blob: f4f896b6daed128f852d519956b17fa7d6b694d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
/// The specification of a renderer, as derived from a @Renderer annotation.
class RendererSpec {
/// The name of the render function.
final String _name;
final InterfaceType _contextType;
final Set<DartType> _visibleTypes;
RendererSpec(this._name, this._contextType, this._visibleTypes);
/// Builds [specs] into a Dart library containing runtime renderers.
String buildTemplateRenderers(Set<RendererSpec> specs, Uri sourceUri,
TypeProvider typeProvider, TypeSystem typeSystem,
{bool rendererClassesArePublic = false}) {
var allVisibleTypes = specs
.map((spec) => spec._visibleTypes)
.reduce((value, element) => value.union(element))
.map((type) => type.element)
var raw = RuntimeRenderersBuilder(
sourceUri, typeProvider, typeSystem, allVisibleTypes,
rendererClassesArePublic: rendererClassesArePublic)
return DartFormatter().format(raw.toString());
/// This class builds runtime Mustache renderers from a set of [RendererSpec]s.
class RuntimeRenderersBuilder {
static const _contextTypeVariable = 'CT_';
final _buffer = StringBuffer();
/// A queue of types to process, in order to find all types for which we need
/// to build renderers.
final _typesToProcess = Queue<_RendererInfo>();
/// Maps a type to the name of the render function which can render that type
/// as a context type.
final _typeToRenderFunctionName = <ClassElement, String>{};
/// Maps a type to the name of the renderer class which can render that type
/// as a context type.
final _typeToRendererClassName = <ClassElement, String>{};
final Uri _sourceUri;
final TypeProvider _typeProvider;
final TypeSystem _typeSystem;
final Set<Element> _allVisibleElements;
/// Whether renderer classes are public. This should only be true for testing.
final bool _rendererClassesArePublic;
RuntimeRenderersBuilder(this._sourceUri, this._typeProvider, this._typeSystem,
{bool rendererClassesArePublic = false})
: _rendererClassesArePublic = rendererClassesArePublic;
String _buildTemplateRenderers(Set<RendererSpec> specs) {
// TODO(srawlins): There are some private renderer functions that are
// unused. Figure out if we can detect these statically, and then not
// generate them.
// TODO(srawlins): To really get the correct list of imports, we need to use
// the code_builder package.
// To change the contents of this library, make changes to the builder source
// files in the tool/mustachio/ directory.
// ignore_for_file: camel_case_types, deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_cast, unused_element, unused_import, non_constant_identifier_names
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/dartdoc.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/generator/template_data.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/annotation.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/feature.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/extension_target.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/feature_set.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/language_feature.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/mustachio/renderer_base.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/mustachio/parser.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/warnings.dart';
import '${p.basename(_sourceUri.path)}';
var builtRenderers = <ClassElement>{};
while (_typesToProcess.isNotEmpty) {
var info = _typesToProcess.removeFirst();
if (info.isFullRenderer) {
var buildOnlyPublicFunction =
_buildRenderer(info, buildOnlyPublicFunction: buildOnlyPublicFunction);
return _buffer.toString();
/// Adds type specified in [spec] to the [_typesToProcess] queue, as well as
/// all supertypes, and the types of all valid getters, recursively.
void _addTypesForRendererSpec(RendererSpec spec) {
var element = spec._contextType.element;
var rendererInfo = _RendererInfo(element,
public: _rendererClassesArePublic, publicApiFunctionName: spec._name);
_typeToRenderFunctionName[element] = rendererInfo._renderFunctionName;
_typeToRendererClassName[element] = rendererInfo._rendererClassName;
for (var mixin in spec._contextType.element.mixins) {
_addTypeToProcess(mixin.element, isFullRenderer: true);
var superclass = spec._contextType.element.supertype;
while (superclass != null) {
// Any type specified with a renderer spec (`@Renderer`) is full.
_addTypeToProcess(superclass.element, isFullRenderer: true);
for (var mixin in superclass.element.mixins) {
_addTypeToProcess(mixin.element, isFullRenderer: true);
superclass = superclass.element.supertype;
/// Adds the return type of [property] to the [_typesToProcess] queue, if it
/// is a "valid" property.
