsSet) {
// This is not accurate if we are constructing the Package.
// Privately named elements can never have a canonical library, so
// just shortcut them out.
if (!utils.hasPublicName(element)) {
_canonicalLibrary = null;
} else if (!packageGraph.localPublicLibraries.contains(definingLibrary)) {
_canonicalLibrary = _searchForCanonicalLibrary();
} else {
_canonicalLibrary = definingLibrary;
// Only pretend when not linking to remote packages.
if (this is Inheritable && !config.linkToRemote) {
if ((this as Inheritable).isInherited &&
_canonicalLibrary == null &&
packageGraph.publicLibraries.contains(library)) {
// In the event we've inherited a field from an object that isn't directly reexported,
// we may need to pretend we are canonical for this.
_canonicalLibrary = library;
_canonicalLibraryIsSet = true;
assert(_canonicalLibrary == null ||
return _canonicalLibrary;
Library _searchForCanonicalLibrary() {
if (definingLibrary == null) {
return null;
var thisAndExported = definingLibrary.exportedInLibraries;
if (thisAndExported == null) {
return null;
// Since we're looking for a library, find the [Element] immediately
// contained by a [CompilationUnitElement] in the tree.
var topLevelElement = element;
while (topLevelElement != null &&
topLevelElement.enclosingElement is! LibraryElement &&
topLevelElement.enclosingElement is! CompilationUnitElement &&
topLevelElement.enclosingElement != null) {
topLevelElement = topLevelElement.enclosingElement;
var candidateLibraries = thisAndExported
.where((l) =>
l.isPublic && l.package.documentedWhere != DocumentLocation.missing)
.where((l) {
var lookup =
if (lookup is PropertyAccessorElement) {
lookup = (lookup as PropertyAccessorElement).variable;
return topLevelElement == lookup;
// Avoid claiming canonicalization for elements outside of this element's
// defining package.
// TODO(jcollins-g): Make the else block unconditional.
if (candidateLibraries.isNotEmpty &&
!candidateLibraries.any((l) => l.package == definingLibrary.package)) {
message: definingLibrary.package.fullyQualifiedName,
referredFrom: candidateLibraries);
} else {
.removeWhere((l) => l.package != definingLibrary.package);
if (candidateLibraries.isEmpty) {
return null;
if (candidateLibraries.length == 1) {
return candidateLibraries.single;
// Start with our top-level element.
var warnable = ModelElement.fromElement(topLevelElement, packageGraph);
// Heuristic scoring to determine which library a human likely
// considers this element to be primarily 'from', and therefore,
// canonical. Still warn if the heuristic isn't that confident.
var scoredCandidates =
candidateLibraries = => s.library).toList();
var secondHighestScore =
scoredCandidates[scoredCandidates.length - 2].score;
var highestScore = scoredCandidates.last.score;
var confidence = highestScore - secondHighestScore;
if (confidence < config.ambiguousReexportScorerMinConfidence) {
var libraryNames = =>;
var message = '$libraryNames -> ${} '
'(confidence ${confidence.toStringAsPrecision(4)})';
message: message, extendedDebug: => '$s'));
return candidateLibraries.last;
bool get isCanonical {
if (!isPublic) return false;
if (library != canonicalLibrary) return false;
// If there's no inheritance to deal with, we're done.
if (this is! Inheritable) return true;
var i = this as Inheritable;
// If we're the defining element, or if the defining element is not in the
// set of libraries being documented, then this element should be treated as
// canonical (given library == canonicalLibrary).
return i.enclosingElement == i.canonicalEnclosingContainer;
String _htmlDocumentation;
String get documentationAsHtml {
if (_htmlDocumentation != null) return _htmlDocumentation;
_htmlDocumentation = _injectHtmlFragments(_documentation.asHtml);
return _htmlDocumentation;
Element get element => _element;
String get location {
// Call nothing from here that can emit warnings or you'll cause stack overflows.
if (characterLocation != null) {
return '(${path.toUri(sourceFileName)}:${characterLocation.toString()})';
return '(${path.toUri(sourceFileName)})';
/// Returns a link to extended documentation, or the empty string if that
/// does not exist.
String get extendedDocLink {
if (hasExtendedDocumentation) {
return modelElementRenderer.renderExtendedDocLink(this);
return '';
String get fileName => '$name.$fileType';
String get fileType => package.fileType;
String get filePath;
String _fullyQualifiedName;
/// Returns the fully qualified name.
/// For example: libraryName.className.methodName
String get fullyQualifiedName {
return (_fullyQualifiedName ??= _buildFullyQualifiedName());
String _fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary;
String get fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary {
// Remember, periods are legal in library names.
_fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary ??=
fullyQualifiedName.replaceFirst('${library.fullyQualifiedName}.', '');
return _fullyQualifiedNameWithoutLibrary;
String get sourceFileName => element.source.fullName;
CharacterLocation _characterLocation;
bool _characterLocationIsSet = false;
CharacterLocation get characterLocation {
if (!_characterLocationIsSet) {
var lineInfo = compilationUnitElement.lineInfo;
_characterLocationIsSet = true;
assert(element.nameOffset >= 0,
'Invalid location data for element: $fullyQualifiedName');
assert(lineInfo != null,
'No lineInfo data available for element: $fullyQualifiedName');
if (element.nameOffset >= 0) {
_characterLocation = lineInfo?.getLocation(element.nameOffset);
return _characterLocation;
CompilationUnitElement get compilationUnitElement =>
bool get hasAnnotations => annotations.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasDocumentation =>
documentation != null && documentation.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasExtendedDocumentation =>
href != null && _documentation.hasExtendedDocs;
bool get hasParameters => parameters.isNotEmpty;
/// If canonicalLibrary (or canonicalEnclosingElement, for Inheritable
/// subclasses) is null, href should be null.
String get href;
String get htmlId => name;
bool get isAsynchronous =>
isExecutable && (element as ExecutableElement).isAsynchronous;
bool get isConst => false;
bool get isDeprecated {
// If element.metadata is empty, it might be because this is a property
// where the metadata belongs to the individual getter/setter
if (element.metadata.isEmpty && element is PropertyInducingElement) {
var pie = element as PropertyInducingElement;
// The getter or the setter might be null – so the stored value may be
// `true`, `false`, or `null`
var getterDeprecated = pie.getter?.metadata?.any((a) => a.isDeprecated);
var setterDeprecated = pie.setter?.metadata?.any((a) => a.isDeprecated);
var deprecatedValues =
[getterDeprecated, setterDeprecated].where((a) => a != null).toList();
// At least one of these should be non-null. Otherwise things are weird
// If there are both a setter and getter, only show the property as
// deprecated if both are deprecated.
return deprecatedValues.every((d) => d);
return element.metadata.any((a) => a.isDeprecated);
bool get isDocumented => isCanonical && isPublic;
bool get isExecutable => element is ExecutableElement;
bool get isFinal => false;
bool get isLate => false;
bool get isLocalElement => element is LocalElement;
bool get isPropertyAccessor => element is PropertyAccessorElement;
bool get isPropertyInducer => element is PropertyInducingElement;
bool get isStatic {
if (isPropertyInducer) {
return (element as PropertyInducingElement).isStatic;
return false;
/// A human-friendly name for the kind of element this is.
String get kind;
Library get library => _library;
String get linkedName {
_linkedName ??= _calculateLinkedName();
return _linkedName;
ModelElementRenderer get modelElementRenderer =>
ParameterRenderer get _parameterRenderer =>
ParameterRenderer get _parameterRendererDetailed =>
SourceCodeRenderer get _sourceCodeRenderer =>
String get linkedParams => _parameterRenderer.renderLinkedParams(parameters);
String get linkedParamsLines =>
String get linkedParamsNoMetadata =>
_parameterRenderer.renderLinkedParams(parameters, showMetadata: false);
String get linkedParamsNoMetadataOrNames => _parameterRenderer
.renderLinkedParams(parameters, showMetadata: false, showNames: false);
ElementType get modelType {
var element = this.element;
if (_modelType == null) {
// TODO(jcollins-g): Need an interface for a "member with a type" (or changed object model).
if (_originalMember != null &&
(_originalMember is ExecutableMember ||
_originalMember is ParameterMember)) {
if (_originalMember is ExecutableMember) {
_modelType = ElementType.from(
(_originalMember as ExecutableMember).type,
} else {
// ParameterMember
_modelType = ElementType.from(
(_originalMember as ParameterMember).type, library, packageGraph);
} else if (element is ClassElement) {
_modelType = ElementType.from(element.thisType, library, packageGraph);
} else if (element is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
_modelType =
ElementType.from(element.function.type, library, packageGraph);
} else if (element is FunctionTypedElement) {
_modelType = ElementType.from(element.type, library, packageGraph);
} else if (element is ParameterElement) {
_modelType = ElementType.from(element.type, library, packageGraph);
} else if (element is PropertyInducingElement) {
_modelType = ElementType.from(element.type, library, packageGraph);
} else {
throw UnimplementedError('(${element.runtimeType}) $element');
return _modelType;
void setModelType(ElementType type) {
_modelType = type;
String _name;
String get name => _name ??=;
String get oneLineDoc => _documentation.asOneLiner;
Member get originalMember => _originalMember;
final PackageGraph _packageGraph;
PackageGraph get packageGraph => _packageGraph;
Package get package => library?.package;
bool get isPublicAndPackageDocumented => isPublic && package.isDocumented;
List<Parameter> _allParameters;
// TODO(jcollins-g): This is in the wrong place. Move parts to GetterSetterCombo,
// elsewhere as appropriate?
