blob: 9b6b680ba8e83f1c22af373625ec39201177705c [file] [log] [blame]
/// {@category Real Libraries}
/// If you don't have this package yet, get it.
/// Don't ask questions.
/// Testing code [:true:] and [:false:]
/// Testing string escaping: `var s = 'I am a string'`
/// My favorite class is [Cool].
/// ## I am an h2
/// hello there
/// ### I am an h3
/// hello there
/// #### I am an h4
/// hello there
/// ##### I am an h5
/// hello
/// *Why should you get this package?*
/// * We told you so.
/// * Everyone is doing it.
/// * It smells nice.
/// ```
/// class Foo {
/// long line is very long long line is very long long line is very long line long line long line
/// }
/// ```
/// Here are some hyperlinks with angle brackets:
/// * <>
/// * <>
/// * <>
/// [pkg]:
library fake;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
import 'css.dart' as css;
import 'example.dart';
import 'two_exports.dart' show BaseClass;
abstract class ImplementingThingy implements BaseThingy {}
abstract class BaseThingy {
// ignore: public_member_api_docs
ImplementingThingy get aImplementingThingy;
ImplementingThingy aImplementingThingyField;
void aImplementingThingyMethod(ImplementingThingy parameter);
abstract class ImplementingThingy2 implements BaseThingy2, ImplementingThingy {}
/// Test for MultiplyInheritedExecutableElement handling.
abstract class BaseThingy2 implements BaseThingy {
/// BaseThingy2's doc for aImplementingThingy.
ImplementingThingy2 get aImplementingThingy;
class ConstructorTester<A, B> {
ConstructorTester(String param1) {}
ConstructorTester.fromSomething(A foo) {}
class HasGenerics<X, Y, Z> {
HasGenerics(X x, Y y, Z z) {}
X returnX() => null;
Z returnZ() => null;
Z doStuff(String s, X x) => null;
/// Converts itself to a map.
Map<X, Y> convertToMap() => null;
/// This is a class with a table.
/// It has multiple sentences before the table. Because testing is a good
/// idea.
/// | Component | Symbol | Short Form | Long Form | Numeric | 2-digit |
/// |-----------|:------:|--------------|-------------------|-----------|-----------|
/// | era | G | G (AD) | GGGG (Anno Domini)| - | - |
/// | year | y | - | - | y (2015) | yy (15) |
/// | month | M | MMM (Sep) | MMMM (September) | M (9) | MM (09) |
/// | day | d | - | - | d (3) | dd (03) |
/// | weekday | E | EEE (Sun) | EEEE (Sunday) | - | - |
/// | hour | j | - | - | j (13) | jj (13) |
/// | hour12 | h | - | - | h (1 PM) | hh (01 PM)|
/// | hour24 | H | - | - | H (13) | HH (13) |
/// | minute | m | - | - | m (5) | mm (05) |
/// | second | s | - | - | s (9) | ss (09) |
/// | timezone | z | - | z (Pacific Standard Time)| - | - |
/// | timezone | Z | Z (GMT-8:00) | - | - | - |
/// It also has a short table with embedded links.
/// | [DocumentWithATable] | [Annotation] | [aMethod] |
/// |----------------------|--------------|-----------|
/// | [foo] | Not really | "blah" |
/// | [bar] | Maybe | "stuff" |
class DocumentWithATable {
static const DocumentWithATable foo = const DocumentWithATable();
static const DocumentWithATable bar = const DocumentWithATable();
const DocumentWithATable();
void aMethod(String parameter) {}
Map<dynamic, String> mapWithDynamicKeys = {};
Tuple2<String, String> useSomethingInAnotherPackage;
/// Useful for annotations.
class Annotation {
final String value;
const Annotation(this.value);
/// For make-better testing of constants.
/// Make one of these neato classes like this:
/// `var constant = const ConstantClass('neat')`
/// This is a code block
/// var x = 'hello';
/// print(x);
class ConstantClass {
final String value;
/// Make compile-time constants with this constructor!
/// Go ahead, it's fun.
const ConstantClass(this.value);
/// A named compile-time constant constructor.
const ConstantClass.isVeryConstant(this.value);
/// Not actually constant.
class _APrivateConstClass {
const _APrivateConstClass();
class AClassWithFancyProperties {
/// This property is quite fancy, and requires sample code to understand.