/// A "valid" property is a public, instance getter with an interface type
/// return type. Getters annotated with @internal, @protected, or
/// @visibleForTesting are not valid.
void _addPropertyToProcess(PropertyAccessorElement property) {
if (property.isPrivate || property.isStatic || property.isSetter) return;
if (property.hasProtected || property.hasVisibleForTesting) return;
var type = _relevantTypeFrom(property.type.returnType);
if (type == null) return;
var types = _typesToProcess.where((rs) => rs._contextClass == type.element);
if (types.isNotEmpty) {
// [type] has already been added to [_typesToProcess], and all of its
// supertypes and properties have been visited.
isFullRenderer: _isVisibleToMustache(type.element));
/// Returns an [InterfaceType] which may be relevant for generating a
/// renderer, given a [type]:
/// * If [type] is assignable to [Iterable<T>], returns the relevant type from
/// `T`.
/// * If [type] is a [TypeParameterType] with a bound other than `dynamic`,
/// returns the relevant type from the bound.
/// * If [type] is an [InterfaceType] (not assignable to [Iterable]), returns
/// [type].
/// * Otherwise, returns `null`, indicating there is no relevant type.
InterfaceType _relevantTypeFrom(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
if (_typeSystem.isAssignableTo(type, _typeProvider.iterableDynamicType)) {
var iterableElement = _typeProvider.iterableElement;
var iterableType = type.asInstanceOf(iterableElement);
var innerType = iterableType.typeArguments.first;
return _relevantTypeFrom(innerType);
} else {
return type;
} else if (type is TypeParameterType) {
var bound = type.bound;
if (bound == null || bound.isDynamic) {
// Don't add functions for a generic type, for example
// `List<E>.first` has type `E`, which we don't have a specific
// renderer for.
// TODO(srawlins): Find a solution for this. We can track all of the
// concrete types substituted for `E` for example.
return null;
} else {
return _relevantTypeFrom(bound);
} else {
// We can do nothing with function types, etc.
return null;
/// Adds [type] to the queue of types to process, as well as related types:
/// * its supertypes (if [type] is not a mixin),
/// * mixed in types,
/// * superclass constraints (if [type] a mixin),
/// * types of relevant properties (recursively).
void _addTypeHierarchyToProcess(InterfaceType type,
{@required bool isFullRenderer}) {
while (type != null) {
_addTypeToProcess(type.element, isFullRenderer: isFullRenderer);
if (isFullRenderer) {
for (var accessor in type.accessors) {
var accessorType = _relevantTypeFrom(accessor.type.returnType);
if (accessorType == null) continue;
for (var mixin in type.element.mixins) {
_addTypeHierarchyToProcess(mixin, isFullRenderer: isFullRenderer);
if (type.element.isMixin) {
for (var constraint in type.element.superclassConstraints) {
_addTypeToProcess(constraint.element, isFullRenderer: isFullRenderer);
} else {
type = type.superclass;
/// Adds [type] to the [_typesToProcess] queue, if it is not already there.
void _addTypeToProcess(ClassElement element,
{@required bool isFullRenderer}) {
var types = _typesToProcess.where((rs) => rs._contextClass == element);
if (types.isEmpty) {
var rendererInfo = _RendererInfo(element,
isFullRenderer: isFullRenderer, public: _rendererClassesArePublic);
if (isFullRenderer) {
_typeToRenderFunctionName[element] = rendererInfo._renderFunctionName;
_typeToRendererClassName[element] = rendererInfo._rendererClassName;
} else {
for (var typeToProcess in types) {
if (isFullRenderer && !typeToProcess.isFullRenderer) {
// This is the only case in which we update a type-to-render.
typeToProcess.isFullRenderer = true;
_typeToRenderFunctionName[element] =
_typeToRendererClassName[element] = typeToProcess._rendererClassName;
/// Returns whether [element] or any of its supertypes are "visible" to Mustache.
bool _isVisibleToMustache(ClassElement element) {
if (_allVisibleElements.contains(element)) {
return true;
if (element.supertype == null) {
return false;
return _isVisibleToMustache(element.supertype.element);
/// Builds render functions and the renderer class for [renderer].
/// The function and the class are each written as Dart code to [_buffer].
/// If [renderer] also specifies a `publicApiFunctionName`, then a public API
/// function (which renders a context object using a template file at a path,
/// rather than an AST) is also written.
/// If [buildOnlyPublicFunction] is true, then the private render function and
/// renderer classes are not built, having been built for a different
/// [_RendererInfo].
void _buildRenderer(_RendererInfo renderer,
{@required bool buildOnlyPublicFunction}) {
var typeName = renderer._typeName;
var typeWithVariables = '$typeName${renderer._typeVariablesString}';
if (renderer.publicApiFunctionName != null) {
String ${renderer.publicApiFunctionName}${renderer._typeParametersString}(
$typeWithVariables context, Template template) {
return ${renderer._renderFunctionName}(context, template.ast, template);
if (buildOnlyPublicFunction) return;
// Write out the render function.