List<Parameter> get allParameters {
if (_allParameters == null) {
var recursedParameters = <Parameter>{};
var newParameters = <Parameter>{};
if (this is GetterSetterCombo &&
(this as GetterSetterCombo).setter != null) {
newParameters.addAll((this as GetterSetterCombo).setter.parameters);
} else {
if (canHaveParameters) newParameters.addAll(parameters);
while (newParameters.isNotEmpty) {
for (var p in recursedParameters) {
var l = p.modelType.parameters
.where((pm) => !recursedParameters.contains(pm));
_allParameters = recursedParameters.toList();
return _allParameters;
path.Context get pathContext => packageGraph.resourceProvider.pathContext;
List<Parameter> get parameters {
if (!canHaveParameters) {
throw StateError('$element cannot have parameters');
if (_parameters == null) {
List<ParameterElement> params;
if (element is ExecutableElement) {
if (_originalMember != null) {
assert(_originalMember is ExecutableMember);
params = (_originalMember as ExecutableMember).parameters;
} else {
params = (element as ExecutableElement).parameters;
if (params == null && element is FunctionTypedElement) {
if (_originalMember != null) {
params = (_originalMember as dynamic).parameters;
} else {
params = (element as FunctionTypedElement).parameters;
if (params == null && element is FunctionTypeAliasElement) {
params = (element as FunctionTypeAliasElement).function.parameters;
_parameters = UnmodifiableListView<Parameter>(params
.map((p) => ModelElement.from(p, library, packageGraph) as Parameter)
return _parameters;
void warn(PackageWarning kind,
{String message,
Iterable<Locatable> referredFrom,
Iterable<String> extendedDebug}) {
packageGraph.warnOnElement(this, kind,
message: message,
referredFrom: referredFrom,
extendedDebug: extendedDebug);
String computeDocumentationComment() => element.documentationComment;
/// Unconditionally precache local documentation.
/// Use only in factory for [PackageGraph].
Future<void> precacheLocalDocs() async {
_documentationLocal = await _buildDocumentationBase();
Documentation get _documentation {
if (__documentation != null) return __documentation;
__documentation = Documentation.forElement(this);
return __documentation;
String _sourceCode;
String get sourceCode {
return _sourceCode ??=
bool get _canOverride =>
element is ClassMemberElement || element is PropertyAccessorElement;
int compareTo(dynamic other) {
if (other is ModelElement) {
return name.toLowerCase().compareTo(;
} else {
return 0;
String toString() => '$runtimeType $name';
String _buildFullyQualifiedName([ModelElement e, String fqName]) {
e ??= this;
fqName ??=;
if (e is! EnclosedElement || e.enclosingElement == null) {
return fqName;
return _buildFullyQualifiedName(
e.enclosingElement, '${}.$fqName');
String _calculateLinkedName() {
// If we're calling this with an empty name, we probably have the wrong
// element associated with a ModelElement or there's an analysis bug.
assert(name.isNotEmpty ||
element?.kind == ElementKind.DYNAMIC ||
element?.kind == ElementKind.NEVER ||
this is ModelFunction);
if (href == null) {
if (isPublicAndPackageDocumented) {
return htmlEscape.convert(name);
return modelElementRenderer.renderLinkedName(this);
/// Replace &lt;<dartdoc-html>[digest]</dartdoc-html>&gt; in API comments with
/// the contents of the HTML fragment earlier defined by the
/// &#123;@inject-html&#125; directive. The [digest] is a SHA1 of the contents
/// of the HTML fragment, automatically generated upon parsing the
/// &#123;@inject-html&#125; directive.
/// This markup is generated and inserted by [_stripHtmlAndAddToIndex] when it
/// removes the HTML fragment in preparation for markdown processing. It isn't
/// meant to be used at a user level.
/// Example:
/// You place the fragment in a dartdoc comment:
/// Some comments
/// &#123;@inject-html&#125;
/// &lt;p&gt;[HTML contents!]&lt;/p&gt;
/// &#123;@endtemplate&#125;
/// More comments
/// and [_stripHtmlAndAddToIndex] will replace your HTML fragment with this:
/// Some comments
/// &lt;dartdoc-html&gt;4cc02f877240bf69855b4c7291aba8a16e5acce0&lt;/dartdoc-html&gt;
/// More comments
/// Which will render in the final HTML output as:
/// Some comments
/// &lt;p&gt;[HTML contents!]&lt;/p&gt;
/// More comments
/// And the HTML fragment will not have been processed or changed by Markdown,
/// but just injected verbatim.
String _injectHtmlFragments(String rawDocs) {
if (!config.injectHtml) return rawDocs;
return rawDocs.replaceAllMapped(_htmlInjectRegExp, (match) {
var fragment = packageGraph.getHtmlFragment(match[1]);
if (fragment == null) {
warn(PackageWarning.unknownHtmlFragment, message: match[1]);
return fragment;
/// Replace &#123;@macro ...&#125; in API comments with the contents of the macro
/// Syntax:
/// &#123;@macro NAME&#125;
/// Example:
/// You define the template in any comment for a documentable entity like:
/// &#123;@template foo&#125;
/// Foo contents!
/// &#123;@endtemplate&#125;
/// and them somewhere use it like this:
/// Some comments
/// &#123;@macro foo&#125;
/// More comments
/// Which will render
/// Some comments
/// Foo contents!
/// More comments
String _injectMacros(String rawDocs) {
return rawDocs.replaceAllMapped(_macroRegExp, (match) {
var macro = packageGraph.getMacro(match[1]);
if (macro == null) {
warn(PackageWarning.unknownMacro, message: match[1]);
macro = processCommentDirectives(macro ?? '');
return macro;