blob: da3d2b1f181e850e529e66d1543a5666182385cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test_utils;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:async/async.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/dartdoc.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/model/model.dart';
import 'package:dartdoc/src/package_meta.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
/// The number of public libraries in testing/test_package, minus 2 for
/// the excluded libraries listed in the initializers for _testPackageGraphMemo
/// and minus 1 for the <nodoc> tag in the 'excluded' library.
const int kTestPackagePublicLibraries = 17;
final RegExp quotables = RegExp(r'[ "\r\n\$]');
final RegExp observatoryPortRegexp =
RegExp(r'^Observatory listening on http://.*:(\d+)');
Directory sdkDir = defaultSdkDir;
PackageMeta sdkPackageMeta = PackageMeta.fromDir(sdkDir);
final _testPackageGraphMemo = AsyncMemoizer<PackageGraph>();
Future<PackageGraph> get testPackageGraph => _testPackageGraphMemo.runOnce(() =>
bootBasicPackage('testing/test_package', ['css', 'code_in_comments'],
additionalArguments: ['--no-link-to-remote']));
final _testPackageGraphExperimentsMemo = AsyncMemoizer<PackageGraph>();
Future<PackageGraph> get testPackageGraphExperiments =>
_testPackageGraphExperimentsMemo.runOnce(() => bootBasicPackage(
'testing/test_package_experiments', [], additionalArguments: [
final _testPackageGraphGinormousMemo = AsyncMemoizer<PackageGraph>();
Future<PackageGraph> get testPackageGraphGinormous =>
_testPackageGraphGinormousMemo.runOnce(() => bootBasicPackage(
'testing/test_package', [
], additionalArguments: [
final _testPackageGraphSmallMemo = AsyncMemoizer<PackageGraph>();
Future<PackageGraph> get testPackageGraphSmall =>
_testPackageGraphSmallMemo.runOnce(() => bootBasicPackage(
'testing/test_package_small', [],
additionalArguments: ['--no-link-to-remote']));
final _testPackageGraphErrorsMemo = AsyncMemoizer<PackageGraph>();
Future<PackageGraph> get testPackageGraphErrors =>
_testPackageGraphErrorsMemo.runOnce(() => bootBasicPackage(
['css', 'code_in_comments', 'excluded'],
additionalArguments: ['--no-link-to-remote']));
final _testPackageGraphSdkMemo = AsyncMemoizer<PackageGraph>();
Future<PackageGraph> get testPackageGraphSdk =>
final Directory testPackageBadDir = Directory('testing/test_package_bad');
final Directory testPackageDir = Directory('testing/test_package');
final Directory testPackageDuplicateDir =
final Directory testPackageExperimentsDir =
final Directory testPackageMinimumDir =
final Directory testPackageWithEmbedderYaml =
final Directory testPackageWithNoReadme =
final Directory testPackageIncludeExclude =
final Directory testPackageImportExportError =
final Directory testPackageOptions = Directory('testing/test_package_options');
final Directory testPackageOptionsImporter =
final Directory testPackageToolError =
final Directory testPackageCustomTemplates =
/// Convenience factory to build a [DartdocGeneratorOptionContext] and associate
/// it with a [DartdocOptionSet] based on the current working directory and/or
/// the '--input' flag.
Future<DartdocGeneratorOptionContext> generatorContextFromArgv(
List<String> argv) async {
var optionSet = await DartdocOptionSet.fromOptionGenerators(
'dartdoc', [createDartdocOptions, createGeneratorOptions]);
return DartdocGeneratorOptionContext(optionSet, null);
/// Convenience factory to build a [DartdocOptionContext] and associate it with a
/// [DartdocOptionSet] based on the current working directory.
Future<DartdocOptionContext> contextFromArgv(List<String> argv) async {
var optionSet = await DartdocOptionSet.fromOptionGenerators(
'dartdoc', [createDartdocOptions]);
return DartdocOptionContext(optionSet, Directory.current);
Future<PackageGraph> bootSdkPackage() async {
return PackageBuilder(await contextFromArgv(['--input', sdkDir.path]))
Future<PackageGraph> bootBasicPackage(
String dirPath, List<String> excludeLibraries,
{List<String> additionalArguments}) async {
var dir = Directory(dirPath);
additionalArguments ??= <String>[];
return PackageBuilder(await contextFromArgv([
] +
/// Keeps track of coverage data automatically for any processes run by this
/// [CoverageSubprocessLauncher]. Requires that these be dart processes.
class CoverageSubprocessLauncher extends SubprocessLauncher {
CoverageSubprocessLauncher(String context, [Map<String, String> environment])
: super(context, environment) {
environment ??= {};
environment['DARTDOC_COVERAGE_DATA'] = tempDir.path;
static int nextRun = 0;
/// Set this to true to enable coverage runs.
static bool get coverageEnabled =>
/// A list of all coverage results picked up by all launchers.
static List<Future<Iterable<Map>>> coverageResults = [];
static Directory _tempDir;
static Directory get tempDir {
if (_tempDir == null) {
if (Platform.environment['DARTDOC_COVERAGE_DATA'] != null) {
_tempDir = Directory(Platform.environment['DARTDOC_COVERAGE_DATA']);
} else {
_tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('dartdoc_coverage_data');
return _tempDir;
static String buildNextCoverageFilename() =>
path.join(tempDir.path, 'dart-cov-${pid}-${nextRun++}.json');
/// Call once all coverage runs have been generated by calling runStreamed
/// on all [CoverageSubprocessLaunchers].