String ${renderer._renderFunctionName}${renderer._typeParametersString}(
$typeWithVariables context, List<MustachioNode> ast, Template template,
{RendererBase<Object> parent}) {
var renderer = ${renderer._rendererClassName}(context, parent, template);
return renderer.buffer.toString();
// Write out the renderer class.
class ${renderer._rendererClassName}${renderer._typeParametersString}
extends RendererBase<$typeWithVariables> {
// Write out the constructor.
$typeWithVariables context, RendererBase<Object> parent, Template template)
: super(context, parent, template);
var propertyMapTypeArguments = renderer._typeArgumentsStringWith(typeName);
var propertyMapName = 'propertyMap$propertyMapTypeArguments';
// Write out `getProperty`.
Property<$typeWithVariables> getProperty(String key) {
if ($propertyMapName().containsKey(key)) {
return $propertyMapName()[key];
} else {
return null;
// Close the class.
/// Write out the property map for [renderer].
/// For each valid property of the context type of [renderer], this maps the
/// property's name to the property's [Property] object.
void _writePropertyMap(_RendererInfo renderer) {
var contextClass = renderer._contextClass;
var generics = renderer._typeParametersStringWith(
'$_contextTypeVariable extends ${renderer._typeName}');
// It would be simplest if [propertyMap] were just a getter, but it must be
// parameterized on `CT_`, so it is a static method. Due to the possibly
// extensive amount of spreading (supertypes, mixins) and object
// construction (lots of [Property] objects with function literals), we
// cache the construction of each one, keyed to the `CT_` value. Each cache
// should not have many entries, as there are probably not many values for
// each type variable, `CT_`, typically one.
static final Map<Type, Object> _propertyMapCache = {};
static Map<String, Property<$_contextTypeVariable>> propertyMap$generics() =>
_propertyMapCache.putIfAbsent($_contextTypeVariable, () => {''');
if (contextClass.supertype != null) {
var superclassRendererName =
if (superclassRendererName != null) {
var superMapName = '$superclassRendererName.propertyMap';
var generics = _asGenerics([
.map((e) => e.getDisplayString(withNullability: false)),
_buffer.writeln(' ...$superMapName$generics(),');
if (contextClass.mixins != null) {
// Mixins are spread into the property map _after_ the super class, so
// that they override any values which need to be overridden. Superclass
// and mixins override from left to right, as do spreads:
// `class C extends E with M, N` first takes members from N, then M, then
// E. Similarly, `{...a, ...b, ...c}` will feature elements from `c` which
// override `b` and `a`.
for (var mixin in contextClass.mixins) {
var mixinRendererName = _typeToRendererClassName[mixin.element];
if (mixinRendererName != null) {
var mixinMapName = '$mixinRendererName.propertyMap';
var generics = _asGenerics([
.map((e) => e.getDisplayString(withNullability: false)),
_buffer.writeln(' ...$mixinMapName$generics(),');
for (var property in [...contextClass.accessors]
..sort((a, b) => {
var returnType = property.type.returnType;
if (returnType is InterfaceType) {
_writeProperty(renderer, property, returnType);
} else if (returnType is TypeParameterType &&
returnType.bound != null &&
!returnType.bound.isDynamic) {
_writeProperty(renderer, property, returnType.bound);
void _writeProperty(_RendererInfo renderer, PropertyAccessorElement property,
InterfaceType getterType) {
if (getterType == _typeProvider.typeType) {
// The [Type] type is the first case of a type we don't want to traverse.
if (property.isPrivate || property.isStatic || property.isSetter) return;
if (property.hasProtected || property.hasVisibleForTesting) return;
_buffer.writeln("'${}': Property(");
.writeln('getValue: ($_contextTypeVariable c) => c.${},');
var getterName =;
// Only add a `getProperties` function, which returns the property map for
// [getterType], if [getterType] is a renderable type.
if (_typeToRendererClassName.containsKey(getterType.element)) {
var rendererClassName = _typeToRendererClassName[getterType.element];
($_contextTypeVariable c, Property<$_contextTypeVariable> self, List<String> remainingNames) {
if (remainingNames.isEmpty) {
return self.getValue(c).toString();
var name = remainingNames.first;
var nextProperty = $rendererClassName.propertyMap().getValue(name);
return nextProperty.renderVariable(
self.getValue(c), nextProperty, [...remainingNames.skip(1)]);
} else {
// [getterType] does not have a full renderer, so we just render a simple
// variable, with no opportunity to access fields on [getterType].
