blob: 23e5f23d1486698eecdcb1ea77af7bc17dd08e8a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This is a helper library to make working with io easier.
library dartdoc.io_utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p show Context;
const Encoding utf8AllowMalformed = Utf8Codec(allowMalformed: true);
extension PathExtensions on p.Context {
/// Returns a canonicalized path including the home directory in place of
/// tilde references.
String canonicalizeWithTilde(String originalPath) =>
/// Return a resolved path including the home directory in place of tilde
/// references.
String resolveTildePath(String originalPath) {
if (!originalPath.startsWith('~/')) {
return originalPath;
String homeDir;
if (io.Platform.isWindows) {
homeDir = absolute(io.Platform.environment['USERPROFILE'] ?? '\'');
} else {
homeDir = absolute(io.Platform.environment['HOME'] ?? '/');
return join(homeDir, originalPath.substring(2));
extension ResourceProviderExtensions on ResourceProvider {
Folder createSystemTemp(String prefix) {
if (this is PhysicalResourceProvider) {
return getFolder(io.Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync(prefix).path);
} else {
return getFolder(pathContext.join('${pathContext.separator}tmp', prefix))
String get resolvedExecutable {
if (this is PhysicalResourceProvider) {
return io.Platform.resolvedExecutable;
} else {
throw UnimplementedError('resolvedExecutable not implemented');
bool isExecutable(File file) {
if (this is PhysicalResourceProvider) {
var mode = io.File(file.path).statSync().mode;
return (0x1 & ((mode >> 6) | (mode >> 3) | mode)) != 0;
} else {
throw UnimplementedError('isExecutable not implemented');
bool isNotFound(File file) {
if (this is PhysicalResourceProvider) {
return io.File(file.path).statSync().type ==
} else {
return !file.exists;
String readAsMalformedAllowedStringSync(File file) {
if (this is PhysicalResourceProvider) {
return io.File(file.path).readAsStringSync(encoding: utf8AllowMalformed);
} else {
return file.readAsStringSync();
/// Converts `.` and `:` into `-`, adding a ".html" extension.
/// For example:
/// * dart.dartdoc => dart_dartdoc.html
/// * dart:core => dart_core.html
String getFileNameFor(String name) =>
'${name.replaceAll(_libraryNameRegExp, '-')}.html';
final _libraryNameRegExp = RegExp('[.:]');
typedef TaskQueueClosure<T> = Future<T> Function();
void _defaultOnComplete() {}
class _TaskQueueItem<T> {
_TaskQueueItem(this._closure, this._completer,
{this.onComplete = _defaultOnComplete});
final TaskQueueClosure<T> _closure;
final Completer<T> _completer;
void Function() onComplete;
Future<void> run() async {
try {
_completer.complete(await _closure());
} catch (e) {
} finally {;
/// A task queue of Futures to be completed in parallel, throttling
/// the number of simultaneous tasks.
/// The tasks return results of type T.
class TaskQueue<T extends Object> {
/// Creates a task queue with a maximum number of simultaneous jobs.
/// The [maxJobs] parameter defaults to the number of CPU cores on the
/// system.
TaskQueue({int? maxJobs})
: maxJobs = maxJobs ?? io.Platform.numberOfProcessors;
/// The maximum number of jobs that this queue will run simultaneously.
final int maxJobs;
final Queue<_TaskQueueItem<T>> _pendingTasks = Queue<_TaskQueueItem<T>>();
final Set<_TaskQueueItem<T>> _activeTasks = <_TaskQueueItem<T>>{};
final Set<Completer<void>> _completeListeners = <Completer<void>>{};
/// Returns a future that completes when all tasks in the [TaskQueue] are
/// complete.
Future<void> get tasksComplete {
// In case this is called when there are no tasks, we want it to
// signal complete immediately.
if (_activeTasks.isEmpty && _pendingTasks.isEmpty) {
return Future<void>.value();
final completer = Completer<void>();
return completer.future;
/// Adds a single closure to the task queue, returning a future that
/// completes when the task completes.
Future<T> add(TaskQueueClosure<T> task) {
final completer = Completer<T>();
_pendingTasks.add(_TaskQueueItem<T>(task, completer));
if (_activeTasks.length < maxJobs) {
return completer.future;
// Process a single task.
void _processTask() {
if (_pendingTasks.isNotEmpty && _activeTasks.length <= maxJobs) {
final item = _pendingTasks.removeFirst();
item.onComplete = () {
} else {
void _checkForCompletion() {
if (_activeTasks.isEmpty && _pendingTasks.isEmpty) {
for (final completer in _completeListeners) {
if (!completer.isCompleted) {