/// ```dart
/// AClassWithFancyProperties x = new AClassWithFancyProperties();
/// if (x.aProperty.contains('Hello')) {
/// print("I am indented!");
/// if (x.aProperty.contains('World')) {
/// print ("I am indented even more!!!");
/// }
/// }
/// ```
String aProperty;
const _APrivateConstClass CUSTOM_CLASS_PRIVATE = const _APrivateConstClass();
/// Type inference mixing with anonymous functions.
final importantComputations = {
1: (List<num> a) => a[0] + a[1],
2: (List<num> a) => a[0] - a[1],
3: (List<num> a) => a[0] * a[1],
4: (List<num> a) => -a[0]
// No dart docs on purpose. Also, a non-primitive const class.
const ConstantClass CUSTOM_CLASS = const ConstantClass('custom');
/// Up is a direction.
/// Getting up in the morning can be hard.
const String UP = 'up';
const String NAME_SINGLEUNDERSCORE = 'yay bug hunting';
'episode seven better be good; episode seven better be good; episode seven better be good; episode seven better be good';
/// Testing [NAME_WITH_TWO_UNDERSCORES] should not be italicized.
/// This name should link correctly: [NAME_SINGLEUNDERSCORE]
void short() {}
/// Dynamic-typed down.
const DOWN = 'down';
/// A constant integer value,
/// which is a bit redundant.
const int ZERO = 0;
/// Takes input, returns output.
typedef String FakeProcesses(String input);
/// A typedef with a type parameter.
typedef T GenericTypedef<T>(T input);
/// A typedef with the new style generic function syntax.
typedef NewGenericTypedef<T> = List<S> Function<S>(T, int, bool);
/// A complicated type parameter to ATypeTakingClass.
ATypeTakingClass<String Function(int)> get complicatedReturn => null;
/// Lots and lots of parameters.
typedef int LotsAndLotsOfParameters(so, many, parameters, it, should, wrap,
when, converted, to, html, documentation);
/// This class is cool!
class Cool {
// ignore: missing_return
Cool returnCool() {}
/// A map initialization making use of optional const.
const Map<int, String> myMap = {1: "hello"};
/// A variable initalization making use of optional new.
Cool aCoolVariable = Cool();
/// Perfect for mix-ins.
abstract class MixMeIn {}
/// An interface that can be implemented.
abstract class Interface {}
/// Yet another interface that can be implemented.
abstract class AnotherInterface {}
class NotAMixin {
String get superString => "A string that's clearly important";
class AMixinCallingSuper extends NotAMixin {
String get superString => "${super.superString} but not as important as this";
/// Verify super-mixins don't break Dartdoc.
class AClassUsingASuperMixin extends AnotherInterface with AMixinCallingSuper {}
/// A super class, with many powers. Link to [Apple] from another library.
class SuperAwesomeClass {
/// In the super class.
List<String> powers;
/// In the super class.
/// Another comment line.
void fly(int height, Cool superCool, {String msg}) {
// ignore: unused_local_variable, avoid_init_to_null
var x = null;
// ignore: unused_local_variable
int i, y;
for (int z = 0; z < 100; z++) {
SuperAwesomeClass operator -(other) {
return null;
class TypedefUsingClass {
ParameterizedTypedef<double> x;
typedef void myCoolTypedef(Cool x, bool y);
/// This function returns Future<void>
Future<void> returningFutureVoid() async {}
/// This function requires a Future<void> as a parameter
void aVoidParameter(Future<void> p1) {}
/// This class extends Future<void>
abstract class ExtendsFutureVoid extends Future<void> {
// ignore: missing_return
factory ExtendsFutureVoid(FutureOr<void> computation()) {}
/// This class implements Future<void>
abstract class ImplementsFutureVoid implements Future<void> {}
/// This class takes a type, and it might be void.
class ATypeTakingClass<T> {
// ignore: missing_return
T aMethodMaybeReturningVoid() {}
class ABaseClass {}
class ATypeTakingClassMixedIn extends ABaseClass with ATypeTakingClass<void> {}
/// Names are actually wrong in this class, but when we extend it,
/// they are correct.
class ImplicitProperties {
/// Docs for implicitGetterExplicitSetter from ImplicitProperties.
