blob: 762d37e5e8641b3e0cf29623936294d538cb6966 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/dartdoc_options.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/model.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/package_meta.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/warnings.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
final RegExp substituteNameVersion = RegExp(r'%([bnv])%');
// All hrefs are emitted as relative paths from the output root. We are unable
// to compute them from the page we are generating, and many properties computed
// using hrefs are memoized anyway. To build complete relative hrefs, we emit
// the href with this placeholder, and then replace it with the current page's
// base href afterwards.
// See for further context.
// TODO: Find an approach that doesn't require doing this.
// Unlikely to be mistaken for an identifier, html tag, or something else that
// might reasonably exist normally.
final String HTMLBASE_PLACEHOLDER = '\%\%__HTMLBASE_dartdoc_internal__\%\%';
/// A [LibraryContainer] that contains [Library] objects related to a particular
/// package.
class Package extends LibraryContainer
with Nameable, Locatable, Canonicalization, Warnable
implements Privacy, Documentable {
String _name;
PackageGraph _packageGraph;
final Map<String, Category> _nameToCategory = {};
// Creates a package, if necessary, and adds it to the [packageGraph].
factory Package.fromPackageMeta(
PackageMeta packageMeta, PackageGraph packageGraph) {
String packageName =;
bool expectNonLocal = false;
if (!packageGraph.packageMap.containsKey(packageName) &&
packageGraph.allLibrariesAdded) expectNonLocal = true;
packageName, () => Package._(packageName, packageGraph, packageMeta));
// Verify that we don't somehow decide to document locally a package picked
// up after all documented libraries are added, because that breaks the
// assumption that we've picked up all documented libraries and packages
// before allLibrariesAdded is true.
!(expectNonLocal &&
packageGraph.packageMap[packageName].documentedWhere ==
'Found more libraries to document after allLibrariesAdded was set to true');
return packageGraph.packageMap[packageName];
Package._(this._name, this._packageGraph, this._packageMeta);
bool get isCanonical => true;
Library get canonicalLibrary => null;
/// Number of times we have invoked a tool for this package.
int toolInvocationIndex = 0;
// The animation IDs that have already been used, indexed by the [href] of the
// object that contains them.
Map<String, Set<String>> usedAnimationIdsByHref = {};
/// Pieces of the location, split to remove 'package:' and slashes.
Set<String> get locationPieces => Set();
/// Holds all libraries added to this package. May include non-documented
/// libraries, but is not guaranteed to include a complete list of
/// non-documented libraries unless they are all referenced by documented ones.
/// Not sorted.
final Set<Library> allLibraries = Set();
bool get hasHomepage =>
packageMeta.homepage != null && packageMeta.homepage.isNotEmpty;
String get homepage => packageMeta.homepage;
String get kind => (isSdk) ? 'SDK' : 'package';
List<Locatable> get documentationFrom => [this];
/// Return true if the code has defined non-default categories for libraries
/// in this package.
bool get hasCategories => categories.isNotEmpty;
LibraryContainer get defaultCategory => nameToCategory[null];
String _documentationAsHtml;
String get documentationAsHtml {
if (_documentationAsHtml != null) return _documentationAsHtml;
_documentationAsHtml = Documentation.forElement(this).asHtml;
return _documentationAsHtml;
String get documentation {
return hasDocumentationFile ? documentationFile.contents : null;
bool get hasDocumentation =>
documentationFile != null && documentationFile.contents.isNotEmpty;
bool get hasExtendedDocumentation => documentation.isNotEmpty;
// TODO: Clients should use [documentationFile] so they can act differently on
// plain text or markdown.
bool get hasDocumentationFile => documentationFile != null;
FileContents get documentationFile => packageMeta.getReadmeContents();
String get oneLineDoc => '';
bool get isDocumented =>
isFirstPackage || documentedWhere != DocumentLocation.missing;
Warnable get enclosingElement => null;
bool _isPublic;
bool get isPublic {
if (_isPublic == null) _isPublic = libraries.any((l) => l.isPublic);
return _isPublic;
bool _isLocal;
/// Return true if this is the default package, this is part of an embedder SDK,
/// or if [config.autoIncludeDependencies] is true -- but only if the package
/// was not excluded on the command line.