var getterTypeString =
getterType.getDisplayString(withNullability: false);
($_contextTypeVariable c, Property<CT_> self, List<String> remainingNames) =>
self.renderSimpleVariable(c, remainingNames, '$getterTypeString'),
if (getterType.isDartCoreBool) {
'getBool: ($_contextTypeVariable c) => c.$getterName == true,');
} else if (_typeSystem.isAssignableTo(
getterType, _typeProvider.iterableDynamicType)) {
var iterableElement = _typeProvider.iterableElement;
var iterableType = getterType.asInstanceOf(iterableElement);
// Not sure why [iterableType] would be null... unresolved type?
if (iterableType != null) {
var innerType = iterableType.typeArguments.first;
// Don't add Iterable functions for a generic type, for example
// `List<E>.reversed` has inner type `E`, which we don't have a specific
// renderer for.
// TODO(srawlins): Find a solution for this. We can track all of the
// concrete types substituted for `E` for example.
if (innerType is! TypeParameterType) {
var rendererName =
_typeToRenderFunctionName[innerType.element] ?? 'renderSimple';
($_contextTypeVariable c, RendererBase<$_contextTypeVariable> r, List<MustachioNode> ast) {
return c.$ => $rendererName(e, ast, r.template, parent: r));
} else {
// Don't add Iterable functions for a generic type, for example
// `List<E>.first` has type `E`, which we don't have a specific
// renderer for.
// TODO(srawlins): Find a solution for this. We can track all of the
// concrete types substituted for `E` for example.
if (getterName is! TypeParameterType) {
var rendererName =
_typeToRenderFunctionName[getterType.element] ?? 'renderSimple';
isNullValue: ($_contextTypeVariable c) => c.$getterName == null,
($_contextTypeVariable c, RendererBase<$_contextTypeVariable> r, List<MustachioNode> ast) {
return $rendererName(c.$getterName, ast, r.template, parent: r);
/// A container with the information needed to distinguish one
/// renderer-to-be-built from another.
/// This can be used when building a set of renderers to build (both the render
/// functions and the renderer class), and also to refer from one renderer to
/// another.
class _RendererInfo {
final ClassElement _contextClass;
/// The name of the top level render function.
/// This function is public when specified in a @Renderer annotation, and
/// private otherwise.
final String _renderFunctionName;
/// Whether the renderer should be a full renderer.
/// If a render spec is not specified with @Renderer, then a class needs to be
/// annotated with @visibleToRender in order to get a full renderer.
/// Otherwise, the [SimpleRenderer] will be used.
/// It may be initially determined that we only need an abbreviated, then
/// later determined that we need a full renderer, so this field is not final.
bool isFullRenderer;
/// The public API function name specified with @Renderer, or null.
String publicApiFunctionName;
factory _RendererInfo(ClassElement contextClass,
{bool public = false,
bool isFullRenderer = true,
String publicApiFunctionName}) {
var typeBaseName =;
var renderFunctionName = '_render_$typeBaseName';
var rendererClassName =
public ? 'Renderer_$typeBaseName' : '_Renderer_$typeBaseName';
return _RendererInfo._(contextClass, renderFunctionName, rendererClassName,
isFullRenderer: isFullRenderer,
publicApiFunctionName: publicApiFunctionName);
this._contextClass, this._renderFunctionName, this._rendererClassName,
{@required this.isFullRenderer, this.publicApiFunctionName});
String get _typeName =>;
final String _rendererClassName;
/// The type parameters of the context type, if any, as a String, including
/// bounds and the angled brackets, otherwise a blank String.
String get _typeParametersString {
return _asGenerics(_contextClass.typeParameters
.map((tp) => tp.getDisplayString(withNullability: false)));
/// The type variables of the context type, if any, as a String, including
/// the angled brackets, otherwise a blank String.
String get _typeVariablesString {
return _asGenerics( =>;
/// Returns the type parameters of the context type, and [extra], as they
/// appear in a list of generics.
String _typeParametersStringWith(String extra) {
return _asGenerics([
.map((tp) => tp.getDisplayString(withNullability: false)),
/// Returns the type arguments of the context type, and [extra], as they
/// appear in a list of generics.
String _typeArgumentsStringWith(String extra) {
return _asGenerics([
.map((tp) => tp.getDisplayString(withNullability: false)),
/// Returns [values] as they appear in a list of generics, with angled brackets,
/// and an empty string when [values] is empty.
String _asGenerics(Iterable<String> values) =>
values.isEmpty ? '' : '<${values.join(', ')}>';