String implicitGetterExplicitSetter;
/// Docs for explicitGetterImplicitSetter from ImplicitProperties.
List<int> explicitGetterImplicitSetter;
/// A simple property to inherit.
int forInheriting;
/// @nodoc for you
String get explicitNonDocumentedGetter => "something";
/// @nodoc for you but check downstream
String get explicitNonDocumentedInBaseClassGetter => "something else";
/// but documented here.
double get explicitPartiallyDocumentedField => 1.3;
/// @nodoc here, you should never see this
set explicitPartiallyDocumentedField(double foo) {}
/// @nodoc here, you should never see this
String documentedPartialFieldInSubclassOnly;
/// Explicit getter for inheriting.
int get explicitGetterSetterForInheriting => 12;
/// Explicit setter for inheriting.
set explicitGetterSetterForInheriting(int foo) {}
/// Classes with unusual properties? I don't think they exist.
/// Or rather, dartdoc used to think they didn't exist. Check the variations
/// on inheritance and overrides here.
class ClassWithUnusualProperties extends ImplicitProperties {
/// This getter is documented, so we should see a read-only property here.
String get documentedPartialFieldInSubclassOnly => "overridden getter";
/// Docs for setter of implicitGetterExplicitSetter.
set implicitGetterExplicitSetter(String x) {}
/// Getter doc for explicitGetterImplicitSetter
List<int> get explicitGetterImplicitSetter => new List<int>();
myCoolTypedef _aFunction;
/// Since I have a different doc, I should be documented.
String get explicitNonDocumentedInBaseClassGetter => "something else";
/// Getter doc for explicitGetterSetter.
@Annotation('a Getter Annotation')
myCoolTypedef get explicitGetterSetter {
return _aFunction;
/// @nodoc for a simple hidden property.
String simpleHidden;
/// @nodoc on setter
set explicitNodocGetterSetter(String s) {}
/// @nodoc on getter
String get explicitNodocGetterSetter => "something";
/// This property is not synthetic, so it might reference [f] -- display it.
@Annotation('a Setter Annotation')
set explicitGetterSetter(myCoolTypedef f) => _aFunction = f;
/// This property only has a getter and no setter; no parameters to print.
myCoolTypedef get explicitGetter {
return _aFunction;
/// Set to [f], and don't warn about [bar] or [baz].
set explicitSetter(f(int bar, Cool baz, List<int> macTruck)) {}
/// This property has some docs, too.
final Set finalProperty = new Set();
Map implicitReadWrite;
/// Hey there, more things not to warn about: [f], [x], or [q].
String aMethod(Function f(Cool x, bool q)) {
return 'hi';
/// This is a very long line spread
/// across... wait for it... two physical lines.
/// The rest of this is not in the first paragraph.
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
class LongFirstLine extends SuperAwesomeClass
with MixMeIn
implements Interface, AnotherInterface {
static const THING = 'yup';
static const int ANSWER = 42;
/// An instance string property. Readable and writable.
String aStringProperty;
/// A static int property.
static int meaningOfLife = 42;
/// The default constructor.
/// Named constructors are awesome.
/// The map is a key/value pairs of data that helps create an instance.
LongFirstLine.fromMap(Map data);
LongFirstLine.fromHasGenerics(HasGenerics hg);
/// No params.
void noParams() {}
/// Returns a single string.
String returnString() => 'cool';
/// Two params, the first has a type annotation, the second does not.
int twoParams(String one, two) => 42;
/// One dynamic param, two named optionals.
bool optionalParams(first, {second, int third}) => true;
/// Dynamic getter. Readable only.
get dynamicGetter => 'could be anything';
/// Only a setter, with a single param, of type double.
void set onlySetter(double d) {}
/// Adds another one of these thingies.
LongFirstLine operator +(LongFirstLine other) {
return null;
/// Multiplies a thingies to this thingie and then returns a new thingie.
LongFirstLine operator *(LongFirstLine other) {
return null;
static int get staticGetter => 11111;
static void set staticOnlySetter(bool thing) {}
/// Just a static method with no parameters.