bool get isLocal {
if (_isLocal == null) {
_isLocal = (packageMeta == packageGraph.packageMeta ||
packageGraph.hasEmbedderSdk && packageMeta.isSdk ||
packageGraph.config.autoIncludeDependencies) &&
return _isLocal;
DocumentLocation get documentedWhere {
if (isLocal) {
if (isPublic) {
return DocumentLocation.local;
} else {
// Possible if excludes result in a "documented" package not having
// any actual documentation.
return DocumentLocation.missing;
} else {
if (config.linkToRemote && config.linkToUrl.isNotEmpty && isPublic) {
return DocumentLocation.remote;
} else {
return DocumentLocation.missing;
String get enclosingName => packageGraph.defaultPackageName;
String get filePath => 'index.$fileType';
String get fileType {
// TODO(jdkoren): Provide a way to determine file type of a remote package's
// docs. Perhaps make this configurable through dartdoc options.
// In theory, a remote package could be documented in any supported format.
// In practice, devs depend on Dart, Flutter, and/or packages fetched
// from, and we know that all of those use html docs.
if (package.documentedWhere == DocumentLocation.remote) {
return 'html';
return config.format;
String get fullyQualifiedName => 'package:$name';
String _baseHref;
String get baseHref {
if (_baseHref == null) {
if (documentedWhere == DocumentLocation.remote) {
_baseHref =
config.linkToUrl.replaceAllMapped(substituteNameVersion, (m) {
switch ( {
// Return the prerelease tag of the release if a prerelease,
// or 'stable' otherwise. Mostly coded around
// the Dart SDK's use of dev/stable, but theoretically applicable
// elsewhere.
case 'b':
Version version = Version.parse(packageMeta.version);
return version.isPreRelease
? version.preRelease.first
: 'stable';
case 'n':
return name;
// The full version string of the package.
case 'v':
return packageMeta.version;
assert(false, 'Unsupported case: ${}');
return null;
if (!_baseHref.endsWith('/')) _baseHref = '${_baseHref}/';
} else {
_baseHref = config.useBaseHref ? '' : HTMLBASE_PLACEHOLDER;
return _baseHref;
String get href => '$baseHref$filePath';
String get location => path.toUri(packageMeta.resolvedDir).toString();
String get name => _name;
Package get package => this;
PackageGraph get packageGraph => _packageGraph;
// Workaround for mustache4dart issue where templates do not recognize
// inherited properties as being in-context.
Iterable<Library> get publicLibraries {
assert(libraries.every((l) => l.packageMeta == _packageMeta));
return super.publicLibraries;
/// A map of category name to the category itself.
Map<String, Category> get nameToCategory {
if (_nameToCategory.isEmpty) {
Category categoryFor(String category) {
category, () => Category(category, this, config));
return _nameToCategory[category];
_nameToCategory[null] = Category(null, this, config);
for (Categorization c in libraries.expand(
(l) => l.allCanonicalModelElements.whereType<Categorization>())) {
for (String category in c.categoryNames) {
return _nameToCategory;
List<Category> _categories;
List<Category> get categories {
if (_categories == null) {
_categories = nameToCategory.values.where((c) => != null).toList()
return _categories;
Iterable<LibraryContainer> get categoriesWithPublicLibraries =>
categories.where((c) => c.publicLibraries.isNotEmpty);
Iterable<Category> get documentedCategories =>
categories.where((c) => c.isDocumented);
bool get hasDocumentedCategories => documentedCategories.isNotEmpty;
DartdocOptionContext _config;
DartdocOptionContext get config {
if (_config == null) {
_config = DartdocOptionContext.fromContext(
packageGraph.config, Directory(packagePath));
return _config;
/// Is this the package at the top of the list? We display the first
/// package specially (with "Libraries" rather than the package name).
bool get isFirstPackage =>
packageGraph.localPackages.isNotEmpty &&
identical(packageGraph.localPackages.first, this);
bool get isSdk => packageMeta.isSdk;
String _packagePath;
String get packagePath {
if (_packagePath == null) {
_packagePath = path.canonicalize(packageMeta.dir.path);
return _packagePath;
String get version => packageMeta.version ?? '0.0.0-unknown';
void warn(PackageWarning kind,
{String message,
Iterable<Locatable> referredFrom,
Iterable<String> extendedDebug}) {
packageGraph.warnOnElement(this, kind,
message: message,
referredFrom: referredFrom,
extendedDebug: extendedDebug);
final PackageMeta _packageMeta;
PackageMeta get packageMeta => _packageMeta;
Element get element => null;
List<String> get containerOrder => config.packageOrder;