static Future<void> generateCoverageToFile(File outputFile) async {
if (!coverageEnabled) return Future.value(null);
var currentCoverageResults = coverageResults;
coverageResults = [];
var launcher = SubprocessLauncher('format_coverage');
/// Wait for all coverage runs to finish.
await Future.wait(currentCoverageResults);
return launcher.runStreamed('pub', [
'--sdk-root=${path.canonicalize(path.join(path.dirname(Platform.executable), '..'))}',
Future<Iterable<Map>> runStreamed(String executable, List<String> arguments,
{String workingDirectory,
Map<String, String> environment,
bool includeParentEnvironment = true,
void Function(String) perLine}) async {
environment ??= {};
executable == Platform.executable ||
executable == Platform.resolvedExecutable,
'Must use dart executable for tracking coverage');
var portAsString = Completer<String>();
void parsePortAsString(String line) {
if (!portAsString.isCompleted && coverageEnabled) {
var m = observatoryPortRegexp.matchAsPrefix(line);
if (m?.group(1) != null) portAsString.complete(;
} else {
if (perLine != null) perLine(line);
Completer<Iterable<Map>> coverageResult;
if (coverageEnabled) {
coverageResult = Completer();
// This must be added before awaiting in this method.
arguments = [
if (!environment.containsKey('DARTDOC_COVERAGE_DATA')) {
environment['DARTDOC_COVERAGE_DATA'] = tempDir.path;
var results = super.runStreamed(executable, arguments,
environment: environment,
includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
perLine: parsePortAsString);
if (coverageEnabled) {
// ignore: unawaited_futures
super.runStreamed('pub', [
'--port=${await portAsString.future}',
]).then((r) => coverageResult.complete(r));
return results;
class SubprocessLauncher {
final String context;
final Map<String, String> environmentDefaults;
String get prefix => context.isNotEmpty ? '$context: ' : '';
// from flutter:dev/tools/dartdoc.dart, modified
static Future<void> _printStream(Stream<List<int>> stream, Stdout output,
{String prefix = '', Iterable<String> Function(String line) filter}) {
assert(prefix != null);
filter ??= (line) => [line];
return stream
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((String line) {
if (line != null) {
SubprocessLauncher(this.context, [Map<String, String> environment])
: environmentDefaults = environment ?? <String, String>{};
/// A wrapper around start/await process.exitCode that will display the
/// output of the executable continuously and fail on non-zero exit codes.
/// It will also parse any valid JSON objects (one per line) it encounters
/// on stdout/stderr, and return them. Returns null if no JSON objects
/// were encountered, or if DRY_RUN is set to 1 in the execution environment.
/// Makes running programs in grinder similar to set -ex for bash, even on
/// Windows (though some of the bashisms will no longer make sense).
/// TODO(jcollins-g): refactor to return a stream of stderr/stdout lines
/// and their associated JSON objects.
Future<Iterable<Map>> runStreamed(String executable, List<String> arguments,
{String workingDirectory,
Map<String, String> environment,
bool includeParentEnvironment = true,
void Function(String) perLine}) async {
environment ??= {};
List<Map> jsonObjects;
/// Allow us to pretend we didn't pass the JSON flag in to dartdoc by
/// printing what dartdoc would have printed without it, yet storing
/// json objects into [jsonObjects].
Iterable<String> jsonCallback(String line) {
if (perLine != null) perLine(line);
Map result;
try {
result = json.decoder.convert(line);
} on FormatException {
// Assume invalid JSON is actually a line of normal text.
} on TypeError {
// The convert function returns a String if there is no JSON in the
// line. Just ignore it and leave result null.
if (result != null) {
jsonObjects ??= [];
if (result.containsKey('message')) {
line = result['message'];
} else if (result.containsKey('data')) {
line = result['data']['text'];
return line.split('\n');
stderr.write('$prefix+ ');
if (workingDirectory != null) stderr.write('(cd "$workingDirectory" && ');
if (environment != null) {
stderr.write( key) {
if (environment[key].contains(quotables)) {
return "$key='${environment[key]}'";
} else {
return '$key=${environment[key]}';
}).join(' '));
stderr.write(' ');
if (arguments.isNotEmpty) {
for (var arg in arguments) {
if (arg.contains(quotables)) {
stderr.write(" '$arg'");
} else {
stderr.write(' $arg');
if (workingDirectory != null) stderr.write(')');
if (Platform.environment.containsKey('DRY_RUN')) return null;
var realExecutable = executable;
var realArguments = <String>[];
if (Platform.isLinux) {
// Use GNU coreutils to force line buffering. This makes sure that
// subprocesses that die due to fatal signals do not chop off the
// last few lines of their output.
// Dart does not actually do this (seems to flush manually) unless
// the VM crashes.
realExecutable = 'stdbuf';
realArguments.addAll(['-o', 'L', '-e', 'L']);
var process = await Process.start(realExecutable, realArguments,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
environment: environment,
includeParentEnvironment: includeParentEnvironment);
var stdoutFuture = _printStream(process.stdout, stdout,
prefix: prefix, filter: jsonCallback);
var stderrFuture = _printStream(process.stderr, stderr,
prefix: prefix, filter: jsonCallback);
await Future.wait([stderrFuture, stdoutFuture, process.exitCode]);
var exitCode = await process.exitCode;
if (exitCode != 0) {
throw ProcessException(executable, arguments,
'SubprocessLauncher got non-zero exitCode: $exitCode', exitCode);
return jsonObjects;