/// Returns an int.
static int staticMethodNoParams() => 42;
/// A static method that takes a single dynamic thing, and returns void.
static void staticMethodReturnsVoid(dynamicThing) {}
/// My bad!
class Oops implements Exception {
final String message;
/// Also, my bad.
class Doh extends Error {}
/// An `enum` for ROYGBIV constants.
enum Color {
/// Red
/// Orange
/// Some constants have long docs.
/// Some constants have long docs.
/// Some constants have long docs.
/// link to method from class [Apple.m]
class Foo2 {
final int index;
const Foo2(this.index);
static const Foo2 BAR = const Foo2(0);
static const Foo2 BAZ = const Foo2(1);
class OtherGenericsThing<A> {
HasGenerics<A, Cool, String> convert() => null;
/// Constant property.
const double PI = 3.14159;
/// Final property.
final int meaningOfLife = 42;
/// Simple property
String simpleProperty;
/// Simple @nodoc property.
String simplePropertyHidden;
/// Setter docs should be shown.
set getterSetterNodocGetter(int value) {}
/// @nodoc on getter.
int get getterSetterNodocGetter => 3;
/// @nodoc on setter
set getterSetterNodocSetter(int value) {}
/// Getter docs should be shown.
int get getterSetterNodocSetter => 4;
/// @nodoc on the setter
set getterSetterNodocBoth(String value) {}
/// And @nodoc on the getter, so entire TopLevelVariable should be invisible.
String get getterSetterNodocBoth => "I do not exist";
/// Just a setter. No partner getter.
void set justSetter(int value) {}
/// Just a getter. No partner setter.
bool get justGetter => false;
/// The setter for setAndGet.
void set setAndGet(String thing) {}
/// The getter for setAndGet.
String get setAndGet => 'hello';
/// A dynamic getter.
get dynamicGetter => 'i could be anything';
/// Top-level function 3 params and 1 optional positional param.
/// This is the second paragraph.
/// It has two lines.
/// The third parameter is a [Cool] object.
/// Here is a code snippet:
/// var thing = topLevelFunction(1, true, 3.4);
/// This snippet has brackets in parameters:
/// callMe('alert', ['hello from dart']);
/// Thanks for using this function!
String topLevelFunction(int param1, bool param2, Cool coolBeans,
[double optionalPositional = 0.0]) {
return null;
/// A single optional positional param, no type annotation, no default value.
void onlyPositionalWithNoDefaultNoType([@greatestAnnotation anything]) {}
/// Top-level function with 1 param and 2 optional named params, 1 with a
/// default value.
void soIntense(anything, {bool flag: true, int value}) {}
/// [FooBar] comes from another library.
void paramFromAnotherLib(Apple thing) {}
/// An async function. It should look like I return a [Future].
thisIsAsync() async => 42;
/// Explicitly returns a Future and is marked async.
Future thisIsAlsoAsync() async => 43;
/// Explicitly return a `FutureOr`.
FutureOr thisIsFutureOr() => null;
/// Explicitly return a `FutureOr<Null>`.
FutureOr<Null> thisIsFutureOrNull() => null;
/// Explicitly return a `FutureOr<T>`.
FutureOr<T> thisIsFutureOrT<T>() => null;
/// Has a parameter explicitly typed `FutureOr<Null>`.
void paramOfFutureOrNull(FutureOr<Null> future) {}
/// Has a type parameter bound to `FutureOr<List>`.
void typeParamOfFutureOr<T extends FutureOr<List>>() {}
/// A generic function with a type parameter.
void myGenericFunction<S>(int a, bool b, S c) {
/// This is a great thing.
const greatAnnotation = 'great';
/// This is the greatest thing.
const greatestAnnotation = 'greatest';
/// This function has two parameters that are functions.
/// Check out the [number] parameter. It's the first one.
String functionWithFunctionParameters(int number, void thing(one, two),
String string, Future asyncThing(three, four, five, six, seven)) =>
/// These are code syntaxes: [:true:] and [:false:]
const testingCodeSyntaxInOneLiners = 'fantastic';
/// Referencing something that [doesn't exist].
const incorrectDocReference = 'doh';
/// Tests a single field with explict getter and setter.
class WithGetterAndSetter {
/// Returns a length.
/// Throws some exception if used in the fourth dimension.
int get lengthX => 1;
/// Sets the length.
/// Throws if set to an imaginary number.
void set lengthX(int _length) {}
/// I have a generic and it extends [Foo2]
class HasGenericWithExtends<T extends Foo2> {}
/// Extends [ListBase]
class SpecialList<E> extends ListBase<E> {
// ignore: annotate_overrides
E operator [](int index) {
return null;
// ignore: annotate_overrides
int get length => 0;
// ignore: annotate_overrides
void set length(int length) {}
// ignore: annotate_overrides
void operator []=(int index, E value) {}
/// This inherits operators.
class ExtraSpecialList<E> extends SpecialList {}
class BaseForDocComments {
/// Takes a [value] and returns a String.
/// This methods is inside of [BaseForDocComments] class xx
/// Also [NAME_WITH_TWO_UNDERSCORES] which is a top-level const xx
/// Also a single underscore: [NAME_SINGLEUNDERSCORE]
/// Returns a [String] xx
/// Reference to another method in this class [anotherMethod] xx
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
/// Reference to a top-level function in this library [topLevelFunction] xx
/// Reference to a top-level function in another library that is imported into this library (example lib) [function1] xx
/// Reference to a class in example lib [Apple] xx
/// Reference to a top-level const in this library that shares the same
/// name as a top-level name in another library [incorrectDocReference] xx
/// Reference to a top-level const in another library [incorrectDocReferenceFromEx]
/// Reference to prefixed-name from another lib [css.theOnlyThingInTheLibrary] xx
/// Reference to a name that exists in this package, but is not imported
/// in this library [doesStuff] xx
/// Reference to a name of a class from an import of a library that exported
/// the name [BaseClass] xx
/// Reference to a bracket operator within this class [operator []] xxx
/// Reference to a bracket operator in another class [SpecialList.operator []] xxx
String doAwesomeStuff(int value) => null;
void anotherMethod() {}
String operator [](String key) => "${key}'s value";
/// Testing if docs for inherited method are correct.
class SubForDocComments extends BaseForDocComments {
/// Reference to [foo] and [bar]
void localMethod(String foo, bar) {}
typedef void VoidCallback();
/// Adds a callback.
void addCallback(VoidCallback callback) {}
typedef int Callback2(String);
/// Adds another callback.
void addCallback2(Callback2 callback) {}
const required = 'required';
/// Paints an image into the given rectangle in the canvas.
void paintImage1(
{@required String canvas,
@required int rect,
@required ExtraSpecialList image,
BaseForDocComments colorFilter,
String repeat: LongFirstLine.THING}) {
// nothing to do here -
/// Paints an image into the given rectangle in the canvas.
void paintImage2(String fooParam,
[@required String canvas,
@required int rect,
@required ExtraSpecialList image,
BaseForDocComments colorFilter,
String repeat = LongFirstLine.THING]) {
// nothing to do here -
/// Test operator references: [OperatorReferenceClass.==].
class OperatorReferenceClass {
bool operator ==(dynamic other) {
return false;
class _PrivateClassDefiningSomething {
bool aMethod() {
return false;
class InheritingClassOne extends _PrivateClassDefiningSomething {}
class InheritingClassTwo extends _PrivateClassDefiningSomething {}
class ReferringClass {
/// Here I am referring by full names, to [fake.InheritingClassOne.aMethod],
/// and to [fake.InheritingClassTwo.aMethod]. With luck, both of these
/// two resolve correctly.
bool notAMethodFromPrivateClass() {
return false;
/// Test an edge case for cases where inherited ExecutableElements can come
/// both from private classes and public interfaces. The test makes sure the
/// class still takes precedence (#1561).
abstract class MIEEMixinWithOverride<K, V> = MIEEBase<K, V>
with _MIEEPrivateOverride<K, V>;
abstract class _MIEEPrivateOverride<K, V> implements MIEEThing<K, V> {
// ignore: annotate_overrides
void operator []=(K key, V value) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Never use this");
abstract class MIEEBase<K, V> extends MIEEMixin<K, V> {}
abstract class MIEEMixin<K, V> implements MIEEThing<K, V> {
// ignore: annotate_overrides
operator []=(K key, V value);
abstract class MIEEThing<K, V> {
void operator []=(K key, V value);